Do you support people who hear voices telling them to kill being allowed to keep their guns?

M14 Shooter

The Light of Truth
Sep 26, 2007
Bridge, USS Enterprise
The actual question is if people who are simply diagnosed as mentally ill retain their rights, or not?

The anti gun left widely holds the premise that those who have been diagnosed mentally ill are too dangerous to themselves and others to have a gun.
However true that may be, if these people are indeed that dangerous, then they are, necessarily, that dangerous to themselves and others, period, and should be taken into custody for the same reason they should be kept away from guns.

Should that be the case?
Why not?
On the face of it sure, you want those types locked away and getting help.

The problem is that the "mental health professionals" are about as deranged as who they are passing judgment on.

Remember, it's the same bunch that thinks a 9-year old knows how they want their body to be when they reach adulthood.....IMHO anyone promoting that should be locked away as well.
The actual question is if people who are simply diagnosed as mentally ill retain their rights, or not?

The anti gun left widely holds the premise that those who have been diagnosed mentally ill are too dangerous to themselves and others to have a gun.
However true that may be, if these people are indeed that dangerous, then they are, necessarily, that dangerous to themselves and others, period, and should be taken into custody for the same reason they should be kept away from guns.

Should that be the case?
Why not?
Yes to both
On the face of it sure, you want those types locked away and getting help.
The problem is that the "mental health professionals" are about as deranged as who they are passing judgment on.
I wonder how quickly they will diagnose someone as 'mentally ill' if they know the state will take them into custody.
The actual question is if people who are simply diagnosed as mentally ill retain their rights, or not?

The anti gun left widely holds the premise that those who have been diagnosed mentally ill are too dangerous to themselves and others to have a gun.
However true that may be, if these people are indeed that dangerous, then they are, necessarily, that dangerous to themselves and others, period, and should be taken into custody for the same reason they should be kept away from guns.

Should that be the case?
Why not?
its not as simple as that,,

they have to pose an active threat to themselves and others,,

sure would like to know the real details of this guy and why they didnt take it to court to remove his right to posess away,,
The actual question is if people who are simply diagnosed as mentally ill retain their rights, or not?

The anti gun left widely holds the premise that those who have been diagnosed mentally ill are too dangerous to themselves and others to have a gun.
However true that may be, if these people are indeed that dangerous, then they are, necessarily, that dangerous to themselves and others, period, and should be taken into custody for the same reason they should be kept away from guns.

Should that be the case?
Why not?
Is this a question about State gun registration laws?
The actual question is if people who are simply diagnosed as mentally ill retain their rights, or not?

The anti gun left widely holds the premise that those who have been diagnosed mentally ill are too dangerous to themselves and others to have a gun.
However true that may be, if these people are indeed that dangerous, then they are, necessarily, that dangerous to themselves and others, period, and should be taken into custody for the same reason they should be kept away from guns.

Should that be the case?
Why not?
I don't support them walking around free because they will still get guns or use another method of killing.
I wonder how quickly they will diagnose someone as 'mentally ill' if they know the state will take them into custody.
Boom! And there you have it.

Of course it all stems from the lack of trust in institutions/professions where they have been take over by the left.....The mental health industry is a prime example.

Where do mostly sane people go when they might need some mental health advice to help them or their's through a rough patch? :dunno:
The actual question is if people who are simply diagnosed as mentally ill retain their rights, or not?

The anti gun left widely holds the premise that those who have been diagnosed mentally ill are too dangerous to themselves and others to have a gun.
However true that may be, if these people are indeed that dangerous, then they are, necessarily, that dangerous to themselves and others, period, and should be taken into custody for the same reason they should be kept away from guns.

Should that be the case?
Why not?

Government has proven conclusively they can't be trusted with ANY power. They are ending free electionis and using the legal system to shut down their opposition. The enslavement of 350 million Americans is a lot more scary than the death of 19.

Since Democrats have proven they reject the law, giving them the power to take guns from citizens who haven't committed a crime is insane and anyone who supports that isn''t paying attention
Generally speaking, I do not and cant imagine why anyone would support a simple diagnosis as a means to remove rights.

This places WAY to much onus on medical doctors to invade rights when the medical community is not geared for that. They are geared for provide support and treatment. There is a reason there are different standards in courts than there are other institutions, courts have a lot of power to limit or remove your rights.

Further, if you want to stigmatize seeking mental health help the FASTEST way to do that is to attach criminal penalties to seeking help. And make no mistake about it, removing and infringing on rights are criminal penalties.
Don't take the chance. Confiscate their weapons.

I consider myself one of the most Conservative people in this forum and I firmly believe there are way too many guns in the wrong hands in this Country.

And, yes Virginia. dimocraps caused it. Because, everything wrong in this Country, everything bad that's ever happened in this Country can almost always be traced to dimocraps. It's just a fact.

The Rapist, Clinton, was watching his poll numbers decline during his first term so he started talking about guns. Mostly, 'Assault Rifles' and Hi-Cap magazines.

Before then, nobody paid any attention to them. Nobody cared. But when the scumbag rapist Clinton started talking about banning them, everybody had to run out and get one.

I don't know how many of you are old enough to remember but nobody back before The Rapist came to office gave a shit about having an "Assault Rifle'.

Now, it's almost like a cult following. Everybody's got one and -- I can tell you from experience, most of them shouldn't be near anything more deadly than a Cap gun.

But how do we stop it?

First thing is to get dimocrap scum to stop talking about it.

They want to TAKE guns away from people and that is just simply stupid. It ain't gonna happen. Not in this Country. Australia? Sure, nobody cares about those nutcases anyway. But it just isn't going to happen here. No way, no how.

Get dimocrap scum to stop talking about -- Well, anything. Everything they touch they turn to shit.

In fact, I'd bet their personal lives match their politics. They're just fuck-ups. And one thing we know about stupid is, it's in everything. People aren't just stupid abut one thing
The thread title was: "Do you support people who hear voices telling them to kill being allowed to keep their guns"
Are you actually contending that does not make someone dangerous?
He wants to avoid the issue, as he usually does.
I only took him off ignore to see what he had to say; as he continues to avoid the issue, I will reverse this.
The shooter actually threatened mass murder before the fact. The Maine shooter was clearly insane and it was the duty of state and local government to protect citizens and they failed and blamed the 2nd Amendment.

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