Do you believe that we are now or will soon be overpopulated?

The six natural resources most drained by our 7 billion people

1. Water
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations is predicting that by 2025, 1.8 billion people will be living in countries or regions with absolute water scarcity.

2. Oil
The fear of reaching peak oil continues to haunt the oil industry. The BP Statistical Review of World Energy in June measured total global oil at 188.8 million tonnes, from proved oil resources at the end of 2010. This is only enough to oil for the next 46.2 years, should global production remain at the current rate.

3. Natural gas
A similar picture to oil exists for natural gas, with enough gas in proven reserves to meet 58.6 years of global production at the end of 2010.

4. Phosphorus
Without this element, plants cannot grow. Essential for fertiliser, phosphate rock is only found in a handful of countries, including the US, China and Morocco. With the need to feed 7 billion people, scientists from the Global Phosphorus Research Initiative predict we could run out of phosphorus in 50 to 100 years unless new reserves of the element are found.

5. Coal
This has the largest reserves left of all the fossil fuels, but as China and other developing countries continue to increase their appetite for coal, demand could finally outstrip supply. As it is, we have enough coal to meet 188 years of global production.

6. Rare earth elements
Scandium and terbium are just two of the 17 rare earth minerals that are used in everything from the powerful magnets in wind turbines to the electronic circuits in smartphones. The elements are not as rare as their name suggests but currently 97% of the world's supply comes from China and they can restrict supplies at will. Exact reserves are not known.

If all you care about is the next 188 years then we are good.
.... Look at China with it's billion plus population mostly concentrated in disgusting smog choked cities. ....

Yeah, look at China which is facing a dramatic and precipitous population crash.

China’s air quality improved in 2017, environment ministry says

As for the finite amount of natural resources on Earth, there are four things we must accept, and fast:

1) We cannot continue to think we have an unlimited amount of natural resources.

2) We will not be able to find a technological fix that will allow us to consume unlimited resources.

3) The term “renewable” resource does not imply that the resource is unlimited.

4) When we use a natural resource, we may turn it into something useless through entropy (for example, if we burn wood for heat, it turns to ashes, which are useless to us). The natural resources are diminishing while our population is exponentially increasing. Based on current trends, we cannot assure future generations an adequate supply of clean air, safe water, or a healthy food supply.
Overpopulation is a big problem because we don't have an even distribution of people over Earth's surface area. We have enormous concentrations of people in relatively small areas of the Earth. Those areas are by far the biggest polluters. Look at China with it's billion plus population mostly concentrated in disgusting smog choked cities. They also along with India are turning the ocean into a floating garbage heap.
Disgusting smog choked cities are part of development. We used to have disgusting smog choked cities.
The brainless parrots who can't let go of a false crisis from the 70s miss the significant factors of technological change that will lead to a different use of resources and use of different resources by what will eventually be a shrinking global population. The idiotic hypocrites just want to be afraid.
2) We will not be able to find a technological fix .....

Despite the fact that we always have...

Just because we always have doesn't mean we always will be able to come up with a technilogical fix.

And see here? This is a republican who says don't lower birth rates, we will engineer a solution to this. You know who has engineered a solution to this? India and China.

This is where the Donald Trump of India lives

Because there's no room. Lets keep doubling the population and become india you fucktard.
Fastest way to get new resources is to mine the asteroid belt. But what did Obama do? He gutted NASA.

researchers have detected signs of a large, stable body of liquid water locked away beneath a mile of ice near Mars' south pole. The observations were recorded by the Mars Advanced Radar for Subsurface and Ionosphere Sounding instrument—Marsis for short. "Marsis was born to make this kind of discovery, and now it has," says Roberto Orosei, a radioastronomer at the National Institute for Astrophysics, who led the investigation. His team's findings, which appear in this week's issue of Science, raise tantalizing questions about the planet's geology—and its potential for harboring life.
2) We will not be able to find a technological fix .....

Despite the fact that we always have...

Just because we always have doesn't mean we always will be able to come up with a technilogical [sic] fix.



But this same kind of democrat dumbass is just sure that Communism will work despite the fact that it never has. The fundamentally fucked up failure of what passes for leftist 'thinking.'
2) We will not be able to find a technological fix .....

Despite the fact that we always have...

Just because we always have doesn't mean we always will be able to come up with a technilogical [sic] fix.



But this same kind of democrat dumbass is just sure that Communism will work despite the fact that it never has. The fundamentally fucked up failure of what passes for leftist 'thinking.'
I'm no communist. Is that what you think? No wonder you're such an asshole.
...... You know who has engineered a solution to this? India and China........

No they haven't.

Of course they have. You don't like the solution? Neither do I. They should have had less kids. That would have been a proper solution. Less people = less smog and more land for the animals.

Gosh there are so many examples of how we are overpopulated. How about this one:
African lion populations dwindling as humans take over | CBC News

The lions that roam Africa's savannahs have lost as much as 75 per cent of their habitat in the last 50 years as humans overtake their land and the lion population dwindles, according to a new study.

Did you know this you stupid idiot?

One of our closest relatives is going extinct and humans are entirely to blame

It would perhaps not be surprising if they were to die out. Of more than 82,000 species assessed by the IUCN, nearly 30 per cent are facing that fate – almost entirely because of the actions of humans.

Geologists are currently considering reclassifying the Earth’s present geological epoch as the Anthropocene – a name that reflects the extent of our impact on the planet – partly because of what some scientists are already calling the sixth mass extinction of life on Earth.

Now you can tell the scientists they are wrong because you are an intelligent 7th grade gym teacher. You fucking idiot.
...... You know who has engineered a solution to this? India and China........

No they haven't.
There are so many of us that we are threatening to make Zebra's go extinct.

List now includes 82,954 species of which 23,928 – 28.8 per cent – are threatened with extinction. Other species added to those in trouble include the plains zebra, which has moved from the “least concern” category to “near threatened” after a 24 per cent decrease in its population in 14 years from 660,000 to about 500,000, largely because of hunting.

Three species of African antelope – the bay duiker, white-bellied duiker and yellow-backed duiker – were also moved from least concern to near threatened.

Mountain gorillas have been critically endangered for 20 years with only about 300 mature individuals left

You don't see the problem with only having 300 gorillas left and you don't see the problem with having 7.3 billion humans on this planet? How dumb are you?
...... You know who has engineered a solution to this? India and China........

No they haven't.

Habitat loss poses the greatest threat to species. The world's forests, swamps, plains, lakes, and other habitats continue to disappear as they are harvested for human consumption and cleared to make way for agriculture, housing, roads, pipelines and the other hallmarks of industrial development. Without a strong plan to create terrestrial and marine protected areas important ecological habitats will continue to be lost.

Habitat loss is probably the greatest threat to the variety of life on this planet today.

It is identified as a main threat to 85% of all species described in the IUCN's Red List (those species officially classified as "Threatened" and "Endangered").

Increasing food production is a major agent for the conversion of natural habitat into agricultural land.

Why is it happening?

Forest loss and degradation is mostly caused by the expansion of agricultural land, intensive harvesting of timber, wood for fuel and other forest products, as well as overgrazing.

High land conversion rates

The net loss in global forest area during the 1990s was about 94 million ha (equivalent to 2.4% of total forests). It is estimated that in the 1990s, almost 70% of deforested areas were converted to agricultural land.

Around half of the world's original forests have disappeared, and they are still being removed at a rate 10x higher than any possible level of regrowth. As tropical forests contain at least half the Earth's species, the clearance of some 17 million hectares each year is a dramatic loss.

Do I really need to explain this to you unkotare?

Human impact on terrestrial and marine natural resources results in marine and coastal degradation. Population growth, urbanization, industrialization and tourism are all factors.

In 1994, it was estimated that 37% of the global population lived within 60 km of the coast. Poverty, consumption and land-use patterns contribute to the degradation of marine habitats and to the destruction of the species that rely on them to survive.

Impact of habitat loss on species
2) We will not be able to find a technological fix .....

Despite the fact that we always have...

Just because we always have doesn't mean we always will be able to come up with a technilogical [sic] fix.



But this same kind of democrat dumbass is just sure that Communism will work despite the fact that it never has. The fundamentally fucked up failure of what passes for leftist 'thinking.'

Palm oil plantations in the tropical regions of Africa, Latin America, and Asia have led the large scale destruction of important habitat for many species. The largest growth of palm oil plantations has been in Malaysia and Indonesia where large tracts of rainforest are cleared to grow palm oil crops. Orangutans, tigers, elephants, rhinos, and many other species are increasingly isolated and their sources of food and shelter are in decline. Human-wildlife conflict also increases because without sufficient natural habitat these species come into contact with humans and are often killed or captured.

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