Do You Believe there are More than TWO Genders? My thoughts (Video)

A 52 year old BIOLOGICAL MALE who identifies as a 6 year old girl, and the Pervert Freak Crowd say that these weirdos do NOT have a mental illness:

Who says he doesn't have a mental illness? That aside, using your warped logic, every male is a mass murderer. After all Pol Pot, Stalin and Hitler were....

Your example is absurd, that is the type of thing that Extreme Radical Feminists aka Men Haters comment when they say that ALL men are potential rapists because they have a penis.

Then quit labelling all trans as mentally ill. Some are, just like hetros are.

Heteros are not having their dick and balls chopped off or their vaginas sewn up and boobies chopped off and DENYING they are biological males and biological females OR denying Gender ITSELF OR INSISTING there are 56 different Genders OR INSISTING EVERYONE is Intersex and the rest of the crazed horsecrap that Trans and Trans supporters vomit on a daily basis.

All Trans are mentally ill, sorry if you want parts of your body that are HEALTHY chopped off that for a START qualifies you as being mentally ill, I mean if someone went into a hospital and DEMANDED that a healthy limb was chopped off because IF it wasn't they would threaten suicide or go into extreme depression or whatever they would throw them automatically in the Psycho Ward, but we are SUPPOSED to agree that if a man wants his dick and balls chopped off or a woman wants her boobies chopped off and her vagina sewn up that these crazies are NOT mentally ill.
All Trans are mentally ill, sorry if you want parts of your body that are HEALTHY chopped off that for a START qualifies you as being mentally ill, I mean if someone went into a hospital and DEMANDED that a healthy limb was chopped off because IF it wasn't they would threaten suicide or go into extreme depression or whatever they would throw them automatically in the Psycho Ward, but we are SUPPOSED to agree that if a man wants his dick and balls chopped off or a woman wants her boobies chopped off and her vagina sewn up that these crazies are NOT mentally ill.

No they're not. if somebody believes they are a man stuck in a woman's body, that's how they are. In saying that, I will never address a he as a she or she as a he until they've had the chop. Also refuse to do this pronoun bullshit 'they' and 'their'.
All Trans are mentally ill, sorry if you want parts of your body that are HEALTHY chopped off that for a START qualifies you as being mentally ill, I mean if someone went into a hospital and DEMANDED that a healthy limb was chopped off because IF it wasn't they would threaten suicide or go into extreme depression or whatever they would throw them automatically in the Psycho Ward, but we are SUPPOSED to agree that if a man wants his dick and balls chopped off or a woman wants her boobies chopped off and her vagina sewn up that these crazies are NOT mentally ill.

No they're not. if somebody believes they are a man stuck in a woman's body, that's how they are. In saying that, I will never address a he as a she or she as a he until they've had the chop. Also refuse to do this pronoun bullshit 'they' and 'their'.

Even when they have had the chop they remain Biologically the same, internally the same. The entire pronoun crap is just their next level of fascism, I was reading that for example in California peoples can now be put into PRISON for not using the correct pronoun with this crowd. I mean it stops where exactly?

The Trans thing is no different than them being a man but identifying as The Empire State Building or them being a woman but identifying as a strawberry, it's the same crazy. Just because the voices in their head tell them they are a woman when in actual fact they are a biological man and will until they die be a biological man and just because the voices in their head tell them they are a man when in actual fact they are a biological woman and will until they die be a biological woman does NOT make it FACT that they are NOT the Gender that was assigned to them In Utero and at birth and post-birth.

The situation is this crowd are NOT happy with who they ARE, they are NOT happy peoples and them chopping off body parts and dressing in the opposite sexes clothing is NOT going to make them any happier because the fundamental problem will still be with them because it's in their MINDS, a great part of why they have higher suicide rates and higher suicide risks than any other group is because they are not okay in the head and all this crowd who are encouraging them and enabling them are pretty twisted and cruel in my opinion to ABUSE mental illness in this way to further the Political Correctness and Cultural Marxism Dogma.
All Trans are mentally ill, sorry if you want parts of your body that are HEALTHY chopped off that for a START qualifies you as being mentally ill, I mean if someone went into a hospital and DEMANDED that a healthy limb was chopped off because IF it wasn't they would threaten suicide or go into extreme depression or whatever they would throw them automatically in the Psycho Ward, but we are SUPPOSED to agree that if a man wants his dick and balls chopped off or a woman wants her boobies chopped off and her vagina sewn up that these crazies are NOT mentally ill.

No they're not. if somebody believes they are a man stuck in a woman's body, that's how they are. In saying that, I will never address a he as a she or she as a he until they've had the chop. Also refuse to do this pronoun bullshit 'they' and 'their'.

The below example to illustrate what I commented in my post # 225 about psychological issues and Enabling and exploitation by the Political Correctness Cultural Marxism Dogma Agenda.

The below video from Walt Heyer is 2 minutes and 6 seconds in duration:




Exploiting Transgenders | Sex Change Regret
Then quit labelling [sic] all trans as mentally ill. Some are, just like hetros [sic] are.

All “trans” •ARE• mentally ill.

To be that confused about the distinction between men and women, and to be that confused about one's own gender sex is prima facie proof of mental illness or some related mental defect.

No they're not. if somebody believes they are a man stuck in a woman's body, that's how they are. In saying that, I will never address a he as a she or she as a he until they've had the chop. Also refuse to do this pronoun bullshit 'they' and 'their'.

That's just crazy, which is the point. Nobody is a “man stuck in a woman's body”. You're either a man, or a woman, and that's determined by objective, observable, biological traits. To deny what these traits clearly indicate is proof that someone is mentally-defective in some serious manner.
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Then quit labelling [sic] all trans as mentally ill. Some are, just like hetros [sic] are.

All “trans” •ARE• mentally ill.

To be that confused about the distinction between men and women, and to be that confused about one's own gender sex is prima facie proof of mental illness or some related mental defect.

No they're not. if somebody believes they are a man stuck in a woman's body, that's how they are. In saying that, I will never address a he as a she or she as a he until they've had the chop. Also refuse to do this pronoun bullshit 'they' and 'their'.

That's just crazy, which is the point. Nobody is a “man stuck in a woman's body”. You're either a man, or a woman, and that's determined by objective, observable, biological traits. To deny what these traits clearly indicate is proof that someone is mentally-defective in some serious manner.

They are biological traits. However, I once read in a medical journal (and this was good 20 years ago), that there could possibly up to 42 different genders. If somebody identifies themselves as more of a woman or man, that is the way it is. Using your logic, if somebody only likes vanilla ice-cream and hate chocolate, then they must be mentally ill.

Oh, as an FYI, before trying to be a smart arse, you might want to delve into the nationality of who you are posting to.
Then quit labelling [sic] all trans as mentally ill. Some are, just like hetros [sic] are.

All “trans” •ARE• mentally ill.

To be that confused about the distinction between men and women, and to be that confused about one's own gender sex is prima facie proof of mental illness or some related mental defect.

No they're not. if somebody believes they are a man stuck in a woman's body, that's how they are. In saying that, I will never address a he as a she or she as a he until they've had the chop. Also refuse to do this pronoun bullshit 'they' and 'their'.

That's just crazy, which is the point. Nobody is a “man stuck in a woman's body”. You're either a man, or a woman, and that's determined by objective, observable, biological traits. To deny what these traits clearly indicate is proof that someone is mentally-defective in some serious manner.

They are biological traits. However, I once read in a medical journal (and this was good 20 years ago), that there could possibly up to 42 different genders. If somebody identifies themselves as more of a woman or man, that is the way it is. Using your logic, if somebody only likes vanilla ice-cream and hate chocolate, then they must be mentally ill.

Oh, as an FYI, before trying to be a smart arse, you might want to delve into the nationality of who you are posting to.
You ARE a loon. Thanks for proving this once AGAIN.
That's just crazy, which is the point. Nobody is a “man stuck in a woman's body”. You're either a man, or a woman, and that's determined by objective, observable, biological traits. To deny what these traits clearly indicate is proof that someone is mentally-defective in some serious manner.
They are biological traits. However, I once read in a medical journal (and this was good 20 years ago), that there could possibly up to 42 different genders. If somebody identifies themselves as more of a woman or man, that is the way it is. Using your logic, if somebody only likes vanilla ice-cream and hate chocolate, then they must be mentally ill.

Vanilla ice cream, and chocolate ice cream, both exist, regardless of who likes or dislikes one more that the other.

“Transgenderism” does not exist, except in the insane delusions of those who are suffering from severe mental defects. Neither do genders” other than male or female, or which differ in any meaningful way from one's true biological sex.

Just because you are so f•••ed-up in your head that you are confused about the distinction between male and female doe snot mean that anyone else is, other than a tiny minority of mentally- and morally-defective freaks similar to yourself. It is tragic and foolish that our society has allowed your kind to claim any degree of apparent credibility; but rest assured, this appearance of credibility is an illusion. The overwhelmingly vast majority of people will always see your madness and lies for what they are.

That's just crazy, which is the point. Nobody is a “man stuck in a woman's body”. You're either a man, or a woman, and that's determined by objective, observable, biological traits. To deny what these traits clearly indicate is proof that someone is mentally-defective in some serious manner.
They are biological traits. However, I once read in a medical journal (and this was good 20 years ago), that there could possibly up to 42 different genders. If somebody identifies themselves as more of a woman or man, that is the way it is. Using your logic, if somebody only likes vanilla ice-cream and hate chocolate, then they must be mentally ill.

Vanilla ice cream, and chocolate ice cream, both exist, regardless of who likes or dislikes one more that the other.

“Transgenderism” does not exist, except in the insane delusions of those who are suffering from severe mental defects. Neither do genders” other than male or female, or which differ in any meaningful way from one's true biological sex.

Just because you are so f•••ed-up in your head that you are confused about the distinction between male and female doe snot mean that anyone else is, other than a tiny minority of mentally- and morally-defective freaks similar to yourself. It is tragic and foolish that our society has allowed your kind to claim any degree of apparent credibility; but rest assured, this appearance of credibility is an illusion. The overwhelmingly vast majority of people will always see your madness and lies for what they are.

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Geez Bobby boy ! Get a fucking grip already!

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I gave up watching at 2:48. The vid had not then defined 'gender' even though it had spent that time discussing it.

2:48 I'll never get back.

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