Do you notice how gun nuts never talk about any limits to gun ownership?

Dude...maybe you wouldn’t be such a miserable little prick if you would stop living like Ted Kazynski. A little football. A couple of movies. Anything to stop you from stewing in your own misery around the clock.

I'm think I'm beginning to see a pattern.....
There may be a lot more people here talking the talk...but not walking the walk.

Not even having the responsibility to get out and vote.
But talking crap as if they're such great little "patriots".

Their not voting probably helped a LOT for the Dems taking the House recently.

Help them again and give them the WH and Senate in 2020 why don't ya?
There is a Paris Illinois that doesn't seem to be having that problem. America isn't France. But if you want to complain about France I suggest you move there.

I am pointing out to you the stupidity of gun bans, and how they don't seem to work as you people think they will. The only thing that gun bans do is disarm the LAWFUL. Funny enough, the criminal element don't seem to care about laws. Kind of why they are called CRIMINALS!

Yet you commented both ways about full automatic weapons. Sounds like a character from a Batman Flick.

I did? How, prey tell. I merely stated that machine guns that are owned legally here in the good 'ole USA are not a problem. The only recorded illegal use of one, EVER, was by a cop. I then went on to show that criminals don't abide by laws that interfere with their commission of crime. Hence why they are called criminals.

Try addressing the issue instead of flailing about trying to deflect from your unsubstantiated opinion.

It took everyone about 10 years to get the full autos (the thompsons) off the streets and out of the criminals hands through.....wait for it......gun control. Gun control or Gun Regulations are a fact. What we should be discussing isn't whether we should have them or not but what degrees they should be. If you don't want any gun controls, I hear Yemen will accept any and all application for citizenship and you don't even have to bring your own gun since there are already tons there just for picking them up off the ground and there is NO gun regulations at all. It's the only place on Earth without Gun Regulations. And how as that worked out for them.

Wrong, there were very few illegal guns in the hands of the criminals in the first place. Those they had they stole from the cops and the National Guard armories. This is all well known history dude.

If they stole them from the Cops, they weren't full autos. The ARs that the cops use are the Colt LE6920 models that are military grade semi autos. You can buy every part in them directly from Colt and upgrade a 500 buck piece of AR copy crap to those specs or you can go to your local gun shop and special order one legally. Military Grade only means that all parts came from either Colt or FN.

If they stole it form a NG armory, the full court press goes into play and they are recovered BEFORE they can be used in a crime inside the US. Or they are whisked off to overseas quickly and the culprits that allowed it (the NG Personnel) are sent to where the sun don't shine. But if they are not recovered, they are tracked all the way to their overseas location. If they do go overseas, they probably can't be recovered. But if they don't go overseas, they will be recovered very quickly. You are selling our ATF, FBI, State and Locals way too short on this one.
OK keyboard commando. It's obvious you're not here to have an intellectual conversation. I asked you to clarify your position and you elected not to. That's fine.
Cheers and good night.

Not with someone playing games. As mentioned, I answered you privately (in detail) and you didn't see eye to eye with my reply.

Good might to you as well
Are they cool with the prospect of people open carrying fully automatic wherever they go? After all, it’s the second amendment! Why is this not a thing?! Surely at GOP conventions those tough republican politicians would feel safe with knowing any fucker carrying a weapon around them is allowed to. Republicans’ idea of limiting gun violence is more guns after all. More guns the better!

If they do draw the line at these scenarios, then don’t they see how ridiculous it is to say any from of gun control is unconstitutional? Who are republicans to arbitrarily decide what level of gun laws are acceptable but democrats can’t? Hell, even their St. Scalia said gun control measures were constitutional.

Do you notice how kids have freedom of speech? You may pretend they don’t because what they choose to say can be punished by an adult in charge, but adults can be punished for what they say as well by adults in charge. After all, you can lose your job if you find yourself catcalling that new hot intern everyday.

All that matters when it comes to the first amendment and kids is that they can’t be charged with a crime for their speech. Now all this being said, are toddlers being denied their bill of rights by not being able to carry a gun?

The moral depravity of the left has FAR more to do with crime and murder than does the existence of guns.
Your entertainment is more important to you than your freedom.
Yeah...because nothing promotes freedom like canceling your cable. That’s how our founders did it. They cancelled their cable and the England monarchy collapsed over night. :laugh:
Maybe if you weren't such a shit talking do nuffin you'd get off your ass and go vote?
This coming from the asshat who doesn’t vote but thinks he’s changing the world by attaching rabbit ears to his tv :laugh:
Yeah...because nothing promotes freedom like canceling your cable. That’s how our founders did it. They cancelled their cable and the England monarchy collapsed over night. :laugh:
This coming from the asshat who doesn’t vote but thinks he’s changing the world by attaching rabbit ears to his tv :laugh:

Right now, I'm wishing that internet Bitch Slaps were a reality.......whatever it takes to knock some sense into that blockhead you're luggin around on your shoulders.
Our Founders used that what you will use?
And you're wrong....I ALWAYS vote...every election. nice try.
Mr. Fake p@triot Wannabe

You don't got no room to talk. Hypocrite.
If the SHTF, you'll be running the opposite direction in your damp diaper as fast as those stubby chubby legs can carry you and you know it.

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...I only notice how right wingers refuse to love their Republic as much as they allege to love their guns.
And I have noticed that left-wingers refuse to love the United States as much as they love being a mooching parasite. Sad.

Betcha HE didn't.
If so, at least he has a voice and got off his ass and did "something", you got nothin.
I see that the correct choice was ......15 year old :rolleyes:

last time nerd....I voted and that vote went to Trump.

But if you're representative of the Right, I'm thinking if I could do it all over, Hillary just "might" have been the better choice, all things considered.

You don't realize it, but you seem to do more for the Dems than you do for the Right.

Just sayin.
Billy_Kinetta said:
No one. I repeat - NO ONE has any clue as to how many guns or people who possess them currently exist in The United States.
Or How Many Un-Solved Crimes And Cold Cases
Have Been Committed With Them By Illegal Aliens !!
Nah...I’ll sit back and watch it all unfold in HD on my cable that I didn’t cancel. :lmao:
I can't even tell what you're saying sport.
I’m saying you’re an Internet Rambo who is a complete and total tool. You claim to have cut off ALL sources of left-wing commerce yet you sit here typing away on your computer over the internet. Oops.

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