Do you remember when Merrick Garland was presented as a moderate?

Offer and behest are quite different.
Yes that's true....That's because the Federal government can not inject itself into local issues unless they are asked to do so by the relevant jurisdictions..Dumbass.
Ok, so easy then. All you have to do is show these supposed threats, and acts of violence that local law enforcement can’t handle…
Why do I have to show that? The FBI was asked to look at those situations with school boards and law enforcement and determine a plan of action. Perhaps the plan will be to do nothing. Y’all are acting like they are arresting protestors. They aren’t.
No, that is your silly interpretation and not at all factual.
Try substantiating your claims. Don't be shocked if you can't.

The same FBI and Justice Department that stood around with thumbs up their asses when Portland, Seattle, Minneapolis, Chicago, etc. where burning down or setting new records for murder among the citizenry
now realize THIS, parents angry at stubborn insular school administrators, demands some sort of
big federal response!

C'mon man! That is comically asinine and absurd. You couldn't make it up because people would just
find it implausible and ridiculous.
Why do I have to show that? The FBI was asked to look at those situations with school boards and law enforcement and determine a plan of action. Perhaps the plan will be to do nothing. Y’all are acting like they are arresting protestors. They aren’t.
No, I am not acting like that...You have to show where the situation rises to the level of federal involvment....It's that simple...Now you have implied that local law enforcement also asked the FBI to get involved, and that is simply not true...I suspect you are inserting that to weasel that into the debate without any proof at, now that you've made the claim you can also show me where a local law enforcement agency asked for the FBI's assistance....
I think the federal gov't (DOJ) can look into places and situations where federal law may have been broken. They don't need an invitation to do that.

But state and local laws? NO. Not without a request, I think from the governor.
I think the federal gov't (DOJ) can look into places and situations where federal law may have been broken. They don't need an invitation to do that.

But state and local laws? NO. Not without a request, I think from the governor.
That's great, but not only can any of the overreach supporters in here intimate any instances of threats, or violence, nor can they name a federal statute that was broken...
No, I am not acting like that...You have to show where the situation rises to the level of federal involvment....It's that simple...Now you have implied that local law enforcement also asked the FBI to get involved, and that is simply not true...I suspect you are inserting that to weasel that into the debate without any proof at, now that you've made the claim you can also show me where a local law enforcement agency asked for the FBI's assistance....
I have not implied that. I’ve been very specific and accurate with how I described the events. I said that the association of school boards reached out to the White House for help and the DOJ asked the FBI to look into it. That’s it. Next step will be meeting with school boards and law enforcement to see what’s up. Y’all are throwing a hissy fit over nothing.
That's great, but not only can any of the overreach supporters in here intimate any instances of threats, or violence, nor can they name a federal statute that was broken...

I cannot imagine any federal law that justifies the DOJ looking into school board meetings. To say that angry parents confronting their school board equates to domestic violence is patently absurd and totally ridiculous. But that is what they're doing I think.
I have not implied that. I’ve been very specific and accurate with how I described the events. I said that the association of school boards reached out to the White House for help and the DOJ asked the FBI to look into it. That’s it. Next step will be meeting with school boards and law enforcement to see what’s up. Y’all are throwing a hissy fit over nothing.
Actually, you didn't seperate, like you did with this post. You said...

"The FBI was asked to look at those situations with school boards and law enforcement and determine a plan of action."

You never made clear who asked, which was the NSBA, backed by the teachers unions....Sorry, THEY don't get to involve the feds because they don't like to answer to angry parents...If I were a Sherriff, or local Police chief in these jurisdictions I would politely tell the FBI, 'We got this, we don't need your help'....
I cannot imagine any federal law that justifies the DOJ looking into school board meetings. To say that angry parents confronting their school board equates to domestic violence is patently absurd and totally ridiculous. But that is what they're doing I think.
It really makes me wonder what country I live in today, and where my country went.
Actually, you didn't seperate, like you did with this post. You said...

"The FBI was asked to look at those situations with school boards and law enforcement and determine a plan of action."

You never made clear who asked, which was the NSBA, backed by the teachers unions....Sorry, THEY don't get to involve the feds because they don't like to answer to angry parents...If I were a Sherriff, or local Police chief in these jurisdictions I would politely tell the FBI, 'We got this, we don't need your help'....
Exactly, thank you. My quote said they were asked to look into it with school boards and law enforcement. That’s exactly what Biden and Garland asked the FBI to do. You just quoted me saying that. You twisted that to say I implied that law enforcement requested their help… something I never said. I believe an apology is in order
Exactly, thank you. My quote said they were asked to look into it with school boards and law enforcement. That’s exactly what Biden and Garland asked the FBI to do. You just quoted me saying that. You twisted that to say I implied that law enforcement requested their help… something I never said. I believe an apology is in order
No apology is forthcoming...You tried to be clever, and now had to apology is warranted....

Like I said before, without local law enforcement asking for assistance, I tell the FBI to go elsewhere...
No apology is forthcoming...You tried to be clever, and now had to apology is warranted....

Like I said before, without local law enforcement asking for assistance, I tell the FBI to go elsewhere...
I only needed to clarify because you were trying and spin my words. My statement was not complicated to understand you just wanted an attack line and you missed. That’s what’s funny

let’s just face facts you don’t have a valid gripe. You are trying to make political drama over a nothing situation. The FBI is meeting with school boards and local law enforcement to see if they can help a situation. Suburban moms are not being arrested for protecting their kids. Y’all are morons
I only needed to clarify because you were trying and spin my words. My statement was not complicated to understand you just wanted an attack line and you missed. That’s what’s funny

let’s just face facts you don’t have a valid gripe. You are trying to make political drama over a nothing situation. The FBI is meeting with school boards and local law enforcement to see if they can help a situation. Suburban moms are not being arrested for protecting their kids. Y’all are morons

One thing is for sure, at the very least Garland released this memo, and statement for two reasons. 1. To cater to those that run the school systems, helping his son in law financially. And 2. To send a chilling message to those 'uppity' parents that have the gaul to question those who feel they own our kids...

Either way he is a reprobate that should have to answer for this.
Far more astounding is that you can’t read between the lines here.

”The Justice Department will also create specialized training and guidance for local school boards and school administrators," the DOJ release added. "This training will help school board members and other potential victims understand the type of behavior that constitutes threats, how to report threatening conduct to the appropriate law enforcement agencies, and how to capture and preserve evidence of threatening conduct to aid in the investigation and prosecution of these crimes."

School board members reporting what they deem as “threatening conduct” to the FBI will lead to countless unwarranted investigations, which is exactly the plan. They don’t want opposition and this is a way to squelch it. It is like getting audited by the IRS because some random person said they thought you may have cheated. To make it worse, this falls along party lines. Did the Trump administration ask the FBI to investigate any person from a left-wing protest that appeared to be “threatening”. What about those folks following around their Senators protesting their lack of support for far-left policies? What about those “protestors” harassing Republian lawmakers as they ate? Was the FBI sent to investigate their families?
Opposition or even threats to a LOCAL school board are the province of the local police, NOT federal law enforcement. It’s no more legal and proper than having the FBI giving out traffic tickets on local roads.
Parents have a right to attend School Board meetings, speak their mind and raise concerns

They don’t have a right to disrupt meetings, shout down other speakers and threaten Board members.

Those who do need to be swiftly removed from the meeting
Zero tolerance for uncivil behavior
It depends on the threat. If the threat is “if you do this we are going to kick you out of office and work to see that you never hold another public office” it’s proper and legitimate. If it’s “do this and we’ll kill you” it isn’t and should be reported to LOCAL law enforcement, not the friggen FBI.

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