Do you remember when Merrick Garland was presented as a moderate?

So, you believe that expressing your complaints to the school board is being abusive? Tell us more...
I will
If you read the letter written by the School Board Association, they support the right of the public to comment and criticize

What they are complaining about is disruption of meetings, abuse directed at board members and personal threats

Do you agree that public meetings should be conducted in a professional and civil manner?
Right now, they are providing assistance to School Boards in terms of training , the law and direction on how to respond to threatening behavior

FBI needs to get involved if there is an outside group involved in a concerted effort to harass school boards and it’s members
Can you show where this "assistance" was asked for by the local school board? And even if it was requested, it is way out of bounds in terms of the FBI's authority....

What "outside group" are you speaking of?
I will
If you read the letter written by the School Board Association, they support the right of the public to comment and criticize

What they are complaining about is disruption of meetings, abuse directed at board members and personal threats

Do you agree that public meetings should be conducted in a professional and civil manner?
Problem is that they can't when the board members act as they do..Put CRT aside for the moment and watch this local news cast about a teacher that questioned a raise issue for the Superintendant of a local Parrish school system...

More moderates for you.

Look how uncomfortable these lefties are when conservatives start to stand up against tyranny and protest political positions that we don't agree with, we obviously need to do a lot more of it! Suddenly you're no longer 'moderate' in their opinion when you voice your opposition to government over reach, funny how it's to be praised and part of the American fabric if you do it for leftist political positions. Guess they don't agree with Hillary any longer.

"I'm sick and tired of people who say that if you debate and disagree with this administration, somehow you're not patriotic. We need to stand up and say we're Americans, and we have the right to debate and disagree with any administration.". ― Hillary Rodham Clinton.
Can you show where this "assistance" was asked for by the local school board? And even if it was requested, it is way out of bounds in terms of the FBI's authority....

What "outside group" are you speaking of?
It was requested by the national school board association. Local boards can either accept it or not
Problem is that they can't when the board members act as they do..Put CRT aside for the moment and watch this local news cast about a teacher that questioned a raise issue for the Superintendant of a local Parrish school system...

She was being respectful during a public comment period.
The School Board and the police were out of line.

Does not excuse public members who interrupt, shout down other speakers or are abusive

Do you agree that public meetings should be conducted in a professional and civil manner regardless of what side they are on?
Parents have a right to attend School Board meetings, speak their mind and raise concerns

They don’t have a right to disrupt meetings, shout down other speakers and threaten Board members.

Those who do need to be swiftly removed from the meeting
Zero tolerance for uncivil behavior

Is that also true of conservative speakers on college campuses?
It was requested by the national school board association. Local boards can either accept it or not
And the correct answer from the FBI should have been this is a local issue, that any threats can be investigated by local law enforcement, and any dispruption can be handled by the same...NOT A FEDERAL ISSUE....Period.
And the correct answer from the FBI should have been this is a local issue, that any threats can be investigated by local law enforcement, and any dispruption can be handled by the same...NOT A FEDERAL ISSUE....Period.

The FBI only gets involved if an outside group is disrupting the meeting.
Other than that, they offer guidance on how a School Board should respond and what remedies they have
Turning the FBI on parents who protest school board meetings is OK with you apparently.
When those parents are resorting to violence, yes, the law should be involved. However, if that is my school board, a few whacks with a baseball bat, and the problem is solved without involving the police. Eventually, the mainstream public is going to tire of the whack-a-doodle Trumpanzees, and give them a taste of their own medicine.

U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland has directed federal authorities to meet with local law enforcement over the next month to discuss strategies for addressing the increase in "harassment, intimidation and threats of violence against school board members, teachers and workers" in public schools across the country.

"While spirited debate about policy matters is protected under our Constitution, that protection does not extend to threats of violence or efforts to intimidate individuals based on their views," Garland wrote, characterizing threats against public servants as both illegal and "counter to our nation's core values."

Why would anyone object to this?
View attachment 548558

It was not long ago that Merrick Garland was presented as a moderate for SCOTUS, just like they did Biden.

Hopefully, we are done with thinking any of these radical extremists are moderates.

F#ck'em all!!!!!!!
Just like they did with the meat puppet faggot. Remember how he "evolved" into supporting fag weddings and then seemed to have rainbow colored lights staged in advance the night the SCOTUS made fag wedding the law of the land?


U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland has directed federal authorities to meet with local law enforcement over the next month to discuss strategies for addressing the increase in "harassment, intimidation and threats of violence against school board members, teachers and workers" in public schools across the country.

"While spirited debate about policy matters is protected under our Constitution, that protection does not extend to threats of violence or efforts to intimidate individuals based on their views," Garland wrote, characterizing threats against public servants as both illegal and "counter to our nation's core values."

Why would anyone object to this?
I wonder how you'll like it when the next AG politicizes the DoJ to intimidate you?

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