Do you remember when Merrick Garland was presented as a moderate?

The nuclear family is a laughing stock. And we have to pay people now a monthly stipend for their children. Since a good percentage are single parents also.

Just think of how much money we would have saved if it were for abortions. :laughing0301:
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Don’t have to
Biden has a lengthy record in the Senate where he worked with Republicans, compromised and worked out deals.
That is what Moderates do

Sure, non-demented and non-controlled moderates like Manchin.
Did you watch any of the left-wing protests from last year? Do you consider those folks moderate? I don’t think liberals understand that their party has been taken over by the far-far left. Their heads are stuck in the sand.
Ah, just distraction. That’s all you have?

Sorry for not wanting police to needlessly kill people. I guess that makes me far-far left.
”The Justice Department will also create specialized training and guidance for local school boards and school administrators," the DOJ release added. "This training will help school board members and other potential victims understand the type of behavior that constitutes threats, how to report threatening conduct to the appropriate law enforcement agencies, and how to capture and preserve evidence of threatening conduct to aid in the investigation and prosecution of these crimes."

School Boards are frequently faced with an out of control public who disrupt the meeting, refuse to be civil and threaten members.

Such actions should not be tolerated in public meetings

Rules of conduct should be established before the meeting and strictly enforced with zero tolerance
Far more astounding is that you can’t read between the lines here.
Ah, so it’s not what Garland said, it’s what you think he said.

Look, if you see someone saying we should go after people making violent threats, and you see that as alarming, it’s your problem.

I can’t live in your fantasy world. You need to come back to reality.
So that lady should be investigated by the FBI? Wow, I guess you missed the litany of left-wing protests in 2020.
I just want you guys to know that your party is going to crazy town. You are losing it.

You should see what’s happening to it.
Ah, just distraction. That’s all you have?

Sorry for not wanting police to needlessly kill people. I guess that makes me far-far left.

We aren’t talking about what they were protesting, we are talking about how they were protesting. They were violent, but nary a peep from the left wing leaders. Now all of a sudden it is ok to sick the FBI on protestors.
I'm afraid that, because you folks are so emotional and consistently hyperbolic, translation is often needed.

A questionable move, worthy of calm conversation and analysis? Yes. Radical extremism? Of course not.
Hyperbolic? LOL really?
trumpsters are Jihadists - Mac
I just want you guys to know that your party is going to crazy town. You are losing it.

You should see what’s happening to it.

It is not us that is going to crazy town. It is the indoctrinated left that is willing to give away all their rights and support a President that is a puppet of our enemies. The mere fact that many people can’t see that is just plain scary.
We aren’t talking about what they were protesting, we are talking about how they are protesting. They were violent, but nary a peep from the left wing leaders. Now all of a sudden it is ok to sick the FBI on protestors.
Nary a peep? You’re just ignorant.

I can post link after link. It won’t be enough to penetrate your fantasy world. Nothing will change your delusions.
It is not us that is going to crazy town. It is the indoctrinated left that is willing to give away all their rights and support a President that is a puppet of our enemies. The mere fact that many people can’t see that is just plain scary.
All our rights? What the hell are you talking about? You don’t think they screaming at parents taking their kids from home isn’t crazy?

Jesus, get a grip. You guys are just losing your minds and more people are going to suffer for it.
School board members reporting what they deem as “threatening conduct” to the FBI will lead to countless unwarranted investigations, which is exactly the plan
All School Board meetings should be recorded
Any abusive behavior by the public should be turned over to authorities if warranted
Like this?

Or should this guy be given a pass too? We don’t want to go after people just for opposing Trump?

Yes! Speaking out at a local school Board is ECAXTLY like threatening to kill the President!

They're just so over-the-top that they should come with subtitles.

Yeah, it is US that is over the top. Just ignore the left-wing nuts looting, burning, harassing when they don’t get what they want. The latest is the kooks following Senator’s around that aren’t getting on board with this spending plan. Following them into the bathroom is completely normal. That is YOUR party. They are all completely sane in your mind.

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