Do you think the average American knows why the US backs Israel so strongly??

Israel is a land about which God says uniquely, prophetically and repeatedly in the Bible, “This is Mine” (Joel 1:6; Zech. 2:5-7; Gen. 35:10-15)
What did Baal have to say about YHWH's bumptiousness?
Jews are not native to the Levant, so have no right to determine the fate of the region.
The Hebrew tribes likely are Egyptian and native to the Sinai Desert.
They invaded the Levant around 1000 BC, and committed terrible atrocities, like the massacre at Jericho.
But only rules about 150 years before being defeated and kicked out by the Babylonians, Assyrians, and Romans, who consecutively had enough and made them leave.
They did not return after the Romans kicked them out until after 1920, and the Balfour Declaration.
Jews are not native to the Levant, yet Jerusalem is a Hebrew name and Jewish settlements there predate the invention of Islam by over a thousand years.

Got it.
Do you think the average American knows why the US backs Israel so strongly or what the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is??

I never understood the "why". I'm glad we do since the Arabs and Muslims seem to by hyper violent and lean on terrorist tactics more often than not.

But as for the whole "support the jews" aspect of it; I really don't care that much about their religion, their plight, their history of persecution etc...
Your getting confused.
The British were the people who had the Mandate for Palestine.
They gave the Zionists spies in Germany the Balfour Declaration to encourage Zionist immigration, in exchange for Chaim Weizman stealing the German formula for synthetic acetone for cordite explosives.
There was also the Zimmerman Letter they stole in order to get the US into the war.

Israel didn't exist until 1948. You're the one who is confused here. That's typical with people who went to commie run schools and only get taught what fits a left wing narrative, not real history.

And, some 90% of Arabs supported Nazi Germany, another factor is why we should never care what they think; they even sell Hitler coloring books for children in their grocery stores, and Mein Kampf is a perennial best seller in Egypt and the Arab states.
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Jews are not native to the Levant, so have no right to determine the fate of the region.
The Hebrew tribes likely are Egyptian and native to the Sinai Desert.
They invaded the Levant around 1000 BC, and committed terrible atrocities, like the massacre at Jericho.
But only rules about 150 years before being defeated and kicked out by the Babylonians, Assyrians, and Romans, who consecutively had enough and made them leave.
They did not return after the Romans kicked them out until after 1920, and the Balfour Declaration.
ore rubbish 'history'; they were banned from Jerusalem, not the Levant, by the Romans and the Temple scam was dismantled. Constantine's mother allowed them back in and allowed them to try and rebuild their Temple, which they failed to do. The population was certainly reduced, but they were never banned from the Levant. The Jewish population was reduced to about 50 villages from a 160 or so. The region was never 100% Jewish to begin with. They still made up some 15% to 25% of Gallilee's population, for instance. Money and life was easier to come by elsewhere.
I don't have a dog in this fight. Carry on...

Me neither, but in real life they were never going to be allowed to return to Poland, and after two years of holding them in camps after the war was over, settling them in Palestine was a good idea, already a large population of Jews there, and nobody needed to give a crap what a bunch of Arab Nazi allies liked or didn't like, nor did we care about the Brits' antisemitism and allowing a bunch of Arab squatters to illegally immigrate there. We couldn't feed them in European camps forever.
Me neither, but in real life they were never going to be allowed to return to Poland, and after two years of holding them in camps after the war was over, settling them in Palestine was a good idea, already a large population of Jews there, and nobody needed to give a crap what a bunch of Arab Nazi allies liked or didn't like, nor did we care about the Brits' antisemitism and allowing a bunch of Arab squatters to illegally immigrate there. We couldn't feed them in European camps forever.
Where else could/should they have sent them?

read the "Jewish refugees" paragraph
Where else could/should they have sent them?

read the "Jewish refugees" paragraph

Yes, I'm familiar with the British efforts to shut down immigration to Palestine. Our policy after the war was still FDR's drive to dismantle European empires around the globe and set up free independent states, and American policy re British fecklessness over displaced Jews was perfectly in line with that agenda. I have no problem with it; as I said most Arabs backed the losing side, so tough shit. We merely added to what the Ottomans themselves encouraged, in any case.
Yes, I'm familiar with the British efforts to shut down immigration to Palestine. Our policy after the war was still FDR's drive to dismantle European empires around the globe and set up free independent states, and American policy re British fecklessness over displaced Jews was perfectly in line with that agenda. I have no problem with it; as I said most Arabs backed the losing side, so tough shit. We merely added to what the Ottomans themselves encouraged, in any case.
So the Brits liked the camps and refugee ships with no ports?
So the Brits liked the camps and refugee ships with no ports?

The differences in how the camps were managed in the British occupation zones tells a story ...

"In the DP camps, Holocaust survivors sometimes lived alongside antisemites and individuals who had harmed Jews during the war. In the summer of 1945, Earl Harrison, US President Truman’s emissary to the camps, wrote a report on the Jews’ suffering in the DP camps. As a result, the Jewish refugees were transferred to separate camps where they were given a degree of independence, and conditions improved. The Americans enabled US Jewish relief organizations and activists from Eretz Israel to operate in the camps. The living conditions in the British-occupied zone, where Jewish refugees had arrived mostly from Bergen-Belsen, were far less comfortable.

Survivor Eliezer Adler recalls:

They would take a hut and divide it into ten tiny rooms for ten couples. The desire for life overcame everything - in spite of everything I am alive, and even living with intensity.
We took children and turned them into human beings…. The great reckoning with the Holocaust? Who bothered about that... you knew the reality, you knew you had no family, that you were alone, that you had to do something. You were busy doing things. I remember that I used to tell the young people: Forgetfulness is a great thing. A person can forget, because if they couldn't forget they couldn't build a new life. After such a destruction to build a new life, to get married, to bring children into the world? In forgetfulness lay the ability to create a new life...

After the Holocaust, there were tens of thousands of Jewish survivors in Poland, as well as refugees who had returned there from the Soviet Union. On comprehending the enormity of the destruction of Polish Jewry and being confronted with manifestations of antisemitism, which reached their zenith with the Kielce pogrom of July 1946, these Jews decided to move westward to the American-occupied zone, and so they too arrived at the DP camps. In 1947, they were joined by a further wave of Jewish refugees from Czechoslovakia, Hungary and Romania, and the total number of DP camp inhabitants reached a peak of some 250,000. "

Amazingly, DPs all wanted to get to the American occupation zone for some reason; hard to believe considering how evul and rayciss these Evul WASPs are, according to modern academia and the MSM.
We support Israel because of the inherent right to self-determination.

The Arb/Jewish conflict is based upon a clash of two different cultures.
It goes back even further. Remember Abraham had two sons. The first was through the illicit relationship with Hagar who bore Ishmael and his second with his wife Sarah who is Isaac.
The Bible was written by Jews a couple hundred years later.
None of it is accurate.

A real God would never be racist or material, with a "Chosen People" bribed with a "Promised Land".

You clearly don't understand what was meant by 'chosen people.' It's not what you assumed. :rolleyes: But don't feel bad, many people misunderstand it. As for what you said about the bible, that's the most ignorant thing I've read all week. But that's all I'm going to say about that, I'll let you get back to doing your hateful thing.
They know what their media stronghold outlets tell them. The rest of us?....have seen this coming for years..and know it won't end well...for the Palestinians.

It won't end well for the civilians on either side.

And that, in my view, is the intent.

There's no way that so-called intelligence didn't know about this before it happened.

But. I'm content to observe the narrative being spooned out.
Well I've figured out why everyone in Gaza is so angry all the time.

At 4:30AM there's some asshole on a loudspeaker yodeling about allah.

I'd be pissed off all the time too if I couldn't get a good night's sleep. ;)

They got the same thing happening in new york now. Where are all the aclu people on this? Let some christian denomination start blasting out hymns over the loudspeakers and the aclu would catapult out of their sewer quicker than the speed of light.
Do you think the average American knows why the US backs Israel so strongly or what the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is??
The average American does not understand that the people pulling the strings on both so-called ''sides'' are one in the same and that they, in reality, do not like the people they claim to speak for very much.

It's why the average American, and the rest of the world for that matter, are so quickly coerced into picking a side.

So that they just follow the narrative and never come to ask the more relevant questions. So that they never come to know the true plot. The true intent behind the orchestration of these events by the single entity pulling all of the strings on all of the so-called ''sides.''

Until the citizenry itself...meaning the average people of both Israel and Pelestine...come together, by themselves, quit being pawns, and realize that this single entity is pulling all of the strings, they will forever be at the mercy of the sick, twisted game of the puppetmaster.
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