Do you notice how gun nuts never talk about any limits to gun ownership?

Legal gun owners have around 300 milli9n guns and a trillion or more rounds of ammo .
If we were a problem you would know it
It only takes a handful to make it a problem and we always know it.
Like... Muslims?
If its "only a handful" then it isn't a problem.

We are talking about the United States, Not Syria or Yemen. You want to talk about no gun regulations and the number of guns per person, talk about Yemen. How's that workin out for them?
Legal gun owners have around 300 milli9n guns and a trillion or more rounds of ammo .
If we were a problem you would know it
It only takes a handful to make it a problem and we always know it.
Like... Muslims?
If its "only a handful" then it isn't a problem.

We are talking about the United States, Not Syria or Yemen. You want to talk about no gun regulations and the number of guns per person, talk about Yemen. How's that workin out for them?

Depends. Are you Saudi or Iranian?
Legal gun owners have around 300 milli9n guns and a trillion or more rounds of ammo .
If we were a problem you would know it
It only takes a handful to make it a problem and we always know it.
Like... Muslims?
If its "only a handful" then it isn't a problem.

We are talking about the United States, Not Syria or Yemen. You want to talk about no gun regulations and the number of guns per person, talk about Yemen. How's that workin out for them?

Depends. Are you Saudi or Iranian?

Saudi and Iran have very strict gun control but Yemen has Zero gun control. In both Saudi and Iran, you can safely walk the streets as a Christian without fear for your life or that of your Families. In Yemen, you can't even hide in your basement in safety.
Legal gun owners have around 300 milli9n guns and a trillion or more rounds of ammo .
If we were a problem you would know it
It only takes a handful to make it a problem and we always know it.
Like... Muslims?
If its "only a handful" then it isn't a problem.

We are talking about the United States, Not Syria or Yemen. You want to talk about no gun regulations and the number of guns per person, talk about Yemen. How's that workin out for them?

Depends. Are you Saudi or Iranian?

Saudi and Iran have very strict gun control but Yemen has Zero gun control. In both Saudi and Iran, you can safely walk the streets as a Christian without fear for your life or that of your Families. In Yemen, you can't even hide in your basement in safety.

Dumbass there is a war going on in Yemen.
It only takes a handful to make it a problem and we always know it.
Like... Muslims?
If its "only a handful" then it isn't a problem.

We are talking about the United States, Not Syria or Yemen. You want to talk about no gun regulations and the number of guns per person, talk about Yemen. How's that workin out for them?

Depends. Are you Saudi or Iranian?

Saudi and Iran have very strict gun control but Yemen has Zero gun control. In both Saudi and Iran, you can safely walk the streets as a Christian without fear for your life or that of your Families. In Yemen, you can't even hide in your basement in safety.

Dumbass there is a war going on in Yemen.

Then you get my point, don't you. There is a war going on in Yemen. And it's been going on for centuries and will probably be going on for many centuries until both sides kill off each other. While Saudi and Iran have way too many gun regs, Yemen has NONE. Their laws go back to the days that a sword was how you showed you were a man.
Like... Muslims?
If its "only a handful" then it isn't a problem.

We are talking about the United States, Not Syria or Yemen. You want to talk about no gun regulations and the number of guns per person, talk about Yemen. How's that workin out for them?

Depends. Are you Saudi or Iranian?

Saudi and Iran have very strict gun control but Yemen has Zero gun control. In both Saudi and Iran, you can safely walk the streets as a Christian without fear for your life or that of your Families. In Yemen, you can't even hide in your basement in safety.

Dumbass there is a war going on in Yemen.

Then you get my point, don't you. There is a war going on in Yemen. And it's been going on for centuries and will probably be going on for many centuries until both sides kill off each other. While Saudi and Iran have way too many gun regs, Yemen has NONE. Their laws go back to the days that a sword was how you showed you were a man.
The guns in Yemen come from iran they support the terriost there
The UK has always had a lower murder rate than the US even before they passed all their gun laws in the 60's so you can't really attribute their murder rate today to their gun laws

To what do you attribute Great Britains monstrously higher violent crime rate than we have here in the United States?
We are talking about the United States, Not Syria or Yemen. You want to talk about no gun regulations and the number of guns per person, talk about Yemen. How's that workin out for them?

Depends. Are you Saudi or Iranian?

Saudi and Iran have very strict gun control but Yemen has Zero gun control. In both Saudi and Iran, you can safely walk the streets as a Christian without fear for your life or that of your Families. In Yemen, you can't even hide in your basement in safety.

Dumbass there is a war going on in Yemen.

Then you get my point, don't you. There is a war going on in Yemen. And it's been going on for centuries and will probably be going on for many centuries until both sides kill off each other. While Saudi and Iran have way too many gun regs, Yemen has NONE. Their laws go back to the days that a sword was how you showed you were a man.
The guns in Yemen come from iran they support the terriost there

And most of the guns in Mexico comes from the US through straw man sales.

You seem to think there is a difference between the Yemen fighters and the Drug Cartels. I respect the Yemen Rebels more than I do the Mexican Drug cartels but not by much.
The Voters and the Legislators, for the most part, have never said they wanted to come take your guns nor mine. That just won't stand up. But they can and do go after one specific class of weapons. Usually, the most dangerous. And the Courts uphold that. You can have almost any firearm out there if you are properly licensed for them and have the proper storage. Nothing is taken. They just keep the nutcases from having them. You want them, you qualify for them, that's all. If you qualify for them, your rights are upheld. The 2nd amendment is in fine shape.

Really? Then why is this true?

Survey: Majority of Democrats want to ban semi-automatics, half want to ban all guns
by Becket Adams
| March 02, 2018 12:50 PM
When pro-gun control advocates tell you they don’t want to take your guns, they actually want to take your guns.
Survey: Majority of Democrats want to ban semi-automatics, half want to ban all guns
And most of the guns in Mexico comes from the US through straw man sales.

You seem to think there is a difference between the Yemen fighters and the Drug Cartels. I respect the Yemen Rebels more than I do the Mexican Drug cartels but not by much.

As you know, that is a lie. Of course, being a far left Progressive, lies comes to you naturally!

Published April 2, 2009
Last Update December 24, 2015
The Myth of 90 Percent: Only a Small Fraction of Guns in Mexico Come From U.S.
By William La Jeunesse, | Fox News
It's just not true.

In fact, it's not even close. The fact is, only 17 percent of guns found at Mexican crime scenes have been traced to the U.S.
The Myth of 90 Percent: Only a Small Fraction of Guns in Mexico Come From U.S.
The UK has always had a lower murder rate than the US even before they passed all their gun laws in the 60's so you can't really attribute their murder rate today to their gun laws

To what do you attribute Great Britains monstrously higher violent crime rate than we have here in the United States?


As of late, you're right but my information was from before the Islamic invasion of Western Europe.
Last edited:
Legal gun owners have around 300 milli9n guns and a trillion or more rounds of ammo .
If we were a problem you would know it
It only takes a handful to make it a problem and we always know it.
Like... Muslims?
If its "only a handful" then it isn't a problem.
We are talking about the United States, Not Syria or Yemen. You want to talk about no gun regulations and the number of guns per person, talk about Yemen. How's that workin out for them?
That's OK -- I knew you could not address my post honestly or intelligently.
Legal gun owners have around 300 milli9n guns and a trillion or more rounds of ammo .
If we were a problem you would know it
It only takes a handful to make it a problem and we always know it.
Like... Muslims?
If its "only a handful" then it isn't a problem.
We are talking about the United States, Not Syria or Yemen. You want to talk about no gun regulations and the number of guns per person, talk about Yemen. How's that workin out for them?
That's OK -- I knew you could not address my post honestly or intelligently.

That's because your post was NOT honest. You want an honest response post an honest response yourself.
Who keeps bumping this stupid fucking thread? Modern day liberals are pussys and there is no discussion to be had with them. ESPECIALLY the op
Legal gun owners have around 300 milli9n guns and a trillion or more rounds of ammo .
If we were a problem you would know it
It only takes a handful to make it a problem and we always know it.
Like... Muslims?
If its "only a handful" then it isn't a problem.
We are talking about the United States, Not Syria or Yemen. You want to talk about no gun regulations and the number of guns per person, talk about Yemen. How's that workin out for them?
That's OK -- I knew you could not address my post honestly or intelligently.
That's because your post was NOT honest.
It was. You just don't like the truth.
Are they cool with the prospect of people open carrying fully automatic wherever they go? After all, it’s the second amendment! Why is this not a thing?! Surely at GOP conventions those tough republican politicians would feel safe with knowing any fucker carrying a weapon around them is allowed to. Republicans’ idea of limiting gun violence is more guns after all. More guns the better!

If they do draw the line at these scenarios, then don’t they see how ridiculous it is to say any from of gun control is unconstitutional? Who are republicans to arbitrarily decide what level of gun laws are acceptable but democrats can’t? Hell, even their St. Scalia said gun control measures were constitutional.

Do you notice how kids have freedom of speech? You may pretend they don’t because what they choose to say can be punished by an adult in charge, but adults can be punished for what they say as well by adults in charge. After all, you can lose your job if you find yourself catcalling that new hot intern everyday.

All that matters when it comes to the first amendment and kids is that they can’t be charged with a crime for their speech. Now all this being said, are toddlers being denied their bill of rights by not being able to carry a gun?

I am 58 years old & have been shooting since I was 6 years old; it's great fun & it's all legal.

Why should there be a limit on the amount of firearms purchased by any individual that purchases legally?

Sounds like you want firearms in the hands of criminals.
I don't advocate throwing out the whole of the 2nd amendment but I do say it has to be updated so it's applicable for today and then keep it current.
Nobody cares what you say, Duh-ryl. You’re irrelevant. The American people have spoken. They don’t want the 2nd Amendment “updated”. If they did, they would have legally and properly amend it already.
The American People haven't spoken just yet.
Yes they did, dillhole. They spoke in the 2010 midterm ass-kicking and they spoke again electing Donald Trump. Then they spoke in 2018 with the near unpredictable expansion of control in the Senate during the midterm where they held the White House.

Dumb ass.
There's nothing to discuss. The Constitution (despite your misinterpretation) protect out Rights to own weapons. There is nothing you can do about it.
The Legislators, Courts and Voters disagree with you and there is nothing you can do about it.
Really? Then why do I own firearms? Many of them. Dumb ass.

Listening to you whine, and then deny you lost despite the fact that you’re whining specifically because you lost, is fascinating. You lost asshole. The American people have no desire to “update” the 2nd Amendment. Deal with it. Accept reality.

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