Do you notice how gun nuts never talk about any limits to gun ownership?

Are they cool with the prospect of people open carrying fully automatic wherever they go? After all, it’s the second amendment! Why is this not a thing?! Surely at GOP conventions those tough republican politicians would feel safe with knowing any fucker carrying a weapon around them is allowed to. Republicans’ idea of limiting gun violence is more guns after all. More guns the better!

If they do draw the line at these scenarios, then don’t they see how ridiculous it is to say any from of gun control is unconstitutional? Who are republicans to arbitrarily decide what level of gun laws are acceptable but democrats can’t? Hell, even their St. Scalia said gun control measures were constitutional.

Do you notice how kids have freedom of speech? You may pretend they don’t because what they choose to say can be punished by an adult in charge, but adults can be punished for what they say as well by adults in charge. After all, you can lose your job if you find yourself catcalling that new hot intern everyday.

All that matters when it comes to the first amendment and kids is that they can’t be charged with a crime for their speech. Now all this being said, are toddlers being denied their bill of rights by not being able to carry a gun?
First you lug nut I dont know one person who carrys a fully automatic fire arm you have been watching to many hollywood fake acti9n movies.
We jave class 2 weapons and dont carry them . second you have to pass a usual 9 to 12 month backround check by the Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms boys to buy one . now why dont you try f8nding a glock 18 and see what the cost is .
A m16 make before 1986 will run you close to 30 grand in fair shape .
Clearly your a moron .
Your great party in nyc is in the process of putting a ban on the sale of hot dogs . bunch of dumb bastards
I don't advocate throwing out the whole of the 2nd amendment but I do say it has to be updated so it's applicable for today and then keep it current.
Nobody cares what you say, Duh-ryl. You’re irrelevant. The American people have spoken. They don’t want the 2nd Amendment “updated”. If they did, they would have legally and properly amend it already.
The American People haven't spoken just yet.
Yes they did, dillhole. They spoke in the 2010 midterm ass-kicking and they spoke again electing Donald Trump. Then they spoke in 2018 with the near unpredictable expansion of control in the Senate during the midterm where they held the White House.

Dumb ass.

Care to esplain, there Lucy, what happened in the House and the fact that Trump has a 41.3 percent approval rating that hasn't changed in months including AFTER the Mueller report? Or the fact that some Republican Senators are starting to revolt against the status quo. 2020 is probably not going to go the way you believe it will. For instance, we already know that Republican Senate Seat from Colorado is going to flip. And it look like other will as well in other states. The Republicans are having to move away from insane Strumpers more to the center in order to hang on to their senate seats or go back to working for a living. And if you haven't noticed (it's a bit hard with all the noise) that most of the incoming House Dems, most of them were moderates as well. It look like Americans are taking back our Government. And the only thing you fruitcakes can do about is keep doing what you are doing and keep driving it faster to the center where it should have been all along.

Your biggest nightmare is for a moderate Democrat that can stick with the issues to be presented and ignore the circus that you and your fruitcakes will continue to present. Newsflash: The Majority of the Voters are fed up with the dog and pony act. So get ready for a wild ride. Not one you are going to care for. But one of your own making.

The Voters are speaking. You are just too eaten up with hate to listen.
There's nothing to discuss. The Constitution (despite your misinterpretation) protect out Rights to own weapons. There is nothing you can do about it.
The Legislators, Courts and Voters disagree with you and there is nothing you can do about it.
Really? Then why do I own firearms? Many of them. Dumb ass.

Listening to you whine, and then deny you lost despite the fact that you’re whining specifically because you lost, is fascinating. You lost asshole. The American people have no desire to “update” the 2nd Amendment. Deal with it. Accept reality.

The State where you live in ALLOWS you to have those firearms. Simple as that. God didn't give you those magical rights. The State gave you those rights. And if too many people in your state misuse those guns, the State can take those rights away or severely regulate them. The State Giveth, the State Taketh away.

And the only thing you can do is to keep people like yourself from going off the deep end.
I once posted, as a joke, that a bazooka is a gun and you should be able to buy them.

Sadly, some people agreed.
I once posted, as a joke, that a bazooka is a gun and you should be able to buy them.

Sadly, some people agreed.

Well, you never know when you are going to corner an Elk armed with a LAW in a warehouse, now do you?
There's nothing to discuss. The Constitution (despite your misinterpretation) protect out Rights to own weapons. There is nothing you can do about it.
The Legislators, Courts and Voters disagree with you and there is nothing you can do about it.
Really? Then why do I own firearms? Many of them. Dumb ass.

Listening to you whine, and then deny you lost despite the fact that you’re whining specifically because you lost, is fascinating. You lost asshole. The American people have no desire to “update” the 2nd Amendment. Deal with it. Accept reality.

The State where you live in ALLOWS you to have those firearms. Simple as that. God didn't give you those magical rights. The State gave you those rights. And if too many people in your state misuse those guns, the State can take those rights away or severely regulate them. The State Giveth, the State Taketh away.

And the only thing you can do is to keep people like yourself from going off the deep end.

The Bill Of Rights is not a list of privileges granted by government, it's a list of rights that the government is forbidden to take away. You also can't vote away the Constitution, numbnuts. You are a Class A moron. Just stop talking.
There's nothing to discuss. The Constitution (despite your misinterpretation) protect out Rights to own weapons. There is nothing you can do about it.
The Legislators, Courts and Voters disagree with you and there is nothing you can do about it.
Really? Then why do I own firearms? Many of them. Dumb ass.

Listening to you whine, and then deny you lost despite the fact that you’re whining specifically because you lost, is fascinating. You lost asshole. The American people have no desire to “update” the 2nd Amendment. Deal with it. Accept reality.

The State where you live in ALLOWS you to have those firearms. Simple as that. God didn't give you those magical rights. The State gave you those rights. And if too many people in your state misuse those guns, the State can take those rights away or severely regulate them. The State Giveth, the State Taketh away.

And the only thing you can do is to keep people like yourself from going off the deep end.

The Bill Of Rights is not a list of privileges granted by government, it's a list of rights that the government is forbidden to take away. You also can't vote away the Constitution, numbnuts. You are a Class A moron. Just stop talking.

The Bill of Rights is just a paper that the 1st 10 amendments of the Constitution was drawn from. The Constitution of the United States is what counts. All of it. And that includes the 10th and the 14th amendment that you so callously ignore. The Federal Government is severely limited in what it can and can't do about gun rights and regulations. It's left up to the states with very few exceptions. You don't like the regulations in the state you live in, it's the Federal Courts opinion that you can just move to one you prefer better.
There's nothing to discuss. The Constitution (despite your misinterpretation) protect out Rights to own weapons. There is nothing you can do about it.
The Legislators, Courts and Voters disagree with you and there is nothing you can do about it.
Really? Then why do I own firearms? Many of them. Dumb ass.

Listening to you whine, and then deny you lost despite the fact that you’re whining specifically because you lost, is fascinating. You lost asshole. The American people have no desire to “update” the 2nd Amendment. Deal with it. Accept reality.

The State where you live in ALLOWS you to have those firearms. Simple as that. God didn't give you those magical rights. The State gave you those rights. And if too many people in your state misuse those guns, the State can take those rights away or severely regulate them. The State Giveth, the State Taketh away.

And the only thing you can do is to keep people like yourself from going off the deep end.

The Bill Of Rights is not a list of privileges granted by government, it's a list of rights that the government is forbidden to take away. You also can't vote away the Constitution, numbnuts. You are a Class A moron. Just stop talking.

The Bill of Rights is just a paper that the 1st 10 amendments of the Constitution was drawn from. The Constitution of the United States is what counts. All of it. And that includes the 10th and the 14th amendment that you so callously ignore. The Federal Government is severely limited in what it can and can't do about gun rights and regulations. It's left up to the states with very few exceptions. You don't like the regulations in the state you live in, it's the Federal Courts opinion that you can just move to one you prefer better.
Here we go again

The Bill of Rights is part of the Constitution and has been since the amendments within were simultaneously ratified
The Legislators, Courts and Voters disagree with you and there is nothing you can do about it.
Really? Then why do I own firearms? Many of them. Dumb ass.

Listening to you whine, and then deny you lost despite the fact that you’re whining specifically because you lost, is fascinating. You lost asshole. The American people have no desire to “update” the 2nd Amendment. Deal with it. Accept reality.

The State where you live in ALLOWS you to have those firearms. Simple as that. God didn't give you those magical rights. The State gave you those rights. And if too many people in your state misuse those guns, the State can take those rights away or severely regulate them. The State Giveth, the State Taketh away.

And the only thing you can do is to keep people like yourself from going off the deep end.

The Bill Of Rights is not a list of privileges granted by government, it's a list of rights that the government is forbidden to take away. You also can't vote away the Constitution, numbnuts. You are a Class A moron. Just stop talking.

The Bill of Rights is just a paper that the 1st 10 amendments of the Constitution was drawn from. The Constitution of the United States is what counts. All of it. And that includes the 10th and the 14th amendment that you so callously ignore. The Federal Government is severely limited in what it can and can't do about gun rights and regulations. It's left up to the states with very few exceptions. You don't like the regulations in the state you live in, it's the Federal Courts opinion that you can just move to one you prefer better.
Here we go again

The Bill of Rights is part of the Constitution and has been since the amendments within were simultaneously ratified

You can say that all you want but the only document that is the law of the land is the Constitution. It just so happens that the 1st 10 amendments were taken from the bill of rights. But to just use the bill of rights is ignoring the other amendments of the Constitution. Specifically, the 14th amendment.

All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside. No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

The 2nd amendment is written to prevent the Federal Government from denying the "People" from any firearms rights. But under the 14th amendment, the State can regulate those "Rights" as long as due process is observed. In fact, "Due Process" pretty well covers many other laws and rights not just firearms as well. Again, just using the Bill of Rights by itself has NO legal standing. Using the Constitution of the United States that includes the Bill of Rights is the law of the land. You can pick nits all you want but you are wrong.
Really? Then why do I own firearms? Many of them. Dumb ass.

Listening to you whine, and then deny you lost despite the fact that you’re whining specifically because you lost, is fascinating. You lost asshole. The American people have no desire to “update” the 2nd Amendment. Deal with it. Accept reality.

The State where you live in ALLOWS you to have those firearms. Simple as that. God didn't give you those magical rights. The State gave you those rights. And if too many people in your state misuse those guns, the State can take those rights away or severely regulate them. The State Giveth, the State Taketh away.

And the only thing you can do is to keep people like yourself from going off the deep end.

The Bill Of Rights is not a list of privileges granted by government, it's a list of rights that the government is forbidden to take away. You also can't vote away the Constitution, numbnuts. You are a Class A moron. Just stop talking.

The Bill of Rights is just a paper that the 1st 10 amendments of the Constitution was drawn from. The Constitution of the United States is what counts. All of it. And that includes the 10th and the 14th amendment that you so callously ignore. The Federal Government is severely limited in what it can and can't do about gun rights and regulations. It's left up to the states with very few exceptions. You don't like the regulations in the state you live in, it's the Federal Courts opinion that you can just move to one you prefer better.
Here we go again

The Bill of Rights is part of the Constitution and has been since the amendments within were simultaneously ratified

You can say that all you want but the only document that is the law of the land is the Constitution. It just so happens that the 1st 10 amendments were taken from the bill of rights. But to just use the bill of rights is ignoring the other amendments of the Constitution. Specifically, the 14th amendment.

All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside. No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

The 2nd amendment is written to prevent the Federal Government from denying the "People" from any firearms rights. But under the 14th amendment, the State can regulate those "Rights" as long as due process is observed. In fact, "Due Process" pretty well covers many other laws and rights not just firearms as well. Again, just using the Bill of Rights by itself has NO legal standing. Using the Constitution of the United States that includes the Bill of Rights is the law of the land. You can pick nits all you want but you are wrong.

Blah blah yadda yadda

Th Bill of rights IS part of the Constitution and I don't ignore any amendments but you sure as hell seem fixated on the 14th
The Legislators, Courts and Voters disagree with you and there is nothing you can do about it.
Really? Then why do I own firearms? Many of them. Dumb ass.

Listening to you whine, and then deny you lost despite the fact that you’re whining specifically because you lost, is fascinating. You lost asshole. The American people have no desire to “update” the 2nd Amendment. Deal with it. Accept reality.

The State where you live in ALLOWS you to have those firearms. Simple as that. God didn't give you those magical rights. The State gave you those rights. And if too many people in your state misuse those guns, the State can take those rights away or severely regulate them. The State Giveth, the State Taketh away.

And the only thing you can do is to keep people like yourself from going off the deep end.

The Bill Of Rights is not a list of privileges granted by government, it's a list of rights that the government is forbidden to take away. You also can't vote away the Constitution, numbnuts. You are a Class A moron. Just stop talking.

The Bill of Rights is just a paper that the 1st 10 amendments of the Constitution was drawn from. The Constitution of the United States is what counts. All of it. And that includes the 10th and the 14th amendment that you so callously ignore. The Federal Government is severely limited in what it can and can't do about gun rights and regulations. It's left up to the states with very few exceptions. You don't like the regulations in the state you live in, it's the Federal Courts opinion that you can just move to one you prefer better.
Here we go again

The Bill of Rights is part of the Constitution and has been since the amendments within were simultaneously ratified
The State where you live in ALLOWS you to have those firearms. Simple as that. God didn't give you those magical rights. The State gave you those rights. And if too many people in your state misuse those guns, the State can take those rights away or severely regulate them. The State Giveth, the State Taketh away.

And the only thing you can do is to keep people like yourself from going off the deep end.

The Bill Of Rights is not a list of privileges granted by government, it's a list of rights that the government is forbidden to take away. You also can't vote away the Constitution, numbnuts. You are a Class A moron. Just stop talking.

The Bill of Rights is just a paper that the 1st 10 amendments of the Constitution was drawn from. The Constitution of the United States is what counts. All of it. And that includes the 10th and the 14th amendment that you so callously ignore. The Federal Government is severely limited in what it can and can't do about gun rights and regulations. It's left up to the states with very few exceptions. You don't like the regulations in the state you live in, it's the Federal Courts opinion that you can just move to one you prefer better.
Here we go again

The Bill of Rights is part of the Constitution and has been since the amendments within were simultaneously ratified

You can say that all you want but the only document that is the law of the land is the Constitution. It just so happens that the 1st 10 amendments were taken from the bill of rights. But to just use the bill of rights is ignoring the other amendments of the Constitution. Specifically, the 14th amendment.

All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside. No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

The 2nd amendment is written to prevent the Federal Government from denying the "People" from any firearms rights. But under the 14th amendment, the State can regulate those "Rights" as long as due process is observed. In fact, "Due Process" pretty well covers many other laws and rights not just firearms as well. Again, just using the Bill of Rights by itself has NO legal standing. Using the Constitution of the United States that includes the Bill of Rights is the law of the land. You can pick nits all you want but you are wrong.

Blah blah yadda yadda

Th Bill of rights IS part of the Constitution and I don't ignore any amendments but you sure as hell seem fixated on the 14th

Actually, the Constitution of the United States predates the Bill of Rights. Did you know that? The Constitution of the United States was Ratified in 1789 by 11 states with 7 of what would become the first 7 articles of the Bill of Rights which would have 10 articles and be ratified in 1791 and have those 3 additional articles or amendments added to the Constitution. It wasn't the bill of rights that was actually ratified but the addition of those last 3 articles which became amendments to the constitution. You really need to check the dates of those two documents. The original Constitution of the United States was only 7 amendments taken from the English Bill of Rights dated 1689 but edited and updated for use for the new United States. That means the American Bill of Rights actually came from the Constitution of the United States, not the other way around.
Really? Then why do I own firearms? Many of them. Dumb ass.

Listening to you whine, and then deny you lost despite the fact that you’re whining specifically because you lost, is fascinating. You lost asshole. The American people have no desire to “update” the 2nd Amendment. Deal with it. Accept reality.

The State where you live in ALLOWS you to have those firearms. Simple as that. God didn't give you those magical rights. The State gave you those rights. And if too many people in your state misuse those guns, the State can take those rights away or severely regulate them. The State Giveth, the State Taketh away.

And the only thing you can do is to keep people like yourself from going off the deep end.

The Bill Of Rights is not a list of privileges granted by government, it's a list of rights that the government is forbidden to take away. You also can't vote away the Constitution, numbnuts. You are a Class A moron. Just stop talking.

The Bill of Rights is just a paper that the 1st 10 amendments of the Constitution was drawn from. The Constitution of the United States is what counts. All of it. And that includes the 10th and the 14th amendment that you so callously ignore. The Federal Government is severely limited in what it can and can't do about gun rights and regulations. It's left up to the states with very few exceptions. You don't like the regulations in the state you live in, it's the Federal Courts opinion that you can just move to one you prefer better.
Here we go again

The Bill of Rights is part of the Constitution and has been since the amendments within were simultaneously ratified
The Bill Of Rights is not a list of privileges granted by government, it's a list of rights that the government is forbidden to take away. You also can't vote away the Constitution, numbnuts. You are a Class A moron. Just stop talking.

The Bill of Rights is just a paper that the 1st 10 amendments of the Constitution was drawn from. The Constitution of the United States is what counts. All of it. And that includes the 10th and the 14th amendment that you so callously ignore. The Federal Government is severely limited in what it can and can't do about gun rights and regulations. It's left up to the states with very few exceptions. You don't like the regulations in the state you live in, it's the Federal Courts opinion that you can just move to one you prefer better.
Here we go again

The Bill of Rights is part of the Constitution and has been since the amendments within were simultaneously ratified

You can say that all you want but the only document that is the law of the land is the Constitution. It just so happens that the 1st 10 amendments were taken from the bill of rights. But to just use the bill of rights is ignoring the other amendments of the Constitution. Specifically, the 14th amendment.

All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside. No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

The 2nd amendment is written to prevent the Federal Government from denying the "People" from any firearms rights. But under the 14th amendment, the State can regulate those "Rights" as long as due process is observed. In fact, "Due Process" pretty well covers many other laws and rights not just firearms as well. Again, just using the Bill of Rights by itself has NO legal standing. Using the Constitution of the United States that includes the Bill of Rights is the law of the land. You can pick nits all you want but you are wrong.

Blah blah yadda yadda

Th Bill of rights IS part of the Constitution and I don't ignore any amendments but you sure as hell seem fixated on the 14th

Actually, the Constitution of the United States predates the Bill of Rights. Did you know that? The Constitution of the United States was Ratified in 1789 by 11 states with 7 of what would become the first 7 articles of the Bill of Rights which would have 10 articles and be ratified in 1791 and have those 3 additional articles or amendments added to the Constitution. It wasn't the bill of rights that was actually ratified but the addition of those last 3 articles which became amendments to the constitution. You really need to check the dates of those two documents. The original Constitution of the United States was only 7 amendments taken from the English Bill of Rights dated 1689 but edited and updated for use for the new United States. That means the American Bill of Rights actually came from the Constitution of the United States, not the other way around.

So the fuck what?

The first 10 amendments are the Bill of Rights

Whenever the Constitution is amended those amendments become part of the Constitution.

This is 8th grade civics and everyone but you seems to understand it
The State where you live in ALLOWS you to have those firearms. Simple as that. God didn't give you those magical rights. The State gave you those rights. And if too many people in your state misuse those guns, the State can take those rights away or severely regulate them. The State Giveth, the State Taketh away.

And the only thing you can do is to keep people like yourself from going off the deep end.

The Bill Of Rights is not a list of privileges granted by government, it's a list of rights that the government is forbidden to take away. You also can't vote away the Constitution, numbnuts. You are a Class A moron. Just stop talking.

The Bill of Rights is just a paper that the 1st 10 amendments of the Constitution was drawn from. The Constitution of the United States is what counts. All of it. And that includes the 10th and the 14th amendment that you so callously ignore. The Federal Government is severely limited in what it can and can't do about gun rights and regulations. It's left up to the states with very few exceptions. You don't like the regulations in the state you live in, it's the Federal Courts opinion that you can just move to one you prefer better.
Here we go again

The Bill of Rights is part of the Constitution and has been since the amendments within were simultaneously ratified
The Bill of Rights is just a paper that the 1st 10 amendments of the Constitution was drawn from. The Constitution of the United States is what counts. All of it. And that includes the 10th and the 14th amendment that you so callously ignore. The Federal Government is severely limited in what it can and can't do about gun rights and regulations. It's left up to the states with very few exceptions. You don't like the regulations in the state you live in, it's the Federal Courts opinion that you can just move to one you prefer better.
Here we go again

The Bill of Rights is part of the Constitution and has been since the amendments within were simultaneously ratified

You can say that all you want but the only document that is the law of the land is the Constitution. It just so happens that the 1st 10 amendments were taken from the bill of rights. But to just use the bill of rights is ignoring the other amendments of the Constitution. Specifically, the 14th amendment.

All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside. No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

The 2nd amendment is written to prevent the Federal Government from denying the "People" from any firearms rights. But under the 14th amendment, the State can regulate those "Rights" as long as due process is observed. In fact, "Due Process" pretty well covers many other laws and rights not just firearms as well. Again, just using the Bill of Rights by itself has NO legal standing. Using the Constitution of the United States that includes the Bill of Rights is the law of the land. You can pick nits all you want but you are wrong.

Blah blah yadda yadda

Th Bill of rights IS part of the Constitution and I don't ignore any amendments but you sure as hell seem fixated on the 14th

Actually, the Constitution of the United States predates the Bill of Rights. Did you know that? The Constitution of the United States was Ratified in 1789 by 11 states with 7 of what would become the first 7 articles of the Bill of Rights which would have 10 articles and be ratified in 1791 and have those 3 additional articles or amendments added to the Constitution. It wasn't the bill of rights that was actually ratified but the addition of those last 3 articles which became amendments to the constitution. You really need to check the dates of those two documents. The original Constitution of the United States was only 7 amendments taken from the English Bill of Rights dated 1689 but edited and updated for use for the new United States. That means the American Bill of Rights actually came from the Constitution of the United States, not the other way around.

So the fuck what?

The first 10 amendments are the Bill of Rights

Whenever the Constitution is amended those amendments become part of the Constitution.

This is 8th grade civics and everyone but you seems to understand it

The first 7 articles of the bill of rights were taken from the original Constitution of the United States and they added 3 articles to it which when it was ratified, that became part of the Constitution of the United States. And the Constitution of the United States is all the counts. There can be no articles added to the Bill of Rights. It's a dead document. It has no legal standing. Can you tell me one time that anyone was found guilty of a crime against the Bill of Rights EVER? But there seems to be a long list of times that people have been found guilty of being found guilty against the Constitution of the United States. Now, tell me, which one is the legal law of the land?
The Bill Of Rights is not a list of privileges granted by government, it's a list of rights that the government is forbidden to take away. You also can't vote away the Constitution, numbnuts. You are a Class A moron. Just stop talking.

The Bill of Rights is just a paper that the 1st 10 amendments of the Constitution was drawn from. The Constitution of the United States is what counts. All of it. And that includes the 10th and the 14th amendment that you so callously ignore. The Federal Government is severely limited in what it can and can't do about gun rights and regulations. It's left up to the states with very few exceptions. You don't like the regulations in the state you live in, it's the Federal Courts opinion that you can just move to one you prefer better.
Here we go again

The Bill of Rights is part of the Constitution and has been since the amendments within were simultaneously ratified
Here we go again

The Bill of Rights is part of the Constitution and has been since the amendments within were simultaneously ratified

You can say that all you want but the only document that is the law of the land is the Constitution. It just so happens that the 1st 10 amendments were taken from the bill of rights. But to just use the bill of rights is ignoring the other amendments of the Constitution. Specifically, the 14th amendment.

All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside. No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

The 2nd amendment is written to prevent the Federal Government from denying the "People" from any firearms rights. But under the 14th amendment, the State can regulate those "Rights" as long as due process is observed. In fact, "Due Process" pretty well covers many other laws and rights not just firearms as well. Again, just using the Bill of Rights by itself has NO legal standing. Using the Constitution of the United States that includes the Bill of Rights is the law of the land. You can pick nits all you want but you are wrong.

Blah blah yadda yadda

Th Bill of rights IS part of the Constitution and I don't ignore any amendments but you sure as hell seem fixated on the 14th

Actually, the Constitution of the United States predates the Bill of Rights. Did you know that? The Constitution of the United States was Ratified in 1789 by 11 states with 7 of what would become the first 7 articles of the Bill of Rights which would have 10 articles and be ratified in 1791 and have those 3 additional articles or amendments added to the Constitution. It wasn't the bill of rights that was actually ratified but the addition of those last 3 articles which became amendments to the constitution. You really need to check the dates of those two documents. The original Constitution of the United States was only 7 amendments taken from the English Bill of Rights dated 1689 but edited and updated for use for the new United States. That means the American Bill of Rights actually came from the Constitution of the United States, not the other way around.

So the fuck what?

The first 10 amendments are the Bill of Rights

Whenever the Constitution is amended those amendments become part of the Constitution.

This is 8th grade civics and everyone but you seems to understand it

The first 7 articles of the bill of rights were taken from the original Constitution of the United States and they added 3 articles to it which when it was ratified, that became part of the Constitution of the United States. And the Constitution of the United States is all the counts. There can be no articles added to the Bill of Rights. It's a dead document. It has no legal standing. Can you tell me one time that anyone was found guilty of a crime against the Bill of Rights EVER? But there seems to be a long list of times that people have been found guilty of being found guilty against the Constitution of the United States. Now, tell me, which one is the legal law of the land?

It's distinction without a difference

The First 10 amendments are known collectively as the Bill of Rights.

The first 10 amendments are part of the Constitution


The Bill of Rights is part of the Constitution as is every amendment added since
Care to esplain, there Lucy, what happened in the House and the fact that Trump has a 41.3 percent approval rating that hasn't changed in months including AFTER the Mueller report? Or the fact that some Republican Senators are starting to revolt against the status quo. 2020 is probably not going to go the way you believe it will. For instance, we already know that Republican Senate Seat from Colorado is going to flip. And it look like other will as well in other states. The Republicans are having to move away from insane Strumpers more to the center in order to hang on to their senate seats or go back to working for a living. And if you haven't noticed (it's a bit hard with all the noise) that most of the incoming House Dems, most of them were moderates as well. It look like Americans are taking back our Government. And the only thing you fruitcakes can do about is keep doing what you are doing and keep driving it faster to the center where it should have been all along.

Your biggest nightmare is for a moderate Democrat that can stick with the issues to be presented and ignore the circus that you and your fruitcakes will continue to present. Newsflash: The Majority of the Voters are fed up with the dog and pony act. So get ready for a wild ride. Not one you are going to care for. But one of your own making.

The Voters are speaking. You are just too eaten up with hate to listen.

To bring you up to date. Keep in mind, the Rasmussen Reports was one of only two polling companies to nail the 2016 Presidential election.

Rasmussen Reports 4/22 - 4/24 . . . 1500 LV , , 50 . . . . . . . . . 48. . . . . . . . . .+2
The State where you live in ALLOWS you to have those firearms. Simple as that. God didn't give you those magical rights. The State gave you those rights. And if too many people in your state misuse those guns, the State can take those rights away or severely regulate them. The State Giveth, the State Taketh away.

And the only thing you can do is to keep people like yourself from going off the deep end.

As to those "magical rights not given to us by God.

The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen United States of America
When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

My highlight above.

The Declaration of Independence: Full text
Actually, the Constitution of the United States predates the Bill of Rights. Did you know that? The Constitution of the United States was Ratified in 1789 by 11 states with 7 of what would become the first 7 articles of the Bill of Rights which would have 10 articles and be ratified in 1791 and have those 3 additional articles or amendments added to the Constitution. It wasn't the bill of rights that was actually ratified but the addition of those last 3 articles which became amendments to the constitution. You really need to check the dates of those two documents. The original Constitution of the United States was only 7 amendments taken from the English Bill of Rights dated 1689 but edited and updated for use for the new United States. That means the American Bill of Rights actually came from the Constitution of the United States, not the other way around.

That the U.S. Constitution predates the Bill of Rights means absolutely NOTHING. The Constitution and ALL the Amendments are all 100% equal.

I'm glad you appreciate the 1791 date in our history.
The State where you live in ALLOWS you to have those firearms. Simple as that. God didn't give you those magical rights. The State gave you those rights
Can you cite the text from his state - or ANY state - constitution or revised code that grants him the right to a firearm, as you claim?

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