Do You Know How Immunity Works?

Once again, several around the hildabitch were given immunity, what bigger fish got fried there?

Is this a concession that Hillary Clinton didn't commit a crime, because their testimonies incriminated her IMO.
Once again, several around the hildabitch were given immunity, what bigger fish got fried there?

Is this a concession that Hillary Clinton didn't commit a crime, because their testimonies incriminated her IMO.

No, Comey laid out a prima facie case for gross negligence, which is all that's required by law for prosecution. The fact that she wasn't prosecuted proves your claim false, no bigger fish got fried, did they?
The fact that she wasn't prosecuted proves your claim false, no bigger fish got fried, did they?

Ah, so the intellectually dishonest idiot begins to misconstrue words and shift the goal posts!

Immunity isn't a guarantee that a testimony will lead to prosecution. It is a guarantee that an attorney believes it will lead to prosecution. Big difference.
4th thread.
Here is his statement, no use of the word immunity. The press threw it in there-
WASHINGTON — The attorney representing President Trump's former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn said late Thursday that his client would not submit to questioning in the ongoing investigations into Russian interference in the 2016 election without protection against possible prosecution.

"No reasonable person, who has the benefit of advice from counsel, would submit to questioning in such a highly politicized, witch-hunt environment without assurances against unfair prosecution,'' attorney Robert Kelner said in a written statement.

And any lawyer worth their weight would want that assurance, in this highly politicized atmosphere, when some Dems have mentioned dusting off the Logan Act, from 1799, when even Hillary's campaign members spoke with foreign officials, yet not a word.

It's only granted if you can deliver someone higher up.

Who's higher up than national security advisor?

Ruh roh.

Sounds to me like a formality. It's a no-brainer that the Democrats will try to twist anyones words around to fit their agenda.
The fact that she wasn't prosecuted proves your claim false, no bigger fish got fried, did they?

Ah, so the intellectually dishonest idiot begins to misconstrue words and shift the goal posts!

Immunity isn't a guarantee that a testimony will lead to prosecution. It is a guarantee that an attorney believes it will lead to prosecution. Big difference.

I didn't move anything, you set the goal post.
Attorneys have no incentive to offer immunity unless there is a bigger fish to fry.

I simply point out the flaw in your unreasoned response. So are you now saying that simply asking for immunity, which Flynn didn't actually do BTW, is not an admission of guilt?
No, it's not. You've obviously never dealt with an attorney for any matter, or you would know that.
It's called protecting your client from any and all unforeseen circumstances.
The fact that she wasn't prosecuted proves your claim false, no bigger fish got fried, did they?

Ah, so the intellectually dishonest idiot begins to misconstrue words and shift the goal posts!

Immunity isn't a guarantee that a testimony will lead to prosecution. It is a guarantee that an attorney believes it will lead to prosecution. Big difference.
Considering Flynn has already been a victim of a witch hunt and he would be testifying in front of a nest of Democrat vipers I bet his lawyer is counselling him to get immunity.
You DO know that both committees are headed by republicans don't you. I guess not.
These investigations are so far beyond a " witch hunt." Watching too much Fox?
Personally, I don't understand why Republicans are even holding them. They think they are going to placate Democrats or something. They are terminally naive. I would just tell them to stuff it.
Considering Flynn has already been a victim of a witch hunt.

Now that you mention it, he really does resemble a witch ...
This is going to be great, watching the delirious left get worked up about this "immunity" deal thinking Flynn is going to turn on Trump. Boy are they going to be in for a surprise.

This is yet another example of the collective left huddled around, rubbing their grubby little hands together, and saying "finally we got him!"


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