Do you obey God's commandments?

My main objection to God is the lack of objective evidence to support the existence of God. That said, I fail to understand the mindset of that God that will allow such horrible things to happen to so many of his most loved creations, but will intercede on some trivial matter. It just doesn't make any sense.
My main objection to God is the lack of objective evidence to support the existence of God. That said, I fail to understand the mindset of that God that will allow such horrible things to happen to so many of his most loved creations, but will intercede on some trivial matter. It just doesn't make any sense.

Saying it doesn't make it so.

There is the Archaeological Study Bible because these places existed and people testified to the existence of God.

NIV Archaeological Study Bible -
My main objection to God is the lack of objective evidence to support the existence of God. That said, I fail to understand the mindset of that God that will allow such horrible things to happen to so many of his most loved creations, but will intercede on some trivial matter. It just doesn't make any sense.

Except you do not believe he intercedes on "some trivial matter" either?

An as an aside, I do not consider any of these matters trivial. I believe God does heal and he does so primarily as a witness to his goodness and His reality. It bolsters the faith of the believer far more than convinces the doubter unfortunately.

As to the objective evidence you seek, I cannot assist at this time. All I have ever presented has been discarded.
Just because real people and places are mentioned doesn't make the story about God true. There was a Hitler who was interested in the occult and Uboats and Nazis, but that doesn't mean Raiders of the Lost Ark is a documentary.
Let's say you are right about God being on your side. What about the devout that are subjected to horrific situations and then death? Was God too busy setting some snake handler's bite wounds to do something for the Jews in the Holocaust? Was your broken leg more important than some little girl getting raped in a basement that day?

It's not about God being on our side. We need to be on His.
Just because real people and places are mentioned doesn't make the story about God true. There was a Hitler who was interested in the occult and Uboats and Nazis, but that doesn't mean Raiders of the Lost Ark is a documentary.

Correlation does not prove causation. Just because Hitler was evil or lied doesn't mean that all people lie.

You're the one who is going to miss out.
Just because real people and places are mentioned doesn't make the story about God true. There was a Hitler who was interested in the occult and Uboats and Nazis, but that doesn't mean Raiders of the Lost Ark is a documentary.

I agree. The places and people being real doesn't mean the resurrection from the dead occured. But it did occur. The Holy Spirit has testified of this to me. I don't have to see the dead rise to know that they will. That is the power of the Holy Ghost.

Seek the Holy Spirit. If you are sincere in your questioning the Lord will give you answers. I can tell you that no matter what you or others have gone through, He loves you. If you seek Him you can learn that for yourself.

The first time I ever realized God truly did love me was almost 15 years ago. I have no clue why He trusted me with such knowledge. But I know He loves you just as much as He loves me. His love is overwhelming. It's humbling. His love will bring you to tears.

I was studying the scriptures when I first felt His love and power. I was so overwhelmed by the Spirit that it brought me down to my knees. Feeling the love of God from the Spirit is truly the most amazing experience I've ever had. I felt loved and humbled and yet I also became very aware of my many sins and weaknesses. But despite those weaknesses I know He loves me. I know He loves you. That experience completely changed my life. I have never been the same. I have not lived perfectly. I know I can't. But Ive tried to change my life to live for the Lord. I dont regret it.

I just wish with all my heart that you could feel that love. He will always be there for you. Waiting for you. I wish I could share with everything the Lord has allowed me to experience with everyone.

He truly is amazing.
Let's say you are right about God being on your side. What about the devout that are subjected to horrific situations and then death? Was God too busy setting some snake handler's bite wounds to do something for the Jews in the Holocaust? Was your broken leg more important than some little girl getting raped in a basement that day?

It's not about God being on our side. We need to be on His.

We need to be on His

What about the devout that are subjected to horrific situations and then death - the Jews in the Holocaust?

you did not answer the question - the "God is testing you" part .... -

How about when T-Rex was roaming the planet ?

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Let's say you are right about God being on your side. What about the devout that are subjected to horrific situations and then death? Was God too busy setting some snake handler's bite wounds to do something for the Jews in the Holocaust? Was your broken leg more important than some little girl getting raped in a basement that day?

It's not about God being on our side. We need to be on His.

What about the devout that are subjected to horrific situations and then death - the Jews in the Holocaust?

you did not answer the question - the "God is testing you" part ....

How about when T-Rex was roaming the planet ?

This is really about the problem of evil.

If God was to get rid of all the evil in the world then He would not grade on a curve but He would get rid of you and me because I've hurt people unintentionally, I've made mistakes, I've done wrong things. But because God is good, He has to punish sin and one day He will get rid of all the evil. The question is, what do you do with the wrongs you've done? Do you repent and put your sins on Jesus so that He can take them away or do you hold onto the evil that you've done?
It's not about God being on our side. We need to be on His.

What about the devout that are subjected to horrific situations and then death - the Jews in the Holocaust?

you did not answer the question - the "God is testing you" part ....

How about when T-Rex was roaming the planet ?

This is really about the problem of evil.

If God was to get rid of all the evil in the world then He would not grade on a curve but He would get rid of you and me because I've hurt people unintentionally, I've made mistakes, I've done wrong things. But because God is good, He has to punish sin and one day He will get rid of all the evil. The question is, what do you do with the wrongs you've done? Do you repent and put your sins on Jesus so that He can take them away or do you hold onto the evil that you've done?

Do you repent and put your sins on Jesus so that He can take them away ...

:lol: - repent is only a meaningless Christian "word" (What about the devout that are subjected to horrific situations and then death)

was T-Rex evil ?
What about the devout that are subjected to horrific situations and then death - the Jews in the Holocaust?

you did not answer the question - the "God is testing you" part ....

How about when T-Rex was roaming the planet ?

This is really about the problem of evil.

If God was to get rid of all the evil in the world then He would not grade on a curve but He would get rid of you and me because I've hurt people unintentionally, I've made mistakes, I've done wrong things. But because God is good, He has to punish sin and one day He will get rid of all the evil. The question is, what do you do with the wrongs you've done? Do you repent and put your sins on Jesus so that He can take them away or do you hold onto the evil that you've done?

Do you repent and put your sins on Jesus so that He can take them away ...

:lol: - repent is only a meaningless Christian "word" (What about the devout that are subjected to horrific situations and then death)

was T-Rex evil ?

You want God to deal with the evil. What should He do with yours?
He gives you and most people have a chance to learn about Him, to learn about evil, to improve yourself and to learn from life decisions. We all don't know if today will be our last but in the end, how we judge Jesus is how we judge ourselves. God can take your sin away or He can judge you for it. It is your decision.
This is really about the problem of evil.

If God was to get rid of all the evil in the world then He would not grade on a curve but He would get rid of you and me because I've hurt people unintentionally, I've made mistakes, I've done wrong things. But because God is good, He has to punish sin and one day He will get rid of all the evil. The question is, what do you do with the wrongs you've done? Do you repent and put your sins on Jesus so that He can take them away or do you hold onto the evil that you've done?

Do you repent and put your sins on Jesus so that He can take them away ...

:lol: - repent is only a meaningless Christian "word" (What about the devout that are subjected to horrific situations and then death)

was T-Rex evil ?

You want God to deal with the evil. What should He do with yours?
He gives you and most people have a chance to learn about Him, to learn about evil, to improve yourself and to learn from life decisions. We all don't know if today will be our last but in the end, how we judge Jesus is how we judge ourselves. God can take your sin away or He can judge you for it. It is your decision.

silly Lad, no sin may be left untended - only the sinless may enter the OuterWorld of the Everlasting - - > God's promise to Mankind.

silly Lad, no sin may be left untended - only the sinless may enter the OuterWorld of the Everlasting - - > God's promise to Mankind.


If God the Father looked at us, He would have to destroy all the evil. He wouldn't just deal with one person if He looked because that isn't justice. I'm not saying He can't intervene here or there. But if you want Him to look on the evil, you would have to be careful for what you pray for because we all have inherited sin.
There is no "god," and consequently nothing to "obey."

And yet those who obey the laws and ordinances of the Gospel are blessed by the Lord. I am quite curious where those blessings come from if there is no God.

I, myself, have been miraculously healed by the power of God. Unless you are suggesting there is some other force in the universe capable of healing excruciating injury instantaneously. I would love to hear your explanation.
wow that's the not the first time someone has said "I, myself, have been miraculously healed by the power of God." and believed it ..but then again it's not proof that god did it..
Let's say you are right about God being on your side. What about the devout that are subjected to horrific situations and then death? Was God too busy setting some snake handler's bite wounds to do something for the Jews in the Holocaust? Was your broken leg more important than some little girl getting raped in a basement that day?

You are presuming to know the mind of God and you can't.
how convenient!
My main objection to God is the lack of objective evidence to support the existence of God. That said, I fail to understand the mindset of that God that will allow such horrible things to happen to so many of his most loved creations, but will intercede on some trivial matter. It just doesn't make any sense.

Saying it doesn't make it so.

There is the Archaeological Study Bible because these places existed and people testified to the existence of God.

NIV Archaeological Study Bible -
anecdotal tales of sky gods are not quantifiable or falsifiable...Fal´si`fi`a`ble
a. 1. Capable of being falsified, counterfeited, or corrupted.
2. able to be proven false, and therefore testable; as, most religious beliefs are not falsifiable, and are therefor outside the scope of experimental science.
the places did and do exist, that is not in dispute .
what is in dispute are the events that are alleged to have taken those areas.
the towns, villages, cities and landscapes are like movie sets.
It's not about God being on our side. We need to be on His.

What about the devout that are subjected to horrific situations and then death - the Jews in the Holocaust?

you did not answer the question - the "God is testing you" part ....

How about when T-Rex was roaming the planet ?

This is really about the problem of evil.

If God was to get rid of all the evil in the world then He would not grade on a curve but He would get rid of you and me because I've hurt people unintentionally, I've made mistakes, I've done wrong things. But because God is good, He has to punish sin and one day He will get rid of all the evil. The question is, what do you do with the wrongs you've done? Do you repent and put your sins on Jesus so that He can take them away or do you hold onto the evil that you've done?
hold on! are you saying god makes mistakes?
if that's true then god does not deserve the title almighty.
What about the devout that are subjected to horrific situations and then death - the Jews in the Holocaust?

you did not answer the question - the "God is testing you" part ....

How about when T-Rex was roaming the planet ?

This is really about the problem of evil.

If God was to get rid of all the evil in the world then He would not grade on a curve but He would get rid of you and me because I've hurt people unintentionally, I've made mistakes, I've done wrong things. But because God is good, He has to punish sin and one day He will get rid of all the evil. The question is, what do you do with the wrongs you've done? Do you repent and put your sins on Jesus so that He can take them away or do you hold onto the evil that you've done?
hold on! are you saying god makes mistakes?
if that's true then god does not deserve the title almighty.

No. I'm saying men and women make mistakes.
This is really about the problem of evil.

If God was to get rid of all the evil in the world then He would not grade on a curve but He would get rid of you and me because I've hurt people unintentionally, I've made mistakes, I've done wrong things. But because God is good, He has to punish sin and one day He will get rid of all the evil. The question is, what do you do with the wrongs you've done? Do you repent and put your sins on Jesus so that He can take them away or do you hold onto the evil that you've done?
hold on! are you saying god makes mistakes?
if that's true then god does not deserve the title almighty.

No. I'm saying men and women make mistakes.
you do realise that a mistake is an unintended act ,it by definition is not evil.
mistakes teach you more about yourself than do stories.
as to sin or evil that people do, they own it and no amount of repenting will change that.
the outcome cannot be changed .

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