Do you remember when Merrick Garland was presented as a moderate?

Who the hell told you that nonsense? Are you so addled that you can’t even read for yourself.

It says nothing of what your describing. I just don’t understand how people who aren’t idiots are so willing to accept the gross mischaracterization and rewriting reality just to fit their partisan needs.
And your link "says nothing" of WHO these alleged criminals supposedly are, who are leveling "violent threats" against school board members. I'm into a second page of this thread, and I haven't seen ONE NAME of any supposed threating person.

Yeah, I can read for myself. Like your worthless link that does nothing but talk about what Garland plans to do. Not a word about why.
Biden has contained the liberal wing and pushed compromise in the party. That is what a moderate does
That's exactly the OPPOSITE of what he's been doing and everybody (including you) knows it. Depressing to come in here and as usual, see all this LLL (ludicrous liberal lying).
I don’t think the conservatives in this country understand that they’re becoming more and more fringe. Moderates don’t come to school board meetings shouting and being disorderly to the point of police having to clear the room.
When police have cleared rooms, they didn't have to. They did it because the worthless wimps on the school boards told them to do that - because they were too cowardly to take the heat for their misdeeds. Exercise of free speech is not a reason to clear a room.
He's still a moderate. You just can't see it from way out there on the fringes.
Got any NAMES attached to these so-called alleged violent threats ? If so, let's hear them. If not, you (and some others here) need to shut up.
Before I go any further in this thread, wading my way through a pile of blind, apologist, liberal zombies, can anybody who has red this whole thread of 20 pages and almost 400 posts, tell me if anyone in this thread, has identified (BY NAME) even a single person to have been accused of making violent threats against school board CRT goofballs ?
Since you continue to post misinformation, I am not going to respond to it.
You have been told the truth and continue to respond with lies
Lol…misinformation? I have yet to see you post these supposed threats, or acts of violence that local law enforcement can’t handle…
But there is no law stating that they cannot offer assistance. Right, genius? Your high school mentality is rearing its ugly head.
And the local Sherriff, or Police chief can tell them to pound sand too…right genius?

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