Do you give a damn about how or why Kim Jung Un's brother happened to pass?


Gold Member
Jan 1, 2017
I don't. Is there more that's disturbing than that the man died of unnatural circumstances and merely as a matter of human concern is it sad that he's dead?

Maybe there's something pertaining to the matter that's both important and that I'm missing. Lord knows I've not Googled to find out if that's so. At the moment, what I think is that the politically emasculated and exiled brother of a truculent tyrant died. My condolences.

Do I find upsetting the possibility, even plausibility, that Kim Jong Un may have had his brother assassinated? No. In fact, I have in my mind that that is the least of the atrocities of which that man is capable and that he might consider and act to achieve. That he may have had murdered his brother is, frankly, something of which I hope eases his mind enough that he'll settle down now and stop his sabre rattling and other tantrums.
I think political assinations are note worthy .

I do, but only depending on who be the parties involved. For the two noted in my OP, I don't care.

Is the fact that the assassination may have political purpose the only reason it matters to you and for which you think it should attract our (mine and other members here) concern?
The method of the assassination was unique. Apparently they used a contact poison. It's the same type of weapon that AQ was developing at their WMD facility in NE Iraq back in 2003 before it was destroyed during Operation Iraqi Freedom.

This could cause concern that AQ is collaborating with NK.
I think political assinations are note worthy .

I do, but only depending on who be the parties involved. For the two noted in my OP, I don't care.

Is the fact that the assassination may have political purpose the only reason it matters to you and for which you think it should attract our (mine and other members here) concern?

It ties into the craziness of a guy who has his finger on a nuke button. So yeah , it's a concern .
I think political assinations are note worthy .

I do, but only depending on who be the parties involved. For the two noted in my OP, I don't care.

Is the fact that the assassination may have political purpose the only reason it matters to you and for which you think it should attract our (mine and other members here) concern?

It ties into the craziness of a guy who has his finger on a nuke button. So yeah , it's a concern .

That concern is extant had he ordered his brother's assassination or not.

I get that there are degrees of "crazy," but KJU has long since passed the point of no return on that count, at least as far as I'm concerned.
Frankly I wonder why the radical left wants to focus on political assassinations.

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