CDZ Do you think that U.S citizens have a chance to reunite under new political governship before 2020?

Do you think that U.S citizens have a chance to reunite under new poltical governship by 2020?

  • Yes

    Votes: 3 13.0%
  • No

    Votes: 20 87.0%

  • Total voters


Oct 10, 2018
Question is the thread? I meant to say end of 2020

I would like to believe that if there is one thing we have learned as a human race it is that we must come together in collective intelligence and faith if we are to continue
onward with maximum efficiency.

I see how my fellow citizens live across the nation and I simply do not understand how we have managed to fall so far, unless through trickery.

So I ask everyone reading if you do in fact have faith, or believe, that we as citizens can truly band together in unison; while working in joint effort to move the entire nation towards a single positive and prosperous goal?

For far too long have we as a society forgotten how many actually live here in our great nation and aboard so please I beg all of you to always remember that we really can as people unite across the globe with todays techonogly in a mattor of seconds.

With technology today we can unite every single legal voter there is in the entire nation in a matter of days, if not hours. So again we cannot forget that no matter what happens we will always have our human connection.

We can never forget that we as citizens will always have the opportunity, from birth, to be apart of the positive growth that helps resecure our future for all.

We can never forget that we can always reunite under a new banner if the situation calls .We can always come together under a new light that has begun to shine. Facts always change over time and so do numbers.

We as people must all finally begin to understand how valuable we each are and we must all never forget that we can always gain more for all with collective unison.

To put it point blank, the numbers dont add up.

We as citizens have a right to not only take back our nation but our economy and our future.

Travis Michael Bell - NRP.
Come together?....No.

I want a divorce.

From your fellow good willed U.S citizens and humans abroad? Thats upsetting.

Only through collective unison at all levels of soictey will we be able to master the true capabilities we all have.

We all have the capacity to succeed greatly in certain aspects of life so we must always strive to become the best we can be.

Collective intelligence leads to a lot and I bet even you are surrounded by countless true Patriots.
No, I will never be part of the Republican party.

We all need to remember that as U.S citizens we have the right to form any righteous group we deem necessary for survival.

Just because you are forced into thinking we cant reunite under a new name doesnt mean its true.

Like I said its very clear the numbers dont add up and it's extremely clear the current political leadership isnt capable of providing the soild and stable future we all deserve. We as citizens are being lead down a pitch black hallway and if we all started to band together we would be able to see all of the problems around us.

It all starts with us being much more efficient when
communicating over the internet and soical media.
We all need to start searching for the truth and we all need to waking up.

We all need to realize how easy it is for a collective political gathering to remain in unison while always focusing on the reason and logic of everything.

We all must start fighting harder than ever to come closer to your fellow good willed brothers and sisters here at home for it is our bond here in the homeland that will allow for us to grow beyond what anyone could imagine.

No, I will never be part of the Republican party.

We all need to remember that as U.S citizens we have the right to form any righteous group we deem necessary for survival.

Just because you are forced into thinking we cant reunite under a new name doesnt mean its true.

Like I said its very clear the numbers dont add up and it's extremely clear the current political leadership isnt capable of providing the soild and stable future we all deserve. We as citizens are being lead down a pitch black hallway and if we all started to band together we would be able to see all of the problems around us.

It all starts with us being much more efficient when
communicating over the internet and soical media.
We all need to start searching for the truth and we all need to waking up.

We all need to realize how easy it is for a collective political gathering to remain in unison while always focusing on the reason and logic of everything.

We all must start fighting harder than ever to come closer to your fellow good willed brothers and sisters here at home for it is our bond here in the homeland that will allow for us to grow beyond what anyone could imagine.

I am not forced. I made a decision to never vote for another Republican ever again. Never. I know you mean well.
No, I will never be part of the Republican party.

We all need to remember that as U.S citizens we have the right to form any righteous group we deem necessary for survival.

Just because you are forced into thinking we cant reunite under a new name doesnt mean its true.

Like I said its very clear the numbers dont add up and it's extremely clear the current political leadership isnt capable of providing the soild and stable future we all deserve. We as citizens are being lead down a pitch black hallway and if we all started to band together we would be able to see all of the problems around us.

It all starts with us being much more efficient when
communicating over the internet and soical media.
We all need to start searching for the truth and we all need to waking up.

We all need to realize how easy it is for a collective political gathering to remain in unison while always focusing on the reason and logic of everything.

We all must start fighting harder than ever to come closer to your fellow good willed brothers and sisters here at home for it is our bond here in the homeland that will allow for us to grow beyond what anyone could imagine.

I am not forced. I made a decision to never vote for another Republican ever again. Never. I know you mean well.

Well then hopefully you are now apart of a gathering that suits all of the needs you know need to be meet when securing all of our futures.
No, I will never be part of the Republican party.

We all need to remember that as U.S citizens we have the right to form any righteous group we deem necessary for survival.

Just because you are forced into thinking we cant reunite under a new name doesnt mean its true.

Like I said its very clear the numbers dont add up and it's extremely clear the current political leadership isnt capable of providing the soild and stable future we all deserve. We as citizens are being lead down a pitch black hallway and if we all started to band together we would be able to see all of the problems around us.

It all starts with us being much more efficient when
communicating over the internet and soical media.
We all need to start searching for the truth and we all need to waking up.

We all need to realize how easy it is for a collective political gathering to remain in unison while always focusing on the reason and logic of everything.

We all must start fighting harder than ever to come closer to your fellow good willed brothers and sisters here at home for it is our bond here in the homeland that will allow for us to grow beyond what anyone could imagine.

I am not forced. I made a decision to never vote for another Republican ever again. Never. I know you mean well.

Well then hopefully you are now apart of a gathering that suits all of the needs you know need to be meet when securing all of our futures.

I am a moderate , a centrist. I believe in the ACA, expanded Medicaid , PP, strong boarders, immigration reform, and a strong military , but not to use the strong military to attack other countries. I believe every country should have rights and we do not need to be no. 1 any longer. This no 1 crap has got to end. Our empire has got to end and put money in the homeland and not military.,
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There is no sign of the populace mobilizing itself anywhere near as would be necessary to overturn the government and impose order; i;e;, empty the House of Representatives and a third of the Senate.
Laziness? Stupidity? Cupidity? Lack of education? Indifferent? Choose one, or another. What has to be done is clear.
Replace these embarrassments and move on to 2020. As for President, there are no genuine choices out there presently, so we just need to take the Congress. The Supreme Court will follow us.
No more nation tied up in two by controlled political parties.
Holy crap, we're nowhere near reuniting.

The two narcissistic ends of the spectrum are too dug in and have their entire ego invested in "beating" the other "side". And those who have a vested professional interest in keeping us angry and divided have everything going their way right now, because their flocks are so obedient.

Not even close.
So I ask everyone reading if you do in fact have faith, or believe, that we as citizens can truly band together in unison; while working in joint effort to move the entire nation towards a single positive and prosperous goal?

We did that ^^^^^^^ when we elected Trump however, the radical left does not want to 'band together' they want to spread division and hatred in an attempt to seize power and institute a radical socialist government and re-write our Constitution.
Question is the thread? I meant to say end of 2020

I would like to believe that if there is one thing we have learned as a human race it is that we must come together in collective intelligence and faith if we are to continue
onward with maximum efficiency.

I see how my fellow citizens live across the nation and I simply do not understand how we have managed to fall so far, unless through trickery.

So I ask everyone reading if you do in fact have faith, or believe, that we as citizens can truly band together in unison; while working in joint effort to move the entire nation towards a single positive and prosperous goal?

For far too long have we as a society forgotten how many actually live here in our great nation and aboard so please I beg all of you to always remember that we really can as people unite across the globe with todays techonogly in a mattor of seconds.

With technology today we can unite every single legal voter there is in the entire nation in a matter of days, if not hours. So again we cannot forget that no matter what happens we will always have our human connection.

We can never forget that we as citizens will always have the opportunity, from birth, to be apart of the positive growth that helps resecure our future for all.

We can never forget that we can always reunite under a new banner if the situation calls .We can always come together under a new light that has begun to shine. Facts always change over time and so do numbers.

We as people must all finally begin to understand how valuable we each are and we must all never forget that we can always gain more for all with collective unison.

To put it point blank, the numbers dont add up.

We as citizens have a right to not only take back our nation but our economy and our future.

Travis Michael Bell - NRP.

ask this guy ......


  • a8.jpg
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Well here's a thought - why don't US citizens reunite right now under the current political leadership and work together to make this nation the best it can be? After all, we collectively voted these guys in, so why aren't we even trying to do the right thing and cooperate to get things done rather than obstruct everything? And I do not absolve anybody of guilt here, but I see no reason to wait until 2020 or thereafter.
Well here's a thought - why don't US citizens reunite right now under the current political leadership and work together to make this nation the best it can be? After all, we collectively voted these guys in, so why aren't we even trying to do the right thing and cooperate to get things done rather than obstruct everything? And I do not absolve anybody of guilt here, but I see no reason to wait until 2020 or thereafter.

because conservatives will ONLY "unite" with people like me when we are no longer people like me.

As long as I am atheist, secular, pro-gay rights, pro-womens rights and pro-pot legalization there isn't a conservative in the country who would let me in their club.

(that is ok.....I would NEVER JOIN a club that would have rush limbaugh or trump as a member)
No...not going to happen...the next step from here, with Holder saying "kick them in the face" and Hillary and Maxine preaching "incivility"...a dog whistle to violence....the next step will be the same step the liberals took last time around....the reemergence of a radical militant left-wing organization like the Weathermen.

Web-search "Weather Underground Organization bombings".

This iteration will likely be worse than the hippy era version. It will be like the U.K. during The Troubles. Give that a web-search as well.

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