Do you remember when Merrick Garland was presented as a moderate?

Garland's getting
Local issue.
The duplicitous left is over reaching and trying to nationalize the issue of angry disgruntled parents.

It says more about the state of our schools than parents.

Why shouldn't parents be upset about a curriculum which is indoctrinating youngsters and turning them
into racists and re-segregating our schools?
Garland's getting

The duplicitous left is over reaching and trying to nationalize the issue of angry disgruntled parents.

It says more about the state of our schools than parents.
What are you talking about?! Nobody is being arrested for getting angry. Stop lying
It’s not very complicated. The National Associstion of School Boards who cover schools nationwide reached out to Biden for help with the threats and hostility coming at school staffers. The AG responded by directing the FBI to work with school boards and local authorities to figure out the best way to deal with the issue. I’m not seeing what the big deal is. These are common sense moves. Nobody has been arrested for protesting or voicing their opinions. They are trying to communicate and coordinate to help solve problems. What’s your issue?

They reached out regarding 20 supposed 'threats' without documenting what those 'threats' were? How many school boards are there across the country? Do you know? So any organization in the US that is receiving threats should be able to reach out to the DOJ and expect their intervention and help? Of course you don't see what the big deal is, you're all for the full use and force of the federal government on those whose opinions you oppose. What is considered a 'threat', what is considered 'intimidation'? Intimidation is using the force of the federal government to shut people up who disagree with your ideology. I really do hope you live to regret having supported your fellow Americans labeled and investigated as domestic terrorists, because when the coin is flipped you'll be screaming bloody murder about the weaponization of the DOJ, and those of us opposing this now will be laughing in your face.
They reached out regarding 20 supposed 'threats' without documenting what those 'threats' were? How many school boards are there across the country? Do you know? So any organization in the US that is receiving threats should be able to reach out to the DOJ and expect their intervention and help? Of course you don't see what the big deal is, you're all for the full use and force of the federal government on those whose opinions you oppose. What is considered a 'threat', what is considered 'intimidation'? Intimidation is using the force of the federal government to shut people up who disagree with your ideology. I really do hope you live to regret having supported your fellow Americans labeled and investigated as domestic terrorists, because when the coin is flipped you'll be screaming bloody murder about the weaponization of the DOJ, and those of us opposing this now will be laughing in your face.
Ok good, they reached out with 20 vague threats. So it should be pretty quick and easy for the FBI to vet the threats and determine with local authorities if there is an actionable issue or not. Again, I’m not seeing why you are having a cow?

sounds to me like you just don’t like the headlines
Ok good, they reached out with 20 vague threats. So it should be pretty quick and easy for the FBI to vet the threats and determine with local authorities if there is an actionable issue or not. Again, I’m not seeing why you are having a cow?

sounds to me like you just don’t like the headlines

So any organization in the US that is receiving threats should be able to reach out to the DOJ and expect their intervention and help? That's their role?
They reached out regarding 20 supposed 'threats' without documenting what those 'threats' were? How many school boards are there across the country? Do you know? So any organization in the US that is receiving threats should be able to reach out to the DOJ and expect their intervention and help? Of course you don't see what the big deal is, you're all for the full use and force of the federal government on those whose opinions you oppose. What is considered a 'threat', what is considered 'intimidation'? Intimidation is using the force of the federal government to shut people up who disagree with your ideology. I really do hope you live to regret having supported your fellow Americans labeled and investigated as domestic terrorists, because when the coin is flipped you'll be screaming bloody murder about the weaponization of the DOJ, and those of us opposing this now will be laughing in your face.
I’m listening to tucker and Killmead talking about this on Fox and it all makes sense now why y’all are so fired up. They are pumping out lie after lie saying the FBI are cracking down on suburban moms who are looking out for their kids. COME ON!!! Dumbest shit ive heard this week. You don’t buy their crap do you?

If you do… can you show me one suburban mom that got arrested for speaking up for her kid? Just give me one name
So any organization in the US that is receiving threats should be able to reach out to the DOJ and expect their intervention and help? That's their role?
Yes of course, especially when the problem is occurring across the nation and involves threats and violence. Why would you even think to fight against that? Are you that anti law enforcement?? Do you want to see teachers and school staffers physically harmed?
Yes of course, especially when the problem is occurring across the nation and involves threats and violence. Why would you even think to fight against that? Are you that anti law enforcement??

Across the nation?? lol 20 'threats' that haven't been detailed out of how many school boards in this country?

You're a dupe.
Why? What’s so frightening?

He was probably all about defunding the police, now thinks it's a-okay for the FBI to come in and investigate 'threats' at a local level. I can't wait until it's leftist parents protesting the school boards and they get investigated by a republican DOJ for potential domestic terrorism. It'll be a fun time.
Across the nation?? lol 20 'threats' that haven't been detailed out of how many school boards in this country?

You're a dupe.
I’m sorry were all 20 instances from one state? If not then what I said is true and you still haven’t answered my questions about what your actual issue is with trying to prevent violence against school staffers.
I’m not understanding your question. I asked a question and you responded with a question that makes no sense

You don't understand a lot, and frankly not worth wasting the time to explain it to, i.e. a lost cause.
Yet….the memo was just put out this week.
Right, so what are you complaining about?! All they have done was say they will meet with local authorities and look at an issue. Y’all are acting like suburban moms are getting tossed in Gitmo. Grow up
Obama brownshirts intimidating soccer moms at school board meetings is fucking disgusting.
He was probably all about defunding the police, now thinks it's a-okay for the FBI to come in and investigate 'threats' at a local level. I can't wait until it's leftist parents protesting the school boards and they get investigated by a republican DOJ for potential domestic terrorism. It'll be a fun time.
I probably was for defunding the police?! Haha, I think not. keep guessing genius you just sound like a fool.
I’m sorry were all 20 instances from one state? If not then what I said is true and you still haven’t answered my questions about what your actual issue is with trying to prevent violence against school staffers.

You haven't answered any of my questions. If you think you're going to spin outrage over DOJ involvement where it shouldn't be into being against 'preventing violence', you can think again. Maybe that logic works in your brain, but not so much in the real world.

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