Do you notice how gun nuts never talk about any limits to gun ownership?

The reason no one should ever be talking about any limits on gun ownership is because any and all limits make no sense at all, except maybe age.

That is for many obvious reasons.

One is that any gun control regulations means that the very least trustworthy people, the government, get to decide who gets guns and who does not. And that is totally backwards because through out history, government has always been the main source of corruption and threat to individual rights. All wars, slavery, holocausts, segregation, abusive taxation, etc., is always coming from inherent government corruption.

The second is that gun control legislation always not only fails, but does the exact opposite of making things safer.
What is does is just like Prohibition and the War on Drugs, is increase the problem by making it more lucrative to illegal blacks markets, who then rely on violence even more.
Only honest people will ever be intimidated by gun control regulations and legislation.
So only the people who should be armed can possibly be disarmed.
All the dangerous people who should disarmed then will be more likely to be armed if there is any gun control regulation at all.
Obviously the only way to make things safer is by controlling dangerous people, a doable task.
If instead you try to control dangerous objects, that not only is impossible for thousands of reasons, but has to opposite effect of making dangerous people even more dangerous, because the honest people are all without means of defense.

Gun control legislation not only is irrational, but an obvious lie and fraud intent on disrupting and destroying any chance at a real democratic republic. It is totally and completely against the 14th amendment, as well as the 2nd, 4th, and 5th amendments.
The federal government is clearly barred from any weapons legislation by law.
...only the unorganized militia complains about gun control laws; conspiracy or coincidence?

An person who has ever read the Bill of Rights or understands what a democratic republic is, has to be totally and completely against any federal weapons law at all, and gun control in general.
Are they cool with the prospect of people open carrying fully automatic wherever they go? After all, it’s the second amendment! Why is this not a thing?! Surely at GOP conventions those tough republican politicians would feel safe with knowing any fucker carrying a weapon around them is allowed to. Republicans’ idea of limiting gun violence is more guns after all. More guns the better!

If they do draw the line at these scenarios, then don’t they see how ridiculous it is to say any from of gun control is unconstitutional? Who are republicans to arbitrarily decide what level of gun laws are acceptable but democrats can’t? Hell, even their St. Scalia said gun control measures were constitutional.

Do you notice how kids have freedom of speech? You may pretend they don’t because what they choose to say can be punished by an adult in charge, but adults can be punished for what they say as well by adults in charge. After all, you can lose your job if you find yourself catcalling that new hot intern everyday.

All that matters when it comes to the first amendment and kids is that they can’t be charged with a crime for their speech. Now all this being said, are toddlers being denied their bill of rights by not being able to carry a gun?

Ever notice how a sit at home worries about what’s going on in other peoples houses instead of worrying about their own shit?
...only the unorganized militia complains about gun control laws; conspiracy or coincidence?

An person who has ever read the Bill of Rights or understands what a democratic republic is, has to be totally and completely against any federal weapons law at all, and gun control in general.
Whatever can you mean?

Our Second Amendment is express not implied. We should have no security problems in our free States.
The reason no one should ever be talking about any limits on gun ownership is because any and all limits make no sense at all, except maybe age.

That is for many obvious reasons.

One is that any gun control regulations means that the very least trustworthy people, the government, get to decide who gets guns and who does not. And that is totally backwards because through out history, government has always been the main source of corruption and threat to individual rights. All wars, slavery, holocausts, segregation, abusive taxation, etc., is always coming from inherent government corruption.

The second is that gun control legislation always not only fails, but does the exact opposite of making things safer.
What is does is just like Prohibition and the War on Drugs, is increase the problem by making it more lucrative to illegal blacks markets, who then rely on violence even more.
Only honest people will ever be intimidated by gun control regulations and legislation.
So only the people who should be armed can possibly be disarmed.
All the dangerous people who should disarmed then will be more likely to be armed if there is any gun control regulation at all.
Obviously the only way to make things safer is by controlling dangerous people, a doable task.
If instead you try to control dangerous objects, that not only is impossible for thousands of reasons, but has to opposite effect of making dangerous people even more dangerous, because the honest people are all without means of defense.

Gun control legislation not only is irrational, but an obvious lie and fraud intent on disrupting and destroying any chance at a real democratic republic. It is totally and completely against the 14th amendment, as well as the 2nd, 4th, and 5th amendments.
The federal government is clearly barred from any weapons legislation by law.
I have a friend who has been hospitalized twice in the past year for suicide attempts. The first time, he was apprehended by the police WITH A GUN TO HIS HEAD.

The second time, just two weeks ago, he had a .45 and was personally disarmed by me while another friend who was covering me with a sidearm. Prior to me taking him in, the police had all the roads in and out of town blanketed with police cars and a BOLO out on him.

He is now in official police records TWICE for using a gun for suicidal purposes, along with domestic abuse, and yet no one has come to take his guns away.


ETA: I confiscated his .45 and am keeping it in my gun safe for now.
The reason no one should ever be talking about any limits on gun ownership is because any and all limits make no sense at all, except maybe age.

That is for many obvious reasons.

One is that any gun control regulations means that the very least trustworthy people, the government, get to decide who gets guns and who does not. And that is totally backwards because through out history, government has always been the main source of corruption and threat to individual rights. All wars, slavery, holocausts, segregation, abusive taxation, etc., is always coming from inherent government corruption.

The second is that gun control legislation always not only fails, but does the exact opposite of making things safer.
What is does is just like Prohibition and the War on Drugs, is increase the problem by making it more lucrative to illegal blacks markets, who then rely on violence even more.
Only honest people will ever be intimidated by gun control regulations and legislation.
So only the people who should be armed can possibly be disarmed.
All the dangerous people who should disarmed then will be more likely to be armed if there is any gun control regulation at all.
Obviously the only way to make things safer is by controlling dangerous people, a doable task.
If instead you try to control dangerous objects, that not only is impossible for thousands of reasons, but has to opposite effect of making dangerous people even more dangerous, because the honest people are all without means of defense.

Gun control legislation not only is irrational, but an obvious lie and fraud intent on disrupting and destroying any chance at a real democratic republic. It is totally and completely against the 14th amendment, as well as the 2nd, 4th, and 5th amendments.
The federal government is clearly barred from any weapons legislation by law.
I have a friend who has been hospitalized twice in the past year for suicide attempts. The first time, he was apprehended by the police WITH A GUN TO HIS HEAD.

The second time, just two weeks ago, he had a .45 and was personally disarmed by me while another friend who was covering me with a sidearm. Prior to me taking him in, the police had all the roads in and out of town blanketed with police cars and a BOLO out on him.

He is now in official police records TWICE for using a gun for suicidal purposes, along with domestic abuse, and yet no one has come to take his guns away.


ETA: I confiscated his .45 and am keeping it in my gun safe for now.
well you confiscated them....

and I hope you are doing more than that to help a friend

OH and I like how your other friend was willing to kill him to stop him from killing himself

but truthfully I think youre lying through your tooth
The reason no one should ever be talking about any limits on gun ownership is because any and all limits make no sense at all, except maybe age.

That is for many obvious reasons.

One is that any gun control regulations means that the very least trustworthy people, the government, get to decide who gets guns and who does not. And that is totally backwards because through out history, government has always been the main source of corruption and threat to individual rights. All wars, slavery, holocausts, segregation, abusive taxation, etc., is always coming from inherent government corruption.

The second is that gun control legislation always not only fails, but does the exact opposite of making things safer.
What is does is just like Prohibition and the War on Drugs, is increase the problem by making it more lucrative to illegal blacks markets, who then rely on violence even more.
Only honest people will ever be intimidated by gun control regulations and legislation.
So only the people who should be armed can possibly be disarmed.
All the dangerous people who should disarmed then will be more likely to be armed if there is any gun control regulation at all.
Obviously the only way to make things safer is by controlling dangerous people, a doable task.
If instead you try to control dangerous objects, that not only is impossible for thousands of reasons, but has to opposite effect of making dangerous people even more dangerous, because the honest people are all without means of defense.

Gun control legislation not only is irrational, but an obvious lie and fraud intent on disrupting and destroying any chance at a real democratic republic. It is totally and completely against the 14th amendment, as well as the 2nd, 4th, and 5th amendments.
The federal government is clearly barred from any weapons legislation by law.
I have a friend who has been hospitalized twice in the past year for suicide attempts. The first time, he was apprehended by the police WITH A GUN TO HIS HEAD.

The second time, just two weeks ago, he had a .45 and was personally disarmed by me while another friend who was covering me with a sidearm. Prior to me taking him in, the police had all the roads in and out of town blanketed with police cars and a BOLO out on him.

He is now in official police records TWICE for using a gun for suicidal purposes, along with domestic abuse, and yet no one has come to take his guns away.


ETA: I confiscated his .45 and am keeping it in my gun safe for now.
well you confiscated them....

and I hope you are doing more than that to help a friend

OH and I like how your other friend was willing to kill him to stop him from killing himself

but truthfully I think youre lying through your tooth
I took him to the ER and sat with him through the night. Then he was admitted to a dual purpose drug rehab/depression hospital.

They only kept him for three days.

As for my other friend, he was willing to kill to stop ME from getting killed, dumbass.

The police don't know I have his .45. They haven't even inquired about all his guns. Not even when I called them to cancel the BOLO!

The NRA doesn't even want guns confiscated from domestic abusers and suicidal maniacs.

The topic title is apt.
Here's an interesting thing I learned during the incident I just mentioned: The cops are not allowed to intervene if someone is holed up in their house with a gun with the intention of killing themselves.

I called the cops when my friend was about to off himself. He was sending out "goodbye cruel world" IM messages to everyone he knew, and they were all calling me. So I called the cops.

I was already sheltering his wife and kids under my roof as they had fled from the house earlier in the day. That's when I put out the BOLO.

The cops told me that if there was an innocent person in the house, then they would sent in SWAT. But since he was alone, they were not allowed to put their own lives at risk to rescue him.

So I had to do it myself. I was able to talk him into coming out of his house and put his hands on his truck hood while my other friend covered me as I frisked him. Then we went to the ER together.

Nucking futs.
The reason no one should ever be talking about any limits on gun ownership is because any and all limits make no sense at all, except maybe age.

That is for many obvious reasons.

One is that any gun control regulations means that the very least trustworthy people, the government, get to decide who gets guns and who does not. And that is totally backwards because through out history, government has always been the main source of corruption and threat to individual rights. All wars, slavery, holocausts, segregation, abusive taxation, etc., is always coming from inherent government corruption.

The second is that gun control legislation always not only fails, but does the exact opposite of making things safer.
What is does is just like Prohibition and the War on Drugs, is increase the problem by making it more lucrative to illegal blacks markets, who then rely on violence even more.
Only honest people will ever be intimidated by gun control regulations and legislation.
So only the people who should be armed can possibly be disarmed.
All the dangerous people who should disarmed then will be more likely to be armed if there is any gun control regulation at all.
Obviously the only way to make things safer is by controlling dangerous people, a doable task.
If instead you try to control dangerous objects, that not only is impossible for thousands of reasons, but has to opposite effect of making dangerous people even more dangerous, because the honest people are all without means of defense.

Gun control legislation not only is irrational, but an obvious lie and fraud intent on disrupting and destroying any chance at a real democratic republic. It is totally and completely against the 14th amendment, as well as the 2nd, 4th, and 5th amendments.
The federal government is clearly barred from any weapons legislation by law.
I have a friend who has been hospitalized twice in the past year for suicide attempts. The first time, he was apprehended by the police WITH A GUN TO HIS HEAD.

The second time, just two weeks ago, he had a .45 and was personally disarmed by me while another friend who was covering me with a sidearm. Prior to me taking him in, the police had all the roads in and out of town blanketed with police cars and a BOLO out on him.

He is now in official police records TWICE for using a gun for suicidal purposes, along with domestic abuse, and yet no one has come to take his guns away.


ETA: I confiscated his .45 and am keeping it in my gun safe for now.

And WHY did you do that?
Clearly if someone wants to commit suicide that badly, they have a terrible life, and you just made it infinitely worse, with the person being imprisoned.
I can't think of anything worse then being imprisoned.
I would much rather be dead.
Wouldn't you?

Nor is confiscating a single weapon going to make it harder for them to commit suicide later.
If they do not intend to live, then they will pay anything for a weapon, much less the fact tailpipes, electricity, plastic bags, etc. are all just as deadly and totally free.
You did not help them at all.
The reason no one should ever be talking about any limits on gun ownership is because any and all limits make no sense at all, except maybe age.

That is for many obvious reasons.

One is that any gun control regulations means that the very least trustworthy people, the government, get to decide who gets guns and who does not. And that is totally backwards because through out history, government has always been the main source of corruption and threat to individual rights. All wars, slavery, holocausts, segregation, abusive taxation, etc., is always coming from inherent government corruption.

The second is that gun control legislation always not only fails, but does the exact opposite of making things safer.
What is does is just like Prohibition and the War on Drugs, is increase the problem by making it more lucrative to illegal blacks markets, who then rely on violence even more.
Only honest people will ever be intimidated by gun control regulations and legislation.
So only the people who should be armed can possibly be disarmed.
All the dangerous people who should disarmed then will be more likely to be armed if there is any gun control regulation at all.
Obviously the only way to make things safer is by controlling dangerous people, a doable task.
If instead you try to control dangerous objects, that not only is impossible for thousands of reasons, but has to opposite effect of making dangerous people even more dangerous, because the honest people are all without means of defense.

Gun control legislation not only is irrational, but an obvious lie and fraud intent on disrupting and destroying any chance at a real democratic republic. It is totally and completely against the 14th amendment, as well as the 2nd, 4th, and 5th amendments.
The federal government is clearly barred from any weapons legislation by law.
I have a friend who has been hospitalized twice in the past year for suicide attempts. The first time, he was apprehended by the police WITH A GUN TO HIS HEAD.

The second time, just two weeks ago, he had a .45 and was personally disarmed by me while another friend who was covering me with a sidearm. Prior to me taking him in, the police had all the roads in and out of town blanketed with police cars and a BOLO out on him.

He is now in official police records TWICE for using a gun for suicidal purposes, along with domestic abuse, and yet no one has come to take his guns away.


ETA: I confiscated his .45 and am keeping it in my gun safe for now.
well you confiscated them....

and I hope you are doing more than that to help a friend

OH and I like how your other friend was willing to kill him to stop him from killing himself

but truthfully I think youre lying through your tooth
I took him to the ER and sat with him through the night. Then he was admitted to a dual purpose drug rehab/depression hospital.

They only kept him for three days.

As for my other friend, he was willing to kill to stop ME from getting killed, dumbass.

The police don't know I have his .45. They haven't even inquired about all his guns. Not even when I called them to cancel the BOLO!


The ONLY reason to confiscate a gun from someone who is suicidal is because they might also be homicidal. Suicide is a valid and important thing all people have to face and live up to at some point. And it sounds to me as if no one has helped this person at all yet.
The reason no one should ever be talking about any limits on gun ownership is because any and all limits make no sense at all, except maybe age.

That is for many obvious reasons.

One is that any gun control regulations means that the very least trustworthy people, the government, get to decide who gets guns and who does not. And that is totally backwards because through out history, government has always been the main source of corruption and threat to individual rights. All wars, slavery, holocausts, segregation, abusive taxation, etc., is always coming from inherent government corruption.

The second is that gun control legislation always not only fails, but does the exact opposite of making things safer.
What is does is just like Prohibition and the War on Drugs, is increase the problem by making it more lucrative to illegal blacks markets, who then rely on violence even more.
Only honest people will ever be intimidated by gun control regulations and legislation.
So only the people who should be armed can possibly be disarmed.
All the dangerous people who should disarmed then will be more likely to be armed if there is any gun control regulation at all.
Obviously the only way to make things safer is by controlling dangerous people, a doable task.
If instead you try to control dangerous objects, that not only is impossible for thousands of reasons, but has to opposite effect of making dangerous people even more dangerous, because the honest people are all without means of defense.

Gun control legislation not only is irrational, but an obvious lie and fraud intent on disrupting and destroying any chance at a real democratic republic. It is totally and completely against the 14th amendment, as well as the 2nd, 4th, and 5th amendments.
The federal government is clearly barred from any weapons legislation by law.
I have a friend who has been hospitalized twice in the past year for suicide attempts. The first time, he was apprehended by the police WITH A GUN TO HIS HEAD.

The second time, just two weeks ago, he had a .45 and was personally disarmed by me while another friend who was covering me with a sidearm. Prior to me taking him in, the police had all the roads in and out of town blanketed with police cars and a BOLO out on him.

He is now in official police records TWICE for using a gun for suicidal purposes, along with domestic abuse, and yet no one has come to take his guns away.


ETA: I confiscated his .45 and am keeping it in my gun safe for now.

And WHY did you do that?
Clearly if someone wants to commit suicide that badly, they have a terrible life, and you just made it infinitely worse, with the person being imprisoned.
I can't think of anything worse then being imprisoned.
I would much rather be dead.
Wouldn't you?

Nor is confiscating a single weapon going to make it harder for them to commit suicide later.
If they do not intend to live, then they will pay anything for a weapon, much less the fact tailpipes, electricity, plastic bags, etc. are all just as deadly and totally free.
You did not help them at all.
Wow. You are one sick fuck. This is a friend of mine. I'm not going to let him die if I can help it.

The man is going through a situational reaction disturbance. It's temporary.

I was suicidal 22 years ago, and here I am. And I am glad to be alive.


While he was in the hospital, they took him off some meds he has been taking since his last hospitalization. His mood improved dramatically.

Oftentimes, medications can make a person worse. Doctors are just shooting bullets in the dark, hoping to hit the target. But sometimes they cause more harm with meds.

That happened to me, too.
The reason no one should ever be talking about any limits on gun ownership is because any and all limits make no sense at all, except maybe age.

That is for many obvious reasons.

One is that any gun control regulations means that the very least trustworthy people, the government, get to decide who gets guns and who does not. And that is totally backwards because through out history, government has always been the main source of corruption and threat to individual rights. All wars, slavery, holocausts, segregation, abusive taxation, etc., is always coming from inherent government corruption.

The second is that gun control legislation always not only fails, but does the exact opposite of making things safer.
What is does is just like Prohibition and the War on Drugs, is increase the problem by making it more lucrative to illegal blacks markets, who then rely on violence even more.
Only honest people will ever be intimidated by gun control regulations and legislation.
So only the people who should be armed can possibly be disarmed.
All the dangerous people who should disarmed then will be more likely to be armed if there is any gun control regulation at all.
Obviously the only way to make things safer is by controlling dangerous people, a doable task.
If instead you try to control dangerous objects, that not only is impossible for thousands of reasons, but has to opposite effect of making dangerous people even more dangerous, because the honest people are all without means of defense.

Gun control legislation not only is irrational, but an obvious lie and fraud intent on disrupting and destroying any chance at a real democratic republic. It is totally and completely against the 14th amendment, as well as the 2nd, 4th, and 5th amendments.
The federal government is clearly barred from any weapons legislation by law.
I have a friend who has been hospitalized twice in the past year for suicide attempts. The first time, he was apprehended by the police WITH A GUN TO HIS HEAD.

The second time, just two weeks ago, he had a .45 and was personally disarmed by me while another friend who was covering me with a sidearm. Prior to me taking him in, the police had all the roads in and out of town blanketed with police cars and a BOLO out on him.

He is now in official police records TWICE for using a gun for suicidal purposes, along with domestic abuse, and yet no one has come to take his guns away.


ETA: I confiscated his .45 and am keeping it in my gun safe for now.
well you confiscated them....

and I hope you are doing more than that to help a friend

OH and I like how your other friend was willing to kill him to stop him from killing himself

but truthfully I think youre lying through your tooth
I took him to the ER and sat with him through the night. Then he was admitted to a dual purpose drug rehab/depression hospital.

They only kept him for three days.

As for my other friend, he was willing to kill to stop ME from getting killed, dumbass.

The police don't know I have his .45. They haven't even inquired about all his guns. Not even when I called them to cancel the BOLO!


The ONLY reason to confiscate a gun from someone who is suicidal is because they might also be homicidal. Suicide is a valid and important thing all people have to face and live up to at some point. And it sounds to me as if no one has helped this person at all yet.
It takes a person a long time to get that sick, so it takes time to get well. It is fucking asinine and heartless to just write them off.
The NRA doesn't even want guns confiscated from domestic abusers and suicidal maniacs.

The topic title is apt.

That is because gun confiscation from domestic abusers and suicidal maniacs obviously does absolutely NO GOOD at all.
The ONLY thing that can possibly do any good at all is to control the person themselves.
What ever object you take instead is easily and quickly replaced, by legal or illegal means.
It is insane and irrational to try to take objects when in reality it is the person themselves who is the source of the problem.
You have to fix the problem with the person, not pretend you can make the world nerf safe.
The NRA doesn't even want guns confiscated from domestic abusers and suicidal maniacs.

The topic title is apt.

That is because gun confiscation from domestic abusers and suicidal maniacs obviously does absolutely NO GOOD at all.
The ONLY thing that can possibly do any good at all is to control the person themselves.
What ever object you take instead is easily and quickly replaced, by legal or illegal means.
It is insane and irrational to try to take objects when in reality it is the person themselves who is the source of the problem.
You have to fix the problem with the person, not pretend you can make the world nerf safe.
I rest my case.

The topic title is apt and accurate.
The reason no one should ever be talking about any limits on gun ownership is because any and all limits make no sense at all, except maybe age.

That is for many obvious reasons.

One is that any gun control regulations means that the very least trustworthy people, the government, get to decide who gets guns and who does not. And that is totally backwards because through out history, government has always been the main source of corruption and threat to individual rights. All wars, slavery, holocausts, segregation, abusive taxation, etc., is always coming from inherent government corruption.

The second is that gun control legislation always not only fails, but does the exact opposite of making things safer.
What is does is just like Prohibition and the War on Drugs, is increase the problem by making it more lucrative to illegal blacks markets, who then rely on violence even more.
Only honest people will ever be intimidated by gun control regulations and legislation.
So only the people who should be armed can possibly be disarmed.
All the dangerous people who should disarmed then will be more likely to be armed if there is any gun control regulation at all.
Obviously the only way to make things safer is by controlling dangerous people, a doable task.
If instead you try to control dangerous objects, that not only is impossible for thousands of reasons, but has to opposite effect of making dangerous people even more dangerous, because the honest people are all without means of defense.

Gun control legislation not only is irrational, but an obvious lie and fraud intent on disrupting and destroying any chance at a real democratic republic. It is totally and completely against the 14th amendment, as well as the 2nd, 4th, and 5th amendments.
The federal government is clearly barred from any weapons legislation by law.
I have a friend who has been hospitalized twice in the past year for suicide attempts. The first time, he was apprehended by the police WITH A GUN TO HIS HEAD.

The second time, just two weeks ago, he had a .45 and was personally disarmed by me while another friend who was covering me with a sidearm. Prior to me taking him in, the police had all the roads in and out of town blanketed with police cars and a BOLO out on him.

He is now in official police records TWICE for using a gun for suicidal purposes, along with domestic abuse, and yet no one has come to take his guns away.


ETA: I confiscated his .45 and am keeping it in my gun safe for now.

And WHY did you do that?
Clearly if someone wants to commit suicide that badly, they have a terrible life, and you just made it infinitely worse, with the person being imprisoned.
I can't think of anything worse then being imprisoned.
I would much rather be dead.
Wouldn't you?

Nor is confiscating a single weapon going to make it harder for them to commit suicide later.
If they do not intend to live, then they will pay anything for a weapon, much less the fact tailpipes, electricity, plastic bags, etc. are all just as deadly and totally free.
You did not help them at all.
Wow. You are one sick fuck. This is a friend of mine. I'm not going to let him die if I can help it.

The man is going through a situational reaction disturbance. It's temporary.

I was suicidal 22 years ago, and here I am. And I am glad to be alive.


While he was in the hospital, they took him off some meds he has been taking since his last hospitalization. His mood improved dramatically.

Oftentimes, medications can make a person worse. Doctors are just shooting bullets in the dark, hoping to hit the target. But sometimes they cause more harm with meds.

That happened to me, too.

So of course meds can be harmful.
And it was the hospitalization that was the fix.
Isn't it obvious that gun control in no way could possibly have done one bit of good, at all?
So you fixed the temporary situation and did good.
But it was NOT by taking a gun.
It was by getting him treatment.
The reason no one should ever be talking about any limits on gun ownership is because any and all limits make no sense at all, except maybe age.

That is for many obvious reasons.

One is that any gun control regulations means that the very least trustworthy people, the government, get to decide who gets guns and who does not. And that is totally backwards because through out history, government has always been the main source of corruption and threat to individual rights. All wars, slavery, holocausts, segregation, abusive taxation, etc., is always coming from inherent government corruption.

The second is that gun control legislation always not only fails, but does the exact opposite of making things safer.
What is does is just like Prohibition and the War on Drugs, is increase the problem by making it more lucrative to illegal blacks markets, who then rely on violence even more.
Only honest people will ever be intimidated by gun control regulations and legislation.
So only the people who should be armed can possibly be disarmed.
All the dangerous people who should disarmed then will be more likely to be armed if there is any gun control regulation at all.
Obviously the only way to make things safer is by controlling dangerous people, a doable task.
If instead you try to control dangerous objects, that not only is impossible for thousands of reasons, but has to opposite effect of making dangerous people even more dangerous, because the honest people are all without means of defense.

Gun control legislation not only is irrational, but an obvious lie and fraud intent on disrupting and destroying any chance at a real democratic republic. It is totally and completely against the 14th amendment, as well as the 2nd, 4th, and 5th amendments.
The federal government is clearly barred from any weapons legislation by law.
I have a friend who has been hospitalized twice in the past year for suicide attempts. The first time, he was apprehended by the police WITH A GUN TO HIS HEAD.

The second time, just two weeks ago, he had a .45 and was personally disarmed by me while another friend who was covering me with a sidearm. Prior to me taking him in, the police had all the roads in and out of town blanketed with police cars and a BOLO out on him.

He is now in official police records TWICE for using a gun for suicidal purposes, along with domestic abuse, and yet no one has come to take his guns away.


ETA: I confiscated his .45 and am keeping it in my gun safe for now.

And WHY did you do that?
Clearly if someone wants to commit suicide that badly, they have a terrible life, and you just made it infinitely worse, with the person being imprisoned.
I can't think of anything worse then being imprisoned.
I would much rather be dead.
Wouldn't you?

Nor is confiscating a single weapon going to make it harder for them to commit suicide later.
If they do not intend to live, then they will pay anything for a weapon, much less the fact tailpipes, electricity, plastic bags, etc. are all just as deadly and totally free.
You did not help them at all.
Wow. You are one sick fuck. This is a friend of mine. I'm not going to let him die if I can help it.

The man is going through a situational reaction disturbance. It's temporary.

I was suicidal 22 years ago, and here I am. And I am glad to be alive.


While he was in the hospital, they took him off some meds he has been taking since his last hospitalization. His mood improved dramatically.

Oftentimes, medications can make a person worse. Doctors are just shooting bullets in the dark, hoping to hit the target. But sometimes they cause more harm with meds.

That happened to me, too.

So of course meds can be harmful.
And it was the hospitalization that was the fix.
Isn't it obvious that gun control in no way could possibly have done one bit of good, at all?
So you fixed the temporary situation and did good.
But it was NOT by taking a gun.
It was by getting him treatment.
By taking the gun, his family is safer. Period.
The reason no one should ever be talking about any limits on gun ownership is because any and all limits make no sense at all, except maybe age.

That is for many obvious reasons.

One is that any gun control regulations means that the very least trustworthy people, the government, get to decide who gets guns and who does not. And that is totally backwards because through out history, government has always been the main source of corruption and threat to individual rights. All wars, slavery, holocausts, segregation, abusive taxation, etc., is always coming from inherent government corruption.

The second is that gun control legislation always not only fails, but does the exact opposite of making things safer.
What is does is just like Prohibition and the War on Drugs, is increase the problem by making it more lucrative to illegal blacks markets, who then rely on violence even more.
Only honest people will ever be intimidated by gun control regulations and legislation.
So only the people who should be armed can possibly be disarmed.
All the dangerous people who should disarmed then will be more likely to be armed if there is any gun control regulation at all.
Obviously the only way to make things safer is by controlling dangerous people, a doable task.
If instead you try to control dangerous objects, that not only is impossible for thousands of reasons, but has to opposite effect of making dangerous people even more dangerous, because the honest people are all without means of defense.

Gun control legislation not only is irrational, but an obvious lie and fraud intent on disrupting and destroying any chance at a real democratic republic. It is totally and completely against the 14th amendment, as well as the 2nd, 4th, and 5th amendments.
The federal government is clearly barred from any weapons legislation by law.
I have a friend who has been hospitalized twice in the past year for suicide attempts. The first time, he was apprehended by the police WITH A GUN TO HIS HEAD.

The second time, just two weeks ago, he had a .45 and was personally disarmed by me while another friend who was covering me with a sidearm. Prior to me taking him in, the police had all the roads in and out of town blanketed with police cars and a BOLO out on him.

He is now in official police records TWICE for using a gun for suicidal purposes, along with domestic abuse, and yet no one has come to take his guns away.


ETA: I confiscated his .45 and am keeping it in my gun safe for now.
well you confiscated them....

and I hope you are doing more than that to help a friend

OH and I like how your other friend was willing to kill him to stop him from killing himself

but truthfully I think youre lying through your tooth
I took him to the ER and sat with him through the night. Then he was admitted to a dual purpose drug rehab/depression hospital.

They only kept him for three days.

As for my other friend, he was willing to kill to stop ME from getting killed, dumbass.

The police don't know I have his .45. They haven't even inquired about all his guns. Not even when I called them to cancel the BOLO!


The ONLY reason to confiscate a gun from someone who is suicidal is because they might also be homicidal. Suicide is a valid and important thing all people have to face and live up to at some point. And it sounds to me as if no one has helped this person at all yet.
It takes a person a long time to get that sick, so it takes time to get well. It is fucking asinine and heartless to just write them off.

Sure it takes a long time to get sick and a long time to get well.
But gun control does nothing to help either of these problems.
Clearly it is a medical problem, fixed by making health care a free, public option.
That was he could have gotten help a the very beginning, and headed it all off.
None of that can be undone now, and gun control did not and could not help in the least.
Why do people want to limit the rights of people who are law abiding?

If you say it's for safety then you ought to limit how much alcohol a person can buy and consume or maybe put governors on all cars so 20 MPH is the top speed because as long as it's for safety it's OK right?

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