Do you believe the politics in Washington will allow the democrats to win big...

Will the democrats win big in the upcoming elections?

  • Yes, both 2014 and 2016

    Votes: 11 34.4%
  • Yes, but only 2014

    Votes: 4 12.5%
  • No, republicans will win in 2014.

    Votes: 4 12.5%
  • No, Republicans will win in both 2014 and 2016

    Votes: 13 40.6%

  • Total voters
    32 2014, 2016?

2010 was a costly loss for democrats. Congressional approval has dramatically changed since then however. Republican approval ratings are at a historic low for either party. Let's face it.

As popular as an idea is for a third party, the chances of one actually rising to power that appeals to both the right and the left is slim to none. I think at the very least, democrats are a shoe in for 2014. Republicans probably have enough time to turn their party around for 2016. It's still a solid possibility that we could have a republican president in '16.

I think Gerrymandering is going to save the Republicans in the House in 2014.

In the Senate, the problem is that there are almost no GOP seats in play in 2014. So even if the Democrats run the table and retain all the seats they have at risk, including 4 vacancies, the best they can hope for it to pick up too seats.

Unless the TEA Party gets crazy and primaries guys who otherwise had easy walks to re-election like they did with Lugar.

Now, for 2016, demagraphic shifts might put some of those gerrymandered districts in play. And in the Senate, all those Teabaggers that came in during 2010 are going to be up again. So MAYBE we'll see some shifts.

But the key thing will be the presidency. If the economy is better than it is now, Hillary will easily walk. If it isn't, she might have a hard time.

I really find it hard believing that the REPUBLICANS won't lose seats IF they default. Those seats will go from safe to toss up over night when people lose their ssi and savings.
No they still need to rid themselves of the big government establishment RINOs, that will come with time.

So you think that is the only Republican party problem? The public approval is inconsequential?

Nope they have a marketing problem, there hasn't been an effective republican salesman since Reagan, but that is also changing.

What is it that they put in the water in Texas that make the people delusional? Anybody know?

Who told the people of Texas that the Rethugs could win the WH with only 25% of the people supporting a Rethug candidate.

Where do they get this shit? Is it the water? Or their education system? What?
shakles, that is exactly why the Dems will clean up: because you can't accept the reality that you are wrong.

The black man won, twice. Get over it.

Time to take your head out of the clouds there Jake, Obama hasn't been able to improve the economy. We've got an administration legacy built on food stamps, unemployment extensions, and an increase in spending by the Trillions. This President wants to raise revenue, well he had better find another speech than infrastructure to turn this economy around, because his "stimulus" ideas aren't working. It's hard to find revenue on the backs of the unemployed.

Stimulus didn't work because it was never really tried.

900 Billion over 3 years might SOUND like a lot, but in a 16 Trillion dollar economy that had shrunk by 2 trillion, it was as effective as putting fairy wings on a cement truck.
Socially it maybe center right ;) Which is good as far as I am concern. BUT the American people want to live in a FIRST WORLD nation.

One with science
One with high paying tech jobs
One with trustworthy infrastructure
One with a respectable educational system
One with low crime

Those issues are probably more important.


I actually agree with you on the items listed above. Too bad under Obama they have all declined. We're 25th in the industrialized world in science education. High tech jobs are going overseas. Our infrastructure is crumbling. Our public school system sucks. And the crime rate amongst blacks (a key democrat voting bloc) remains sky high.

Thanks Obama.

Socially it maybe center right ;) Which is good as far as I am concern. BUT the American people want to live in a FIRST WORLD nation.

One with science
One with high paying tech jobs
One with trustworthy infrastructure
One with a respectable educational system
One with low crime

Those issues are probably more important.


I actually agree with you on the items listed above. Too bad under Obama they have all declined. We're 25th in the industrialized world in science education. High tech jobs are going overseas. Our infrastructure is crumbling. Our public school system sucks. And the crime rate amongst blacks (a key democrat voting bloc) remains sky high.

Thanks Obama.


And you actually believe all that dates to January 20, 2009. :rolleyes:

Say, what the fuck is supposed to be going on in that gif?
Do you believe the politics in Washington will allow the democrats to win 2014, 2016?.

Yes, indeed they will.

The Parasitic Faction is close to 50% - they vote early and often.

The nation will be fucked up beyond recognition.

But the democrats will win big, indeed they will.


I'm just curious who you consider the "parasistic faction", exactly?

People on social security?

Individuals on social INsecurity were forced under penalty of law to participate in a Ponzi Scheme.

The parasitic faction are war profiteers and other who depend on government largesse.

So you think that is the only Republican party problem? The public approval is inconsequential?

Nope they have a marketing problem, there hasn't been an effective republican salesman since Reagan, but that is also changing.

What is it that they put in the water in Texas that make the people delusional? Anybody know?

Who told the people of Texas that the Rethugs could win the WH with only 25% of the people supporting a Rethug candidate.

Where do they get this shit? Is it the water? Or their education system? What?

Which candidate would that be there hero? Also how about an authoritative link for your numbers. Come on show us how smart you are.
shakles, that is exactly why the Dems will clean up: because you can't accept the reality that you are wrong.

The black man won, twice. Get over it.

Time to take your head out of the clouds there Jake, Obama hasn't been able to improve the economy. We've got an administration legacy built on food stamps, unemployment extensions, and an increase in spending by the Trillions. This President wants to raise revenue, well he had better find another speech than infrastructure to turn this economy around, because his "stimulus" ideas aren't working. It's hard to find revenue on the backs of the unemployed.

Stimulus didn't work because it was never really tried.

900 Billion over 3 years might SOUND like a lot, but in a 16 Trillion dollar economy that had shrunk by 2 trillion, it was as effective as putting fairy wings on a cement truck.

It isn't the job of government to take on the role of the private sector and create jobs, such line of thinking is unsustainable amid $7 Trillion estimate in additional government spending through this administration according to the CBO. Pumping more money into a struggling economy only weakens the value of the US dollar whos only outcome will lead us on a path towards inflation, that doesn't help the middle class. 2014, 2016?

2010 was a costly loss for democrats. Congressional approval has dramatically changed since then however. Republican approval ratings are at a historic low for either party. Let's face it.

As popular as an idea is for a third party, the chances of one actually rising to power that appeals to both the right and the left is slim to none. I think at the very least, democrats are a shoe in for 2014. Republicans probably have enough time to turn their party around for 2016. It's still a solid possibility that we could have a republican president in '16.

The Republicans SHOULD do very well in 2014 and 2016. I'm telling ya, the Dems have big trouble in the 2016 Presidential election. I wish I were wrong but I don't think I am.
Obama hasn't improved the economy???? When he took office, the economy was in free fall, the stock market had lost 1/3 of its value, housing prices had completely tanked and the US auto industry was bankrupt.

The economy has stabilized, the stock market is at record levels, after years of losses, the housing market is rising again and construction of new homes is recovering, as is the auto industry.

Unemployment is still a problem because of lower income jobs going offshore or being displaced by technology and yes that is a problem, but with Congress focused on eliminating the ACA, it's done nothing to help stimulate economic growth. Quite the opposite. Every attempt to cut social programs and spending cuts jobs at a time when spending is needed to stimulate growth.

Get people back to work and paying taxes and the deficit and the debt will come down.

Let the ACA rollout proceed. If the bill is as bad as claimed, then the voters will reject it but so far, the public is starting to see many benefits and THAT is what pisses off the rabid conservatives the most.
Obama hasn't improved the economy???? When he took office, the economy was in free fall, the stock market had lost 1/3 of its value, housing prices had completely tanked and the US auto industry was bankrupt.


Actually, Bush II drove the economy to the ground. But there is no difference between Obama and GWB. So Obama has continued intervening in the economy in the same manner FDR did thereby prolonging the suffering.


. 2014, 2016?

2010 was a costly loss for democrats. Congressional approval has dramatically changed since then however. Republican approval ratings are at a historic low for either party. Let's face it.

As popular as an idea is for a third party, the chances of one actually rising to power that appeals to both the right and the left is slim to none. I think at the very least, democrats are a shoe in for 2014. Republicans probably have enough time to turn their party around for 2016. It's still a solid possibility that we could have a republican president in '16.

democrats have nothing worthwhile to show for their 8 years. blame for this shutdown will be shared by both parties. polls are already showing that shift. The economy won't be improved. unemployment will still be high. the democrats outright arrack on guns cost them big time. what will really hurt them is they lost many of their own supporters with that one. unless they run someone else who is black, they won't have the turnout they did for Obama.
Obama hasn't improved the economy???? When he took office, the economy was in free fall, the stock market had lost 1/3 of its value, housing prices had completely tanked and the US auto industry was bankrupt.

The economy has stabilized, the stock market is at record levels, after years of losses, the housing market is rising again and construction of new homes is recovering, as is the auto industry.

Unemployment is still a problem because of lower income jobs going offshore or being displaced by technology and yes that is a problem, but with Congress focused on eliminating the ACA, it's done nothing to help stimulate economic growth. Quite the opposite. Every attempt to cut social programs and spending cuts jobs at a time when spending is needed to stimulate growth.

Get people back to work and paying taxes and the deficit and the debt will come down.

Let the ACA rollout proceed. If the bill is as bad as claimed, then the voters will reject it but so far, the public is starting to see many benefits and THAT is what pisses off the rabid conservatives the most.

with Obama the rich got richer. see your stock market comment. see your housing market comment. the rich took advantage of low prices and increased their wealth. you really think it is better for the average joe? well with a record 47% on entitlements, trust me, it hasn't improved. tax revenues are down significantly as well. why? because the economy is 't better, people aren't working. stop drinking the koolaid and look at the facts
Read my comments re unemployment again. I am looking at facts.

There was never going to be a quick fix for the mess created by Bush Jr. and having an opposition party whose sole focus was to limit the President to one term, rather than working with him to help solve the problems facing the nation certainly hasn't helped.

As long as the Republicans continue to block anything the Democrats try to do, their shrinking base will continue to decline. Not everyone gets their news from Fox. Some people actually know what the truth is.
Obama hasn't improved the economy???? When he took office, the economy was in free fall, the stock market had lost 1/3 of its value, housing prices had completely tanked and the US auto industry was bankrupt.

The economy has stabilized, the stock market is at record levels, after years of losses, the housing market is rising again and construction of new homes is recovering, as is the auto industry.

Unemployment is still a problem because of lower income jobs going offshore or being displaced by technology and yes that is a problem, but with Congress focused on eliminating the ACA, it's done nothing to help stimulate economic growth. Quite the opposite. Every attempt to cut social programs and spending cuts jobs at a time when spending is needed to stimulate growth.

Get people back to work and paying taxes and the deficit and the debt will come down.

Let the ACA rollout proceed. If the bill is as bad as claimed, then the voters will reject it but so far, the public is starting to see many benefits and THAT is what pisses off the rabid conservatives the most.

with Obama the rich got richer. see your stock market comment. see your housing market comment. the rich took advantage of low prices and increased their wealth. you really think it is better for the average joe? well with a record 47% on entitlements, trust me, it hasn't improved. tax revenues are down significantly as well. why? because the economy is 't better, people aren't working. stop drinking the koolaid and look at the facts

No doubt they did.
As they did under Bush.
As they did under Clinton.
As they did under Bush.
Etc etc etc....

It isn't the party. It's the system they shill for.

It isn't the job of government to take on the role of the private sector and create jobs, such line of thinking is unsustainable amid $7 Trillion estimate in additional government spending through this administration according to the CBO. Pumping more money into a struggling economy only weakens the value of the US dollar whos only outcome will lead us on a path towards inflation, that doesn't help the middle class.

It's perfectly sustainable if you tax the wealthy at an appropriate rate.

It isn't the job of government to take on the role of the private sector and create jobs, such line of thinking is unsustainable amid $7 Trillion estimate in additional government spending through this administration according to the CBO. Pumping more money into a struggling economy only weakens the value of the US dollar whos only outcome will lead us on a path towards inflation, that doesn't help the middle class.

It's perfectly sustainable if you tax the wealthy at an appropriate rate.

Of course it is, if you tax them at 100% their conrtibution would run the government for 10 days. Who do you go after then?

It isn't the job of government to take on the role of the private sector and create jobs, such line of thinking is unsustainable amid $7 Trillion estimate in additional government spending through this administration according to the CBO. Pumping more money into a struggling economy only weakens the value of the US dollar whos only outcome will lead us on a path towards inflation, that doesn't help the middle class.

It's perfectly sustainable if you tax the wealthy at an appropriate rate.

Of course it is, if you tax them at 100% their conrtibution would run the government for 10 days. Who do you go after then?

Not true. But you keep repeating whatever shit you've heard on Limbaugh.
There was never going to be a quick fix for the mess created by Bush Jr. and having an opposition party whose sole focus was to limit the President to one term, rather than working with him to help solve the problems facing the nation certainly hasn't helped.

Warren G Harding turned around a recession worse than this in 18 months and Obama's own party had a super majority in both houses of Congress his first two years. Republicans stopped nothing, but keep making excuses for your party's failures and your failure as an American voter.

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