do you support reparations for blacks?

Who’s claiming to be a victim of torture?
you only know what is like to be on of us. and bullied which is tour to us our whole lives. and be prejudiced against by whole world for something we were born with. Try putting your self in place of one us for day. were you rediculed and laughed at and made fun everyday of your life.
My family used and a host of other information to trace my ancestor. He came on a slave ship from Africa and was sold and at that point was nothing more than a number

And there is a chance he was far better off here and led a much better life than living bare-footed in a thatch hut. He might have even been a skilled servant tending a big luxury plantation living in the house! Either way, it is up to HIM to decide he was wronged, it is up to HIM to decide what if any reparations are owed him not a dime to you. Funny that all this time after Lincoln (a republican BTW thank you) freed the slaves none of them felt they were owed anything more that their freedom.

Until you pathetic maggots came along 150 years later with your hands out looking for a free ride again (ca-ching ca-ching!) just because you're too lazy to work and want another free handout. In a way, it still makes you a slave of and dependent on the white man because anyone with pride and ability could and would rather prove they can actually make it carrying their own weight.
And there is a chance he was far better off here and led a much better life than living bare-footed in a thatch hut. He might have even been a skilled servant tending a big luxury plantation living in the house! Either way, it is up to HIM to decide he was wronged, it is up to HIM to decide what if any reparations are owed him not a dime to you. Funny that all this time after Lincoln (a republican BTW thank you) freed the slaves none of them felt they were owed anything more that their freedom.

Until you pathetic maggots came along 150 years later with your hands out looking for a free ride again (ca-ching ca-ching!) just because you're too lazy to work and want another free handout. In a way, it still makes you a slave of and dependent on the white man because anyone with pride and ability could and would rather prove they can actually make it carrying their own weight.
correct they were slaves in Africa before they came to other countries and some still are there.
you only know what is like to be on of us. and bullied which is tour to us our whole lives. and be prejudiced against by whole world for something we were born with. Try putting your self in place of one us for day. were you rediculed and laughed at and made fun everyday of your life.
Fuck no!!! You could give each black person $5 million on account of slavery, requiring no proof he or she had any slave ancestors, and not only will they say it is not enough, they will say it is an insulting pittance of what their suffering is really worth. Fuck that!
Interviewed black overwhelmingly said that they would just "spend the money on things."
No doubt, once it's all spent, then they would come forward and say, "give us more."
If reparations in California are approved, there then needs to be a class-action lawsuit against the state, by any and all who can show that their ancestors not only didn't have slaves, but also had ancestors that fought for the Union (North) in the Civil War, thus paying their dues.
And there is a chance he was far better off here and led a much better life than living bare-footed in a thatch hut. He might have even been a skilled servant tending a big luxury plantation living in the house! Either way, it is up to HIM to decide he was wronged, it is up to HIM to decide what if any reparations are owed him not a dime to you. Funny that all this time after Lincoln (a republican BTW thank you) freed the slaves none of them felt they were owed anything more that their freedom.

Until you pathetic maggots came along 150 years later with your hands out looking for a free ride again (ca-ching ca-ching!) just because you're too lazy to work and want another free handout. In a way, it still makes you a slave of and dependent on the white man because anyone with pride and ability could and would rather prove they can actually make it carrying their own weight.
No you didn't. You're sitting there with your hand out for something that you never experienced

You're a leech
Tell me this you racist hag, how many Germans today are responsible for the Holocaust? In 1983 when America paid Japanese-Americans reparations for being placed in interment camps during WWII, I wasn't responsible for that. Hell I wasn't even born yet and I didn't hear none of the racist whining about it. I hear you coming with that Irish BS, the Irish suffered nothing like black folks have in this country. The Irish were mainstreamed into American Society, why? Because they were white. The hatred for black folks still runs deep in this country and why?

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