Do you remember when Merrick Garland was presented as a moderate?

Yeah, it is US that is over the top. Just ignore the left-wing nuts looting, burning, harassing when they don’t get what they want. The latest is the kooks following Senator’s around that aren’t getting on board with this spending plan. Following them into the bathroom is completely normal. That is YOUR party. They are all completely sane in your mind.
They are? I've never said that.

You live in a fantasy world, in which you just make it up as you go.

A solid Trumpster, indeed.
Holy war, yes.

I'm always appreciative of the rapt attention you give my posts. A bit guilty though, because I usually don't read yours.
You are what you bitch about. And i find that hilarious considering your huge ego. Then again, i guess people with a huge ego dont have self awareness. So thats probably a common trait between you guys. Maybe i give you too much credit. For that, I apologize.
You are what you bitch about. And i find that hilarious considering your huge ego. Then again, i guess people with a huge ego dont have self awareness. So thats probably a common trait between you guys. Maybe i give you too much credit. For that, I apologize.
Okie dokie!
Nary a peep? You’re just ignorant.

I can post link after link. It won’t be enough to penetrate your fantasy world. Nothing will change your delusions.

I am sure he would have put the FBI on it had he been president. Gotcha.

The Democrats were very slow to condemn any violence and when they did they made sure to add the caveat that they should be allowed to protest.
I don’t think the conservatives in this country understand that they’re becoming more and more fringe. Moderates don’t come to school board meetings shouting and being disorderly to the point of police having to clear the room.

^ Exactly what a Communist would say
Parents have a right to attend School Board meetings, speak their mind and raise concerns

They don’t have a right to disrupt meetings, shout down other speakers and threaten Board members.

Those who do need to be swiftly removed from the meeting
Zero tolerance for uncivil behavior
In other words, I believe I am the smartest guy in the room. I don’t have a reasonable response so I will post one of my trusty quips or a smiley face. That will show them.
The bigger the ego, the faker they are
No one is going after people merely for “speaking out” you unhinged moron.

Wanna bet that a school board member won’t report someone to the FBI for speaking out? Wanna bet the FBI won’t follow up on it and investigate that family? It will happen and you know it.
Parents have a right to attend School Board meetings, speak their mind and raise concerns

They don’t have a right to disrupt meetings, shout down other speakers and threaten Board members.

Those who do need to be swiftly removed from the meeting
Zero tolerance for uncivil behavior
just doing what auntie maxine told them to do!!!
  • Thanks
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Says the dumbfuck that just said trumpsters are in a "holy war"
See DBA? He just thanked this. He does that when he cant argue. Guess he thinks this is a way for him to pat himself on the back for being a jackass :dunno:
Parents have a right to attend School Board meetings, speak their mind and raise concerns

They don’t have a right to disrupt meetings, shout down other speakers and threaten Board members.

Those who do need to be swiftly removed from the meeting
Zero tolerance for uncivil behavior

LOL…yes, those that “disrupt” meetings will be removed and reported to the FBI. This is how Democrats roll.
I am sure he would have put the FBI on it had he been president. Gotcha.

The Democrats were very slow to condemn any violence and when they did they made sure to add the caveat that they should be allowed to protest.
You just hop from one line of bullshit to another. We went from nary a peep to it was just too late. Oh, and by “very” slow, you’re saying that within days is too slow.

And yeah, what’s wrong with the caveat of “they should be allowed to protest”?

But again, you just can’t be dissuaded from your alternate reality. What people are doing to schools and school boards isn’t okay. The right is becoming increasingly violent and unless you guys do something about it, it’s going to hurt people.

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