Do you get asked to produce an ID before you're given your ballet?

Do you get asked for your ID to vote?

  • Yes

    Votes: 24 63.2%
  • No

    Votes: 14 36.8%

  • Total voters
Special rules in the south?

I know that in California, registering to vote is done at Walmart. No one asks for ID, proof of residency or citizenship. Last one I ran into, didn't speak a word of English.

No it isn't. You don't register to vote at Walmart. You might fill out a registration card, but it is still sent to the county Registrar where the information you provided is checked against the state's Calvalidator system. If the ID you provided on your form at the time you registered does not clear the Calvalidator system, you WILL be asked to provide identification at the polling place.

When you sign your voter registration form, you are certifying, under penalty of perjury, that you are 18 years or older, not in jail or on parole for the conviction of a felony and are a US citizen.
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Some people want voters to show identification at the polls to keep "illegals" from voting because, apparently, a fine of $15,000 and up to 15 years in jail isn't enough.

I wonder what they same people would think about putting a governor on a car that would keep it from going over the speed limit...

Racism was a southern institution that knew no political boundaries.

You fucking lying sack of shit.

The Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, was aimed more at REPUBLICANS than blacks for the first 30 years of it's existence. One HAD to be a registered Democrat to even join the national order of the KKK until 1968 - WELL after the civil rights act.

Both Southern Democrats and Republicans belonged to the Klan

That is a fucking lie - flat out.

{Founded in 1866, the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) extended into almost every southern state by 1870 and became a vehicle for white southern resistance to the Republican Party's Reconstruction-era policies aimed at establishing political and economic equality for blacks. Its members waged an underground campaign of intimidation and violence directed at white and black Republican leaders. }

Ku Klux Klan — Articles, Video, Pictures and Facts

You are utterly without a shred of integrity.

If you want to take the high road here, show me the Southern Republicans who supported desegregation

If you want to take the high road, quit fucking lying.

What an idiot you are

Of course it was against the Republicans when it formed. Republicans were forcing reconstruction

In the second and third revisions of the Klan in 1915 and in the 1950s, members came from both parties. What they had in common was a hatred of blacks
Some people want voters to show identification at the polls to keep "illegals" from voting because, apparently, a fine of $15,000 and up to 15 years in jail isn't enough.

I wonder what they same people would think about putting a governor on a car that would keep it from going over the speed limit...

There is no such law in my state about jail time an fines.

I don't need to show ID and can go and vote for people I know wont be voting as long as I have their home address. "Yes I'm Mr My neighbor at my neighbors address, thanks for the ballot"

Voter ID is a good thing as it prevents fraudulent voting.
Lets face facts the Dems want illegals to vote to create a permanent Republican minority, its so American of them *eye roll* so every other country is allowed borders but us I guess?
I figure I will see the typical video of Dems picking bums up and driving them from polling place to polling place for coffee beer and cigarettes
Some people want voters to show identification at the polls to keep "illegals" from voting because, apparently, a fine of $15,000 and up to 15 years in jail isn't enough.

I wonder what they same people would think about putting a governor on a car that would keep it from going over the speed limit...

There is no such law in my state about jail time an fines.

I'd like proof of that please. In which state do you reside?

I don't need to show ID and can go and vote for people I know wont be voting as long as I have their home address. "Yes I'm Mr My neighbor at my neighbors address, thanks for the ballot"

You can if you want to break the law. I can drive 120 MPH in my car if I want to break the law. Do you advocate a governor on my car so I can't break the law, yes or no?

Voter ID is a good thing as it prevents fraudulent voting.

What fraudulent voting? Where are the instances of that? Do you care that stringent ID laws are disenfranchising voters? How many disenfranchised voters is it worth to stop one instance of fraud? What's your acceptable ratio?
Some people want voters to show identification at the polls to keep "illegals" from voting because, apparently, a fine of $15,000 and up to 15 years in jail isn't enough.

I wonder what they same people would think about putting a governor on a car that would keep it from going over the speed limit...

There is no such law in my state about jail time an fines.

I'd like proof of that please. In which state do you reside?

I don't need to show ID and can go and vote for people I know wont be voting as long as I have their home address. "Yes I'm Mr My neighbor at my neighbors address, thanks for the ballot"

You can if you want to break the law. I can drive 120 MPH in my car if I want to break the law. Do you advocate a governor on my car so I can't break the law, yes or no?

Voter ID is a good thing as it prevents fraudulent voting.

What fraudulent voting? Where are the instances of that? Do you care that stringent ID laws are disenfranchising voters? How many disenfranchised voters is it worth to stop one instance of fraud? What's your acceptable ratio?

You are the one who made the erronious claim, the burden is on you to back it up if you would like to disprove my counter of your claim that there is a 15,000/15 year fine associated with voter fraud.

I do not advocate the governor on your car but I do advocate state and local police being able to stop you for driving said car too fast and ask you for A LISCENSE to drive said car. I also agree with them holding you accountable and punishing you for breaking the speeding law.

What fraudulent voting? How about being able to walk into my local polling booth, give my dead grandfathers name, and voting. Then going to the district next door where my cousin who doesn't vote lives and giving his name/address and voting...then returning to my own district later and actually voting my real vote under my name. There is NOTHING to stop anyone who wants to do this from doing it without forcing me to prove who I am when I vote.
There is no such law in my state about jail time an fines.

I'd like proof of that please. In which state do you reside?

You can if you want to break the law. I can drive 120 MPH in my car if I want to break the law. Do you advocate a governor on my car so I can't break the law, yes or no?

Voter ID is a good thing as it prevents fraudulent voting.

What fraudulent voting? Where are the instances of that? Do you care that stringent ID laws are disenfranchising voters? How many disenfranchised voters is it worth to stop one instance of fraud? What's your acceptable ratio?

You are the one who made the erronious claim, the burden is on you to back it up if you would like to disprove my counter of your claim that there is a 15,000/15 year fine associated with voter fraud.

In which state do you reside? It's difficult to confirm or deny your claim if I don't know where you live.

I do not advocate the governor on your car but I do advocate state and local police being able to stop you for driving said car too fast and ask you for A LISCENSE to drive said car. I also agree with them holding you accountable and punishing you for breaking the speeding law.

You don't want to stop me from speeding with a governor, but you are willing to disenfranchise thousands of voters to stop fraud that isn't happening.

What fraudulent voting? How about being able to walk into my local polling booth, give my dead grandfathers name, and voting. Then going to the district next door where my cousin who doesn't vote lives and giving his name/address and voting...then returning to my own district later and actually voting my real vote under my name. There is NOTHING to stop anyone who wants to do this from doing it without forcing me to prove who I am when I vote.

Saying you can do it does not mean it is being done. Again, what is the acceptable ratio of disenfranchised voters to "vote fraud"? Is it okay to disenfranchise thousands to stop that one individual that nobody can prove is committing fraud in the first place?

It is not the asking for ID that is restrictive in itself, it is the requirement of providing a government ID that is disenfranchising voters. Hundreds of thousands of American citizens do not have these IDs they are asking for at the polls. They can produce student IDs, SSNs, utility bills, but don't have a state sponsored ID. Voters who have voted in every election since Washington was a general are being denied their right to vote by these laws. That's okay with you?
As an Aussie, I have never been asked for ID. We simply give our name and address, and they mark it off, then hand us the ballot form which we then mark ourselves.

Do Americans have to supply their name and address before voting? If so, why the need for ID?

I thought they had the ballots pre-marked for you Aussies?
As an Aussie, I have never been asked for ID. We simply give our name and address, and they mark it off, then hand us the ballot form which we then mark ourselves.

Do Americans have to supply their name and address before voting? If so, why the need for ID?

Why? Getting to many illegals. Thats why.
I'd like proof of that please. In which state do you reside?

You can if you want to break the law. I can drive 120 MPH in my car if I want to break the law. Do you advocate a governor on my car so I can't break the law, yes or no?

What fraudulent voting? Where are the instances of that? Do you care that stringent ID laws are disenfranchising voters? How many disenfranchised voters is it worth to stop one instance of fraud? What's your acceptable ratio?

You are the one who made the erronious claim, the burden is on you to back it up if you would like to disprove my counter of your claim that there is a 15,000/15 year fine associated with voter fraud.

In which state do you reside? It's difficult to confirm or deny your claim if I don't know where you live.

I do not advocate the governor on your car but I do advocate state and local police being able to stop you for driving said car too fast and ask you for A LISCENSE to drive said car. I also agree with them holding you accountable and punishing you for breaking the speeding law.

You don't want to stop me from speeding with a governor, but you are willing to disenfranchise thousands of voters to stop fraud that isn't happening.

What fraudulent voting? How about being able to walk into my local polling booth, give my dead grandfathers name, and voting. Then going to the district next door where my cousin who doesn't vote lives and giving his name/address and voting...then returning to my own district later and actually voting my real vote under my name. There is NOTHING to stop anyone who wants to do this from doing it without forcing me to prove who I am when I vote.

Saying you can do it does not mean it is being done. Again, what is the acceptable ratio of disenfranchised voters to "vote fraud"? Is it okay to disenfranchise thousands to stop that one individual that nobody can prove is committing fraud in the first place?

It is not the asking for ID that is restrictive in itself, it is the requirement of providing a government ID that is disenfranchising voters. Hundreds of thousands of American citizens do not have these IDs they are asking for at the polls. They can produce student IDs, SSNs, utility bills, but don't have a state sponsored ID. Voters who have voted in every election since Washington was a general are being denied their right to vote by these laws. That's okay with you?

You made the claim as if it was everyone in the nation, its obvious from you asking me which state I live in you are now scrambling. My state is MA. If you find the law i'll eat my words, good luck.

Correct, I want to leave you with the liberty to be able to make a bad decision by speeding in your car at the risk of the consequence of getting a speeding ticket and being asked to prove you have credentials to drive, a driver's liscense. If you can't provide the credentials then you can't drive.

How does a voting ID disenfrancise anyone who is voting legally?
My wife is an Oncology RN who spent the past 17 years working on cancer wards that specialized in stage 4 cancer patients. We travel as a way for her to stay sane and decompress.

Bless your wife.

My job is so simple by comparison. She deserves every break you guys can afford and then some.

After I retired from the Navy I swore I wasn't going to leave the USA again, but I did and I broke my "NO Boats" pledge and rode a boat for 90 minutes to get to the Great Barrier Reef. The things you do for love.

What is the charge for space A now?

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