do you support reparations for blacks?

Tell me this you racist hag, how many Germans today are responsible for the Holocaust? In 1983 when America paid Japanese-Americans reparations for being placed in interment camps during WWII, I wasn't responsible for that. Hell I wasn't even born yet and I didn't hear none of the racist whining about it. I hear you coming with that Irish BS, the Irish suffered nothing like black folks have in this country. The Irish were mainstreamed into American Society, why? Because they were white. The hatred for black folks still runs deep in this country and why?
Let her have it.
The hatred for black folks runs deep on this board.
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Tell me this you racist hag, how many Germans today are responsible for the Holocaust? In 1983 when America paid Japanese-Americans reparations for being placed in interment camps during WWII, I wasn't responsible for that. Hell I wasn't even born yet and I didn't hear none of the racist whining about it. I hear you coming with that Irish BS, the Irish suffered nothing like black folks have in this country. The Irish were mainstreamed into American Society, why? Because they were white. The hatred for black folks still runs deep in this country and why?
Those people were directly affected in their lifetime.
Indians that went to Catholic boarding schools were victims of torture. The last boarding school closed in 1976.
Then find those people and see what they think. No black person alive today is a former slave.
Then find those people and see what they think. No black person alive today is a former slave.
Your math skills are unprecedented. There are no slaves alive from the 1800’s but there are Indian survivors of boarding schools. Reparations for black people is none of my business. My main concern is the ongoing genocide of my people.
Then find those people and see what they think. No black person alive today is a former slave.
After Appomattox, America became color blind?
Jim Crow violence drove Blacks out of the south and the northern employers wouldn`t hire them. They hired people like my immigrant grandfather who couldn`t even speak English. I`m willing to bet that you`re opposed to teaching Black history.
If I thought you had any interest I would provide tons of information. All you want to do is argue with me. Not interested in doing that.
Arguing is kind of the point of this forum or were you unaware of that? That being said, I am not here to argue for the sake of arguing, but I will gladly call "bullshit" when I see it.
FYI: when you state something as "fact", you need to back it up.
Look it up and prove me wrong. I’m not here to educate you.
You just fucking stated "If I thought you had any interest I would provide tons of information".
So you still have nothing.
Dumb ass.
(or, in your case, shitass).

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