Do You View Socialism Positively?

The right is failing because it doesn't understand what is happening. There is an incremental cultural change that happens over time. It is inevitable and it cannot be stopped. The smart move is not to try and stop the change but instead to guide it in the direction you want it to go. Given that the extreme right doesn't even understand the nature of the change they are left with nothing but outrage.
What an amazingly stupid worldview. The right has moved left, the problem is the left is so far left today that the gulf has widened. The right isn't failing, the failure is between your ears. There was a major shakeup in 2010, Democrats lost the house bigtime. Was that too long ago? The Republicans still own the house is that too difficult to grasp.

The rest of your drivel is too idiotic to spend time with.
Given a choice between the kind of socialism that conservatives claim Obama supports and the fascism that conservatives would foist upon our nation if they had the chance to do so, I'll take Obama's brand of socialism any day of the week.
Tell us:
Why do -you- support state-enforced involuntary servitude?
Elections shouldn't be about how clever you are


If you Communists have a valid point, why do you need to lie with fabricated photos and the direct lies that form the basis of what is posted by the left?

Does putting Palin's head on that set of boobs make the political programs you promote any less horrific?
Keep in mind the key factor in this problem is not wealth but distribution. The wealth is being generated. The problem is it is being hoarded by a very small percentage of economic "insiders."
Wrong. The problem is the economy sucks so pay sucks. With an improving economy pay increases. It isn't that hard to understand. We've been moving further left and it's getting worse. Blaming the small percent doing better misses the point, especially when big government is often part of their success.
If you Communists have a valid point, why do you need to lie with fabricated photos and the direct lies that form the basis of what is posted by the left?

Does putting Palin's head on that set of boobs make the political programs you promote any less horrific?
Childish minds need childish answers.

But one does not just walk in and sit down there. Their immigration policy is very selective.
Fuck Denmark.

European Socialism Why America Doesn t Want It - Forbes
Denmark has the highest total tax pressure in the world and is towering far above the European average. It also has the smallest private sector in Europe, one that supports one of the biggest public sectors. Add to that a generous entitlement system allowing unemployed and unemployable citizens an income well above that achieved by full time employees in the private sector in many European countries, and you will observe a need for tax revenues nearly unmatched anywhere else in the world.
Given a choice between the kind of socialism that conservatives claim Obama supports and the fascism that conservatives would foist upon our nation if they had the chance to do so, I'll take Obama's brand of socialism any day of the week.
Tell us:
Why do -you- support state-enforced involuntary servitude?

The right is failing because it doesn't understand what is happening. There is an incremental cultural change that happens over time. It is inevitable and it cannot be stopped. The smart move is not to try and stop the change but instead to guide it in the direction you want it to go. Given that the extreme right doesn't even understand the nature of the change they are left with nothing but outrage.
What an amazingly stupid
It doesn't matter how popular state-enforced involuntary servitude might be, it's still state-enforced involuntary servitude.
RW idiocy.
As demonstrated by your failure to offer a sound response..

Tell us:
Why do you support state-enforced involuntary servitude?

worldview. The right has moved l.

You mean a bare bones assistance program for the unfortunate, mainly because of megarich Pub corruption, greed, and thievery 1982-2008 and continuing? see sig pp1. People are damn glad to have it, but would like some help getting off it- which Pubs refuse, out of sheer party first idiocy, hater dupe.
Given a choice between the kind of socialism that conservatives claim Obama supports and the fascism that conservatives would foist upon our nation if they had the chance to do so, I'll take Obama's brand of socialism any day of the week.
Tell us:
Why do -you- support state-enforced involuntary servitude?

You mean a bare bones assistance program for the unfortunate, mainly because of megarich Pub corruption, greed, and thievery 1982-2008 and continuing? see sig pp1. People are damn glad to have it, but would like some help getting off it- which Pubs refuse, out of sheer party first idiocy, hater dupe.
Socialism is a euphemism for failure.

Google up the socialist nation of Denmark. You might be quite surprised. Also take a look at the Scandinavian nations in general, most of which are socialist.

Then tell us your thoughts.
Which one do you want to live in?


But one does not just walk in and sit down there. Their immigration policy is very selective.

An accurate and significant point.

This is one of the primary reasons the Left's goal of a Euro-social democracy, looking like Denmark or Sweden, can never work here.

You mean a bare bones assistance program for the unfortunate, mainly because of megarich Pub corruption, greed, and thievery 1982-2008 and continuing? see sig pp1. People are damn glad to have it, but would like some help getting off it- which Pubs refuse, out of sheer party first idiocy, hater dupe.
Yes - these are examples of state-enforced involuntary servitude.
Why do you support state-enforces involuntary servitude?
Given a choice between the kind of socialism that conservatives claim Obama supports and the fascism that conservatives would foist upon our nation if they had the chance to do so, I'll take Obama's brand of socialism any day of the week.

Obama's brand of socialism is fascism, dolt. What do you think Obamacare is? IT's pure, unrequited fascism.
Socialism is a euphemism for failure.

Google up the socialist nation of Denmark. You might be quite surprised. Also take a look at the Scandinavian nations in general, most of which are socialist.

Then tell us your thoughts.
Which one do you want to live in?


But one does not just walk in and sit down there. Their immigration policy is very selective.
Socialism is a euphemism for failure.

Google up the socialist nation of Denmark. You might be quite surprised. Also take a look at the Scandinavian nations in general, most of which are socialist.

Then tell us your thoughts.
Which one do you want to live in?


But one does not just walk in and sit down there. Their immigration policy is very selective.

Good luck.

Converting Denmark into a Muslim Country
It takes a certain kind of person to look at his own sorry position in life and conclude that the state should force others to make his life better.

So which of the following do you think should be eliminated?

Unemployment Insurance.





And would you like to add some?
Mixed feelings.

Depends upon the issue.

Some things are best done collectively.

Some things are best left to the individual.

The survey-makers need another option:

"Positively for some things, negatively for some other things, and neutrally for yet others."

Life is not exactly black-and-white.

Neither is my answer here.
It takes a certain kind of person to look at his own sorry position in life and conclude that the state should force others to make his life better.
So which of the following do you think should be eliminated?
Unemployment Insurance.
Each of these are examples of state-enforced involuntary servitude.
As such, the -real- question is: Why would you want to keep them?
Why do you support state-enforced involuntary servitude?

But one does not just walk in and sit down there. Their immigration policy is very selective.
Fuck Denmark.

European Socialism Why America Doesn t Want It - Forbes
Denmark has the highest total tax pressure in the world and is towering far above the European average. It also has the smallest private sector in Europe, one that supports one of the biggest public sectors. Add to that a generous entitlement system allowing unemployed and unemployable citizens an income well above that achieved by full time employees in the private sector in many European countries, and you will observe a need for tax revenues nearly unmatched anywhere else in the world.
Fuq Forbes and the rest of the a-hole bs Pub propagannda machine. Denmark is rated the happiest country in the world, and still has plenty of rich people. And they're ALL a helluva smarter than selfish idiot mainly racist hater dupes lol...They actually get paid to go to college and training, all love their well paid jobs and 7 week paid vacations. WTF is wrong with YOU? Ugly American brainwashed functional morons, lol.If Pubs would allow a good SS/ID card we'd have no problem their either. Breaking: Pubs actually LOVE, cheap, easily bullied, illewgal workers, hater dupe.
Elections shouldn't be about how clever you are


If you Communists have a valid point, why do you need to lie with fabricated photos and the direct lies that form the basis of what is posted by the left?

Does putting Palin's head on that set of boobs make the political programs you promote any less horrific?

Two points.

First of all, I don't think anyone seriously believed that was a real photo, unlike the doctored photos that conservatives have tried to pawn off as real. In that sense, there was no attempt to deceive anyone.

Secondly, the photo serves to encapsulate much of the conservative male support I've heard over the years about Palin because their comments invariably refer to her great looks, sometimes in ways that clearly reveal their sexist attitudes in general.
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It takes a certain kind of person to look at his own sorry position in life and conclude that the state should force others to make his life better.
So which of the following do you think should be eliminated?
Unemployment Insurance.
Each of these are examples of state-enforced involuntary servitude.
As such, the -real- question is: Why would you want to keep them?
Why do you support state-enforced involuntary servitude?
And what do you think would become of America if each of those socialist programs were just canceled?

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