Do YOU believe there was fraud in this election?

Do you believe there was voter fraud in this election?

  • No

  • Maybe

  • Minimal/isolated

  • A fair amount, yes

  • Widespread, yes

  • Only in dem controlled areas

  • Only in Republican controlled areas

  • Mac is a dipshit who always makes his polls about himself

Results are only viewable after voting.
The fucked up thing about the 2020 fraud was that there were so many young dickheads that even bragged about what they were going to do and what they did. The fraud was obvious. It was massive. And it was confessed to. Liberals are even too stupid to cheat. Trump will still be in the WH on Jan 21, for sure.

The corruption is too deeply entrenched and complete.
The sheep will be shorn.

Or.....your ilk are crying 'Election Fraud' wolf just like you did in 2016......and 2018. Backed by nothing then or since.

I wasn't part of that ilk and you'll never find a post of mine from then that proves it!
See, I have something that you dream of having; credibility.

Trump certainly was.

Making up election fraud fantasies to justify election outcomes they don't like is a conservative holiday tradition. Remember the '3 million illegals that voted for Hillary' in 2016?

And the 'massive voter fraud' that conservatives allege gave Democrats the House?

Conservatives ate that shit up. And shocker, in 2020, they're another heaping helping of the same batshit conspiracy for them to gobble down.

I'll give Trump this: he knows his dipshit demo.

An expert deflection on your part that has nothing to do at all with your original false accusation.
Who teaches you Commies to lie so well?
Colleges/University's that you fucktards waste your money on attending?

Given that Trump and his history of making up fake election fraud claims is far more relevant to the conversation than you are.....

I don't think deflection means what you think it means.

Your ilk have cried wolf on election fraud too many times. Even now, Trump's legal team isn't arguing fraud in court. Even while feeding you a steady died of 'election fraud' horseshit.

Hmm.... The first and only time China Joe has said the Truth

Extortion criminal Biden stole millions of votes and Nancy Pelosi commited high treason by orchestrating a false impeachment and destroying House property and participating in vote fraud in all states using rerout Trump's House and Senate Republican candidate votes to their corresponding Dim candidates.

There is obviously going to be Democrat paramilitaries going after Republicans for taking back votes the Democrats stole from us. May God go with the President because the fake media is hiding the truth, just like they did when they took marching orders from Nancy and the girls in the House to destroy President Trump for 4 years because they could.
This is where I believe the vast amount of fraud will be found.
I believe there is a combination of deliberate fraud, human error, machine error and failure to follow election rules and processes. Add all that up and this election is a farce. The SCOTUS should force the examination of the Dominion Voting System.

But WHY do you believe this?

There's no evidence of a single vote being changed. Says who, says Trump's own cyber team:

There is no evidence that any voting system deleted or lost votes, changed votes, or was in any way compromised.

Elections Infrastructure Government Coordinating Council & the Election Infrastructure Sector Coordinating Executive Committees

There's a lot of 'belief'. But not evidence to justify that belief. Let alone factually establish it. With our own experts confirming that there's no evidence.
You are playing games with words. Let's try this. There have been over 12,000 votes SO FAR that were erroneously credited to Biden that were corrected and given to Trump. That is irrefutable. You can play your word games and say "Yeah but that's not FRAUD" if you want.
Poll below/above. Feel free to elaborate.

I haven't seen any evidence of the widespread voter fraud that Trump has claimed.

Nor did the international observers that he invited to watch the election.

Nor has his own Cyber security teams.

Nor has any judge.

Of course not.......
The poll watchers were sent home early to be nice to them......
And Biden was immensely popular, his massive rallies were an early indication he would get more votes than any other President in US history.....

Nothing to see....move along
They are getting closer to discovering how really violet the Right can be when they are pushed too far.
How violet? like Barney the Dino Purple--or more like a lavender thing?
Probably rather there was enough to swing the election I can't say. No matter who is President for the next four years we need to take a serious look about how all the stuff in this election was handled unless we want 2020 to become the norm for all future elections and I for one don't want to see the shit show that was 2020 repeated.

To what end? Lets say we did a recount, in a state like say....Georgia.

Would conservatives accept the result if it predictably showed a Biden victory?

Of course not. Even now, they're making up a NEW conspiracy to explain the failure of their OLD conspiracy.

You can't use evidence to convince people that have no use for evidence. And investigations don't stop conspiracy fantasies.
We saw the same thing with Democrats in 2016 didn't we they took hold of that Russian collusion Putin got Trump elected conspiracy theory like a dog with a bone and some still believe it to this day so do us all a favor and don't pretend like the left accepts evidence when it doesn't support what they want to believe.

You seem confused. Democrats didn't seat a special counsel. A life long republican
Probably rather there was enough to swing the election I can't say. No matter who is President for the next four years we need to take a serious look about how all the stuff in this election was handled unless we want 2020 to become the norm for all future elections and I for one don't want to see the shit show that was 2020 repeated.

To what end? Lets say we did a recount, in a state like say....Georgia.

Would conservatives accept the result if it predictably showed a Biden victory?

Of course not. Even now, they're making up a NEW conspiracy to explain the failure of their OLD conspiracy.

You can't use evidence to convince people that have no use for evidence. And investigations don't stop conspiracy fantasies.
We saw the same thing with Democrats in 2016 didn't we they took hold of that Russian collusion Putin got Trump elected conspiracy theory like a dog with a bone and some still believe it to this day so do us all a favor and don't pretend like the left accepts evidence when it doesn't support what they want to believe.

You seem confused. Democrats didn't seat a special counsel. A life long republican did, nominated by Trump, confirmed by a Republican senate, under a republican administration.

Meanwhile, your ilk have invented yet *another* election fraud you can try ignore election results you don't like.

Good luck with that.
No I'm not confused at all it was you and your ilk Adam Schiff, Eric Swallow Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer who went before anyone who would put them on TV and told us how they had seen overwhemling evidence of Russian collusion evidence which they never produced. Then after that lead ballon crashed and shattered these same people gave us a totally partisan attempt at impeachment to try and overturn the 2016 election result. Republicans put up with three years of your partys not being able to accept an election result you didn't like so you can dam sure deal with a few weeks of it. Now I am going to watch the series finale of Supernatural and you can shovel your selective memory self serving partisan bullshit elsewhere.
, nominated by Trump, confirmed by a Republican senate, under a republican administration.

Meanwhile, your ilk have invented yet *another* election fraud you can try ignore election results you don't like.

Good luck with that.
No I'm not confused at all it was you and your ilk Adam Schiff, Eric Swallow Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer who went before anyone who would put them on TV and told us how they had seen overwhemling evidence of Russian collusion evidence which they never produced. Then after that lead ballon crashed and shattered these same people gave us a totally partisan attempt at impeachment to try and overturn the 2016 election result. Republicans put up with three years of your partys not being able to accept an election result you didn't like so you can dam sure deal with a few weeks of it. Now I am going to watch the series finale of Supernatural and you can shovel your selective memory self serving partisan bullshit elsewhere.
Outta the park, blackhawk. Go with God.
Poll below/above. Feel free to elaborate.

I haven't seen any evidence of the widespread voter fraud that Trump has claimed.

Nor did the international observers that he invited to watch the election.

Nor has his own Cyber security teams.

Nor has any judge.

Of course not.......
The poll watchers were sent home early to be nice to them......
And Biden was immensely popular, his massive rallies were an early indication he would get more votes than any other President in US history.....

Nothing to see....move along
They are getting closer to discovering how really violet the Right can be when they are pushed too far.

What a surprise.
Probably rather there was enough to swing the election I can't say. No matter who is President for the next four years we need to take a serious look about how all the stuff in this election was handled unless we want 2020 to become the norm for all future elections and I for one don't want to see the shit show that was 2020 repeated.

To what end? Lets say we did a recount, in a state like say....Georgia.

Would conservatives accept the result if it predictably showed a Biden victory?

Of course not. Even now, they're making up a NEW conspiracy to explain the failure of their OLD conspiracy.

You can't use evidence to convince people that have no use for evidence. And investigations don't stop conspiracy fantasies.

C'mon MAN !!

NOBODY wants a senile old pedophile hairsniffing child chasing communist who can't remember he wasn't running for the Senate, in a presidential race!

Just say NO to Pedoblobs !! get your wish..Biden is not in a Presidential race..he the over.
Probably rather there was enough to swing the election I can't say. No matter who is President for the next four years we need to take a serious look about how all the stuff in this election was handled unless we want 2020 to become the norm for all future elections and I for one don't want to see the shit show that was 2020 repeated.

To what end? Lets say we did a recount, in a state like say....Georgia.

Would conservatives accept the result if it predictably showed a Biden victory?

Of course not. Even now, they're making up a NEW conspiracy to explain the failure of their OLD conspiracy.

You can't use evidence to convince people that have no use for evidence. And investigations don't stop conspiracy fantasies.

C'mon MAN !!

NOBODY wants a senile old pedophile hairsniffing child chasing communist who can't remember he wasn't running for the Senate, in a presidential race!

Just say NO to Pedoblobs !! get your wish..Biden is not in a Presidential race..he the over.

Yeah, sure, dude. You ain't seen nothing yet.
Probably rather there was enough to swing the election I can't say. No matter who is President for the next four years we need to take a serious look about how all the stuff in this election was handled unless we want 2020 to become the norm for all future elections and I for one don't want to see the shit show that was 2020 repeated.

To what end? Lets say we did a recount, in a state like say....Georgia.

Would conservatives accept the result if it predictably showed a Biden victory?

Of course not. Even now, they're making up a NEW conspiracy to explain the failure of their OLD conspiracy.

You can't use evidence to convince people that have no use for evidence. And investigations don't stop conspiracy fantasies.

C'mon MAN !!

NOBODY wants a senile old pedophile hairsniffing child chasing communist who can't remember he wasn't running for the Senate, in a presidential race!

Just say NO to Pedoblobs !! get your wish..Biden is not in a Presidential race..he the over.
No, he did not win. Trump won by a landslide once you realize the Democrats went over the cliff by cheating President Trump out of millions of votes, and the election is still up in the air until the recounts come in that remove the votes from JoeBiden that were given to Trump by a majority of the American pe
Probably rather there was enough to swing the election I can't say. No matter who is President for the next four years we need to take a serious look about how all the stuff in this election was handled unless we want 2020 to become the norm for all future elections and I for one don't want to see the shit show that was 2020 repeated.

To what end? Lets say we did a recount, in a state like say....Georgia.

Would conservatives accept the result if it predictably showed a Biden victory?

Of course not. Even now, they're making up a NEW conspiracy to explain the failure of their OLD conspiracy.

You can't use evidence to convince people that have no use for evidence. And investigations don't stop conspiracy fantasies.

C'mon MAN !!

NOBODY wants a senile old pedophile hairsniffing child chasing communist who can't remember he wasn't running for the Senate, in a presidential race!

Just say NO to Pedoblobs !! get your wish..Biden is not in a Presidential race..he the over.
Biden lost and it was a Trump landslide.

Sick Nancy Pelosi is going to spend the rest of her vain existence in Leavenworth facility for treasonous traitors in a 6x8' room over the leaky prison sewer pipes.
Mac is a jabbering turd, not much more than Jake the Fake except he just pretends not to be a full blown bed wetting liberal while fakey pretended to be a Nixonian Republicrat.

There isn't even a logical conclusion there wasn't massive fraud in the election. Fucking millions of unsolicited mail in ballots all over the place? There is no question the left didn't throw every punch they had at this. The hardest part will be to expose it all soon enough. They threw everything they had right into the fan and hopefully it can be cleaned up enough and sorted out so that Trump is rightfully kept on office.

At this point I think it's a matter of getting the security personnel in place to keep the bed wetters from destroying the cities they steal oxygen in before the results are announced.

Poll below/above. Feel free to elaborate.

I haven't seen any evidence of the widespread voter fraud that Trump has claimed.

Nor did the international observers that he invited to watch the election.

Nor has his own Cyber security teams.

Nor has any judge.
I would add that recounts and audits have found no fraud either.

Election fraud is a lie and a hoax.
How can you seriously say this nonsense as they are reporting 2600 votes found a memory stick and 2700 ballots not counted all just in Georgia.
At a level never seen before...

My only question is if Trump can get it before the SCOTUS in time, and considering the fact that FEDAERAL voter fraud charges are being brought in record numbers, bring the entire election into question and get it settled by the House of Representatives (as mandated by the US Constitution)...

If they can, then we could possibly see a political party born of butthurt in 1824 see their demise in the fact that they pissed off 2/3 of the voters in 2020 in the greatest election fraud in history....
2016 Democrats - challenged the 2016 election results, filed suit, demanded recounts, and their candidate Hillary publicly declared Trump an illegitimate president.

2020 Democrats - claim Trump doing anything they did in 2016 a threat to democracy.

It's pretty clear Democrats are assholes. When you have documented cases of the DEAD casting ballots that's election fraud.

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