Do you consider this Child Sex Abuse?

An adult woman can eat a child of that age alive. That is the bottom line here. Imagine the types of head games? Especially if this is a person that this child is exposed to regularly.
It looks like she did at least nibble a little. An experienced man or woman will eat alive anyone without that experience regardless of age. Haven't you ever chewed up and spit out some guy that thought this was love?

Right, and adults have more experience and knowledge than 15-year-old kids. These kids deserve to at least finish high school before they are thrown into an adult world and turmoil. Let the kids be kids and leave them be is what I say. I don't think that asking a lot either. Leave children be.
Then what is the purpose of a statute and why is it different from place to place? If the purpose is protecting vulnerable people, why aren't vulnerable people of any age protected?

Because we have a generally accepted "AOC" and rules and regulations surrounding such laws.
The laws are different depending on where you are. If the statute had the age of consent at 14. Is the 15 year old boy still a child? According to the law, no. The cheerleader would never have been prosecuted. Yet, everything else remains the same.

That is why I am a proponent of raising AOC across the board to 18. There is no reason at all why a person younger than that needs to be having sex with or marrying adults. Adults need to stick with other adults and kids with other kids.
And before you even go there, NO, 18 is NOT an arbitrary age. It is an age where you have been able to acquire at least SOME life experience away from your parents and have had time to at least complete a primary level education.
When I was 13, I could not imagine anyone telling me what to do. Just incomprehensible.

These wacky laws need an application of common sense. Some children mature at greater rates than others.
And before you even go there, NO, 18 is NOT an arbitrary age. It is an age where you have been able to acquire at least SOME life experience away from your parents and have had time to at least complete a primary level education.
How is someone able to acquire life experience without ever experiencing life?
When I was 13, I could not imagine anyone telling me what to do. Just incomprehensible.

These wacky laws need an application of common sense. Some children mature at greater rates than others.

Oh yeah, I can see it now. This is a MATURE 15-year-old. Yes, I'm so Mature. :rolleyes-41: Good grief, you're dumb.
I have no idea how mature this boy is or whether he was mature enough to get his dick sucked by a woman rather than the 15 year old girl next door. His level of maturity should have been considered.
And before you even go there, NO, 18 is NOT an arbitrary age. It is an age where you have been able to acquire at least SOME life experience away from your parents and have had time to at least complete a primary level education.

I agree. However, let's take a look at the AOC around the world. I was shocked to find AOC as low as 12. Simply shocking! Mexico has an AOC of 12 according to this chart:

LEGAL AGE OF CONSENT  (      Age du consentement à l’acte sexuel

I have to wonder why some countries have such a dramatically different point of view concerning children and sex.


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Molly Shattuck: Former Ravens Cheerleader Sentenced to 48 Weekends in Jail for Child Sex Abuse

Shattuck on Friday was also ordered to pay the victim's family $10,650 and register as a sex offender.

She pleaded guilty to rape in June, saying she performed oral sex on a 15-year-old boy in 2014.
no, it's rape.

Just b/c she raped a boy, is not an excuse
Just b/c people claimed he like it, is not an excuse

rape is rape no matter who the victim or predator is.

she got off easy

I'm not sure it was forced (normally associated with rape) - any sexual activity with a minor is unlawful, no doubt. I am not arguing that.

What if HE instigated this? As the adult, it's still on her to say "no", understood. But I'll need to read more about this to see if she forced herself (doubtful) or coerced him into letter her do this to him.....

A crime? Yes
Rape and her being a predator... not sure....
it's rape and she's a predator

there is no grey area, no excuse

In your opinion, morally as well?
We already know the legal part....

God ordained Isaac to marry Rebekah and she was 14 years old.
I don't think God would ordain something that is "wrong" or "harmful" to someone.
Obviously, marriage and sex out of wedlock are separate issues, but honing in on the MATURITY aspect.... is MATURITY the argument here, or are you willing to say ANY adult/minor sex under ANY circumstance is wrong at all times.

Or are there exceptions (morally) in your mind?
The bible is not an excuse.

legally and morally, and any other reason
In primitive times the life expectancy was much lower so people married younger.

Even in this country it wasn't that long ago that a 15 year old was a man who did a man's work and would expect to marry by mid to late teens.

Depending on the circumstances we consider people in late 20s to early 30s adolescents.
Molly Shattuck: Former Ravens Cheerleader Sentenced to 48 Weekends in Jail for Child Sex Abuse

Shattuck on Friday was also ordered to pay the victim's family $10,650 and register as a sex offender.

She pleaded guilty to rape in June, saying she performed oral sex on a 15-year-old boy in 2014.

Yes and no- I would consider it statutory rape- but a 15 year old is not exactly a child.

I don't want to get bogged down in semantics- but what she did was wrong- morally and legally- and I am glad she was convicted of rape- but it isn't the same as a 6 year old being violently raped.
I think Americans are incredibly prude when it comes to sex. You can thank the religious right for that.
I think Americans are incredibly prude when it comes to sex. You can thank the religious right for that.
It's liberals! They have their noses up everyone's ass, in their kitchens, gas tanks, everywhere. They only thing they like is perversion. If it was a gay butt fucking this boy they would tell everyone to mind their own business.

Remember that 14 year old girl whose parents were trying to keep an adult lesbian away? It was a different story there.

The big complaint is that this boy shows distinct signs of being normal. Can't have that.
Molly Shattuck: Former Ravens Cheerleader Sentenced to 48 Weekends in Jail for Child Sex Abuse

Shattuck on Friday was also ordered to pay the victim's family $10,650 and register as a sex offender.

She pleaded guilty to rape in June, saying she performed oral sex on a 15-year-old boy in 2014.
no, it's rape.

Just b/c she raped a boy, is not an excuse
Just b/c people claimed he like it, is not an excuse

rape is rape no matter who the victim or predator is.

she got off easy

I'm not sure it was forced (normally associated with rape) - any sexual activity with a minor is unlawful, no doubt. I am not arguing that.

What if HE instigated this? As the adult, it's still on her to say "no", understood. But I'll need to read more about this to see if she forced herself (doubtful) or coerced him into letter her do this to him.....

A crime? Yes
Rape and her being a predator... not sure....
it's rape and she's a predator

there is no grey area, no excuse

In your opinion, morally as well?
We already know the legal part....

God ordained Isaac to marry Rebekah and she was 14 years old.
I don't think God would ordain something that is "wrong" or "harmful" to someone.
Obviously, marriage and sex out of wedlock are separate issues, but honing in on the MATURITY aspect.... is MATURITY the argument here, or are you willing to say ANY adult/minor sex under ANY circumstance is wrong at all times.

Or are there exceptions (morally) in your mind?
The bible is not an excuse.

legally and morally, and any other reason

My point was, if ok with God who are we to say differently?
It's interesting how our world has changed.

Women got married at 13 not that long ago ....

What are your thoughts on this?
My thoughts? One, she looks pretty good for 48. Two...where was she when I was 15?!

Most men feel this way.
All these "rape" cases with cute women and teenage boys are just people (the teenagers parents) trying to get money and be in the limelight.
Most men feel this way.
All these "rape" cases with cute women and teenage boys are just people (the teenagers parents) trying to get money and be in the limelight.

Hell, there are songs about it. Not to mention a movie. (Mrs. Robinson) That Summer by Garth Brooks and Brown Sugar by the Rolling Stones come to mind.
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Most men feel this way.
All these "rape" cases with cute women and teenage boys are just people (the teenagers parents) trying to get money and be in the limelight.

Hell, there are songs about it. Not to mention a movie. (Mrs. Robinson) That Summer by Garth Brooks[/i] and Brown Sugar by the Rolling Stones come to mind.

There was a day (not long ago) if this happened, dad would say "atta boy!" or "that's my boy!"..
If she was a 47 year old man that raped a 15 year old girl, she would have gotten a lot more than 48 WEEKENDS in jail. This is a terrible double standard and I am disgusted by her and this system.
If she was a 47 year old man that raped a 15 year old girl, she would have gotten a lot more than 48 WEEKENDS in jail. This is a terrible double standard and I am disgusted by her and this system.

The irony of the double standard, too, is that women mature faster than men (or girls mature faster than boys)
But, I think it's because people STILL believe women are more vulnerable and likely to be harassed (intimidated) and, parents are much more protective (normally) about their daughter's virginity -- and then there is the issue of getting pregnant.....

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