Do you remember when Merrick Garland was presented as a moderate?

Belligerent right wing parents spouting violent rhetoric are hurting their kids worse than anyone else could.
Huh? So in your mind we should just turn our kids over to the system at 5 and wait to see what we get back at 22 eh? You people can’t be trusted with that.
Not true. Violent descent makes it his business, especially when it spreads.
Local law enforcement is the correct entity to handle these cases. It's no like we're seeing simultaneous violent riots in multiple cities, complete with people getting assaulted and building burned. These are angry parents yelling things. Local law enforcement can easily handle this.
You can't physically harass or threaten the life of people, brainwashed functional moron. These people are insane with missininformation just like you. Poor America.
And local law enforcement can handle people saying things. No need for the FBI to get involved.
The problem that School Boards face is……It is hard to win an argument with an intelligent person, it is IMPOSSIBLE to win an argument with a stupid person.

These parents come to meetings fed with all kinds of misinformation, conspiracy theories and lies.
Speaking calmly and rationally has no impact. Neither does trying to tell them the truth.
And if a meeting gets out of hand, start video of the event, shut it down and have local cops make a visit to a few homes to explain the limits of behavior. It's not like they're trying to light cop cars on fire, breaking windows and stealing stuff. You know, things that are accepted as a normal part of protesting today.
The complaint involved threats that occured in many different states
Was anyone kidnapped and carried across state lines? Were illegal drugs transported across state lines? Did a murder suspect flee across state lines? See the common thread here?

In short, there is no reason for the FBI to get involved with a handful of noisy parents who need to be escorted out of a meeting before violence breaks out.
And if a meeting gets out of hand, start video of the event, shut it down and have local cops make a visit to a few homes to explain the limits of behavior. It's not like they're trying to light cop cars on fire, breaking windows and stealing stuff. You know, things that are accepted as a normal part of protesting today.
I agree

There needs to be zero tolerance on bad behavior in public meetings.
All School Board meetings should be recorded
Any abusive behavior by the public should be turned over to authorities if warranted
"The authorities" being local law enforcement, of course. And, as well, the recordings need to be made public so the parents can see and hear what the school board is mandating for their children if they weren't at the meeting.
Local law enforcement is the correct entity to handle these cases. It's no like we're seeing simultaneous violent riots in multiple cities, complete with people getting assaulted and building burned. These are angry parents yelling things. Local law enforcement can easily handle this.
Yelling----and threatening. If local law enforcement can handle this, then so be it.
Yelling----and threatening. If local law enforcement can handle this, then so be it.
If they can't handle it, they're not doing their jobs. God help the citizens of their towns and counties should a crime actually happen.
I agree

There needs to be zero tolerance on bad behavior in public meetings.
"Bad Behavior"? Are you kidding me?

16 of the 24 supposed threats are simply parents who:

Were angry
disagreed with CRT curicullum
spoke beyond their alloted time

You people are relying on THIS to label America's parents as domestic terrorists?

Yelling----and threatening. If local law enforcement can handle this, then so be it.
Well, we are very sorry that you fascist libs can't handle disagreement with your agenda, and I for one hope you have a total meltdown, because that will result in driving you people back under the rocks you slithered out from...
"Bad Behavior"? Are you kidding me?

16 of the 24 supposed threats are simply parents who:

Were angry
disagreed with CRT curicullum
spoke beyond their alloted time

You people are relying on THIS to label America's parents as domestic terrorists?

That's exactly what they are doing. The goal is to criminalize differing political opinions to the point that it will be illegal to express opposition to any government mandate. The useful idiots won't acknowledge that of course because, well, they're useful idiots. What they don't understand as they gleefully try to shut down opposition is that leadership of government changes and eventually there will come an administration that will use that power in ways they don't like, and great will be the weeping and wailing for there is no recourse at that point.
That's exactly what they are doing. The goal is to criminalize differing political opinions to the point that it will be illegal to express opposition to any government mandate. The useful idiots won't acknowledge that of course because, well, they're useful idiots. What they don't understand as they gleefully try to shut down opposition is that leadership of government changes and eventually there will come an administration that will use that power in ways they don't like, and great will be the weeping and wailing for there is no recourse at that point.
These losers are the dumbest people to have ever held power in the United States...
View attachment 548558

It was not long ago that Merrick Garland was presented as a moderate for SCOTUS, just like they did Biden.

Hopefully, we are done with thinking any of these radical extremists are moderates.

F#ck'em all!!!!!!!

Or we can start being even more realistic and accept that the term 'moderate' is just a lazy way of saying the given tyrant is pretty much okay with all of the bad, anti-liberty legislaton coming from both sides of the party-of-one in Washington.

The term moderate is just as empty as similarly used empty phrases like 'left' and 'right'

What do any of those programmed terms even mean?

We live in a society these days were most people are so ignorant to the American heritage that they can't even develop a legitimate position.There's never really any actual relevant substance in political perspectives.

Collectively speaking, the American electorate has effectively been programmed to just use dumbed down language like 'left', 'right' or 'moderate', no actual thinking required, just pick a label and blend in like you're on the bus.

It's pathetic. May as well just wear colored tee shirts to forward the illusion of difference. It's the same basic principle.
Or we can start being even more realistic and accept that the term 'moderate' is just a lazy way of saying the given tyrant is pretty much okay with all of the bad, anti-liberty legislaton coming from both sides of the party-of-one in Washington.

The term moderate is just as empty as similarly used empty phrases like 'left' and 'right'

What do any of those programmed terms even mean?

We live in a society these days were most people are so ignorant to the American heritage that they can't even develop a legitimate position.There's never really any actual relevant substance in political perspectives.

Collectively speaking, the American electorate has effectively been programmed to just use dumbed down language like 'left', 'right' or 'moderate', no actual thinking required, just pick a label and blend in like you're on the bus.

It's pathetic. May as well just wear colored tee shirts to forward the illusion of difference. It's the same basic principle.

Sigh...Yes, and then what to deal with the current situation? Hmmmm?

That's the problem with you anti party types, you're very good at rhetoric, but only because you know full well that you will never hold enough power to matter...

So, can the rhetoric for a moment, and address the situation instead of trying to promote how much smarter than the class you think you are, could ya?
Was anyone kidnapped and carried across state lines? Were illegal drugs transported across state lines? Did a murder suspect flee across state lines? See the common thread here?

In short, there is no reason for the FBI to get involved with a handful of noisy parents who need to be escorted out of a meeting before violence breaks out.
No, no, no, no. Haha those were dumb questions that have no relevancy. The FBI hasn’t done anything but been asked to assess a situation. Stop acting like it’s the end of the world, you’re being ridiculous
What School Boards are dealing with…

Parents need to be scolded by a 10 year old

When some audience members voiced disagreement, Kaylan responded: "Can I please speak? Let me speak before you guys go off."
But some audience members continued talking, which prompted Kaylan to say emphatically: "Please be quiet…It's inappropriate that you guys can't stay quiet."

These morons can’t even be respectful to a 10 year old girl

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