Do You View Socialism Positively?

It takes a certain kind of person to look at his own sorry position in life and conclude that the state should force others to make his life better.
So which of the following do you think should be eliminated?
Unemployment Insurance.
Each of these are examples of state-enforced involuntary servitude.
As such, the -real- question is: Why would you want to keep them?
Why do you support state-enforced involuntary servitude?
And what do you think would become of America if each of those socialist programs were just canceled?
Um.... sorry, I didn't see your response:
Why do you support state-enforced involuntary servitude?
A big mistake that conservatives have made is by badly over-using the terms "socialist" and "socialism", diluting them to the point of near irrelevance. Much like the way the liberals over-used the terms "racist" and "racism". Unfortunately, all these terms are important and do describe things, but the wingers on each end don't care.

By over-using the terms, conservatives have become the boy who cried wolf, and are providing liberals cover to push the country in the direction they really want, which is clearly a Euro-social democracy. In other words, many conservatives are literally, indirectly helping the liberals get precisely what they want.

This is why calm, reasonable, mature, honest conversation is so important, and why we remain in decay because of the lack of it.
The word socialism doesn't have the stigma it once did. Schools have been successful in presenting it in a positive light so it's hard to believe using the word is the cause of increasing socialism in our society.

I put a lot of the blame on media and pop culture where anything remotely conservative is lampooned and scoffed at.

Correct and correct.

The American Left has patiently but consistently changed American culture through education, media and popular culture over the last few decades, and the American Right has been an abject, feeble failure at stopping them. Pointing at the Left's actions and screaming "Socialism! Communism! Marxism!" clearly doesn't work and is making the Right look like reactionary clowns as the Left continues to turn the country into a Euro-social democracy.

My guess is that it's clearly too late, but if the Right wants to reverse this trend, it needs to improve its messaging skills by a factor roughly two thousand.


The right is failing because it doesn't understand what is happening. There is an incremental cultural change that happens over time. It is inevitable and it cannot be stopped. The smart move is not to try and stop the change but instead to guide it in the direction you want it to go. Given that the extreme right doesn't even understand the nature of the change they are left with nothing but outrage.

It might be too late for the reactionaries since they are incapable of comprehending how this works. But the next generation of conservatives are more open minded to change. They have grown up in a society where having your own personal stereo and music collection in your pocket is normal. Instant replays are normal. Being in constant contact with friends and family 24*7 is normal. Googling whatever you need at the moment is normal. Individually these are not "cultural changes" since they are technical innovations. But they have changed culture by making communications, interactions and information operate on a different level.

Those that embraced these changes were the ones who set the tone and the direction. Doesn't mean that what they did was right, simply that they were in the right place at the right time. If you want to influence American Culture you need to be part of the communication. If you don't then you get carried along instead of deciding the direction that you want to go.

The next wave of this change is upon us right now. School kids are being issued with tablets and the content on those will determine what they learn. If you are not in a position to influence what is on those tablets then there is nothing that you can do to change the direction. That is the challenge facing the right.

So you're saying the next batch of "conservatives" will be liberals. Is that right?
It takes a certain kind of person to look at his own sorry position in life and conclude that the state should force others to make his life better.
So which of the following do you think should be eliminated?
Unemployment Insurance.
Each of these are examples of state-enforced involuntary servitude.
As such, the -real- question is: Why would you want to keep them?
Why do you support state-enforced involuntary servitude?
Of course there's no such thing as state enforced voluntary servitude, hater dupe. WTF ARE you talking about lol?...

Oh. NONE. No one WANTS to be on those, but we're not going back to poor houses and potters fields, and those programs are bare bones, save everyone money, have stabilizing effects when Pubs destroy the economy and block recovery just to make Dems look bad. Idiot.
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It takes a certain kind of person to look at his own sorry position in life and conclude that the state should force others to make his life better.
So which of the following do you think should be eliminated?
Unemployment Insurance.
Each of these are examples of state-enforced involuntary servitude.
As such, the -real- question is: Why would you want to keep them?
Why do you support state-enforced involuntary servitude?
And what do you think would become of America if each of those socialist programs were just canceled?

It would become much wealthier and a much better place to live.

But one does not just walk in and sit down there. Their immigration policy is very selective.
Fuck Denmark.

European Socialism Why America Doesn t Want It - Forbes
Denmark has the highest total tax pressure in the world and is towering far above the European average. It also has the smallest private sector in Europe, one that supports one of the biggest public sectors. Add to that a generous entitlement system allowing unemployed and unemployable citizens an income well above that achieved by full time employees in the private sector in many European countries, and you will observe a need for tax revenues nearly unmatched anywhere else in the world.
Fuq Forbes and the rest of the a-hole bs Pub propagannda machine. Denmark is rated the happiest country in the world, and still has plenty of rich people. And they're ALL a helluva smarter than selfish idiot mainly racist hater dupes lol...They actually get paid to go to college and training, all love their well paid jobs and 7 week paid vacations. WTF is wrong with YOU? Ugly American brainwashed functional morons, lol.If Pubs would allow a good SS/ID card we'd have no problem their either. Breaking: Pubs actually LOVE, cheap, easily bullied, illewgal workers, hater dupe.
There's enough material in that response for a 5-day psychology symposium...
It takes a certain kind of person to look at his own sorry position in life and conclude that the state should force others to make his life better.
So which of the following do you think should be eliminated?
Unemployment Insurance.
Each of these are examples of state-enforced involuntary servitude.
As such, the -real- question is: Why would you want to keep them?
Why do you support state-enforced involuntary servitude?
Of course there's no such thing, hater dup. WTF ARE you talking about lol?...
I forgive you for your willful inability to understand the issue put before you.
It takes a certain kind of person to look at his own sorry position in life and conclude that the state should force others to make his life better.
So which of the following do you think should be eliminated?
Unemployment Insurance.
Each of these are examples of state-enforced involuntary servitude.
As such, the -real- question is: Why would you want to keep them?
Why do you support state-enforced involuntary servitude?
And what do you think would become of America if each of those socialist programs were just canceled?
It would become much wealthier and a much better place to live.
And there's be less state-enforced involuntary servitude.

But one does not just walk in and sit down there. Their immigration policy is very selective.
Fuck Denmark.

European Socialism Why America Doesn t Want It - Forbes
Denmark has the highest total tax pressure in the world and is towering far above the European average. It also has the smallest private sector in Europe, one that supports one of the biggest public sectors. Add to that a generous entitlement system allowing unemployed and unemployable citizens an income well above that achieved by full time employees in the private sector in many European countries, and you will observe a need for tax revenues nearly unmatched anywhere else in the world.
Fuq Forbes and the rest of the a-hole bs Pub propagannda machine. Denmark is rated the happiest country in the world, and still has plenty of rich people. And they're ALL a helluva smarter than selfish idiot mainly racist hater dupes lol...They actually get paid to go to college and training, all love their well paid jobs and 7 week paid vacations. WTF is wrong with YOU? Ugly American brainwashed functional morons, lol.If Pubs would allow a good SS/ID card we'd have no problem their either. Breaking: Pubs actually LOVE, cheap, easily bullied, illewgal workers, hater dupe.

Are you the Propaganda Minister of Denmark? People who get paid to go to school have no incentive to learn, just to show up.
Where do you functional idiots get that servitude crapp, anyway? Just curious...
Huh. And I thought your inability to understand was deliberate - instead, perhaps it's natural.

What do you call it when the state forces people to provide goods and services to others w/o compensation, if not state-enforced involuntary servitude?
Where do you brainwashed functional idiots get that servitude crapp, anyway? Just curious...

Servitude: the state of being a slave or completely subject to someone more powerful. That fits the description of forced participation in government socialist programs.
If you Communists have a valid point, why do you need to lie with fabricated photos and the direct lies that form the basis of what is posted by the left?

Does putting Palin's head on that set of boobs make the political programs you promote any less horrific?
Childish minds need childish answers.


Oh the irony of seeing 2 mental midgets patting each other on the back after admitting that they have failed to comprehend the posts in question.
If you Communists have a valid point, why do you need to lie with fabricated photos and the direct lies that form the basis of what is posted by the left?

Does putting Palin's head on that set of boobs make the political programs you promote any less horrific?
Childish minds need childish answers.


Oh the irony of seeing 2 mental midgets patting each other on the back after admitting that they have failed to comprehend the posts in question.

They comprehend it just fine. They know Stalinist propaganda when they see it.
Oh the irony of seeing 2 mental midgets patting each other on the back after admitting that they have failed to comprehend the posts in question.
You failed to say anything but political rhetoric. Failure isn't disagreeing with you. The right hasn't failed, I said they still own the House and you have shit for a response. They will likely keep it and have a good chance to take the Senate. Seeing as how the left has been so "successful".
Socialism is what is called a "loaded word" it comes with a built in emotion for many. Some other loaded words examples are, democracy, capitalist, pig sty, free loader.
When Marx said communism must be preceded by Scientific Socialism, it was the beginning of the load. Loaded words are used to get an immediate emotion. Had the question been, should government pay for the health care of wounded vets the responses might have been different, wonder if that is socialism?
Thing is, 36% (mostly liberals) of Americans polled said they have a positive view of socialism. Obviously the onus isn't so bad that they felt compelled to deflect as so many here do.
Oh the irony of seeing 2 mental midgets patting each other on the back after admitting that they have failed to comprehend the posts in question.
You failed to say anything but political rhetoric. Failure isn't disagreeing with you. The right hasn't failed, I said they still own the House and you have shit for a response. They will likely keep it and have a good chance to take the Senate. Seeing as how the left has been so "successful".

You failed to provide a substantive rebuttal of my position. Until you can achieve that level of response your puerile flames will be treated with the contempt they deserve. Have a nice day.
Socialism is what is called a "loaded word" it comes with a built in emotion for many. Some other loaded words examples are, democracy, capitalist, pig sty, free loader.
When Marx said communism must be preceded by Scientific Socialism, it was the beginning of the load. Loaded words are used to get an immediate emotion. Had the question been, should government pay for the health care of wounded vets the responses might have been different, wonder if that is socialism?
Thing is, 36% (mostly liberals) of Americans polled said they have a positive view of socialism. Obviously the onus isn't so bad that they felt compelled to deflect as so many here do.
I find that figure positively scary. 40 years ago the figure would have been 5% or 10%.

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