Do you notice how gun nuts never talk about any limits to gun ownership?

I’m saying you’re an Internet Rambo who is a complete and total tool. You claim to have cut off ALL sources of left-wing commerce yet you sit here typing away on your computer over the internet. Oops.

Yeah, if you say so.
Mr. Faux P@triot

But I don't. I count, don't. I join local protests, you don't.
For Allllllllllllll your big talk, you don't even get off your lazy butt and vote.

Problem is, you actually represent the current state of what fools believe is "Patriotism" and your type is exactly why the Left is winning.
Your idea of "P@triotism" is continuous blah, blah, blah on the Internet but not even voting in reality.

Nuff said.
...I only notice how right wingers refuse to love their Republic as much as they allege to love their guns.
And I have noticed that left-wingers refuse to love the United States as much as they love being a mooching parasite. Sad.
lol. That is only because the right wing is clueless and Causeless. We have a general welfare clause not a general warfare clause.
Dude...maybe you wouldn’t be such a miserable little prick if you would stop living like Ted Kazynski. A little football. A couple of movies. Anything to stop you from stewing in your own misery around the clock.

I'm think I'm beginning to see a pattern.....
There may be a lot more people here talking the talk...but not walking the walk.

Not even having the responsibility to get out and vote.
But talking crap as if they're such great little "patriots".

Their not voting probably helped a LOT for the Dems taking the House recently.

Help them again and give them the WH and Senate in 2020 why don't ya?
says the man sitting on a toilet,,,
you protest from
I’m saying you’re an Internet Rambo who is a complete and total tool. You claim to have cut off ALL sources of left-wing commerce yet you sit here typing away on your computer over the internet. Oops.

Yeah, if you say so.
Mr. Faux P@triot

But I don't. I count, don't. I join local protests, you don't.
For Allllllllllllll your big talk, you don't even get off your lazy butt and vote.

Problem is, you actually represent the current state of what fools believe is "Patriotism" and your type is exactly why the Left is winning.
Your idea of "P@triotism" is continuous blah, blah, blah on the Internet but not even voting in reality.

Nuff said.
you protest from the toilet???
I’m saying you’re an Internet Rambo who is a complete and total tool. You claim to have cut off ALL sources of left-wing commerce yet you sit here typing away on your computer over the internet. Oops.

Yeah, if you say so.
Mr. Faux P@triot

But I don't. I count, don't. I join local protests, you don't.
For Allllllllllllll your big talk, you don't even get off your lazy butt and vote.

Problem is, you actually represent the current state of what fools believe is "Patriotism" and your type is exactly why the Left is winning.
Your idea of "P@triotism" is continuous blah, blah, blah on the Internet but not even voting in reality.

Nuff said.
so hows that prostate doing???
...I only notice how right wingers refuse to love their Republic as much as they allege to love their guns.
And I have noticed that left-wingers refuse to love the United States as much as they love being a mooching parasite. Sad.
That is only because the right wing is clueless and Causeless.
That’s bizarre. You just admitted that the left does in fact love being a parasite more than they love their own nation. And then you tried to blame it on the right being “clueless”. :laugh:
I’m saying you’re an Internet Rambo who is a complete and total tool. You claim to have cut off ALL sources of left-wing commerce yet you sit here typing away on your computer over the internet. Oops.
I join local protests, you don't. How did that work out for you? Keep Obama out of office, did ya? Prevent the loss of constitutional rights, did ya? :laugh:

So we’ve established that you voted for Hitlery Clinton, got rid of your cable (because you couldn’t afford cable), and you attend LOCAL “protests” (for social interaction).

Dude...your life blows. No wonder you’re so miserable.
I’m saying you’re an Internet Rambo who is a complete and total tool. You claim to have cut off ALL sources of left-wing commerce yet you sit here typing away on your computer over the internet. Oops.
I join local protests, you don't. How did that work out for you? Keep Obama out of office, did ya? Prevent the loss of constitutional rights, did ya? :laugh:

So we’ve established that you voted for Hitlery Clinton, got rid of your cable (because you couldn’t afford cable), and you attend LOCAL “protests” (for social interaction).

Dude...your life blows. No wonder you’re so miserable.

thats funny,,,he told me he had an Ipod in the toilet and used this forum for entertainment while taken a crap and waiting for his prostate to explode,,,
...I only notice how right wingers refuse to love their Republic as much as they allege to love their guns.
And I have noticed that left-wingers refuse to love the United States as much as they love being a mooching parasite. Sad.
That is only because the right wing is clueless and Causeless.
That’s bizarre. You just admitted that the left does in fact love being a parasite more than they love their own nation. And then you tried to blame it on the right being “clueless”. :laugh:
why plead so specially, right wingers. our welfare clause General. we must insist on "division of labor" to distinguish between the general malfare and the general welfare.

should we insist on the simulator, first?
Nov 27, 2018
The NRA Just Reported Losing $55 Million in Income

The above is truly called--- “Draining the Swamp” dry of cash but then again they could turn in their firearms and ask for a refund LOL
This is exactly why the gun makers and retailers of America were secretly hoping Hillary would win the 2016 election.

"OBAMAZ CUMMIN FER YER GUNZ BUY MOAR!!!" was one of the most successful marketing campaigns in history, and they knew that streak would continue with Hillary in office.
This is exactly why the gun makers and retailers of America were secretly hoping Hillary would win the 2016 election.

"OBAMAZ CUMMIN FER YER GUNZ BUY MOAR!!!" was one of the most successful marketing campaigns in history, and they knew that streak would continue with Hillary in office.
So, the solution to the NRA/Gun Lobby Political Power ($$$) problem is to not vote for gun grabbers?

I agree.

This is exactly why the gun makers and retailers of America were secretly hoping Hillary would win the 2016 election.

"OBAMAZ CUMMIN FER YER GUNZ BUY MOAR!!!" was one of the most successful marketing campaigns in history, and they knew that streak would continue with Hillary in office.
So, the solution to the NRA/Gun Lobby Political Power ($$$) problem is to not vote for gun grabbers?

I agree.

The NRA would be having a boom year if Hillary was elected.

The NRA would be having a boom year if Hillary was elected.


To reduce the NRA's power....don't vote for gun grabbers.

Here's the flaw in your reasoning: Obama was not a gun grabber.

See how that works?


Except he WASN'T coming for my guns.

Your propagandists depend on your stupidity. So the BEST thing to do is to stop being an idiotic parroting tard.
I would keep an eye on Trump. This is a guy who plainly stated he wanted to seize guns THEN perform due process.

This is a guy who plainly stated his support for an assault weapons ban and longer wait times to buy a gun in black and white in his book.
Here's the flaw in your reasoning: Obama was not a gun grabber.
Did he or did he NOT want to restore the 1994 "Assault Weapons" Ban or something similar? (he did)

Suddenly, everyone wants to go buy models they think will soon be banned.

$$$$ to manufacturers and the NRA.

See how that magic works?

Here's the flaw in your reasoning: Obama was not a gun grabber.
Did he or did he NOT want to restore the 1994 "Assault Weapons" Ban or something similar? (he did)

Suddenly, everyone wants to go buy models they think will soon be banned.

$$$$ to manufacturers and the NRA.

See how that magic works?

The sales of ALL guns soared under Obama. The gun makers and retailers had the parroting tards believing Obama was going to come to their homes and take their guns.

The Rube Herd even bleeved the hoax that the government was buying up all the bullets, and they went out and panic bought every round they could, thus causing shortages and high prices.

It was genius marketing.

"See? The government took 'em all!"
I hear some of the dumbest bullshit at gun shows. It's scary to know people that gullible and stupid are panic buying all the guns and ammo they can.
Are they cool with the prospect of people open carrying fully automatic wherever they go? After all, it’s the second amendment! Why is this not a thing?! Surely at GOP conventions those tough republican politicians would feel safe with knowing any fucker carrying a weapon around them is allowed to. Republicans’ idea of limiting gun violence is more guns after all. More guns the better!

If they do draw the line at these scenarios, then don’t they see how ridiculous it is to say any from of gun control is unconstitutional? Who are republicans to arbitrarily decide what level of gun laws are acceptable but democrats can’t? Hell, even their St. Scalia said gun control measures were constitutional.

Do you notice how kids have freedom of speech? You may pretend they don’t because what they choose to say can be punished by an adult in charge, but adults can be punished for what they say as well by adults in charge. After all, you can lose your job if you find yourself catcalling that new hot intern everyday.

All that matters when it comes to the first amendment and kids is that they can’t be charged with a crime for their speech. Now all this being said, are toddlers being denied their bill of rights by not being able to carry a gun?

You had a direction to start this OP.

I disagreed with it, but at least you were headed in a viable direction.

Then you lost focus.

Here, maybe this will help.

The more guns, the better.

We can only shoot one at a time, so you are worried about nothing on the number of guns we have.

And you should be glad we have as big and as bad ass weapons as we do.

The 2nd Amendment is, among other things, a hedge against tyranny.

Imagine what could possibly happen to a disarmed -- or a lesser armed or an under armed -- citizenry if a President (Insert name here,) had or was to have an urge to become a real life dictator.

You hate Trump?

Imagine not having lots of bad assed weapons to deter his ambitions if he woke up and wanted to become King.

Imagine not having lots of bad assed weapons to deter the ambitions of a President Hillary Clinton if she somehow succeeded in deposing DJT and soon after being sworn in she woke up and wanted to become Queen.

The 2nd Amendment gives us recourse.

Tell us when human nature becomes antiquated and out of date.

That is when I will give another moments thought to the 2nd Amendment, which exists to protect us from human nature.

Give some people the power to make us all subjects and they will try to do so.

Obama tried it and all he could manage was politicizing every department of the Federal government.

Just think if there had been no 2A!

Remember when he bought billions and billions of rounds of ammo for the Federal government?

He caused a months long shortage on the civilian market for all calibers of ammo.

And it is my belief he must have thought about preparing the govt. to go to war on the patriots who were going to stand up for our rights if he succeeded in trying a full blown power grab.

Liberals are NOTORIOUS for not thinking past their imnediate objective.

It is a built in handicap most of them share.

They only think about the problem of stopping random mass shootings.

But those casualty rates would be dwarfed by the numbers of patriots and Liberals who would be killed trying to regain sovereignty of our government (or help the Usurper in Chief) in case a would-be despot tried to take advantage of our disarmed state by seizing all govt power and becoming a dictator.

A terrible war would break out and millions would die.

Liberals cant imagine a guy like Obama trying anything like that. But they can imagine Trump doing it, I'd bet.

But human nature does not change.

The 2nd Amendment is our last line of defense against dictatorship and should never be made less potent to stop random mass shootings unless we would court a much worse destiny brought on by Liberal short sightedness.

The 2nd Amendment gives us recourse.
Well Lee, that is the best post you have ever made. Examples, truth and logic explained for any intellgence level. Even we agree on some things. Thank you!

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