Do you think Big Brother is here yet? Because Big Brother IS here - unreal...


Good guys wear white hats
Aug 23, 2011
Bham, AL
1st of all, THANK GOD we elected Trump.

I remain convinced that THIS was our last chance to save the republic

Personally, I am sick and damned tired of all the "help" we continue to get from the gub-mint

we don't need any more laws that are for "our own good"

yes - I am looking at you seat belt law and no smoking law proponents

I swear, amazing as it may seem, I am MUCH more pro-choice than the alleged "pro-choice" crowd

anywho - let's take a look at the latest attempt at infringement on our freedom & attack on common sense and decency

because this is




in fact, THIS is why we have a 2nd amendment folks...


Straight from the horses mouth on

“(2) shall award grants to health care agencies, State and local law enforcement agencies, or public safety agencies to assist such agencies in designing, establishing, and operating locative tracking technology programs for individuals with forms of dementia, such as Alzheimer's Disease, or children with developmental disabilities, such as autism, who have wandered from safe environments.”;
It always starts with an "altruistic gesture", then slowly they add more "groups/identities" to the list over the years. This is serious stuff folks. Micro chipping people. The gub-mint would be able to have officials such as police (brownshirts, stormtroopers) apprehend people to force them to get these implants as this bill evolves.

A boat load in the House are co-sponsoring this bill & there is a tab you can click that shows every rep in favor of it. Make note. And please raise Holy Hell with your congress critter if he or she is on the list

House bill 4919 from .gov
I see Trump as a possible wake up call to both parties.
Edgar Hoover is cheering in his grave at what we have allowed our government to get away with.
There are dossiers on all of us. We are all potential domestic terrorists to our Government. All of our information is being stored in Utah.
It is how the Bible prophesy about not being able to buy and sell is coming to fruition. Society will start charging fees for using cash, and attach penalties for using it, to usher in the cashless society. We will rely on chipped bank cards for now and then implanted ones soon, for everything we do. And the bank will document every bit of it for the government. There will be documentation of every single thing you do. We are close to that now. We are even buying TV's that can record conversations held in the privacy of our own living rooms.

Someone outside the realm of spacial time told us all about it 2,000 years ago. Time to listen to what else He told us.
They all probably got a bit of money from the microchip folks. They are relentless in their never ending crap 'for our own good'.
We have a lot of police surveillance at almost all intersections, tunnels, subways, train depots, airports, etc.

That is normal now though. The Europeans have the same thing.

It's a natural part of fighting a war against Mooseleem terrorists.

It nets other criminals too.

Just don't do crime and then you won't do time.
The city next to us put up a camera to catch speeders and had to take it down. You have the right to face your accuser in court. The camera is the accuser.

I am pleased to hear that; several municipalities have cameras - not sure if your example reflects the mood of the town or is an actual Constitutional/legal issue

I know I hate it - cop catches me? sucks, but I get it and no problem

ticket on a camera? uhggg - just a pernicious thing

will I get a ticket for 56 in a 55?

I DID get a ticket in Knoxville, TN (was not Knoxville, but a smaller municipality in the metro area - cannot remember which town exactly) for running a red light at 2 or 3 in the AM

there was no one else on the road, and damned right, I went through the intersection before the light changed

this had to be 2008 or 2009 - so roughly 7 - 9 years ago

I never paid the ticket - I just ignored the letters they sent; they quit sending them a few years ago...

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