Do you obey God's commandments?

How do I, as a non-Israelite, obey Commandment #1 since neither I nor my ancestors weren't brought out of Egypt by God?
Should I stone my neighbor for mowing the grass on the sabbath?
Should I honor my parent if he's a pedophile?
Am I damned to hell because one of my parents, grand-parents or great-grandparents, worshiped an idol?
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How do I, as a non-Israelite, obey Commandment #1 since neither I nor my ancestors weren't brought out of Egypt by God?
Should I stone my neighbor for mowing the grass on the sabbath?
Should I honor my parent if he's a pedophile?
Am I damned to hell because one of my parents, grand-parents or great-grandparents, worshiped an idol?

Truth, You don't. Why do you keep trying to put yourself under Jewish law?

Have you not heard? Christ obeyed Commandment #1 for you. We are under a new covenant of unmerited favor and forgiveness. Why do you keep going back to rules and punishment?

If you neighbor mows on Sunday, remind him that even the beasts of the field deserve a day of rest.
If your parent is a pedophile, then pray for your parent.
The commandment to honor your mother and father is the only one that comes with a blessing attached. If you would like the blessing, find something about your parent that you can honor, and if none is to be found, honor them by not condemning them. It's not your place.
What your parent does is between him and God. What you do is between you and God. Only one concerns you.
You not responsible for the actions of a grandparent. They are. If they worshiped idols then God will leave their destiny to their idols. I wish them all the luck......

You have the opportunity to secure your place in Heaven only because Christ exchanged places with you at your trial. You got the death penalty. He took the cross for you.
Your sentence was commuted to life. Eternal life with a Father that loves you, can't wait to honor you, and has rewards stored up for you. Thank Jesus for your good fortune. You had nothing to do with it.
He loved you enough to die in your sin before you ever took a breath. Accept that gift, and hell has no grip on you. Is it to much to ask for you to live for your brother Jesus, considering He died for you?

Instead of damning God due to your lack of understanding, and blaming your fate on some ancestor that liked an idol, sweep off your own front porch to get rid of the dirt. Ask yourself if there is anything in your life that you pay more attention to than your Father. Then ask him to forgive you for the idols you worship. He's quick to forgive. He will be merciful concerning your iniquities, and your sins He will remember no more. Has he left anything out? Is there something more you require?

If you want the truth then listen:

Galatians 4:21 ►Tell me, you who want to be under the law, are you not aware of what the law says?
Romans 6:14 For sin shall no longer be your master, because you are not under the law, but under grace.

Grace is unmerited favor. It means God loves you regardless of what you deserve.
Why keep wandering around in the desert with Moses, when you are offered Paradise instead?

Christ fulfilled all 600 + rules of the Law for you. He asked 2 things in return.
Love God. Love each other. Keep those 2 requests for His sake, and your future is golden.
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hold on! are you saying god makes mistakes?
if that's true then god does not deserve the title almighty.

No. I'm saying men and women make mistakes.
you do realise that a mistake is an unintended act ,it by definition is not evil.
mistakes teach you more about yourself than do stories.
as to sin or evil that people do, they own it and no amount of repenting will change that.
the outcome cannot be changed .

The definition of evil is "Causing injury, ruin, or pain: HARMFUL", p.397, Webster's II New College Dictionary, Third Edition, (C) 2005

Repenting can change it because all accidents are caused by several reasons: "I didn't think, I didn't see, I didn't know." We repent by being more careful next time and or by practicing safety; driving slower, etc. We were in an accident because someone did something wrong and all accidents can be prevented.

The law says you are supposed to be in control of your vehicle at all times. What happens when we damage another vehicle? We own up to it and we confess it by filing an insurance, national or state report.

Regardless of your state of mine, mistakes can be injurious, cause pain and be very very harmful. These mistakes violate the social norms of society and therefore are evil.
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Let's say you are right about God being on your side. What about the devout that are subjected to horrific situations and then death? Was God too busy setting some snake handler's bite wounds to do something for the Jews in the Holocaust? Was your broken leg more important than some little girl getting raped in a basement that day?

It's not about God being on our side. We need to be on His.

We need to be on His
What about the devout that are subjected to horrific situations and then death - the Jews in the Holocaust?

you did not answer the question - the "God is testing you" part .... -

How about when T-Rex was roaming the planet ?


Just because something happens, that doesn't necessarily means that it happened TO someone. Maybe it happened FOR someone else's benefit.

We can't see all the pieces on the board.
No. I'm saying men and women make mistakes.
you do realise that a mistake is an unintended act ,it by definition is not evil.
mistakes teach you more about yourself than do stories.
as to sin or evil that people do, they own it and no amount of repenting will change that.
the outcome cannot be changed .

The definition of evil is "Causing injury, ruin, or pain: HARMFUL", p.397, Webster's II New College Dictionary, Third Edition, (C) 2005

Repenting can change it because all accidents are caused by several reasons: "I didn't think, I didn't see, I didn't know." We repent by being more careful next time and or by practicing safety; driving slower, etc. We were in an accident because someone did something wrong and all accidents can be prevented.

The law says you are supposed to be in control of your vehicle at all times. What happens when we damage another vehicle? We own up to it and we confess it by filing an insurance, national or state report.

Regardless of your state of mine, mistakes can be injurious, cause pain and be very very harmful. These mistakes violate the social norms of society and therefore are evil.
bullshit! evil is in the intent of an action...
your analogy is nonsense.
all accidents cannot be avoided...
it's obvious you know dick about human nature and the science of probabilities.
re·pent [ ri pént ]
be sorry: to recognize the wrong in something you have done and be sorry about it
change ways: to feel regret about a sin or past actions and change your ways or habits
you'll notice that the definition says nothing about a changed outcome.
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QUOTE]bullshit! evil is in the intent of an action...
your analogy is nonsense.
all accidents cannot be avoided...
it's obvious you know dick about human nature and the science of probabilities.
re·pent [ ri pént ]
be sorry: to recognize the wrong in something you have done and be sorry about it
change ways: to feel regret about a sin or past actions and change your ways or habits
you'll notice that the definition says nothing about a changed outcome.

The opposite of good is evil. If you had no intent and ran over me then your action was evil.

All accidents can be avoided. If the accident was caused by not looking then it could have been avoided by looking. If the acident was caused by speed then you shouldn't speed. If the accident was caused by reckless driving then you shouldn't be reckless. If the accident was caused by being inattentive then you should pay attention.

These are just made up analogies but I expect you to be a good sport.
silly Lad, no sin may be left untended - only the sinless may enter the OuterWorld of the Everlasting - - > God's promise to Mankind.


If God the Father looked at us, He would have to destroy all the evil. He wouldn't just deal with one person if He looked because that isn't justice. I'm not saying He can't intervene here or there. But if you want Him to look on the evil, you would have to be careful for what you pray for because we all have inherited sin.

no, mankind's future will be determined in the end whether those remaining have conquered Evil or Evil has conquered Good. as in the end all remaining will be either Sinless or they will be Judged Evil and mankind will be destroyed - the Parable of Noah.

mankind may sin but it is erroneous to say mankind is born in sin - your JC was chosen as the example of a sinless being.

a person is meant to recognize sin and make atones before it is to late and thence to remain sinless to their last breath, for the purpose of entering the Everlasting.

silly Lad, no sin may be left untended - only the sinless may enter the OuterWorld of the Everlasting - - > God's promise to Mankind.


If God the Father looked at us, He would have to destroy all the evil. He wouldn't just deal with one person if He looked because that isn't justice. I'm not saying He can't intervene here or there. But if you want Him to look on the evil, you would have to be careful for what you pray for because we all have inherited sin.

no, mankind's future will be determined in the end whether those remaining have conquered Evil or Evil has conquered Good. as in the end all remaining will be either Sinless or they will be Judged Evil and mankind will be destroyed - the Parable of Noah.

mankind may sin but it is erroneous to say mankind is born in sin - your JC was chosen as the example of a sinless being.

a person is meant to recognize sin and make atones before it is to late and thence to remain sinless to their last breath, for the purpose of entering the Everlasting.


Actually, if you think of Noah's ark as a coffin, the grave didn't destroy Noah and his family even though they sacrificed for their sins. Everyone else got baptized in the flood and died which proves that baptism doesn't save. Looking up the word origins on the ARK is on my to do list from the Theological Word Book of the Old Testament although that may not help although "Ark" makes good sense because they were preserved and that is where treasure is preserved.

Romans 6:4 Therefore we are buried with him by baptism into death: that like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life.

1 Corinthians 10:2 And were all baptized unto Moses in the cloud and in the sea;
How do I, as a non-Israelite, obey Commandment #1 since neither I nor my ancestors weren't brought out of Egypt by God?
Should I stone my neighbor for mowing the grass on the sabbath?
Should I honor my parent if he's a pedophile?
Am I damned to hell because one of my parents, grand-parents or great-grandparents, worshiped an idol?

I think it's quite presumptous to presume you are a non-Isrealite. The House of Israel has been scattered throughout the nations of the world. Chances are you have some blood of Israel in you. Though it may be farther back than you are aware.

Obey the First commandment by seeking the Lord your God with all your heart, mind, might, and strength. Then let the grace of God do the rest.

Should you stone your neighbor? No. You haven't been given any authority to punish your neighbor for breaking the Sabbath. You cannot force others to obey God. You can only persaude them to serve Him and work at serving him yourself. If your neighbor breaks the Sabbath. That is ultimately between your neighbor and God. Instead, make sure you keep it.

Yes Honor your parents. Even if they have done horrible things. You don't have to be proud of what they have done. You just have to respect your parents for whom they are.

As for you being damned to hell if an ancestor worshiped an idol. The fact is we are all damned to hell until we use the Atonement. And if you have been taught by your parents to worship idols, that would make it difficult for you to know of the Atonement. But if you turn to Christ, it doesnt matter what your parents or grandparents did. Abraham's father worshiped Idols. But Abraham sought the Lord. He loved his father and honored him but that did not stop him from serving the Lord.

Worry less about what others are doing and more about your own standing before the Lord. Seek Him. Use the Atonement and exercise faith in Christ. The Lord will reveal Himself to you.
One through four: Not applicable.

Five through 10, yes.

Who are we to pick and choose what we want to obey? If we aren't keeping 4 and keeping the other six, what if I want to keep 1-4 and 9-10? Am I keeping the commandments if i do that?
QUOTE]bullshit! evil is in the intent of an action...
your analogy is nonsense.
all accidents cannot be avoided...
it's obvious you know dick about human nature and the science of probabilities.
re·pent [ ri pént ]
be sorry: to recognize the wrong in something you have done and be sorry about it
change ways: to feel regret about a sin or past actions and change your ways or habits
you'll notice that the definition says nothing about a changed outcome.

The opposite of good is evil. If you had no intent and ran over me then your action was evil.

All accidents can be avoided. If the accident was caused by not looking then it could have been avoided by looking. If the acident was caused by speed then you shouldn't speed. If the accident was caused by reckless driving then you shouldn't be reckless. If the accident was caused by being inattentive then you should pay attention.

These are just made up analogies but I expect you to be a good sport.
same bullshit!
One through four: Not applicable.

Five through 10, yes.

Who are we to pick and choose what we want to obey? If we aren't keeping 4 and keeping the other six, what if I want to keep 1-4 and 9-10? Am I keeping the commandments if i do that?

Who are we?

We are beings with free will to pick and choose as we see fit.

I find that five through 10 make good sense.

The first four not so much.
How do I, as a non-Israelite, obey Commandment #1 since neither I nor my ancestors weren't brought out of Egypt by God?
Should I stone my neighbor for mowing the grass on the sabbath?
Should I honor my parent if he's a pedophile?
Am I damned to hell because one of my parents, grand-parents or great-grandparents, worshiped an idol?

I think it's quite presumptous to presume you are a non-Isrealite. The House of Israel has been scattered throughout the nations of the world. Chances are you have some blood of Israel in you. Though it may be farther back than you are aware.

Obey the First commandment by seeking the Lord your God with all your heart, mind, might, and strength. Then let the grace of God do the rest.

Should you stone your neighbor? No. You haven't been given any authority to punish your neighbor for breaking the Sabbath. You cannot force others to obey God. You can only persaude them to serve Him and work at serving him yourself. If your neighbor breaks the Sabbath. That is ultimately between your neighbor and God. Instead, make sure you keep it.

Yes Honor your parents. Even if they have done horrible things. You don't have to be proud of what they have done. You just have to respect your parents for whom they are.

As for you being damned to hell if an ancestor worshiped an idol. The fact is we are all damned to hell until we use the Atonement. And if you have been taught by your parents to worship idols, that would make it difficult for you to know of the Atonement. But if you turn to Christ, it doesnt matter what your parents or grandparents did. Abraham's father worshiped Idols. But Abraham sought the Lord. He loved his father and honored him but that did not stop him from serving the Lord.

Worry less about what others are doing and more about your own standing before the Lord. Seek Him. Use the Atonement and exercise faith in Christ. The Lord will reveal Himself to you.
the above is a mormon myth!
Truth, You don't. Why do you keep trying to put yourself under Jewish law?

I don't, others are.

Have you not heard? Christ obeyed Commandment #1 for you. We are under a new covenant of unmerited favor and forgiveness. Why do you keep going back to rules and punishment?

Why then are so many Christians pushing the 10 Commandments?
What your parent does is between him and God.

So if one of them is going to make human sacrifice of one of YOUR children, you do nothing?

What you do is between you and God. Only one concerns you.
You not responsible for the actions of a grandparent. They are. If they worshiped idols then God will leave their destiny to their idols. I wish them all the luck......

That ignores what the scripture says.

You have the opportunity to secure your place in Heaven only because Christ exchanged places with you at your trial. You got the death penalty. He took the cross for you.

No one, not even God, can die for your lack of repentance. If Jesus could see what Paul has done in his name, a name (Christ) which he would deny, this would distress him more than the rest. What Christians claim here is nothing less than outright justification of human sacrifice.

Instead of damning God due to your lack of understanding, and blaming your fate on some ancestor that liked an idol, sweep off your own front porch to get rid of the dirt.

I'm not damning God or the one damning myself for my ancestors actions, the Bible is.

Galatians 4:21 ►Tell me, you who want to be under the law, are you not aware of what the law says?
Romans 6:14 For sin shall no longer be your master, because you are not under the law, but under grace.

Romans 4:4 "But didn’t he earn his right to heaven by all the good things he did? No, for being saved is a gift; if a person could earn it by being good, then it wouldn’t be free—but it is! It is given to those who do not work for it. For God declares sinners to be good in his sight if they have faith in Christ to save them from God’s wrath."

Paul's greatest evil in black and white. You don't have to even be repentant or try to be better, just say you believe.

Or as you put it, "Grace is unmerited favor".

Obey the First commandment by seeking the Lord your God with all your heart, mind, might, and strength. Then let the grace of God do the rest.

And that's what I'm doing. God is more than love, love is an aspect of Truth, and that's what I pursue. God is Truth and Truth is God. Truth, for us, is knowledge, justice, love and beauty. Wherever that pursuit leads, there will be God.

Should you stone your neighbor? No. You haven't been given any authority to punish your neighbor for breaking the Sabbath. You cannot force others to obey God. You can only persaude them to serve Him and work at serving him yourself. If your neighbor breaks the Sabbath. That is ultimately between your neighbor and God. Instead, make sure you keep it.

Did God stone that man in the Bible for gathering sticks on the sabbath?

Yes Honor your parents. Even if they have done horrible things. You don't have to be proud of what they have done. You just have to respect your parents for whom they are.

Respect evil?

As for you being damned to hell if an ancestor worshiped an idol. The fact is we are all damned to hell until we use the Atonement. And if you have been taught by your parents to worship idols, that would make it difficult for you to know of the Atonement. But if you turn to Christ, it doesnt matter what your parents or grandparents did. Abraham's father worshiped Idols. But Abraham sought the Lord. He loved his father and honored him but that did not stop him from serving the Lord.

But Abraham and all pre-Pauline humans had no Christian atonement available, along with all those out of reach of Christian missionaries, to this day.

Worry less about what others are doing and more about your own standing before the Lord. Seek Him. Use the Atonement and exercise faith in Christ. The Lord will reveal Himself to you.

As I said, I seek God by seeking the Truth. You tell me not to worry about what others are doing. I do worry about the evil others and I commit, and I think its our duty to stop it, be they stranger or family. On the other hand, Christians worry about what I and others think.

If I see someone committing murder, rape, enslavement, pedophilia or theft, I will try to stop it.
Christians disobey all the ten commandments of God because they have no idea who our Creator is or what He meant by having these commandments written down for His people to see them.

Only the prophets and us saints can obey our Creator's commandments because we're created as the invisible "Christ", where all God's people were created as men. Christ also means "The Word of God", which is known to us saints as "The Voice of God". Other names for this invisible creation is the "Son of God" or the "Kingdom of God", also known as the "Heavenly Kingdom". Once we saints are "born again", the Old Covenant "veil" that we were born into this world with is removed. Then we're under the New Covenant like ALL God's people will be in the next age.

Created man was kept from knowing the " Invisible Christ" by the Old Covenant under the written commandments of God that made His people self-righteous. Religious leaders who read "the Law" (another name used for the written commandments of our Creator ), to their people, couldn't obey them so they made up their own laws to confuse their followers with while disobeying the Law that none of God's people can obey. God gave the written commandments to man to insure them that they are only sinners and could never achieve the sinless state that All God's saints were changed into.

So the written "Law", or commandments, were designed to keep man confused and fearful while changing the energy in the flesh of His saints to make them sinless so He could use our bodies for His own purpose. His purpose for using our sinless bodies was to reveal His hidden invisible knowledge in our mind to testify to it in writing and speaking. Our bodily movements are also testimonies so we don't disobey any of God's commandments. That's because His commandments come in our mind, not in a book called a Bible. All God's people will be obedient to our Creator in the next age and we won't even have books to read.

Jeremiah 31
31: "Behold, the days are coming, says the LORD, when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and the house of Judah,
32: not like the covenant which I made with their fathers when I took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt, my covenant which they broke, though I was their husband, says the LORD.
33: But this is the covenant which I will make with the house of Israel after those days, says the LORD: I will put my law within them, and I will write it upon their hearts; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people.
34: And no longer shall each man teach his neighbor and each his brother, saying, `Know the LORD,' for they shall all know me, from the least of them to the greatest, says the LORD; for I will forgive their iniquity, and I will remember their sin no more."
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