Do you believe the politics in Washington will allow the democrats to win big...

Will the democrats win big in the upcoming elections?

  • Yes, both 2014 and 2016

    Votes: 11 34.4%
  • Yes, but only 2014

    Votes: 4 12.5%
  • No, republicans will win in 2014.

    Votes: 4 12.5%
  • No, Republicans will win in both 2014 and 2016

    Votes: 13 40.6%

  • Total voters
We don't really need educational reform, we need the return of the middle and working classes after 30 years of Voodoo and Pub pandering to the greedy rich- our society falling apart while mega rich Pubs laugh all the way to the bank, poor hater dupes...

Clinton's free trade agreements killed the middle class, predicted, happened. Reagan ushered in he greatest peace time expansion of the economy in history. Clinton rode it to recession.


Reagan tripled the debt to do it, set the nonrich and the country on the road to ruin. Also had ANOTHER great Pub corruption/cronyism bubble...a scam...Pub dupes...:cuckoo:

At least Reagan's "debt" did the country well. Obama's debt, greater then all the presidents before him served us almost nothing. 7-8 percent UE for his entire term. That in and of itself is enough to seal his legacy as a failure, but not the worse.

Must say it is hard to follow liberal rants when we spent all that stimulus money on shovel read jobs, yet they weren't shovel ready and Obama joked about it. So what is it? We spent a whole bunch of money or we didn't?

W left Obama 10.3 per cent UE by the time the stimulus turned it around. Change the gd channel, Pub dupe.
80-90 per cent of Obama's debt is averting a depression and keeping the victims from homelessness fer chrissake...Pub dupes- nice little planet ya got there lol...
400 billion a year is still spent on W's victims...most of the deficit- and the rest would disappear if Pubs would allow a recovery fer chrissake...
Unemployment around 7%, those that are working are working at part time jobs. Even democrats say that part time work is the new normal. The stock market is doing well but not because the economy is doing well. The stock market is doing well because the fed keeps printing funny money. The rest of the world is starting to rethink the dollar as the reserve currency and China is demanding that the dollar be eliminated as the reserve. Even if all democrat wishes turn into unicorns, if the dollar is dropped as the reserve currency we will have a monumental depression in this country.

The democrat foreign policy is a complete failure. obama is being shoved around by China and Russia like the new kid on the playground, which he is.

Nevertheless, the democrats can still win big, they can give out some more obamaphones or demand that Nike provide new Air Jordans free for everyone. This isn't the United States. It's Paradise Island.
We don't really need educational reform, we need the return of the middle and working classes after 30 years of Voodoo and Pub pandering to the greedy rich- our society falling apart while mega rich Pubs laugh all the way to the bank, poor hater dupes...

Clinton's free trade agreements killed the middle class, predicted, happened. Reagan ushered in he greatest peace time expansion of the economy in history. Clinton rode it to recession.

Reagan killed the middle class.....

Unemployment around 7%, those that are working are working at part time jobs. Even democrats say that part time work is the new normal. The stock market is doing well but not because the economy is doing well. The stock market is doing well because the fed keeps printing funny money. The rest of the world is starting to rethink the dollar as the reserve currency and China is demanding that the dollar be eliminated as the reserve. Even if all democrat wishes turn into unicorns, if the dollar is dropped as the reserve currency we will have a monumental depression in this country.

The democrat foreign policy is a complete failure. obama is being shoved around by China and Russia like the new kid on the playground, which he is.

Nevertheless, the democrats can still win big, they can give out some more obamaphones or demand that Nike provide new Air Jordans free for everyone. This isn't the United States. It's Paradise Island.

Unemployment is way overstated. Probably 2-3% of people are working and being paid cash only.
400 billion a year is still spent on W's victims...most of the deficit- and the rest would disappear if Pubs would allow a recovery fer chrissake...

The Republicans want to destroy the country.

We will find out in the next week if they succeed.
It's perfectly sustainable if you tax the wealthy at an appropriate rate.

Of course it is, if you tax them at 100% their conrtibution would run the government for 10 days. Who do you go after then?

Not true. But you keep repeating whatever shit you've heard on Limbaugh.

Look to California, they have the highest income tax, the highest gas tax, the highest corporate tax, and the highest sales tax. The result of all these Progressive policies is that the state is now approaching nearly 1 TRILLION in debt while businesses are leaving the state. All these high taxes, as you say, and the state SHOULDN'T be sinking deeper in debt. Rather the state should have been making progress, but it's having the opposite effect. Can you explain how all these higher taxes have resulted in a NEGATIVE revenue?
We didn't control shytte until 7/7/2009 when we got a filibuster-proof Senate- till 2/4/2010. Your lockstep propagandizing idiot un-American party is GREAT at mindless obstruction. Change the GD channel, chump of the greedy rich a-holes...

BS, the democrats won both houses in 2006 which means they control the legislation coming out of Congress. THEN they got full filibuster proof majority for a full year. They could have done whatever they wanted and DID! What did we get? Obamacare another big drain on the economy, an economy in ruin, for the middle class, and the democrats DID NOTHING>

They will try and blame the Republicans and talk about obstruction .... how it's all their fault, until you bring up the fact Obamacare still passed despite not having Republican support. However those like FrancoHFW and Jake will continue to drink the koolaid in hopes SOMEONE is gullible enough to believe it.
Believe me, by election time the voters will have forgotten all about what happened this year..

Hell. Most of em forgot about their total dislike for the ACA and voted that jackass back in office and allowed them to foist that POS on us.

Nope. By voting year the sheep will have forgotten all about what went on in 2013.
Believe me, by election time the voters will have forgotten all about what happened this year..

Hell. Most of em forgot about their total dislike for the ACA and voted that jackass back in office and allowed them to foist that POS on us.

Nope. By voting year the sheep will have forgotten all about what went on in 2013.
I wouldn't be too sure about that. Republicans are pushing for short extension of the debt ceiling so they have the big fight over with in a month or so. Democrats are looking for a long extension that would put the fight closer to midterm elections.
Believe me, by election time the voters will have forgotten all about what happened this year..

Hell. Most of em forgot about their total dislike for the ACA and voted that jackass back in office and allowed them to foist that POS on us.

Nope. By voting year the sheep will have forgotten all about what went on in 2013.

“It is dangerous to be right when the government is wrong.”



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