Do You View Socialism Positively?

Moreover, no one in a private law society is permitted to prohibit anyone else from using his property in order to enter any line of production and compete against whomever he pleases."

Difficult to grasp.... Lol
For you apparently. A metal working factory isn't competing against a restaurant. It's also hard to prove how it impacts the business, that's why there are zoning regulations. So it's no dice, still no logic or reason. I guess the name was an attempt to hide the fact that it isn't going to happen?
The winner in a dispute won't, but the losers sure will. Furthermore, anyone who learns about the behavior of such an arbiter will decline to use them. Phhhhhttt, there goes their arbitration business.

What do you do when the government arbiter (the courts) hand down an unjust decision? In all decisions involving the government, the chance that the citizen will get an even break are indistinguishable from zero. The Supreme Court has ruled in favor of the government virtually every time a case challenging federal power has come before it.

Your government solution isn't working.
The winners and losers ratio will be 50/50 and those filing will look at previous cases so will choose accordingly. Also there's the matter of advertising and salesmanship. Who's the arbitrator of the arbitrator if no laws exist?

I don't agree with all laws of course but at least in this system we have a chance to change them. A good start is to reduce the size and scope of government, it is possible, we just need to wake people up and get the facts out there.
Moreover, no one in a private law society is permitted to prohibit anyone else from using his property in order to enter any line of production and compete against whomever he pleases."

Difficult to grasp.... Lol
For you apparently. A metal working factory isn't competing against a restaurant. It's also hard to prove how it impacts the business, that's why there are zoning regulations. So it's no dice, still no logic or reason. I guess the name was an attempt to hide the fact that it isn't going to happen?

No, it's not difficult to grasp how it affects the business. People sue companies all the time over such matters. Houston doesn't have any zoning laws, yet it still manages to be pleasant city to live in.
No, it's not difficult to grasp how it affects the business. People sue companies all the time over such matters. Houston doesn't have any zoning laws, yet it still manages to be pleasant city to live in.
They sue because they have a court system in place.

Deed Restrictions FAQs
Question #4: Who can lodge a complaint regarding an alleged deed restriction violation?
Answer #4: Any resident of the City of Houston may lodge a complaint with the Deed Restriction Enforcement Team – an individual, a neighborhood group, or a civic club representative because if the City becomes involved, it will be representing the entire City’s interests in protecting neighborhoods. Please note that if the matter goes to court, we may request the complainant to appear as a witness for the City of Houston.
No, it's not difficult to grasp how it affects the business. People sue companies all the time over such matters. Houston doesn't have any zoning laws, yet it still manages to be pleasant city to live in.
They sue because they have a court system in place.

Deed Restrictions FAQs
Question #4: Who can lodge a complaint regarding an alleged deed restriction violation?
Answer #4: Any resident of the City of Houston may lodge a complaint with the Deed Restriction Enforcement Team – an individual, a neighborhood group, or a civic club representative because if the City becomes involved, it will be representing the entire City’s interests in protecting neighborhoods. Please note that if the matter goes to court, we may request the complainant to appear as a witness for the City of Houston.

Under private law they would have an arbitration system in place.

Your article doesn't support your claim that a city can't exist without zoning laws. In fact, it proves precisely the opposite.
A big mistake that conservatives have made is by badly over-using the terms "socialist" and "socialism", diluting them to the point of near irrelevance. Much like the way the liberals over-used the terms "racist" and "racism". Unfortunately, all these terms are important and do describe things, but the wingers on each end don't care.

By over-using the terms, conservatives have become the boy who cried wolf, and are providing liberals cover to push the country in the direction they really want, which is clearly a Euro-social democracy. In other words, many conservatives are literally, indirectly helping the liberals get precisely what they want.

This is why calm, reasonable, mature, honest conversation is so important, and why we remain in decay because of the lack of it.
The word socialism doesn't have the stigma it once did. Schools have been successful in presenting it in a positive light so it's hard to believe using the word is the cause of increasing socialism in our society.

I put a lot of the blame on media and pop culture where anything remotely conservative is lampooned and scoffed at.

Correct and correct.

The American Left has patiently but consistently changed American culture through education, media and popular culture over the last few decades, and the American Right has been an abject, feeble failure at stopping them. Pointing at the Left's actions and screaming "Socialism! Communism! Marxism!" clearly doesn't work and is making the Right look like reactionary clowns as the Left continues to turn the country into a Euro-social democracy.

My guess is that it's clearly too late, but if the Right wants to reverse this trend, it needs to improve its messaging skills by a factor roughly two thousand.


I don't see how we're turning Euro-social. Any examples?
All these posts on socialism and each seems to define the word socialism to fit his own political beliefs. For some time America, as many nations is considered to have an economic system of capitalism and socialism. As someone once said, Americans liked socialist programs but hates the word. Can anyone give an accepted scholarly definition of socialism? Might be informative to also list all the different types. Wonder why Marx hated most forms of socialism but his own?

Control of the means of production by the state or central authority.

If democrats completed a primary education, they would not be democrats......
Are you trying to claim that public education and Medicaid, etc., are not socialist programs, or are you conceding that Capitalism is better with elements of Socialism included?
I'm not trying anything. I'm saying that isn't socialism. Using the term "elements of socialism" means that you don't think so either. Private health care is better than government health care, I've experienced it first hand. And private ed is kicking public ed's ass so even those "elements of socialism" is a big fail.

I disagree. It is socialism.

Not only is it socialism, but the socialized educational system is a complete disaster - an utter failure. I get students who can't construct a simple paragraph. How does one teach macro-economics to young adults who are not truly literate?
Alibaba put customers first, employees second and shareholders third”

If you believe that...

Alibaba's corporate structure is actually illegal, according to Jack Ma himself. It's the one he used to punk Yahoo out of the Alipay.

The entire thing is an unseemly product of the Communist Party.
All these posts on socialism and each seems to define the word socialism to fit his own political beliefs. For some time America, as many nations is considered to have an economic system of capitalism and socialism. As someone once said, Americans liked socialist programs but hates the word. Can anyone give an accepted scholarly definition of socialism? Might be informative to also list all the different types. Wonder why Marx hated most forms of socialism but his own?

Control of the means of production by the state or central authority.

If democrats completed a primary education, they would not be democrats......

They'd also be able to identify the three branches of government.
A big mistake that conservatives have made is by badly over-using the terms "socialist" and "socialism", diluting them to the point of near irrelevance. Much like the way the liberals over-used the terms "racist" and "racism". Unfortunately, all these terms are important and do describe things, but the wingers on each end don't care.

By over-using the terms, conservatives have become the boy who cried wolf, and are providing liberals cover to push the country in the direction they really want, which is clearly a Euro-social democracy. In other words, many conservatives are literally, indirectly helping the liberals get precisely what they want.

This is why calm, reasonable, mature, honest conversation is so important, and why we remain in decay because of the lack of it.
The word socialism doesn't have the stigma it once did. Schools have been successful in presenting it in a positive light so it's hard to believe using the word is the cause of increasing socialism in our society.

I put a lot of the blame on media and pop culture where anything remotely conservative is lampooned and scoffed at.

Correct and correct.

The American Left has patiently but consistently changed American culture through education, media and popular culture over the last few decades, and the American Right has been an abject, feeble failure at stopping them. Pointing at the Left's actions and screaming "Socialism! Communism! Marxism!" clearly doesn't work and is making the Right look like reactionary clowns as the Left continues to turn the country into a Euro-social democracy.

My guess is that it's clearly too late, but if the Right wants to reverse this trend, it needs to improve its messaging skills by a factor roughly two thousand.


The right is failing because it doesn't understand what is happening. There is an incremental cultural change that happens over time. It is inevitable and it cannot be stopped. The smart move is not to try and stop the change but instead to guide it in the direction you want it to go. Given that the extreme right doesn't even understand the nature of the change they are left with nothing but outrage.

It might be too late for the reactionaries since they are incapable of comprehending how this works. But the next generation of conservatives are more open minded to change. They have grown up in a society where having your own personal stereo and music collection in your pocket is normal. Instant replays are normal. Being in constant contact with friends and family 24*7 is normal. Googling whatever you need at the moment is normal. Individually these are not "cultural changes" since they are technical innovations. But they have changed culture by making communications, interactions and information operate on a different level.

Those that embraced these changes were the ones who set the tone and the direction. Doesn't mean that what they did was right, simply that they were in the right place at the right time. If you want to influence American Culture you need to be part of the communication. If you don't then you get carried along instead of deciding the direction that you want to go.

The next wave of this change is upon us right now. School kids are being issued with tablets and the content on those will determine what they learn. If you are not in a position to influence what is on those tablets then there is nothing that you can do to change the direction. That is the challenge facing the right.
I don't see how we're turning Euro-social. Any examples?

I will, but remember, it's not about where we are today, it's about the direction we're going as a society. There are many smaller signs:
  • A health care system with much more central bureaucratic control, with single payer still a possibility
  • A growing anti-capitalist, higher regulation and central control, populist environment
  • An increasingly hostile environment towards the highest income strata
  • More and more expectations of federal government solutions
  • Ongoing decrease in size of the military
  • Increasing restrictions on freedom of expression via intimidation, in the name of a "more civilized society"
Off the top of my head, I'm sure I could come up with more.

I'm not saying that I disagree with everything on the list. I'm just saying there is a growing movement in our culture that is clearly pushing in this direction and any opposing forces are not doing a very good job in stopping it.

A big mistake that conservatives have made is by badly over-using the terms "socialist" and "socialism", diluting them to the point of near irrelevance. Much like the way the liberals over-used the terms "racist" and "racism". Unfortunately, all these terms are important and do describe things, but the wingers on each end don't care.

By over-using the terms, conservatives have become the boy who cried wolf, and are providing liberals cover to push the country in the direction they really want, which is clearly a Euro-social democracy. In other words, many conservatives are literally, indirectly helping the liberals get precisely what they want.

This is why calm, reasonable, mature, honest conversation is so important, and why we remain in decay because of the lack of it.
The word socialism doesn't have the stigma it once did. Schools have been successful in presenting it in a positive light so it's hard to believe using the word is the cause of increasing socialism in our society.

I put a lot of the blame on media and pop culture where anything remotely conservative is lampooned and scoffed at.

Correct and correct.

The American Left has patiently but consistently changed American culture through education, media and popular culture over the last few decades, and the American Right has been an abject, feeble failure at stopping them. Pointing at the Left's actions and screaming "Socialism! Communism! Marxism!" clearly doesn't work and is making the Right look like reactionary clowns as the Left continues to turn the country into a Euro-social democracy.

My guess is that it's clearly too late, but if the Right wants to reverse this trend, it needs to improve its messaging skills by a factor roughly two thousand.


The right is failing because it doesn't understand what is happening. There is an incremental cultural change that happens over time. It is inevitable and it cannot be stopped. The smart move is not to try and stop the change but instead to guide it in the direction you want it to go. Given that the extreme right doesn't even understand the nature of the change they are left with nothing but outrage.

It might be too late for the reactionaries since they are incapable of comprehending how this works. But the next generation of conservatives are more open minded to change. They have grown up in a society where having your own personal stereo and music collection in your pocket is normal. Instant replays are normal. Being in constant contact with friends and family 24*7 is normal. Googling whatever you need at the moment is normal. Individually these are not "cultural changes" since they are technical innovations. But they have changed culture by making communications, interactions and information operate on a different level.

Those that embraced these changes were the ones who set the tone and the direction. Doesn't mean that what they did was right, simply that they were in the right place at the right time. If you want to influence American Culture you need to be part of the communication. If you don't then you get carried along instead of deciding the direction that you want to go.

The next wave of this change is upon us right now. School kids are being issued with tablets and the content on those will determine what they learn. If you are not in a position to influence what is on those tablets then there is nothing that you can do to change the direction. That is the challenge facing the right.

The Right isn't failing because of that.

The Right lost in 2008 and 2012 do to the Dem's Catalist which microtargets the far left base (that often doesn't vote) - and gets them to the pools (with a list of what to vote for).

The cultural shift is FAR overstated due to the hijacking of government, education and media by progressives. Most of the country is still moderately conservative.
Yep, I think that's it in a nutshell. I guess you can't really stop or reverse something you don't see.

We didn't get here overnight.


The right saw all along that the culture war was waged to end the constitutional republic. The left managed to paint those who raised flags of warning as reactionaries and paranoids.

There is another thread dedicated to demagoguery by democrats against enemies of the party - in it I lambasted the party and it's apparatchiks for the complete and total lack of integrity found on the left. But this is the key to the success of the culture war. We have redefined right and wrong. It isn't just moral ambivalence, but the rejection of the concept and reality of integrity. Once there is no right or wrong, but only service to the party, then any sort of natural restraint is removed and the way open for the the authoritarianism that socialism requires.
A big mistake that conservatives have made is by badly over-using the terms "socialist" and "socialism", diluting them to the point of near irrelevance. Much like the way the liberals over-used the terms "racist" and "racism". Unfortunately, all these terms are important and do describe things, but the wingers on each end don't care.

By over-using the terms, conservatives have become the boy who cried wolf, and are providing liberals cover to push the country in the direction they really want, which is clearly a Euro-social democracy. In other words, many conservatives are literally, indirectly helping the liberals get precisely what they want.

This is why calm, reasonable, mature, honest conversation is so important, and why we remain in decay because of the lack of it.
The word socialism doesn't have the stigma it once did. Schools have been successful in presenting it in a positive light so it's hard to believe using the word is the cause of increasing socialism in our society.

I put a lot of the blame on media and pop culture where anything remotely conservative is lampooned and scoffed at.

Correct and correct.

The American Left has patiently but consistently changed American culture through education, media and popular culture over the last few decades, and the American Right has been an abject, feeble failure at stopping them. Pointing at the Left's actions and screaming "Socialism! Communism! Marxism!" clearly doesn't work and is making the Right look like reactionary clowns as the Left continues to turn the country into a Euro-social democracy.

My guess is that it's clearly too late, but if the Right wants to reverse this trend, it needs to improve its messaging skills by a factor roughly two thousand.


The right is failing because it doesn't understand what is happening. There is an incremental cultural change that happens over time. It is inevitable and it cannot be stopped. The smart move is not to try and stop the change but instead to guide it in the direction you want it to go. Given that the extreme right doesn't even understand the nature of the change they are left with nothing but outrage.

It might be too late for the reactionaries since they are incapable of comprehending how this works. But the next generation of conservatives are more open minded to change. They have grown up in a society where having your own personal stereo and music collection in your pocket is normal. Instant replays are normal. Being in constant contact with friends and family 24*7 is normal. Googling whatever you need at the moment is normal. Individually these are not "cultural changes" since they are technical innovations. But they have changed culture by making communications, interactions and information operate on a different level.

Those that embraced these changes were the ones who set the tone and the direction. Doesn't mean that what they did was right, simply that they were in the right place at the right time. If you want to influence American Culture you need to be part of the communication. If you don't then you get carried along instead of deciding the direction that you want to go.

The next wave of this change is upon us right now. School kids are being issued with tablets and the content on those will determine what they learn. If you are not in a position to influence what is on those tablets then there is nothing that you can do to change the direction. That is the challenge facing the right.

The Right isn't failing because of that.

The Right lost in 2008 and 2012 do to the Dem's Catalist which microtargets the far left base (that often doesn't vote) - and gets them to the pools (with a list of what to vote for).

The cultural shift is FAR overstated due to the hijacking of government, education and media by progressives. Most of the country is still moderately conservative.

You give the Dems far too much credit in my opinion. They embraced technology and had better apps than the GOP for both of those elections but 2008 was a reaction election (as was 2010) and 2012 was a lucky break on the demographics.

The real cultural changes are happening on the dissemination of information on a daily basis. That is where you have to manage the messaging. You have a very small window in which the latest news is disseminated and how it is received. If you want to influence that message you need to be on top of it 24*7.
A big mistake that conservatives have made is by badly over-using the terms "socialist" and "socialism", diluting them to the point of near irrelevance. Much like the way the liberals over-used the terms "racist" and "racism". Unfortunately, all these terms are important and do describe things, but the wingers on each end don't care.

By over-using the terms, conservatives have become the boy who cried wolf, and are providing liberals cover to push the country in the direction they really want, which is clearly a Euro-social democracy. In other words, many conservatives are literally, indirectly helping the liberals get precisely what they want.

This is why calm, reasonable, mature, honest conversation is so important, and why we remain in decay because of the lack of it.
The word socialism doesn't have the stigma it once did. Schools have been successful in presenting it in a positive light so it's hard to believe using the word is the cause of increasing socialism in our society.

I put a lot of the blame on media and pop culture where anything remotely conservative is lampooned and scoffed at.

Correct and correct.

The American Left has patiently but consistently changed American culture through education, media and popular culture over the last few decades, and the American Right has been an abject, feeble failure at stopping them. Pointing at the Left's actions and screaming "Socialism! Communism! Marxism!" clearly doesn't work and is making the Right look like reactionary clowns as the Left continues to turn the country into a Euro-social democracy.

My guess is that it's clearly too late, but if the Right wants to reverse this trend, it needs to improve its messaging skills by a factor roughly two thousand.


The right is failing because it doesn't understand what is happening. There is an incremental cultural change that happens over time. It is inevitable and it cannot be stopped. The smart move is not to try and stop the change but instead to guide it in the direction you want it to go. Given that the extreme right doesn't even understand the nature of the change they are left with nothing but outrage.

It might be too late for the reactionaries since they are incapable of comprehending how this works. But the next generation of conservatives are more open minded to change. They have grown up in a society where having your own personal stereo and music collection in your pocket is normal. Instant replays are normal. Being in constant contact with friends and family 24*7 is normal. Googling whatever you need at the moment is normal. Individually these are not "cultural changes" since they are technical innovations. But they have changed culture by making communications, interactions and information operate on a different level.

Those that embraced these changes were the ones who set the tone and the direction. Doesn't mean that what they did was right, simply that they were in the right place at the right time. If you want to influence American Culture you need to be part of the communication. If you don't then you get carried along instead of deciding the direction that you want to go.

The next wave of this change is upon us right now. School kids are being issued with tablets and the content on those will determine what they learn. If you are not in a position to influence what is on those tablets then there is nothing that you can do to change the direction. That is the challenge facing the right.

The Right isn't failing because of that.

The Right lost in 2008 and 2012 do to the Dem's Catalist which microtargets the far left base (that often doesn't vote) - and gets them to the pools (with a list of what to vote for).

The cultural shift is FAR overstated due to the hijacking of government, education and media by progressives. Most of the country is still moderately conservative.

You give the Dems far too much credit in my opinion. They embraced technology and had better apps than the GOP for both of those elections but 2008 was a reaction election (as was 2010) and 2012 was a lucky break on the demographics.

The real cultural changes are happening on the dissemination of information on a daily basis. That is where you have to manage the messaging. You have a very small window in which the latest news is disseminated and how it is received. If you want to influence that message you need to be on top of it 24*7.

I agree that technology has changed how media works. I'm not convinced that the dissemination of tweets and sound bites via more channels are actually information. Too much of it is shallow pop culture garbage and propaganda.

Catalist is a significant development. J. Christian Adams has a good write up about it.

Rule of Law 8216 CATALIST 8217 Obama 8217 s Database for Fundamentally Transforming America
Under socialism, the state forces people to provide goods and services to others w/o compensation.

How can anyone look upon that favorably?

When the circumstances of capitalistic wealth distribution reach the point where a substantial percentage of the population is unable to afford the essentials for survival within our technologically advanced, bureaucratically structured society, what do you suggest should be done about the increasing population of Americans who simply cannot afford the bare essentials for reasonably healthy survival within our increasingly pecuniary culture?

To ignore this population is to invite an inevitable increase in crime, unsafe streets, the potential for violent riots, looting, and epidemic disease, all of which will be considerably more costly in the long run than preventively addressing the problem in advance.

Keep in mind the key factor in this problem is not wealth but distribution. The wealth is being generated. The problem is it is being hoarded by a very small percentage of economic "insiders."

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