Do you consider it a compliment when someone refers to you as “MAGA” or as a “MAGA”?

Hahaha…sure, go with that bud…we know you’re not brainwashed.
So, the people who can’t or won’t read, deny anything that Tucker hasn’t passed judgement on, aren’t brainwashed ? That’s your claim ? The more informed and better educated are brainwashed while the less informed few are the true geniuses. Amazing. It’s sounds like babble.
So, the people who can’t or won’t read, deny anything that Tucker hasn’t passed judgement on, aren’t brainwashed ? That’s your claim ? The more informed and better educated are brainwashed while the less informed few are the true geniuses. Amazing. It’s sounds like babble.
Having book smarts means little, it means you can memorize, and you now know what your professor thinks, at least when it comes to world affairs you smarmy twit.
MOVE to a socialist utopia then!
When in doubt , use “ socialist” in a statement.
Having book smarts means little, it means you can memorize, and you now know what your professor thinks, at least when it comes to world affairs you smarmy twit.
Naw, having books means nothing. First you have to learn to read the right ones. You know, the ones not titled Mein Kampf.
Exactly. Many MAGAs had few thoughts to begin with. They just had voids. Then along came the gop to feel their minds and voids with conspiracy theories.
Interesting thoughts there. Can you show us where they hurt you?
Interesting thoughts there. Can you show us where they hurt you?
Sure. Stupid people in gov are always bad, MAGAs are no exception. “Covid will be gone in the spring,” three years ago. Nice one.
Sure. Stupid people in gov are always bad, MAGAs are no exception. “Covid will be gone in the spring,” three years ago. Nice one.
If you want to complain about stupid people in government, we could go a long time without even mentioning the right side of the aisle.
If you want to complain about stupid people in government, we could go a long time without even mentioning the right side of the aisle.
Stupid people more often run afoul of the law. Care to compared the number of indictments and convictions between the two parties in power in the gov. during Modern times. MAGAs hate modern times. It’s way too complicated for them. So they do what most criminals do; lie cheat and steal.
Who is the arbiter of that?

It's like indecency laws when the FCC slaps Howard Stern with a fine for being "indecent". They say they can't define indecency but they know it when they hear it or see it.

If you can't tell the difference between Trump Republicans in the House compared to normal Republicans that's your problem. But we all know who they are

Are they saying the election was stolen when all the evidence says they are liars? Or are they being lied to?
MAGA makes no sense. Start by telling us when America was great.
Compared to most parts of the world it was/is a paradise. It has relative safety of its citizens. Only what we do to each other is questionable. And our political class has slowly taken away much of our civil safety and replaced it with security due to their asinine agendas.
Stupid people more often run afoul of the law. Care to compared the number of indictments and convictions between the two parties in power in the gov. during Modern times. MAGAs hate modern times. It’s way too complicated for them. So they do what most criminals do; lie cheat and steal.
Could you make that a little more coherent? You started with a fallacy, that intelligence correlates negatively with obedience to the law, which quite frankly is a non-starter. You should have just stopped right there, but then you went on to complain about indictments and convictions when we're talking about how education isn't necessarily a guarantor of legislative performance. Again, should have stopped there. You then wrapped it up yammering something about modern times and how somebody hates them so they lie cheat and steal.

Really, it's exhausting trying to make sense of what you wrote, especially when so very little of it relates to the topic at hand.
Stupid people more often run afoul of the law. Care to compared the number of indictments and convictions between the two parties in power in the gov. during Modern times. MAGAs hate modern times. It’s way too complicated for them. So they do what most criminals do; lie cheat and steal.
Is that why ALL of your blue shitholes are dangerous as fuck and loaded with Democrat voting criminals?
Compared to most parts of the world it was/is a paradise. It has relative safety of its citizens. Only what we do to each other is questionable. And our political class has slowly taken away much of our civil safety and replaced it with security due to their asinine agendas.
Civil safety ? That’s what you consider safety ? I guess you forgot that your life expectancy has increased by a factor of three since your enemies, the highly educated used science to develop medicines and feed the masses.

Let’s face it. MAGAs are afraid of educated peoples who routinely earn more and immigrants who are more industrial and less lazy doing all the jobs they were over paid for.

Sure, I’d be afraid if I were a lazy ass MAGA too slow to get Better educated or unable to keep up with third world imported immigrant labor. You’re blaming the wrong people.
Is that why ALL of your blue shitholes are dangerous as fuck and loaded with Democrat voting criminals?
Seriously. The most corrupt govs are red, the most backward, crime ridden states are red, the poorest states tend to be red and the worse places to live are RED RURAL AREAS, not blue cities.
Civil safety ? That’s what you consider safety ? I guess you forgot that your life expectancy has increased by a factor of three since your enemies, the highly educated used science to develop medicines and feed the masses.

Let’s face it. MAGAs are afraid of educated peoples who routinely earn more and immigrants who are more industrial and less lazy doing all the jobs they were over paid for.

Sure, I’d be afraid if I were a lazy ass MAGA too slow to get Better educated or unable to keep up with third world imported immigrant labor. You’re blaming the wrong people.
This is not about the good science. This is about the manipulated science. Manipulated education. And the sociopaths and psychopaths' thirst for pure power and money. Our first duty as citizens is to make sure we keep our basic freedoms. We have not. We have a soft tyranny that can go hardcore quickly if needed.
This is not about the good science. This is about the manipulated science. Manipulated education. And the sociopaths and psychopaths' thirst for pure power and money. Our first duty as citizens is to make sure we keep our basic freedoms. We have not. We have a soft tyranny that can go hardcore quickly if needed.
Basic freedoms ? You mean the one that starts off with “ life”. Our first obligation to to preserve life dufus.
What a dumb retort. So, your education is home schooling preference or Russia ? All, the sociopaths are MAGAs.

I bet you call you local witch doctor when you have a tummy pain,

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