Do you believe that we are now or will soon be overpopulated?

So you are denying global warming is man made. Got it flat earther.
So you are denying that global warming and cooling are natural side effects of nature and solar activity. You are the neanderthal.

No I'm not denying that the planet warms and cools without man made climate change adding to what already occurs naturally.

By the way, every day I post more evidence that there are too many humans on this planet.

Microplastics Have Invaded Some Of The Planetā€™s Most Remote Places | HuffPost

Plastic trash is everywhere. And itā€™s not going away.

We need to cut the population in half. I did my part. I didn't have any kids. Breeders should be taxed not encouraged to have more children.

Now you can argue with the scientists but most of us will take their word for it not yours. Not the GOP's and not the corporate polluters and their lobbyists.

How Do We Know that Humans Are the Major Cause of Global Warming?

Direct evidence of human contribution to atmospheric CO2

Natural and human factors that influence the climate (known as ā€œclimate driversā€)

Natural drivers + human drivers best match reality

Solutions within our reach
We are the cause, we are the solution.

Knowing that human activities are the main driver of global warming helps us understand how and why our climate is changing, and it clearly defines the problem as one that is within our power to address.

We cannot avoid some level of warming caused by the heat-trapping emissions already present in the atmosphere, some of which (such as carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide) last for 100 years or more. But, with aggressive measures to reduce emissions and adapt to those changes we cannot avoid, we have a small window to avoid truly dangerous warming and provide future generations with a sustainable world.

The Paris Agreement of 2015 calls for a reduction in emissions worldwide enough to keep global warming under the dangerous threshold of 2Ā°C. We can reach that goal through immediate and sustained action to reduce our heat-trapping emissions like adopting technologies that increase energy efficiency, expanding our use of renewable energy, and slowing deforestation (among other solutions).

I just need to say that I too, have had no children. But, I never have referred to those who
did as, "breeders". Were you brought up in a kennel, Dawg?


Itā€™s generally only angry homosexuals who use terms like that.
Iā€™m the exception to the rule. ...

Yeah, sure, everyone believes that....

No I'm not denying that the planet warms and cools without man made climate change adding to what already occurs naturally.

By the way, every day I post more evidence that there are too many humans on this planet.

Microplastics Have Invaded Some Of The Planetā€™s Most Remote Places | HuffPost

Plastic trash is everywhere. And itā€™s not going away.

We need to cut the population in half. I did my part. I didn't have any kids. Breeders should be taxed not encouraged to have more children.

Now you can argue with the scientists but most of us will take their word for it not yours. Not the GOP's and not the corporate polluters and their lobbyists.

How Do We Know that Humans Are the Major Cause of Global Warming?

Direct evidence of human contribution to atmospheric CO2

Natural and human factors that influence the climate (known as ā€œclimate driversā€)

Natural drivers + human drivers best match reality

Solutions within our reach
We are the cause, we are the solution.

Knowing that human activities are the main driver of global warming helps us understand how and why our climate is changing, and it clearly defines the problem as one that is within our power to address.

We cannot avoid some level of warming caused by the heat-trapping emissions already present in the atmosphere, some of which (such as carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide) last for 100 years or more. But, with aggressive measures to reduce emissions and adapt to those changes we cannot avoid, we have a small window to avoid truly dangerous warming and provide future generations with a sustainable world.

The Paris Agreement of 2015 calls for a reduction in emissions worldwide enough to keep global warming under the dangerous threshold of 2Ā°C. We can reach that goal through immediate and sustained action to reduce our heat-trapping emissions like adopting technologies that increase energy efficiency, expanding our use of renewable energy, and slowing deforestation (among other solutions).

I just need to say that I too, have had no children. But, I never have referred to those who
did as, "breeders". Were you brought up in a kennel, Dawg?


Itā€™s generally only angry homosexuals who use terms like that.
Iā€™m the exception to the rule. ...

Yeah, sure, everyone believes that....


I don't care if everyone believes it. .... he protests too much...

Do you care that in the not so distant future the global population is going to contract, rendering all this false panic moot?
Even if environmentalist are correct that there is Man made Global Warming the fact that it counters an Ice Age is a good thing not a bad thing.

We shouldn't waste resources trying to change something we can't prove is happening and if happening we can't prove is necessarily bad for us.
I just need to say that I too, have had no children. But, I never have referred to those who
did as, "breeders". Were you brought up in a kennel, Dawg?


Itā€™s generally only angry homosexuals who use terms like that.
Iā€™m the exception to the rule. ...

Yeah, sure, everyone believes that....


I don't care if everyone believes it. .... he protests too much...

Do you care that in the not so distant future the global population is going to contract, rendering all this false panic moot?
They say it will but are you so sure? Funny you cherry pick what experts say. So you believe itā€™s going to contract. Explain why you are sure. Why/how does this contraction happen?

And no I donā€™t care because we are already overpopulated. Look at the oceans, deforestation, local warming.

When is this contraction going to start? When global warming starts causing problems? Too late then.
Itā€™s generally only angry homosexuals who use terms like that.
Iā€™m the exception to the rule. ...

Yeah, sure, everyone believes that....


I don't care if everyone believes it. .... he protests too much...

Do you care that in the not so distant future the global population is going to contract, rendering all this false panic moot?
They say it will but are you so sure? Funny you cherry pick what experts say. So you believe itā€™s going to contract. Explain why you are sure. Why/how does this contraction happen?

And no I donā€™t care because we are already overpopulated. Look at the oceans, deforestation, local warming.

When is this contraction going to start? When global warming starts causing problems? Too late then.
We are not overpopulated, we have plenty of woods in the center of the country.
Itā€™s generally only angry homosexuals who use terms like that.
Iā€™m the exception to the rule. ...

Yeah, sure, everyone believes that....


I don't care if everyone believes it. .... he protests too much...

Do you care that in the not so distant future the global population is going to contract, rendering all this false panic moot?
They say it will but are you so sure? .....

Yup, because I understand demographics. Brainless partisan drones may want it to be political, but itā€™s not.
Iā€™m the exception to the rule. ...

Yeah, sure, everyone believes that....


I don't care if everyone believes it. .... he protests too much...

Do you care that in the not so distant future the global population is going to contract, rendering all this false panic moot?
They say it will but are you so sure? Funny you cherry pick what experts say. So you believe itā€™s going to contract. Explain why you are sure. Why/how does this contraction happen?

And no I donā€™t care because we are already overpopulated. Look at the oceans, deforestation, local warming.

When is this contraction going to start? When global warming starts causing problems? Too late then.
We are not overpopulated.....

No we are not. Some sorry, stupid SOBs just canā€™t let go of a fairy tale they were told as children.
Yeah, sure, everyone believes that....


I don't care if everyone believes it. .... he protests too much...

Do you care that in the not so distant future the global population is going to contract, rendering all this false panic moot?
They say it will but are you so sure? Funny you cherry pick what experts say. So you believe itā€™s going to contract. Explain why you are sure. Why/how does this contraction happen?

And no I donā€™t care because we are already overpopulated. Look at the oceans, deforestation, local warming.

When is this contraction going to start? When global warming starts causing problems? Too late then.
We are not overpopulated.....

No we are not. Some sorry, stupid SOBs just canā€™t let go of a fairy tale they were told as children.

Regarding human numbers going down. Can you explain how and why this will happen?

The United Nations forecasts that our population will grow from 7 billion to 11 billion in this century before leveling off after 2100. But an increasing number of demographers around the world believe the UN estimates are far too high. They say the planetā€™s population will peak at around 9 billion sometime between 2040 and 2060 and then start to decline. By the end of this century, we could be back to where we are right now and steadily growing fewer.

This decline hasn't even happened yet. How are you so sure it's going to happen? Can you explain the science behind this?

So from what I'm reading it's because a more educated woman has fewer kids. Is that what you are relying on?

Once a woman receives enough information and autonomy to make an informed and self-directed choice about when to have children and how many to have, she immediately has fewer of them and has them later. ā€œOnce a woman is socialized to have an education and a career, she is socialized to have a smaller family,ā€ he explains.

So basically what they are saying is that when women wise up they'll do what I've been suggesting all along?
I have neither the time or inclination to teach a hopeless idiot about demographics and economics.
Every question Republicans ask about global warming are designed to distract from solving the problem. They are obstructionists on this issue because corporations don't want to pay to go green. It's so obvious.

Let's be honest: real sustainability may not make business sense. There can be a number of disadvantages to going green for corporations.

Going green can help protect the earth's natural systems, but for businesses, it often means bearing extra costs that can be difficult to absorb.

Some companies have made an effort to become more environmentally friendly, also known as ā€œgoing green.ā€ Reasons for going green can include achieving better public relations, tapping into the growing green market or even because the company may simply feel it is the right thing to do to help protect the environment. Greening a company can involve changes to lessen greenhouse gas emissions, use safer, non-toxic chemicals in products, protect ecosystems, or all of the above. However, there can be a number of disadvantages to going green for corporations.

    • Going green can help protect the earth's natural systems, but for businesses, it often means bearing extra costs that can be difficult to absorb.
The Switch Can Be Expense
It can be costly for a corporation to go green initially. For example, the switch to solar power will create the need to install solar panels at business facilities. The cost reductions in energy savings gained by going green are not always enough to offset the initial upfront conversion costs. In some locations, however, tax benefits are provided that can help companies offset the costs of making the switch.

Even switching energy suppliers ā€“ purchasing wind-power electricity, say, rather than conventional electricity from a petrochemical-fueled power plant ā€“ can mean paying a premium price for the green energy source.

Pushes Up the Price of Products

In some cases, the switch to using green materials can lead to higher costs in your production process or elsewhere in your facility. A furniture manufacturer who switches suppliers to buy only sustainably harvested wood will likely have to pay a premium price for his lumber. The larger costs either have to be passed along to customers in terms of higher prices or have to come at the company's expense in terms of a smaller profit margin on its products.
When it comes to business going green and saving the planet, I'm a bit pessimistic. Saving the planet is a long game. Humans in general are not good at making sacrifices today to save tomorrow and business is absolutely terrible. Business today is about profits today. Most of the people that own them today will not in 10 or 15 years. For a business, 30 years is an eternity.

The only way people are going to make any significant sacrifices is when they see disaster that is going to effect them personally over next 3 to 5 years. By then it may well be too late. If humans do not respond, then nature will. A 70% to 90% reduction in humans will probably do it.
I just need to say that I too, have had no children. But, I never have referred to those who
did as, "breeders". Were you brought up in a kennel, Dawg?


Itā€™s generally only angry homosexuals who use terms like that.
Iā€™m the exception to the rule. ...

Yeah, sure, everyone believes that....


I don't care if everyone believes it. .... he protests too much...

Do you care that in the not so distant future the global population is going to contract, rendering all this false panic moot?

Why is it going to contract? Probably because it went to the brink of having way too many people.

I'd rather we do it naturally than have to go through a catastrophe.

Here is another example of how there are way too many people on this planet and how less would be better

ou canā€™t see them, but small particles of plastic are all around you ā€• in the air you breathe, the water you drink, even the foods you eat.

A new paper that compiles data from previous studies estimates that each year, the average American consumes over 70,000 minuscule pieces of plastic that make their way into our food through packaging, manufacturing and being swept up in the food chain. Thatā€™s more than 200 pieces a day.

39,000 to 52,000 microplastic particles a year come from these foods

Those figures climbed to over 70,000 once the researchers factored in data on how much plastic we inhale as we breathe.

Drinking bottled water instead of tap water accounted for an additional 90,000 more pieces of plastic a year, the research found.

But the study noted that these numbers probably vastly underestimate the amount of plastic we unwittingly ingest day to day. The foods in the research account for only 15% of the American diet. The data did not include things like snack foods, which come packaged in plastic and ready to eat ā€• meaning we might be consuming far more plastics than what the research shows.

As plastics age, they shed tiny particles, called microplastics, which can linger in the environment for decades or more. These particles are smaller than a fifth of an inch in size and can be microscopic. Scientists have found microplastics in some of the planetā€™s most remote places, including uninhabited islands, Arctic sea ice and the deepest parts of the ocean.

At this point, contact with plastic seems pretty unavoidable. But there are steps we can take to try to reduce the amount of plastic we use once and throw away: Avoid buying items wrapped in plastic, bring a reusable water bottle or coffee mug with you on the road, and keep metal cutlery at your desk at work, for starters. They may seem like insignificant steps, but it all adds up.

ā€œRemoving single-use plastic from your life and supporting companies that are moving away from plastic packaging is going to have a non-trivial impact,ā€
Itā€™s generally only angry homosexuals who use terms like that.
Iā€™m the exception to the rule. ...

Yeah, sure, everyone believes that....


I don't care if everyone believes it. .... he protests too much...

Do you care that in the not so distant future the global population is going to contract, rendering all this false panic moot?

Why is it going to contract? ....ā€

Economic development and greater career opportunities for women.
Iā€™m the exception to the rule. ...

Yeah, sure, everyone believes that....


I don't care if everyone believes it. .... he protests too much...

Do you care that in the not so distant future the global population is going to contract, rendering all this false panic moot?

Why is it going to contract? ....ā€

Economic development and greater career opportunities for women.
In other words poor women wise up. Exactly what I've been saying they should do and you call me racist for it.

Middle class people stop having kids after they have 1-3 because they know any more will put them in the lower middle class or even poverty. Poor people don't care because they are already poor. It's just two more scoops of oatmeal or 1 more order of Wendy Chicken nuggets.
What I want to know, if any of you understand population dynamics, is why Afghanistan has one of the highest rates of population growth in the world? With all that's been going on over there, you'd think it would be going down, or at least not growing.
What I want to know, if any of you understand population dynamics, is why Afghanistan has one of the highest rates of population growth in the world? With all that's been going on over there, you'd think it would be going down, or at least not growing.

When you are that poor there is only one thing to do. Fuck. Same thing goes for Africa.
What I want to know, if any of you understand population dynamics, is why Afghanistan has one of the highest rates of population growth in the world? With all that's been going on over there, you'd think it would be going down, or at least not growing.

When you are that poor there is only one thing to do. Fuck. Same thing goes for Africa.
Any other suggestions, folks?
What I want to know, if any of you understand population dynamics, is why Afghanistan has one of the highest rates of population growth in the world? With all that's been going on over there, you'd think it would be going down, or at least not growing.

Quite the contrary. Where mortality is high, there is an instinctive drive to produce more offspring to increase the odds of genes being passed on. Weā€™re still animals after all. The imperatives of various religions reflect, rather than drive, this natural phenomenon.
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What I want to know, if any of you understand population dynamics, is why Afghanistan has one of the highest rates of population growth in the world? With all that's been going on over there, you'd think it would be going down, or at least not growing.

Quite the contrary. Where mortality is high, there is an instinctive drive to produce more offspring to increase the odds of genes being passed on. Weā€™re still animals after all. The imperatives of various religions reflect, rather than drive, this natural phenomenon.

I found this and thought of you

The study finds that denser counties tend to have less happy residents, even when controlling for factors like greater crime and poverty. While these variables do weaken the relationship between density and unhappiness, the effect remains negative and significant. This leads the authors to conclude that size and densityā€”what they call ā€œthe defining features of citiesā€ā€”are associated with greater unhappiness. Even if cities were to reduce their levels of crime, poverty, or unemployment, urban residents would still be less happy than those living elsewhere. In this way, the study notes, ā€œcities act like a magnifying glass, bringing out the best and the worst in us.ā€

In his second study, published in the journal Cities, Okulicz-Kozaryn explores this subject further by determining the tipping point at which a cityā€™s size becomes too big and its residents become unhappy. In this case, the study defines happiness in terms of ā€œsubjective wellbeing,ā€ a common definition of happiness, which includes both life satisfaction and oneā€™s mood.

Using data from the 1972-2012 U.S. General Social Survey, the study again finds that larger cities are far less happy than smaller ones. As the figure below shows, happiness gradually increases as population size declines.

Do you want people to be happy or do you want to double the population?

In the U.S., the Biggest Cities Are the Least Happy - CityLab

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