Do You Believe there are More than TWO Genders? My thoughts (Video)

He-he! I think you triggered PP once AGAIN.

Not really . Don’t flatter yourselves. I’m just having fun fucking with you all.

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YOU'RE the one who believes there are over 50 genders. We enjoy mocking YOU just as much.

I never said that there any number of genders . I have said that gender exists on a continuum . Why is it so hard for you to get that?

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Vanilla ice cream, and chocolate ice cream, both exist, regardless of who likes or dislikes one more that the other.

“Transgenderism” does not exist, except in the insane delusions of those who are suffering from severe mental defects. Neither do genders” other than male or female, or which differ in any meaningful way from one's true biological sex.

Just because you are so f•••ed-up in your head that you are confused about the distinction between male and female doe (sic) snot (sic) mean that anyone else is, other than a tiny minority of mentally- and morally-defective freaks similar to yourself. It is tragic and foolish that our society has allowed your kind to claim any degree of apparent credibility; but rest assured, this appearance of credibility is an illusion. The overwhelmingly vast majority of people will always see your madness and lies for what they are.

Are you talking to me, or just generically? I'm not trans nor have any intention of being so. I'm quite happily hetro. Nobody is arguing that there are more than two genders (notwithstanding the part where I read there might be 42 - I never said I agreed with that), but that doesn't mean somebody can't identify with being a female if they are male. And it doesn't mean they have a mental illness. Generally, I have found trans people I have met relatively normal in the sense of their everyday lives and everything else they do. That would suggest that they have no mental illness. If you're a bigot, that's on you.
Here's a definition-

gender 1 the condition of being male or female; one's sex.

But it's immediately invalid as it takes no account of Hermaphrodites, which are a fact, so straight off there are at least three genders.
Are you talking to me, or just generically? I'm not trans nor have any intention of being so. I'm quite happily hetro [sic]. Nobody is arguing that there are more than two genders (notwithstanding the part where I read there might be 42 - I never said I agreed with that)…

You're speaking with a forked tongue, saying one thing with one tip of it when it suits you, then, with the other tip, saying something else that contradicts it, when that is what suits you.

…but that doesn't mean somebody can't identify with being a female if they are male. And it doesn't mean they have a mental illness.

Denying obvious, observable, provable reality, such as one's biological sex, is pretty much the very definition of mental illness.

Generally, I have found trans people I have met relatively normal in the sense of their everyday lives and everything else they do. That would suggest that they have no mental illness. If you're a bigot, that's on you.

So, to you, madness and delusion are “normal”, and sanity is “bigotry”. I guess that really says it all, about you.
You're speaking with a forked tongue, saying one thing with one tip of it when it suits you, then, with the other tip, saying something else that contradicts it, when that is what suits you.

Denying obvious, observable, provable reality, such as one's biological sex, is pretty much the very definition of mental illness.

So, to you, madness and delusion are “normal”, and sanity is “bigotry”. I guess that really says it all, about you.

It's called nuance young man. It's NOT black and white, though obviously the likes of you like to see things that way.
Using your asinine argument, you're saying if somebody acts within the norms of society in everything they do OTHER than identifying themselves as a male in a female body or vice versa, then they must have a mental illness. They cannot 'act' normal in all aspects of their life bar this one aspect and be mentally ill. Either somebody is mentally ill or they are not.
Here's a definition-

gender 1 the condition of being male or female; one's sex.

But it's immediately invalid as it takes no account of Hermaphrodites, which are a fact, so straight off there are at least three genders.
Hermaphrodism, for lack of a better word, is NOT a gender in itself. It's the combination of the ONLY two genders known to science, male and female. You're welcome.
I never said that there any number of genders . I have said that gender exists on a continuum . Why is it so hard for you to geeky that?

There is no continuum. There is no in-between.

One is either male, or female, and that is based on genetics and morphology. Science does not yield to the insane delusions of mentally-defective freaks such as yourself.

I never said that there any number of genders . I have said that gender exists on a continuum . Why is it so hard for you to geeky that?

There is no continuum. There is no in-between.

One is either male, or female, and that is based on genetics and morphology. Science does not yield to the insane delusions of mentally-defective freaks such as yourself.

View attachment 299771
I like our buddy's picture in the lower right hand corner. Priceless!
It's called nuance young man. It's NOT black and white, though obviously the likes of you like to see things that way.

Some things really are black and white, as much as mentally-defective freaks want to deny it.

Using your asinine argument, you're saying if somebody acts within the norms of society in everything they do OTHER than identifying themselves as a male in a female body or vice versa, then they must have a mental illness. They cannot 'act' normal in all aspects of their life bar this one aspect and be mentally ill. Either somebody is mentally ill or they are not.

Well, yes. As a matter of hard science, everyone is either male or female, and it is not the least bit difficult to tell the difference.

For someone to be able to examine h'/orsh'/it's own genitalia, and then to deny what this indicates about h'/orsh'/it's gender sex, is prima facie proof of delusional mental illness.

There is no way you can spin around this obvious truth—One has to be seriously f•••ed-up in the head to be confused about the difference between men and women, and about one's own gender sex.
Hermaphrodism, for lack of a better word, is NOT a gender in itself. It's the combination of the ONLY two genders known to science, male and female. You're welcome.
So everyone is not either male or female. Thank you.
Hermaphrodism, for lack of a better word, is NOT a gender in itself. It's the combination of the ONLY two genders known to science, male and female. You're welcome.
So everyone is not either male or female. Thank you.
A hermaphrodite is BOTH male and female, but NOT a gender unto itself. There are ONLY TWO GENDERS, male and female. You seem unable to get this through your apparently THICK skull. What a knucklehead. You MUST be a liberal.
Hermaphrodism, for lack of a better word, is NOT a gender in itself. It's the combination of the ONLY two genders known to science, male and female. You're welcome.

I don't think that true hermaphodism is even possible in humans.

(Though, if you're interested in a good bit of science fiction that revolves around a character who turns out to be a true hermaphrodite, or perhaps it'd be more apt to call h'orsh'/it a serial hermaphrodite, check out Robert Heinlein's short story —All You Zombies—, or better yet, see the movie based on that story, titled Predestination. A key plot point is a woman, whose girl parts are destroyed during a pregnancy and Caesarian birth, but the doctors find that she also has viable boy parts inside, so they rebuild her as a man.)
Hermaphrodism, for lack of a better word, is NOT a gender in itself. It's the combination of the ONLY two genders known to science, male and female. You're welcome.

I don't think that true hermaphodism is even possible in humans.

(Though, if you're interested in a good bit of science fiction that revolves around a character who turns out to be a true hermaphrodite, or perhaps it'd be more apt to call h'orsh'/it a serial hermaphrodite, check out Robert Heinlein's short story —All You Zombies—, or better yet, see the movie based on that story, titled Predestination. A key plot point is a woman, whose girl parts are destroyed during a pregnancy and Caesarian birth, but the doctors find that she also has viable boy parts inside, so they rebuild her as a man.)
I've heard of the Heinlein story, but haven't read it. I hadn't heard of Predestination before. Thanks for the info.
Hermaphrodism, for lack of a better word, is NOT a gender in itself. It's the combination of the ONLY two genders known to science, male and female. You're welcome.
So everyone is not either male or female. Thank you.
A hermaphrodite is BOTH male and female, but NOT a gender unto itself. There are ONLY TWO GENDERS, male and female. You seem unable to get this through your apparently THICK skull. What a knucklehead. You MUST be a liberal.
So everyone is not either male or female. Thank you.
Hermaphrodism, for lack of a better word, is NOT a gender in itself. It's the combination of the ONLY two genders known to science, male and female. You're welcome.
So everyone is not either male or female. Thank you.
A hermaphrodite is BOTH male and female, but NOT a gender unto itself. There are ONLY TWO GENDERS, male and female. You seem unable to get this through your apparently THICK skull. What a knucklehead. You MUST be a liberal.
"There are ONLY TWO GENDERS, male and female"

What do you think is the determing factor?
Hermaphrodism, for lack of a better word, is NOT a gender in itself. It's the combination of the ONLY two genders known to science, male and female. You're welcome.
So everyone is not either male or female. Thank you.
A hermaphrodite is BOTH male and female, but NOT a gender unto itself. There are ONLY TWO GENDERS, male and female. You seem unable to get this through your apparently THICK skull. What a knucklehead. You MUST be a liberal.
"There are ONLY TWO GENDERS, male and female"

What do you think is the determing factor?
Well, since you asked, I'll give it to you in a non-scientific, layman's terms answer - A male has a cock and balls, a female has a gash. There IS no determining factor. Every person is either male or female. You're welcome.
Hermaphrodism, for lack of a better word, is NOT a gender in itself. It's the combination of the ONLY two genders known to science, male and female. You're welcome.
So everyone is not either male or female. Thank you.
A hermaphrodite is BOTH male and female, but NOT a gender unto itself. There are ONLY TWO GENDERS, male and female. You seem unable to get this through your apparently THICK skull. What a knucklehead. You MUST be a liberal.
"There are ONLY TWO GENDERS, male and female"

What do you think is the determing factor?
Well, since you asked, I'll give it to you in a non-scientific, layman's terms answer - A male has a cock and balls, a female has a gash. There IS no determining factor. Every person is either male or female. You're welcome.
Great, so according to you, a person who gets their balls cut off and cock turned inside out -- is a woman.

Thanks for clarifying.
Hermaphrodism, for lack of a better word, is NOT a gender in itself. It's the combination of the ONLY two genders known to science, male and female. You're welcome.
So everyone is not either male or female. Thank you.
A hermaphrodite is BOTH male and female, but NOT a gender unto itself. There are ONLY TWO GENDERS, male and female. You seem unable to get this through your apparently THICK skull. What a knucklehead. You MUST be a liberal.
"There are ONLY TWO GENDERS, male and female"

What do you think is the determing factor?
Well, since you asked, I'll give it to you in a non-scientific, layman's terms answer - A male has a cock and balls, a female has a gash. There IS no determining factor. Every person is either male or female. You're welcome.
Great, so according to you, a person who gets their balls cut off and cock turned inside out -- is a woman.

Thanks for clarifying.
Genetically NOT a woman, you dumbf*ck. And being a liberal lunatic, like you are, you probably think there are over 50 genders. You're a HOPELESS cause, Fauny, please run off and leave this thread to intelligent posters.

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