Do You View Socialism Positively?

The poll question: "Just off the top of your head, would you say you have a positive or negative image of socialism?"

Dems/left leaning - 53% pos ... 41% neg
Repubs/right leaning - 17% pos ... 79% neg
All Americans - 36% pos ... 68% neg

Strangely, Americans are almost unanimously positive about small biz (95%) and very positive about free enterprise (86%) and entrepreneurs (84%), all of which are contrary to socialism.

Socialism Viewed Positively by 36 of Americans

More accurately, 'socialist ideals' should have been the question. Since everyone enjoys the benefits, you can see the uneducated percentage by the negative answers.
The poll question: "Just off the top of your head, would you say you have a positive or negative image of socialism?"

Dems/left leaning - 53% pos ... 41% neg
Repubs/right leaning - 17% pos ... 79% neg
All Americans - 36% pos ... 68% neg

Strangely, Americans are almost unanimously positive about small biz (95%) and very positive about free enterprise (86%) and entrepreneurs (84%), all of which are contrary to socialism.

Socialism Viewed Positively by 36 of Americans

More accurately, 'socialist ideals' should have been the question. Since everyone enjoys the benefits, you can see the uneducated percentage by the negative answers.

And if we lived in a socialist "workers paradise" your pompous opinion of how Gallup should word their polls might matter but as Gallup doesn't have to listen to your whining in the matter, neither will I.
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More accurately, 'socialist ideals' should have been the question. Since everyone enjoys the benefits, you can see the uneducated percentage by the negative answers.
What benefits of socialism do we all enjoy?

What benefits of socialist ideals do we all enjoy? All tax based services.

I don't consider being looted to prop up a Ponzi scheme to be a "service."

Care to explain how a roadway is a fraudulent scheme?
The poll question: "Just off the top of your head, would you say you have a positive or negative image of socialism?"

Dems/left leaning - 53% pos ... 41% neg
Repubs/right leaning - 17% pos ... 79% neg
All Americans - 36% pos ... 68% neg

Strangely, Americans are almost unanimously positive about small biz (95%) and very positive about free enterprise (86%) and entrepreneurs (84%), all of which are contrary to socialism.

Socialism Viewed Positively by 36 of Americans

More accurately, 'socialist ideals' should have been the question. Since everyone enjoys the benefits, you can see the uneducated percentage by the negative answers.

And if we lived in a socialist "workers paradise" your pompous opinion of how Gallup should word their polls might matter but as Gallup doesn't have to listen to your whining in the matter, neither will I.

More like a condemnation toward whomever paid for the poll.
More accurately, 'socialist ideals' should have been the question. Since everyone enjoys the benefits, you can see the uneducated percentage by the negative answers.
What benefits of socialism do we all enjoy?

The psychic benefit of knowing that our hard work goes to pay for slothful slobs to watch reality TV all day while eating junk food.
More accurately, 'socialist ideals' should have been the question. Since everyone enjoys the benefits, you can see the uneducated percentage by the negative answers.
What benefits of socialism do we all enjoy?

The psychic benefit of knowing that our hard work goes to pay for slothful slobs to watch reality TV all day while eating junk food.

It's even worse. The streets are littered with seemingly healthy - albeit scruffy - young men (and even women) sitting on my city's curbs holding signs reminding me they are hungry and would like me to buy them a meal (or give 'em some cash).
The poll question: "Just off the top of your head, would you say you have a positive or negative image of socialism?"

Dems/left leaning - 53% pos ... 41% neg
Repubs/right leaning - 17% pos ... 79% neg
All Americans - 36% pos ... 68% neg

Strangely, Americans are almost unanimously positive about small biz (95%) and very positive about free enterprise (86%) and entrepreneurs (84%), all of which are contrary to socialism.

Socialism Viewed Positively by 36 of Americans

More accurately, 'socialist ideals' should have been the question. Since everyone enjoys the benefits, you can see the uneducated percentage by the negative answers.

And if we lived in a socialist "workers paradise" your pompous opinion of how Gallup should word their polls might matter but as Gallup doesn't have to listen to your whining in the matter, neither will I.

More like a condemnation toward whomever paid for the poll.

I'm certain Gallup is very concerned about your sensibilities. No, wait ... maybe not.
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More accurately, 'socialist ideals' should have been the question. Since everyone enjoys the benefits, you can see the uneducated percentage by the negative answers.
What benefits of socialism do we all enjoy?

What benefits of socialist ideals do we all enjoy? All tax based services.

I don't consider being looted to prop up a Ponzi scheme to be a "service."

Care to explain how a roadway is a fraudulent scheme?

I was referring to Social Security. Roads account for a minute percentage of what we pay in taxes. Furthermore. most of the roads in the city are privately built and maintained. Most roads in your neighborhood were built by the developer.
Socialism which allows man to thrive with no effort from his own hand is a lot different than a socialism providing common infrastructure and protection of private property rights.

It is the former that is the issue.

Actually, there's no difference. Socialism is socialism. It's all bad.

Come on. No common defense, infrastructure or laws ?


In case you weren't already aware, I'm an anarchist. I don't want government, period. However, that wouldn't mean no common defense, infrastructure or laws.

I'm interested. How do you have laws without government? What would make the laws enforceable?

The Idea of a Private Law Society - Hans-Hermann Hoppe - Mises Daily
Interesting. I'll have to finish reading that later. Then I've got some questions for you, but that should probably be a different thread.
More accurately, 'socialist ideals' should have been the question. Since everyone enjoys the benefits, you can see the uneducated percentage by the negative answers.
What benefits of socialism do we all enjoy?

What benefits of socialist ideals do we all enjoy? All tax based services.

I don't consider being looted to prop up a Ponzi scheme to be a "service."

Care to explain how a roadway is a fraudulent scheme?

I was referring to Social Security. Roads account for a minute percentage of what we pay in taxes. Furthermore. most of the roads in the city are privately built and maintained. Most roads in your neighborhood were built by the developer.

Social Security is gov't mandated retirement insurance, paid for by the recipients. It is not a transfer of gov't confiscated wealth from one individual to another.

Quite a few posts in either clear or implied defense of socialism on this thread already.

Come on, folks, just come right out and say it.

What, do you think your head is going to explode if you do?

And you have noted this often on other threads ... the socialist's eagerness to espouse their views and their reluctance to refer to it or have it recognized as socialism.
C'mon folks ... stop parsing the term and attempting to define it in a way that reduces your exposure.
Admit to what is so obvious.
I won't bite you. :eusa_angel:

Quite a few posts in either clear or implied defense of socialism on this thread already.

Come on, folks, just come right out and say it.

What, do you think your head is going to explode if you do?

And you have noted this often on other threads ... the socialist's eagerness to espouse their views and their reluctance to refer to it or have it recognized as socialism.
C'mon folks ... stop parsing the term and attempting to define it in a way that reduces your exposure.
Admit to what is so obvious.

I think they're getting closer, overall, to saying it.

They're afraid of something still.

Please go out and tell all the old men using the tax payer funded golf courses to get off and find a private golf course to play on...

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