Do You Really Need Proof???


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
....that the national news media is not any different from Pravda or Izvestia or Tass?

The only thing that might make it just a tad more clear as to where they stand would be if they all wore armbands, or shoulder boards with a big red star.

Sooo.....Biden, channeling his inner Fascist demands that masks be mandated......

"Joe Biden: For The Next 3 Months, All Americans Should Wear A Mask When Outside

Joe Biden is calling for everyone in the United States to wear a mask, well into the fall.

"Every single American should be wearing a mask when they're outside for the next three months, at a minimum," Biden said Thursday afternoon in remarks in Wilmington, Del. "Every governor should mandate mandatory mask-wearing. The estimates by the experts are it will save over 40,000 lives."

In their usual attempt to soften their candidate's poor choice of expression, Politico's prize winning reporter, Matthew Choi, wrote....

"Trump assails, misrepresents Biden on mask mandate in partisan White House briefing
President Donald Trump on Thursday launched a partisan attack on Joe Biden at a White House press briefing, inaccurately suggesting the presumptive Democratic nominee wanted a national mandate on mask wearing while assailing Biden as "regressive," "anti-scientific" and "defeatist."

Noooo.......this is not SNL.......this is the usual media tactic and protocol......

First.....did you see this winner in the category of "Unintentional Humor"??? Political rivals, and Choi says one of 'em, the Republican, of course, is ......partisan???????
See if you can find any media articles calling Democrats 'partisan.'

In the above from NPR, Biden says "Every governor should mandate mandatory mask-wearing" which Politico dutifully reports as "inaccurately suggesting the presumptive Democratic nominee wanted a national mandate on mask wearing."

Correctly and accurately, when reported by our media, becomes inaccurately representing.

I'm embarrassed that Matthew Choi is one of my peeps.
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Now I'm sure you're aware of this, but you can show all the proof you like to a bed wetting liberal, they will dismiss it.

Jesus Christ could descend back down on earth riding a lightning bolt, walk across water in full view of them and they would mock him for not being able to swim and declare he was a hallucination. Here on this forum I have witnessed countless discussions, arguments and all out shit flinging threads full of information, facts, data, statistics, pictures and documents that are dismissed or ignored by the bed wetters. I've come to the conclusion years ago that they have no "minds" to change, meaning either their frontal lobes have atrophied or they were born without one. Other may perhaps have some sphincter that functions as one, but they remain deliberately ignorant out of some sense of pride, and can not admit that the bullshit they learned to believe in was agitprop and misinformation.

I respect your dedication to informing people though, hopefully those who are intellectually curious will consider what you share and contemplate their beliefs and make up their own minds. It's just too bad most bed wetters are about as intellectually curious as a goldfish.

Now I'm sure you're aware of this, but you can show all the proof you like to a bed wetting liberal, they will dismiss it.

Jesus Christ could descend back down on earth riding a lightning bolt, walk across water in full view of them and they would mock him for not being able to swim and declare he was a hallucination. Here on this forum I have witnessed countless discussions, arguments and all out shit flinging threads full of information, facts, data, statistics, pictures and documents that are dismissed or ignored by the bed wetters. I've come to the conclusion years ago that they have no "minds" to change, meaning either their frontal lobes have atrophied or they were born without one. Other may perhaps have some sphincter that functions as one, but they remain deliberately ignorant out of some sense of pride, and can not admit that the bullshit they learned to believe in was agitprop and misinformation.

I respect your dedication to informing people though, hopefully those who are intellectually curious will consider what you share and contemplate their beliefs and make up their own minds. It's just too bad most bed wetters are about as intellectually curious as a goldfish.


Sad but true.

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