Do you remember when Merrick Garland was presented as a moderate?

Outrage is irrelevant, they are LOCAL government agencies, no more a concern of the FBI than is the local Chamber of Commerce. This is a local concern and the FBI should not be involved.
FBI is allowed to get involved in local issues
In this case, just to give guidance

Doesnt that make you happy now?
The direction from Garland was to assist, local authorities.
Local authorities that can't handle a few outraged parents are not doing their jobs. If they can't handle these, how are they supposed to handle gangs staking out territory? BLM showing up to torch police headquarters? You know, real stuff they're supposed to handle. IOW, I don't buy it.
Local authorities that can't handle a few outraged parents are not doing their jobs. If they can't handle these, how are they supposed to handle gangs staking out territory? BLM showing up to torch police headquarters? You know, real stuff they're supposed to handle. IOW, I don't buy it.
it is a common thread
Outraged parents fed misinformation about masks and Critical Race Theory storm meetings, shout down opposition and make threats

What is the best way to respond?

FBI will meet with local law enforcement to try to find out
FBI is allowed to get involved in local issues
In this case, just to give guidance

Doesnt that make you happy now?
Why does local law enforcement need "guidance" to handle a few outraged parents? If they are supposed to be able to handle serving felony warrants on fugitives and solving murder cases, they don't need "guidance" from Washington on how to handle people they probably already know.
it is a common thread
Outraged parents fed misinformation about masks and Critical Race Theory storm meetings, shout down opposition and make threats

What is the best way to respond?

FBI will meet with local law enforcement to try to find out
Just how helpless is local law enforcement that they can't handle a few outraged parents? Heck, they probably know some of them.
YOU wrote in post #284 --- "However, he simply will not sit back and legally allow these extremist Tump cultists to act out. We all know what the tump ilk would do, yes? They are as Un-American as they can be. Fuck 'em all."

You are a small minded fascist punk...It's right there in black and white.
I hope you are not as dopey as you sound.
Yes that's true....That's because the Federal government can not inject itself into local issues unless they are asked to do so by the relevant jurisdictions..Dumbass.
But there is no law stating that they cannot offer assistance. Right, genius? Your high school mentality is rearing its ugly head.
The problem that School Boards face is……It is hard to win an argument with an intelligent person, it is IMPOSSIBLE to win an argument with a stupid person.

These parents come to meetings fed with all kinds of misinformation, conspiracy theories and lies.
Speaking calmly and rationally has no impact. Neither does trying to tell them the truth.

One thing is for sure, at the very least Garland released this memo, and statement for two reasons. 1. To cater to those that run the school systems, helping his son in law financially. And 2. To send a chilling message to those 'uppity' parents that have the gaul to question those who feel they own our kids...

Either way he is a reprobate that should have to answer for this.
How dare he cater to school boards asking for help against threats of violence!!!!! Give me a break. And yes perhaps he is trying to send a chilling message to anybody who is planning on crossing the line and breaking the law. Y’all trying to conflate law breaking and violence with simple protesting is laughable. You’re not fooling anybody
The complaint involved threats that occured in many different states
So what? it was not the same people and it was all local school boards each so called incident has their own local law enforcement agency to handle any problem that might arise.
What actions has he taken that make you think he's a "radical extremist", precisely?
DUH! now why would anybody ask that ?HAHA HA ! Dontcha just love to listen to liberals first thing in the morning ? God give us strength. :rolleyes:
I remember when he was robbed of a seat on the supreme court. Now that he knows exactly the kind of jerks he's dealing with maybe the right can get a taste of what being a violent extremist means for everyone else in America. Your free pass to be fantasy terrorists is over.
So America's parents who don't want their kinds being fed anti-America, anti-police, anti-white people, racist filth are "jerks", in your view ?

Easy to see who the "jerk" is around here.

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