Do you think the average American knows why the US backs Israel so strongly??

The British Mandate for Palestine meant the British owed the Palestinians for their help with Lawrence of Arabia.
But instead of helping, just like the Ottoman Empire, the British kept the Palestinians totally unarmed.
So then it WAS "stolen".
The invading Jewish immigrants massacred the unarmed Arab Palestinian natives.
Once Menachim Begin blew up the King David Hotel, the British ran home and totally ignored their mandate to defend Palestine.
It does not take courage to massacre unarmed natives in order to steal their land, but evil greed instead.
It meant the British could do with it as they wished. It wasn’t Begin it was the Jewish resistance. It takes an imbecile to defend 10/7. You
This war was started by the illegal immigrant Jews in the 1930s who blew up the King David hotel, gunned down the UN moderator, and then started massacring native Arab villages.
Israel has never stopped massacring natives and illegally confiscating homes.
Wrong, it was not started by illegal immigrants in the 1930s. That's propaganda.

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