Do you notice how gun nuts never talk about any limits to gun ownership?

why are you here if not to defend your position/opinion??

as to whats being done away from this forum , well how do you know I'm telling the truth? so its a waste of time talking about it
better to stay on topic instead of deflection to what amounts to playing make believe

So you couldn't explain? As I thought.

All I'm sayin is folks who think that posting on forums is the extent of their "Patriot Act" are pathetic

How many on the right here are scared chitless to even put a Trump sticker on their car or wear a MAGA hat in public?
You are correct. Most of the Trump voters are are civil. People are not allowed to defend themselves or shoot someone threatening them because there are rules to their advantage. It has to be spot on. Obama gave us a warning with the violence he created. p.s...I still am waiting for the Vegas report. Since we do not know it is probably a Progressive Socialist who went mental that did it. And of course we are being lied to again.
Are they cool with the prospect of people open carrying fully automatic wherever they go? After all, it’s the second amendment! Why is this not a thing?! Surely at GOP conventions those tough republican politicians would feel safe with knowing any fucker carrying a weapon around them is allowed to. Republicans’ idea of limiting gun violence is more guns after all. More guns the better!

If they do draw the line at these scenarios, then don’t they see how ridiculous it is to say any from of gun control is unconstitutional? Who are republicans to arbitrarily decide what level of gun laws are acceptable but democrats can’t? Hell, even their St. Scalia said gun control measures were constitutional.

Do you notice how kids have freedom of speech? You may pretend they don’t because what they choose to say can be punished by an adult in charge, but adults can be punished for what they say as well by adults in charge. After all, you can lose your job if you find yourself catcalling that new hot intern everyday.

All that matters when it comes to the first amendment and kids is that they can’t be charged with a crime for their speech. Now all this being said, are toddlers being denied their bill of rights by not being able to carry a gun?
The gun nut talk incessantly about limiting gun rights. Its all you do.

Don't know why the left is so ignorant on the Constitution.
I’m not suggesting anyone with a gun will shoot up a sidewalk. Of course they wouldn’t. The point is, giving people huge freedom on owning a gun is a huge liability as far as the amount of people who would shoot up a sidewalk.
Actually, that's exactly what you're suggesting. There are far more people who will simply protect those that they care about, or even possibly those in danger. If everyone were armed, doing anything to hurt anyone is only a liability to the well-being of the evildoer. The standard response time of the police is about 15 minutes, it's therefor far more reliable that people be able to protect themselves.

I'd also like to point out that regardless of whether you like it or not, people can obtain guns extremely easily without the knowledge of government. For example, building them on their own, or 3D printing them. Prohibition, even if it worked, only makes people more vulnerable to attack. Prohibition, however, factually does not work, you can tell that by the insane war on drugs, and every other place that uses forms of gun control.

Even assuming all of the previous points were completely moot, regulating guns is an infringement on one's individual rights, as it prevents them from doing specific things with the fruits of their own labor, AND is inherently unethical, as it's the entire populace, except for the government's thugs, for something a very small minority of people do.

How does the government decide? How does the government decide anything? You have to start somewhere when designing laws and rights. That’s just the nature of any government. It’s just basic common sense that a child shouldn’t be able to legally purchase a gun.
Well, no, because the government only uses force to prevent you from using your individual rights in certain ways, the government does not determine what rights you have or don't have, they only have the ability to force or coerce you if they don't like what you're doing. Everyone has rights due to their ability to display individual agency, and those rights only end where another person's begins, granting everyone equal rights simply by displaying said agency.

All of that said, the government decides independent of us. It has been proven that whether the populace supports a piece of legislation or not has no effect on whether or not it passes. People also have no say on who is elected, even if being allowed to pick who rules you prevented government from being tyrannical, OR made it ethical.

The point about Scalia is that the Supreme Court decides the limitations on any right, including the bill of rights.
No, they are just another arm of the government, which basically means that the government decides whether or not it can do any specific thing. the Supreme Court, even if it did as it was supposed to, has been ineffective at doing anything besides advancing the agenda of the sociopaths in washington. The supreme court does not decide what rights I have, or where they begin or end, my rights are determined by my individual agency, and nobody can take them away, only initiate force or coercion against me for doing things they don't like.
People’s parents can’t tell the government “I don’t know want my child’s speech to be legally protected. If he talks back to me, he should be arrested!” That isn’t how it works.
As you've shown, you not only don't understand a single solitary sentence in my response, but you also have no idea what a right even is.

What I was saying was that people's capabilities determine their rights, not government, therefor people can say or do whatever they want. the government's response is simply sicking their thugs on you for doing something they don't like.

I would also like to point out that your response perfectly illustrated the statist inability to think of things in terms of ethical and unethical, rather than government will. Government support for something doesn't make it a right, or remove rights, and it doesn't determine what is ethical or unethical. They're just a group of robbers, murderers, and kidnappers who sick their hired thugs on you for doing something they don't like.
I love Antonin Scalia. Unquestionably the greatest Supreme Court Justice ever. But that doesn’t mean he didn’t get at least one thing wrong at some point in his life.
Who the fuck cares what you think? Are you listening to yourself? You’re basically saying that the SC isn’t valid unless it agrees with your uneducated ass.

You mean like you faggot lovers and freeloading Obamacare nuts felt the SC is valid when they agree with you?

Plenty of you gun haters have said people shouldn't own certain guns yet I've seen none of you knocking on my door trying to take them from me. BTW, none are automatic and all are legal.
Lol it doesn’t matter what you or I think of those rulings. If they stand, they stand.

they only stand until it changes,,,nothing is absolute from SCOTUS,,,roe V wade can be changed tomorrow
lol oh man I can’t imagine the shit storm backlash from the public for over turning Roe vs Wade. Quite frankly I don’t think the conservative judges on the SC have the balls to go through with it.

Give those that are pro choice all the coat hangers they want. I support them using that method to carry out their choice.
What about them? Illegal machine guns are illegal. Guess what, they are illegal in Paris France where four of them were used to murder 130 innocent people. Gun bans just don't seem to work too well. Do they...

There is a Paris Illinois that doesn't seem to be having that problem. America isn't France. But if you want to complain about France I suggest you move there.

I am pointing out to you the stupidity of gun bans, and how they don't seem to work as you people think they will. The only thing that gun bans do is disarm the LAWFUL. Funny enough, the criminal element don't seem to care about laws. Kind of why they are called CRIMINALS!

Yet you commented both ways about full automatic weapons. Sounds like a character from a Batman Flick.

I did? How, prey tell. I merely stated that machine guns that are owned legally here in the good 'ole USA are not a problem. The only recorded illegal use of one, EVER, was by a cop. I then went on to show that criminals don't abide by laws that interfere with their commission of crime. Hence why they are called criminals.

Try addressing the issue instead of flailing about trying to deflect from your unsubstantiated opinion.

It took everyone about 10 years to get the full autos (the thompsons) off the streets and out of the criminals hands through.....wait for it......gun control. Gun control or Gun Regulations are a fact. What we should be discussing isn't whether we should have them or not but what degrees they should be. If you don't want any gun controls, I hear Yemen will accept any and all application for citizenship and you don't even have to bring your own gun since there are already tons there just for picking them up off the ground and there is NO gun regulations at all. It's the only place on Earth without Gun Regulations. And how as that worked out for them.

Wrong, there were very few illegal guns in the hands of the criminals in the first place. Those they had they stole from the cops and the National Guard armories. This is all well known history dude.
I gave up Cable TV and ALL venues that support the Left YEARS ago.
Boy, you really showed them. I think the entire left collapsed a year or two after you left cable, didn’t they? Thank God for you. No more lefitsts! :laugh:

Incidentally, how are you reaching the internet if your such a “staunch” opposer of all things left-wing? Apple is a very left-wing company overall. Hope you’re not using an iPhone, iPad, or Mac. And how are you getting to the internet of you gave up cable so many years ago? Oops. Asshole.
lol oh man I can’t imagine the shit storm backlash from the public for over turning Roe vs Wade. Quite frankly I don’t think the conservative judges on the SC have the balls to go through with it. would be a real “shitstorm”. You leftists would cry for months. :lmao:

(well, ok, a few small groups here and there.....but they'll be subdued and taken quickly.)

Who will take them quickly? Just wondering in order to frame your scenario. You seem to have thought this out. How do you see this hypothetical scenario playing out? How many is a "small group" and where will they be "taken"? What do you mean by "subdued"? What do you mean by "small groups here and there"? Small groups like Texas, Montana, Michigan, the ENTIRE SOUTH?

Thanks in advance.
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Romney destroyed himself.

One would think that Trump did as well but it would have taken the end of the world to stop him as badly as he self destructed. And he's just continued to get worse. Just how much does it take for you to wake up and get your head out of his ass. Even after the gangbuster SOTU speech, he went from 37 approval rating to only 40. It's going down, down down from there now that the middle class has noted that the Federal Government stole from us to pay to the rich for that tax break that was supposed to benefit all of us. Not only that, it's harmed all the Republicans that still claim the tax break was a good thing. Cayman Islands thanks you.
All the years the Progressive Socialists talk about the rich and not one!....I repeat, not one massive tax cut for the working class peasants by them. Nothing since Kennedy. And Kennedy would be thrown out of your party. We live with inflation and politically induced false CPI numbers with increases in salaries not keeping up for many workers and those on fixed incomes.

But only you rightwing nutjobs give those tax breaks and outright gifts to the rich even though the nation is in serious financial trouble.
So who are you voting for in 2020, Howard Shultz, Biden, or Kamals Harris?

Much too early to tell. The Dance card isn't filled out yet. But you can discard harris and Trump. And if Trump decides he's had enough or he's made enough millions from government services then you can discard Pence.
From what you’re saying the only person for you to vote for is Howard Shultz, the only guy more hated by the left than trump. I might actually vote for him
Like canceling our cable service? :laughing0301:
Angry little nobody who can't even get off your ass and vote. Pathetic mouthy do nuffin moron.
Dude...maybe you wouldn’t be such a miserable little prick if you would stop living like Ted Kazynski. A little football. A couple of movies. Anything to stop you from stewing in your own misery around the clock.
Who will take them quickly? Just wondering in order to frame your scenario. You seem to have thought this out. How do you see this hypothetical scenario playing out? How many is a "small group" and where will they be "taken"? What do you mean by "subdued"? What do you mean by "small groups here and there"? Small groups like Texas, Montana, Michigan, the ENTIRE SOUTH?

Thanks in advance.

No problem.

Lengthy reply in detail sent to you privately
Dude...maybe you wouldn’t be such a miserable little prick if you would stop living like Ted Kazynski. A little football. A couple of movies. Anything to stop you from stewing in your own misery around the clock.

So I was spot on. Your entertainment is more important to you than your freedom.
You'll do the "game" and support the Left via Hollywood.....but VOTE? not a chance.

What are you a 60's left over or 15 years old?

Maybe if you weren't such a shit talking do nuffin you'd get off your ass and go vote?
No problem.

Lengthy reply in detail sent to you privately

And why not shared in an open discussion? And why were my questions not addressed? And why was your long reply sent almost instantaneously?


I'm mildly interested in 2A topics. I'm interested in hearing from all sides.
And why not shared in an open discussion? And why were my questions not addressed? And why was your long reply sent almost instantaneously?


I'm mildly interested in 2A topics. I'm interested in hearing from all sides.

That was my decision.
I feel I answered them....all.
If you didn't see that then I suggest you re-read it.
If you still don't then we cannot communicate or you want something I'm not willing to give.

I'm an extremely fast typist....and thinker.
Do you seriously believe I can have replies pre-canned and ready to go for every post?

wow, I'm good....but not THAT good

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