Do you hate Trump?

Other than hatred

I have zero respect for the man
Don't worry, Hillary isn't going to prison. Rest easy.

It's the Trumpster's who've come late to that conclusion. I'm not even sure Trump is there yet.
The ironic part is trying to find someone, anyone really, who supported Hillary anymore.

I did.
I admire your honesty a pity you at the same time. Impotence is a cruel thing.

Why? You've never supported a candidate who lost? That's odd.
I have never supported a candidate of the magnitude of sleaze as Ms Clinton, and cannot imagine ever doing so.
Actually, there has-
Evidence shows Syria 'attacked own people with chemical weapons', say US, UK and France

I hate no one, but I do hate the dumb things Trump does. Like bombing Syria based on unproven allegations.
You’ve seen the evidence?
No. There has been none offered.
Not really sufficient. We know the western press is mostly propaganda controlled by the CIA with hard on for Assad for decades.

Why would Assad gas his own people when he is winning with Russia's and US's help...resulting in the world's condemnation and attack by US military? Makes no sense.

False flag very likely.
Well, that tells me what I need to know...
Actually, there has-
Evidence shows Syria 'attacked own people with chemical weapons', say US, UK and France

I hate no one, but I do hate the dumb things Trump does. Like bombing Syria based on unproven allegations.
You’ve seen the evidence?
No. There has been none offered.
Not really sufficient. We know the western press is mostly propaganda controlled by the CIA with hard on for Assad for decades.

Why would Assad gas his own people when he is winning with Russia's and US's help...resulting in the world's condemnation and attack by US military? Makes no sense.

False flag very likely.
Actually, there has-
Evidence shows Syria 'attacked own people with chemical weapons', say US, UK and France

I hate no one, but I do hate the dumb things Trump does. Like bombing Syria based on unproven allegations.
You’ve seen the evidence?
No. There has been none offered.
Not really sufficient. We know the western press is mostly propaganda controlled by the CIA with hard on for Assad for decades.

Why would Assad gas his own people when he is winning with Russia's and US's help...resulting in the world's condemnation and attack by US military? Makes no sense.

False flag very likely.

Considering who's controlling the information flow to us, who knows. I for one trust the USG to be objectively informative at the same level I trust Russia. From the CIA coup in Iran to the Gulf of Tonkin to the idiocy of WMD in Iraq, we've built up quite the track record and it doesn't exactly scream 'credibility'. Truth is the first casualty in war.
Actually, there has-
Evidence shows Syria 'attacked own people with chemical weapons', say US, UK and France

I hate no one, but I do hate the dumb things Trump does. Like bombing Syria based on unproven allegations.
You’ve seen the evidence?
No. There has been none offered.
Not really sufficient. We know the western press is mostly propaganda controlled by the CIA with hard on for Assad for decades.

Why would Assad gas his own people when he is winning with Russia's and US's help...resulting in the world's condemnation and attack by US military? Makes no sense.

False flag very likely.

Considering who's controlling the information flow to us, who knows. I for one trust the USG to be objectively informative at the same level I trust Russia. From the CIA coup in Iran to the Gulf of Tonkin to the idiocy of WMD in Iraq, we've built up quite the track record and it doesn't exactly scream 'credibility'. Truth is the first casualty in war.
Agree completely. Yet we have some Americans willingly believing their government, even though it has a long history of lying.
I’ll take a swing at it.

Trump has not only soiled the Presidency and brought it down to levels that we never thought we’d see. I would imagine that if you gave him truth serum, you’d find a man who has a sub high school understanding of the history of the nation. I would bet he couldn’t tell you the dates of D-Day, what cities we nuked in Japan, about the Trail of Tears, where Lewis and Clark explored and why they were sent away on their expedition…who Rosa Parks was or the importance of Lend Lease. Aside from being factually illiterate, I would imagine you’d find someone who is culturally disgraceful as well. Someone who doesn’t know the author or the importance of Uncle Tom’s Cabin, when Women got the right to vote, etc…

I would imagine if you gave most of our former Presidents a high school history test, they’d do somewhere in the 70-80% range. I honestly believe Trump would be in the 40’s. Which is bad; of course.

What would be worse is that the same things we expect our kids to learn, know, appreciate, and internalize would be the subject of a maelstrom of tweets decrying the “waste of time” knowing such things would be. The same way he used to decry Obama’s actions in Syria before he became President…

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What is the old saying? You campaign in poetry and govern in prose? he he he

The question in the OP is “Why” do you hate Trump. Why do you hate a liar? Because you can’t trust him. And it is worse when the liar is the only President you have and to an extent, your fortunes rise or fall with this clown’s talents. Of which there seems to be only one; hoodwinking enough people to pull a lever next to his name.

Now, have we had presidents who have lied to us in the past? Sure. Name the President and you’re probably able to affix a lie or at least, a half-truth. Obama included.

Think of that as the weather report. They deal in facts. It is either right or it is wrong on a daily basis.

What Trump and his enablers have done (and have succeeded in some circles) is convince people who know better—WHO KNOW MUCH, MUCH BETTER—that the nation is being held hostage by some “deep state” government that is answerable to nobody, has no boundaries, and is run by a nameless, faceless, group that you should be afraid of. Of course this is a lie.

What Trump and his enablers have done (and have succeeded in some circles) is convince people who know better—WHO KNOW MUCH, MUCH BETTER—that the institutions of government are the enemy of the people; the FBI, NSA, CIA, DOJ, the Congress, the House, and most ominously, the Courts. Of course, this is a lie too. The swamp was installed by (at least half of anyway) the same people who voted for this clown. And now you’re supposed to vote out the people you just got through voting in during 2016? If it were not so sad, it would be so very funny.

What Trump and his enablers have done (and have succeeded in some circles) is convince people who know better—WHO KNOW MUCH, MUCH BETTER—that the nation is being lied to by the press when there are any stories that are derogatory about the current President of any of his people. The responsibility of the Press is a duty they have largely dismissed and for that they are guilty…that responsibility is to hold everyone to the same degree of accountability. But the wholesale fib of the press manufacturing stories for the gain of _____________ (they never say who other than “the democrats”) is farcical on it’s face. In the first place, take Mueller for example, he was hired by a GOP AG, served GOP Presidents, is a former Marine for God’s sake. Does any of that sound like a sweetheart of the Democrats?

This is the climate he hopes to install. One where facts do not matter.

For that, most of all, I do hate Donald Trump.
I’ll take a swing at it.

Trump has not only soiled the Presidency and brought it down to levels that we never thought we’d see. I would imagine that if you gave him truth serum, you’d find a man who has a sub high school understanding of the history of the nation. I would bet he couldn’t tell you the dates of D-Day, what cities we nuked in Japan, about the Trail of Tears, where Lewis and Clark explored and why they were sent away on their expedition…who Rosa Parks was or the importance of Lend Lease. Aside from being factually illiterate, I would imagine you’d find someone who is culturally disgraceful as well. Someone who doesn’t know the author or the importance of Uncle Tom’s Cabin, when Women got the right to vote, etc…

I would imagine if you gave most of our former Presidents a high school history test, they’d do somewhere in the 70-80% range. I honestly believe Trump would be in the 40’s. Which is bad; of course.

What would be worse is that the same things we expect our kids to learn, know, appreciate, and internalize would be the subject of a maelstrom of tweets decrying the “waste of time” knowing such things would be. The same way he used to decry Obama’s actions in Syria before he became President…

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What is the old saying? You campaign in poetry and govern in prose? he he he

The question in the OP is “Why” do you hate Trump. Why do you hate a liar? Because you can’t trust him. And it is worse when the liar is the only President you have and to an extent, your fortunes rise or fall with this clown’s talents. Of which there seems to be only one; hoodwinking enough people to pull a lever next to his name.

Now, have we had presidents who have lied to us in the past? Sure. Name the President and you’re probably able to affix a lie or at least, a half-truth. Obama included.

Think of that as the weather report. They deal in facts. It is either right or it is wrong on a daily basis.

What Trump and his enablers have done (and have succeeded in some circles) is convince people who know better—WHO KNOW MUCH, MUCH BETTER—that the nation is being held hostage by some “deep state” government that is answerable to nobody, has no boundaries, and is run by a nameless, faceless, group that you should be afraid of. Of course this is a lie.

What Trump and his enablers have done (and have succeeded in some circles) is convince people who know better—WHO KNOW MUCH, MUCH BETTER—that the institutions of government are the enemy of the people; the FBI, NSA, CIA, DOJ, the Congress, the House, and most ominously, the Courts. Of course, this is a lie too. The swamp was installed by (at least half of anyway) the same people who voted for this clown. And now you’re supposed to vote out the people you just got through voting in during 2016? If it were not so sad, it would be so very funny.

What Trump and his enablers have done (and have succeeded in some circles) is convince people who know better—WHO KNOW MUCH, MUCH BETTER—that the nation is being lied to by the press when there are any stories that are derogatory about the current President of any of his people. The responsibility of the Press is a duty they have largely dismissed and for that they are guilty…that responsibility is to hold everyone to the same degree of accountability. But the wholesale fib of the press manufacturing stories for the gain of _____________ (they never say who other than “the democrats”) is farcical on it’s face. In the first place, take Mueller for example, he was hired by a GOP AG, served GOP Presidents, is a former Marine for God’s sake. Does any of that sound like a sweetheart of the Democrats?

This is the climate he hopes to install. One where facts do not matter.

For that, most of all, I do hate Donald Trump.

Excellent rumination here. Picking out a few highlights:

would bet he couldn’t tell you the dates of D-Day, what cities we nuked in Japan, about the Trail of Tears, where Lewis and Clark explored and why they were sent away on their expedition…who Rosa Parks was or the importance of Lend Lease.

I just happen to have acquired Rump's answers to this quiz:
  • D-Day happened on "7-eleven". Because that's a store, and stores make money and that's all that matters.
  • In Japan we nuked Fukushima and Ichiro Suzuki. And they're laughing at us. Believe me.
  • The Trail of Tears was a trial where I settled for 25 million with the Mexican Indiana judge
  • Lewis and Clark explored cheap comedy movies in the Fifties. Jerry Lewis and Dean Clark. Good ratings.
  • Rosa Parks was the host of Miss America when that was a thing. But he didn't get to walk into dressing rooms.
  • Lend Lease was when the federal government sued us for refusing to rent to black people. They made us lend them leases.

I would imagine if you gave most of our former Presidents a high school history test, they’d do somewhere in the 70-80% range. I honestly believe Trump would be in the 40’s. Which is bad; of course.

Rump's basic failure is that he's uncurious about anything that doesn't fluff Numero Uno and actually believes he can create the present and the past just by declaring something to be true or not true. From the "biggest electoral victory since Reagan" to "three million illegals" to "thousands dancing on rooftops" to "I never supported the Iraq war" and "I know nothing about white supremacists".

We say 'a little knowledge is a dangerous thing' but no knowledge at all and no interest in finding it out because you're fixated on "going with your gut", can be disastrous and usually is. One gets easily swayed by (a) one's own uninfomed emotions and (b) every influential opportunist who sees that and steps in to steer a vulnerable ship. And you end up with Steve Bannon or The Dick Cheney or Jimmy Byrnes.

That was Dubya's whole problem, and Truman's too. Weakness of intellect is in no way a desirable trait, especially in the White House.

What would be worse is that the same things we expect our kids to learn, know, appreciate, and internalize would be the subject of a maelstrom of tweets decrying the “waste of time” knowing such things would be. The same way he used to decry Obama’s actions in Syria before he became President…

Another manifestation of the above. Rump fueled himself and his minions on wiping out everything the black guy did, only to find out it's not that easy to revise national health care, only to find out maybe the TPP was actually working, only to find out DAESH isn't just going away because he shows up, only to find out Alaskans really don't want their biggest mountain named for a President who never even went to Alaska. And to make it worse he won't learn from any of it, he'll refuse to in any way acknowledge that his original ass-sesment was wrongheaded, and he'll proclaim himself the greatest healthcare/DAESH/trade/whatever POTUS that god ever created, because he's fatally full of himself and when you're navel-gazing to that degree you miss everything going on around you --- and you don't even care.

What Trump and his enablers have done (and have succeeded in some circles) is convince people who know better—WHO KNOW MUCH, MUCH BETTER—that the nation is being held hostage by some “deep state” government that is answerable to nobody, has no boundaries, and is run by a nameless, faceless, group that you should be afraid of. Of course this is a lie.

Regardless one's opinions on this or that, the one pillar we can always ground ourselves on is Reality. Facts. This Rump movement, and I mean that in the bowel sense, actually wants to do away with Reality as it wants to do away with the First Amendment. That anyone could even entertain, let alone utter, a phrase like "alternative facts" should be a SCREAMING red flag. That legitimate news organizations can be shut out and dismissed as "fake" whenever the news doesn't synch with the Insatiable Ego should be cause for street demonstrations.

Rump is a creature of the surreal imaginarium that is TV. He spends his free time as a willing slave to it and uses "ratings" as his value benchmark --- apparently because he sees no value in anything, including basic information, other than what kind of money it can make. He's like a Ferengi with hair in that way. And being a TV addict he obediently mimics the superficial and sensationalist emotion the boob tube traffics in, because he's too damn dim to aim any higher So we're stuck with a TV zombie and doomed to pay the penalties that inevitably follow.

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