Do You Believe there are More than TWO Genders? My thoughts (Video)

Hermaphrodism, for lack of a better word, is NOT a gender in itself. It's the combination of the ONLY two genders known to science, male and female. You're welcome.

I don't think that true hermaphodism is even possible in humans.

(Though, if you're interested in a good bit of science fiction that revolves around a character who turns out to be a true hermaphrodite, or perhaps it'd be more apt to call h'orsh'/it a serial hermaphrodite, check out Robert Heinlein's short story —All You Zombies—, or better yet, see the movie based on that story, titled Predestination. A key plot point is a woman, whose girl parts are destroyed during a pregnancy and Caesarian birth, but the doctors find that she also has viable boy parts inside, so they rebuild her as a man.)

Hermaphroditism is not a Gender it's a DSD a Disorder of Sexual Development it's a Sexual Disorder NOT a Gender (see below text from article), it never was a Gender, but these perverted freaks insist it is because they are mentally unstable and have Brain Rotting because they are Vegan and live on a diet of Soy and Tide Pod's or whatever.

Hermaphroditism is the EXCEPTION and NOT the RULE. Here below is a description from Britannica and as you will read Hermaphroditism is more COMMON in plants, worms, snails and slugs and is VERY RARE in human beings and so that further illustrates that these freaks are total maniacs babbling away with their crap about Intersex being a fucking Third Gender when it NEVER was and NEVER is, if you read Intersex is considered a SEXUAL DISORDER and NOT a Gender it is considered a DSD a Disorder of Sexual Development. There are ONLY two Genders Male and Female and NEITHER is a SEXUAL DISORDER:

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Hermaphroditism | biology
Thanks for yet another irrefutable post. Nicely done!
"There are ONLY TWO GENDERS, male and female"

What do you think is the determing factor?
Well, since you asked, I'll give it to you in a non-scientific, layman's terms answer - A male has a cock and balls, a female has a gash. There IS no determining factor. Every person is either male or female. You're welcome.
Great, so according to you, a person who gets their balls cut off and cock turned inside out -- is a woman.

Thanks for clarifying.
Genetically NOT a woman, you dumbf*ck. And being a liberal lunatic, like you are, you probably think there are over 50 genders. You're a HOPELESS cause, Fauny, please run off and leave this thread to intelligent posters.

Imbecile, I used your determination of gender. It took me only one post to make you flip out.

And no, I don't believe there are over 50 genders.

So now that you want to switch from physical to genetics, take another shot.... what do you think is the determining factor of gender...?
There are TWO and ONLY TWO GENDERS, ASSHOLE. Now PLEASE leave this thread for those with intelligence. I can't believe HOW DAMNED DUMB you are. Then again you do have Mueller in your avatar pic. Now SCAT, moron, SCAT........

Bathroom Symbols For Confused Transgenders and TWO for a BIOLOGICAL FEMALE:


Bathroom Symbols For Females, Confused Leftists and Males:

Ah, great, we're going with chromosomes.... dumbfuck, there are more than 2 combinations of XY gender determinations....
I can't believe how determined these people are to not look at the exceptions which break their rules. It's as though their whole position will vanish if they allow reality to intrude.
Ah, great, we're going with chromosomes.... dumbfuck, there are more than 2 combinations of XY gender determinations....
I can't believe how determined these people are to not look at the exceptions which break their rules. It's as though their whole position will vanish if they allow reality to intrude.
It's how they muddle through life. It's why they're so ill-informed.

This conversation on gender is just another prime example. One says a cock and balls or a pussy determines gender. Highlight the flaw in his idiocy and he runs away from me. Another leaps to his defense and says it's the XX/XY chromosome pair that determines gender. Pop a gaping head wound into her position and she goes apoplectic.

All just to avoid the the answer to the thread topic -- there are more than 2 genders.
Tell the WHO they're crazy while they laugh at you with me. :lmao:

“Who's the more foolish, the fool or the fool who follows him?”—Obi Wan Kenobi​

I'd say that to believe an “expert” who tells you that what you can observe for yourself, and prove to be true through your own experiences, is wrong, is pretty foolish.

Every sane person is clear about the difference between men and women. You have to be pretty badly f•••ed-up in the head to find this distinction at all confusing. And you have to be pretty f•••ed-up in the head to believe lies told to you by anyone else who denies this distinction.

I suppose I'm foolish for wasting my time arguing with you. That you are confused about the distinction between male and female proves that you are suffering from severe mental defects, and are incapable of understanding the truth, no matter how clearly it is shown to you or explained to you.
Tell the WHO they're crazy while they laugh at you with me. :lmao:

“Who's the more foolish, the fool or the fool who follows him?”—Obi Wan Kenobi​

I'd say that to believe an “expert” who tells you that what you can observe for yourself, and prove to be true through your own experiences, is wrong, is pretty foolish.

Every sane person is clear about the difference between men and women. You have to be pretty badly f•••ed-up in the head to find this distinction at all confusing. And you have to be pretty f•••ed-up in the head to believe lies told to you by anyone else who denies this distinction.

I suppose I'm foolish for wasting my time arguing with you. That you are confused about the distinction between male and female proves that you are suffering from severe mental defects, and are incapable of understanding the truth, no matter how clearly it is shown to you or explained to you.
You can’t see peoples’ chromosomes. :eusa_doh:
Tell the WHO they're crazy while they laugh at you with me. :lmao:

“Who's the more foolish, the fool or the fool who follows him?”—Obi Wan Kenobi​

I'd say that to believe an “expert” who tells you that what you can observe for yourself, and prove to be true through your own experiences, is wrong, is pretty foolish.

Every sane person is clear about the difference between men and women. You have to be pretty badly f•••ed-up in the head to find this distinction at all confusing. And you have to be pretty f•••ed-up in the head to believe lies told to you by anyone else who denies this distinction.

I suppose I'm foolish for wasting my time arguing with you. That you are confused about the distinction between male and female proves that you are suffering from severe mental defects, and are incapable of understanding the truth, no matter how clearly it is shown to you or explained to you.
How do you account for this Bobby Boy?? What is this child? What should they have done? Things are not as clear as you would like them to be, simply because your narrow and ridged mind can't deal with nuances and ambiguity.

She's 7 and was born intersex. Why her parents elected to let her grow up without surgical intervention

Intersex is an umbrella term used to describe people born with bodies that are perceived as differing from typical "male" and "female" categories.

She had two X chromosomes, so doctors considered her female, but she had external anatomy that appeared more traditionally male.
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Tell the WHO they're crazy while they laugh at you with me. :lmao:

“Who's the more foolish, the fool or the fool who follows him?”—Obi Wan Kenobi​

I'd say that to believe an “expert” who tells you that what you can observe for yourself, and prove to be true through your own experiences, is wrong, is pretty foolish.

Every sane person is clear about the difference between men and women. You have to be pretty badly f•••ed-up in the head to find this distinction at all confusing. And you have to be pretty f•••ed-up in the head to believe lies told to you by anyone else who denies this distinction.

I suppose I'm foolish for wasting my time arguing with you. That you are confused about the distinction between male and female proves that you are suffering from severe mental defects, and are incapable of understanding the truth, no matter how clearly it is shown to you or explained to you.
How do you account for this Bobby Boy?? What is this child? What should they have done? Things are not as clear as you would like them to be, simply because your narrow and ridged mind can't deal with nuances and ambiguity.

She's 7 and was born intersex. Why her parents elected to let her grow up without surgical intervention

Intersex is an umbrella term used to describe people born with bodies that are perceived as differing from typical "male" and "female" categories.

She had two X chromosomes, so doctors considered her female, but she had external anatomy that appeared more traditionally male.
Give it up, PP. Genetically there are TWO and ONLY TWO genders, male and female. You're welcome.
Tell the WHO they're crazy while they laugh at you with me. :lmao:

“Who's the more foolish, the fool or the fool who follows him?”—Obi Wan Kenobi​

I'd say that to believe an “expert” who tells you that what you can observe for yourself, and prove to be true through your own experiences, is wrong, is pretty foolish.

Every sane person is clear about the difference between men and women. You have to be pretty badly f•••ed-up in the head to find this distinction at all confusing. And you have to be pretty f•••ed-up in the head to believe lies told to you by anyone else who denies this distinction.

I suppose I'm foolish for wasting my time arguing with you. That you are confused about the distinction between male and female proves that you are suffering from severe mental defects, and are incapable of understanding the truth, no matter how clearly it is shown to you or explained to you.
How do you account for this Bobby Boy?? What is this child? What should they have done? Things are not as clear as you would like them to be, simply because your narrow and ridged mind can't deal with nuances and ambiguity.

She's 7 and was born intersex. Why her parents elected to let her grow up without surgical intervention

Intersex is an umbrella term used to describe people born with bodies that are perceived as differing from typical "male" and "female" categories.

She had two X chromosomes, so doctors considered her female, but she had external anatomy that appeared more traditionally male.
Give it up, PP. Genetically there are TWO and ONLY TWO genders, male and female. You're welcome.
Interesting how you people can have the facts shoved in your face and still deny them. My only question is, are you really that threaten by the fact that everything is not so neatly tied up as being one or the other and nothing in between, that you have retreated into a state of delusional denial-OR- Are you just flat out lying and falling back on an appeal to ignorance logical fallacy?
Tell the WHO they're crazy while they laugh at you with me. :lmao:

“Who's the more foolish, the fool or the fool who follows him?”—Obi Wan Kenobi​

I'd say that to believe an “expert” who tells you that what you can observe for yourself, and prove to be true through your own experiences, is wrong, is pretty foolish.

Every sane person is clear about the difference between men and women. You have to be pretty badly f•••ed-up in the head to find this distinction at all confusing. And you have to be pretty f•••ed-up in the head to believe lies told to you by anyone else who denies this distinction.

I suppose I'm foolish for wasting my time arguing with you. That you are confused about the distinction between male and female proves that you are suffering from severe mental defects, and are incapable of understanding the truth, no matter how clearly it is shown to you or explained to you.
How do you account for this Bobby Boy?? What is this child? What should they have done? Things are not as clear as you would like them to be, simply because your narrow and ridged mind can't deal with nuances and ambiguity.

She's 7 and was born intersex. Why her parents elected to let her grow up without surgical intervention

Intersex is an umbrella term used to describe people born with bodies that are perceived as differing from typical "male" and "female" categories.

She had two X chromosomes, so doctors considered her female, but she had external anatomy that appeared more traditionally male.
Give it up, PP. Genetically there are TWO and ONLY TWO genders, male and female. You're welcome.
Here is more. Lets see if you can learn something. A third possible explanation is that you can't learn
How do you account for this Bobby Boy?? What is this child? What should they have done? Things are not as clear as you would like them to be, simply because your narrow and ridged mind can't deal with nuances and ambiguity.

She's 7 and was born intersex. Why her parents elected to let her grow up without surgical intervention
Intersex is an umbrella term used to describe people born with bodies that are perceived as differing from typical "male" and "female" categories.

She had two X chromosomes, so doctors considered her female, but she had external anatomy that appeared more traditionally male.

I do not deny the existence of genetic and hormonal aberrations, such as the child in this article. But such abnormalities do not disprove the basic biological fact, that outside of these rare cases, we are all unambiguously male or female, based on our genetics and morphology, and not on how we claim to “identify” or “feel”.

Your argument is bullshit, of course. Nothing about the existence of intersex persons supports the notion that one who is not afflicted with intersexism can be, in any meaningful way, the opposite of his biological sex. If you have XX or XY chromosomes, and a physical morphology that matches what those chromosomes should indicate, then you are of the sex corresponding to that pattern, and it is madness to claim otherwise.

You didn't even bring up a particularly good intersex case on which to try to base your argument. The child, in this case, is XX, but has an ambiguous morphology. The XX means that she's undeniably female, her body just has failed to properly develop according to her sex. If she has gonads, and if those gonads become functional when she reaches puberty, they will be ovaries, and will produce egg cells, as well as female hormones, which will very likely cause her to develop an unquestionably female figure. Morphology is controlled by hormones, which can go wrong according to a variety of issues, but the development of the gonads is strictly determined by genetics. XX gonads always develop into ovaries, and if they become functional, they produce ova, while XY gonads always develop into testicles, and if they become functional, they produce sperm.



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How do you account for this Bobby Boy?? What is this child? What should they have done? Things are not as clear as you would like them to be, simply because your narrow and ridged mind can't deal with nuances and ambiguity.

She's 7 and was born intersex. Why her parents elected to let her grow up without surgical intervention
Intersex is an umbrella term used to describe people born with bodies that are perceived as differing from typical "male" and "female" categories.

She had two X chromosomes, so doctors considered her female, but she had external anatomy that appeared more traditionally male.

I do not deny the existence of genetic and hormonal aberrations, such as the child in this article. But such abnormalities do not disprove the basic biological fact, that outside of these rare cases, we are all unambiguously male or female, based on our genetics and morphology, and not on how we claim to “identify” or “feel”.

Your argument is bullshit, of course. Nothing about the existence of intersex persons supports the notion that one who is not afflicted with intersexism can be, in any meaningful way, the opposite of his biological sex. If you have XX or XY chromosomes, and a physical morphology that matches what those chromosomes should indicate, then you are of the sex corresponding to that pattern, and it is madness to claim otherwise.

You didn't even bring up a particularly good intersex case on which to try to base your argument. The child, in this case, is XX, but has an ambiguous morphology. The XX means that she's undeniably female, her body just has failed to properly develop according to her sex. If she has gonads, and if those gonads become functional when she reaches puberty, they will be ovaries, and will produce egg cells, as well as female hormones, which will very likely cause her to develop an unquestionably female figure. Morphology is controlled by hormones, which can go wrong according to a variety of issues, but the development of the gonads is strictly determined by genetics. XX gonads always develop into ovaries, and if they become functional, they produce ova, while XY gonads always develop into testicles, and if they become functional, they produce sperm.
Our buddy PP is unfortunately a liberal lunatic who most likely thinks there are OVER FIFTY genders. What a poor, deluded fool.
Interesting how you people can have the facts shoved in your face and still deny them. My only question is, are you really that threaten by the fact that everything is not so neatly tied up as being one or the other and nothing in between, that you have retreated into a state of delusional denial-OR- Are you just flat out lying and falling back on an appeal to ignorance logical fallacy?

You're insane, and you're looking to rare abnormalities to support your insanity.

Outside of these rare aberrations, the distinction between men and women is a matter of clear, objective, observable, provable biological facts. Even within these abnormalities, these facts still mostly apply, even if they become more difficult to objectively observe.

Our buddy PP is unfortunately a liberal lunatic who most likely thinks there are OVER FIFTY genders. What a poor, deluded fool.

He and I have been around this forum, a lot longer than you have. He's much more f•••ed-up in the head, and in the soul, than you probably realize quite yet. Much more so, possibly, than you are capable of imagining at this point. Stick around, and you'll see.

For now, not that it begins to fully tell the story, check out this thread of his from almost four years ago, describing his idea of a Utopian society imposed on us by space aliens. Especially pay attention to his fantasy, in the first condition, of these aliens using brainwashing drugs to “cure” us of religious faith. This doesn't begin to fully demonstrate just how depraved and insane he is, but it's a start.



  • PP_StraitjacketAS.png
    30.3 KB · Views: 47
Our buddy PP is unfortunately a liberal lunatic who most likely thinks there are OVER FIFTY genders. What a poor, deluded fool.

He and I have been around this forum, a lot longer than you have. He's much more f•••ed-up in the head, and in the soul, than you probably realize quite yet. Much more so, possibly, than you are capable of imagining at this point. Stick around, and you'll see.

For now, not that it begins to fully tell the story, check out this thread of his from almost four years ago, describing his idea of a Utopian society imposed on us by space aliens. Especially pay attention to his fantasy, in the first condition, of these aliens using brainwashing drugs to “cure” us of religious faith. This doesn't begin to fully demonstrate just how depraved and insane he is, but it's a start.

I just read through the thread. PP IS a loon, no doubt about it.
How do you account for this Bobby Boy?? What is this child? What should they have done? Things are not as clear as you would like them to be, simply because your narrow and ridged mind can't deal with nuances and ambiguity.

She's 7 and was born intersex. Why her parents elected to let her grow up without surgical intervention
Intersex is an umbrella term used to describe people born with bodies that are perceived as differing from typical "male" and "female" categories.

She had two X chromosomes, so doctors considered her female, but she had external anatomy that appeared more traditionally male.

I do not deny the existence of genetic and hormonal aberrations, such as the child in this article. But such abnormalities do not disprove the basic biological fact, that outside of these rare cases, we are all unambiguously male or female, based on our genetics and morphology, and not on how we claim to “identify” or “feel”.

Your argument is bullshit, of course. Nothing about the existence of intersex persons supports the notion that one who is not afflicted with intersexism can be, in any meaningful way, the opposite of his biological sex. If you have XX or XY chromosomes, and a physical morphology that matches what those chromosomes should indicate, then you are of the sex corresponding to that pattern, and it is madness to claim otherwise.

You didn't even bring up a particularly good intersex case on which to try to base your argument. The child, in this case, is XX, but has an ambiguous morphology. The XX means that she's undeniably female, her body just has failed to properly develop according to her sex. If she has gonads, and if those gonads become functional when she reaches puberty, they will be ovaries, and will produce egg cells, as well as female hormones, which will very likely cause her to develop an unquestionably female figure. Morphology is controlled by hormones, which can go wrong according to a variety of issues, but the development of the gonads is strictly determined by genetics. XX gonads always develop into ovaries, and if they become functional, they produce ova, while XY gonads always develop into testicles, and if they become functional, they produce sperm.

Gish Gallop Bobby Boy. Your senseless blather in no way refutes the evidence that I presented that not everyone is clearly or exclusively male or female . You are stupidly stuck in your binary mentality and are frightened to death that you might be wrong

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