Do you believe the politics in Washington will allow the democrats to win big...

Will the democrats win big in the upcoming elections?

  • Yes, both 2014 and 2016

    Votes: 11 34.4%
  • Yes, but only 2014

    Votes: 4 12.5%
  • No, republicans will win in 2014.

    Votes: 4 12.5%
  • No, Republicans will win in both 2014 and 2016

    Votes: 13 40.6%

  • Total voters
If mainstream GOP allows the reactionary far right conservatives to take us over the cliff, the Dems will be in super power mode for six election cycles.
I think a lot depend on Obamacare. If it pans out to have a negative effect on one family, or friends or relatives of that family, you'll see it have a negative effect of democrats at the polls.

Like it or not, Democrats = Obamacare. The more negativity you hear about the program, it will cost the Democrat seats in both houses.
This is the tea parties waterloo!!! They're going to set back senseful conservative ideas back 40 years.

[ame=]WATERLOO ~ Stonewall Jackson 1959.wmv - YouTube[/ame]

Americans want education, science, tech, infrastructure, clean water and air...
And you think the Republicans are just fine then?

No they still need to rid themselves of the big government establishment RINOs, that will come with time.

So you think that is the only Republican party problem? The public approval is inconsequential?

What will be the public approval when Obamacare turns out to be a mess and we fall off the cliff printing more money than is sustainable? The Republicans were standing firm against both of these and the Democrats wanted them badly.

Time will tell who has to eat crow. But what happens to this country is more important that two parties fighting.
The shutdown won't impact the mid terms.

I agree. If the midterms were this November it would be a problem for the GOP, but since they are next year nobody is going to give a shit about a shutdown of 13% of the federal government over a year ago.

ObamaCare will define next year's elections.

The shutdown and debt ceiling issues will have an overall negative impact on the GOP (please people, just face it...) but it certainly won't be the huge overwhelming surge it's sometimes being made out to be. If anything it will make the "GOP victory of 2014" into the "Democrats pick up a few seats in 2014" bump in the road (once again...if anything)

I don't believe the shutdown will have a major impact on the seats in the House, people are looking to the economy and jobs as they haven't been too happy with the results they are finding with Obama and the Democrats either. The vast majority of Anericans feel out country is heading in the WRONG direction, by as much as 76%, with 47 million living on food stamps under still an extremely high unemployment rate. As Obamacare continues to result in companies looking to cut employee hours to under 30, and the list of exemptions continuing to get attention, the Democrats are not a highly favored alternative.

Right Direction or Wrong Track - Rasmussen Reports?

Why are 47 million Americans on food stamps? It?s the recession ? mostly. - The Washington Post
shakles, that is exactly why the Dems will clean up: because you can't accept the reality that you are wrong.

The black man won, twice. Get over it.
shakles, that is exactly why the Dems will clean up: because you can't accept the reality that you are wrong.

The black man won, twice. Get over it.

Obama won as he supports infrastructure, tech and science ;) Not a racial reasons....

People want to live within a first world country...Of course we do have that gang problem within a large percentage of our cities....Not yet a big enough problem. :eek:
It is you who are bullshitting, OKTexa, and all know it.

Actually he's not JakeStarkey.

Despite President Obama’s claims to have issued fewer rules than predecessor George W. Bush (“In fact, I’ve approved fewer regulations in the first three years of my presidency than my Republican predecessor did in his.”), rules impacting small business have bumped upward in the past several years.

At year-end 2012, overall rules in the pipeline (active, completed, and long-term) affecting small business according to federal agencies stand at 854.

In fact, the number of rules with small-business impacts under Obama since 2010 has regularly exceeded 800. The last time rules in this category exceeded 800 was back in 2003.

Small Business Regulations Surge Under Obama - Forbes

President Obama successfully advocated for a huge expansion of deficit spending on education and healthcare as an economic stimulus. The Congressional Budget Office projects that over his 8 years in office, the Administration will have engaged in $7.5 trillion in deficit-spending and the national debt will almost double.

I agree. If the midterms were this November it would be a problem for the GOP, but since they are next year nobody is going to give a shit about a shutdown of 13% of the federal government over a year ago.

ObamaCare will define next year's elections.

The shutdown and debt ceiling issues will have an overall negative impact on the GOP (please people, just face it...) but it certainly won't be the huge overwhelming surge it's sometimes being made out to be. If anything it will make the "GOP victory of 2014" into the "Democrats pick up a few seats in 2014" bump in the road (once again...if anything)

I don't believe the shutdown will have a major impact on the seats in the House, people are looking to the economy and jobs as they haven't been too happy with the results they are finding with Obama and the Democrats either. The vast majority of Anericans feel out country is heading in the WRONG direction, by as much as 76%, with 47 million living on food stamps under still an extremely high unemployment rate. As Obamacare continues to result in companies looking to cut employee hours to under 30, and the list of exemptions continuing to get attention, the Democrats are not a highly favored alternative.

Right Direction or Wrong Track - Rasmussen Reports?

Why are 47 million Americans on food stamps? It?s the recession ? mostly. - The Washington Post

I don't see the employment thing being brought up much, especially since the employer mandate isn't going into action until 2015.
shakles, that is exactly why the Dems will clean up: because you can't accept the reality that you are wrong.

The black man won, twice. Get over it.

Time to take your head out of the clouds there Jake, Obama hasn't been able to improve the economy. We've got an administration legacy built on food stamps, unemployment extensions, and an increase in spending by the Trillions. This President wants to raise revenue, well he had better find another speech than infrastructure to turn this economy around, because his "stimulus" ideas aren't working. It's hard to find revenue on the backs of the unemployed.
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shakles, that is exactly why the Dems will clean up: because you can't accept the reality that you are wrong.

The black man won, twice. Get over it.

Actually the milk chocolate snake oil salesman won twice, which says more about the pathetic people in this country than it says about him.
The country is center right. You never know what the voter is going to do, but I don't think they will hand over that kind of power to the executive. They like the checks, and balances - Obama has proven to be drunk with power.
Socially it maybe center right ;) Which is good as far as I am concern. BUT the American people want to live in a FIRST WORLD nation.

One with science
One with high paying tech jobs
One with trustworthy infrastructure
One with a respectable educational system
One with low crime

Those issues are probably more important.
I think a lot depend on Obamacare. If it pans out to have a negative effect on one family, or friends or relatives of that family, you'll see it have a negative effect of democrats at the polls.

Like it or not, Democrats = Obamacare. The more negativity you hear about the program, it will cost the Democrat seats in both houses.

i agree.....if the ACA works the Democrats look good.....but if it dont.....
Do you believe the politics in Washington will allow the democrats to win 2014, 2016?.

Yes, indeed they will.

The Parasitic Faction is close to 50% - they vote early and often.

The nation will be fucked up beyond recognition.

But the democrats will win big, indeed they will.

shakles, that is exactly why the Dems will clean up: because you can't accept the reality that you are wrong.

The black man won, twice. Get over it.

Jake shove your black man shit.....the only people who care what color Obama is are the bigots.....if you know one say that to them..... 2014, 2016?

2010 was a costly loss for democrats. Congressional approval has dramatically changed since then however. Republican approval ratings are at a historic low for either party. Let's face it.

As popular as an idea is for a third party, the chances of one actually rising to power that appeals to both the right and the left is slim to none. I think at the very least, democrats are a shoe in for 2014. Republicans probably have enough time to turn their party around for 2016. It's still a solid possibility that we could have a republican president in '16.

I think Gerrymandering is going to save the Republicans in the House in 2014.

In the Senate, the problem is that there are almost no GOP seats in play in 2014. So even if the Democrats run the table and retain all the seats they have at risk, including 4 vacancies, the best they can hope for it to pick up too seats.

Unless the TEA Party gets crazy and primaries guys who otherwise had easy walks to re-election like they did with Lugar.

Now, for 2016, demagraphic shifts might put some of those gerrymandered districts in play. And in the Senate, all those Teabaggers that came in during 2010 are going to be up again. So MAYBE we'll see some shifts.

But the key thing will be the presidency. If the economy is better than it is now, Hillary will easily walk. If it isn't, she might have a hard time.
Do you believe the politics in Washington will allow the democrats to win 2014, 2016?.

Yes, indeed they will.

The Parasitic Faction is close to 50% - they vote early and often.

The nation will be fucked up beyond recognition.

But the democrats will win big, indeed they will.


I'm just curious who you consider the "parasistic faction", exactly?

People on social security?

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