Do You View Socialism Positively?

Of course there are good things about socialism. It's worked in so many western democracies
I don't want their kind of success. I don't want to work for the state directly or indirectly by paying sky high tax rates, utilities, gasoline, etc.
Taxes and utilities: total bs. Gas: will never happen here- we're the # 1 producer of oil in the world, with huge distances. On the other hand, with our shortsighted, pander to the greedy idiot Pub rich, Reaganist idiocy, our roads are pure shytte in comparison, ANOTHER Pub tax on the nonrich here., chumps of rich a-holes...

I wonder if you have read through this thread and noticed that most posts are not polluted by personal insults and name-calling.

It really is possible, you know. Some stuff written here, on both sides of the issue, has been interesting. Without personal insults and name-calling. Both sides.

Perhaps you could try that sometime.

Hater dupe is a political insult. see sig, last line.

I see.

How about "chumps", "a-holes", "jackasses", "fool", "idiot" and "functional idiot"?

Oh, who knows. For someone like you, those are probably "political insults" too.

That must be "different".

Of course there are good things about socialism. It's worked in so many western democracies
I don't want their kind of success. I don't want to work for the state directly or indirectly by paying sky high tax rates, utilities, gasoline, etc.
Taxes and utilities: total bs. Gas: will never happen here- we're the # 1 producer of oil in the world, with huge distances. On the other hand, with our shortsighted, pander to the greedy idiot Pub rich, Reaganist idiocy, our roads are pure shytte in comparison, ANOTHER Pub tax on the nonrich here., chumps of rich a-holes...

I wonder if you have read through this thread and noticed that most posts are not polluted by personal insults and name-calling.

It really is possible, you know. Some stuff written here, on both sides of the issue, has been interesting. Without personal insults and name-calling. Both sides.

Perhaps you could try that sometime.

Hater dupe is a political insult. see sig, last line.

I see.

How about "chumps", "a-holes", "jackasses", "fool", "idiot" and "functional idiot"?

Oh, who knows. For someone like you, those are probably "political insults" too.

That must be "different".

Mega rich Pubs who lead the GOP are a-holes. Their ignorant followers, hater dupes, are, politically, brainwashed FUNCTIONAL jackasses, fools, idiots, and, sorry a-holes, when they look down on blacks, hispanics, the French, feminists, women, gays, Muslims, people on assistance, etc etc etc. They are misinformed.
I don't want their kind of success. I don't want to work for the state directly or indirectly by paying sky high tax rates, utilities, gasoline, etc.
Taxes and utilities: total bs. Gas: will never happen here- we're the # 1 producer of oil in the world, with huge distances. On the other hand, with our shortsighted, pander to the greedy idiot Pub rich, Reaganist idiocy, our roads are pure shytte in comparison, ANOTHER Pub tax on the nonrich here., chumps of rich a-holes...

I wonder if you have read through this thread and noticed that most posts are not polluted by personal insults and name-calling.

It really is possible, you know. Some stuff written here, on both sides of the issue, has been interesting. Without personal insults and name-calling. Both sides.

Perhaps you could try that sometime.

Hater dupe is a political insult. see sig, last line.

I see.

How about "chumps", "a-holes", "jackasses", "fool", "idiot" and "functional idiot"?

Oh, who knows. For someone like you, those are probably "political insults" too.

That must be "different".

Mega rich Pubs who lead the GOP are a-holes. Their ignorant followers, hater dupes, are, politically, brainwashed FUNCTIONAL jackasses, fools, idiots, and, sorry a-holes, when they look down on blacks, hispanics, the French, feminists, women, gays, Muslims, people on assistance, etc etc etc. They are misinformed.

Harvard grad?
Mega rich Pubs who lead the GOP are a-holes. Their ignorant followers, hater dupes, are, politically, brainwashed FUNCTIONAL jackasses, fools, idiots, and, sorry a-holes, when they look down on blacks, hispanics, the French, feminists, women, gays, Muslims, people on assistance, etc etc etc. They are misinformed.

The poll question: "Just off the top of your head, would you say you have a positive or negative image of socialism?"

Dems/left leaning - 53% pos ... 41% neg
Repubs/right leaning - 17% pos ... 79% neg
All Americans - 36% pos ... 68% neg

Strangely, Americans are almost unanimously positive about small biz (95%) and very positive about free enterprise (86%) and entrepreneurs (84%), all of which are contrary to socialism.

Socialism Viewed Positively by 36 of Americans

Problem is 36 + 68 = imbecility

Of course there are good things about socialism. It's worked in so many western democracies

OK ... 36% & 58%. Thanks for hanging on the typo :asshole:
I don't see how we're turning Euro-social. Any examples?

I will, but remember, it's not about where we are today, it's about the direction we're going as a society. There are many smaller signs:
  • A health care system with much more central bureaucratic control, with single payer still a possibility
  • A growing anti-capitalist, higher regulation and central control, populist environment
  • An increasingly hostile environment towards the highest income strata
  • More and more expectations of federal government solutions
  • Ongoing decrease in size of the military
  • Increasing restrictions on freedom of expression via intimidation, in the name of a "more civilized society"
Off the top of my head, I'm sure I could come up with more.

I'm not saying that I disagree with everything on the list. I'm just saying there is a growing movement in our culture that is clearly pushing in this direction and any opposing forces are not doing a very good job in stopping it.

" A growing anti-capitalist, higher regulation and central control, populist environment."

Is that necessarily bad? We need regulations, who's to say how much is too much. I think we don't have enough sometimes. BP and others polluted the Gulf of Mexico a few years ago, several people killed. No one went to jail. BP is still getting drilling permits. So much for central control. I think this means not enough regulations.
Growing anti capitalism. It depends. I'll name something I'm against. Blowing up mountain tops to get at coal more efficiently. It cuts the amount of workers needed and pollutes valleys and stream. And hundreds of these mountain tops have been removed. All this for profit of capitalists. And much of the coal is shipped to china and india. This is capitalism, not always in the best interest of the country, but in the interest of profit.
Damn straight- Every time the Pubs get in, they do away with regulations or look the other way at corruption- see W Booosh- their cronies run wild in a corrupt bubble, and taxpayers get to hold a giant bag o' shytte- AGAIN.

There's nothing wrong with socialism- NOT COMMUNISM, hater dupes- but a giant pile of Pub fear mongering BULLSHYTTE.
Where do you functional idiots get that servitude crapp, anyway? Just curious...
Huh. And I thought your inability to understand was deliberate - instead, perhaps it's natural.

What do you call it when the state forces people to provide goods and services to others w/o compensation, if not state-enforced involuntary servitude?

Social expediency.

I've asked this question before and I'll ask it again. Maybe I'll get a serious answer this time. What do you think the eventual outcome would be if government discontinued the following programs:

Unemployment Insurance.




There was a time in America, not so long ago, when none of those programs existed. Have you ever read accounts of the consequent conditions back then? If so, consider the fact that the U.S. population has more than quadrupled since then, which will proportionately increase those consequent conditions.

And while those fortunate enough to have an income will pay a little less in taxes the quality of life in America will be so negatively affected by widespread misery the taxpayers would be more than simply willing to pay a little extra to eliminate that ugliness, they would be eager to do so.
A great book is "The Good Old Days- They Were Terrible!"- every GOPer should read it. The suffering of the nonrich from nonregulation was horrible in the 1800's, mainly.. Poisonous and fatal work conditions, food, housing, pollution, horrible.
A great book is "The Good Old Days- They Were Terrible!"- every GOPer should read it. The suffering of the nonrich from nonregulation was horrible in the 1800's, mainly.. Poisonous and fatal work conditions, food, housing, pollution, horrible.

Jacob Riss wrote about the not so good old days. His book has plenty of pictures also. Poverty in America was rampant, homeless children sleeping in alleys and all. It wasn't all "come with me Lucille, in my merry oldsmobile." God bless the progressives, labor unions, and the FDR's and the Frances Perkinses that enabled us to have a better life. An advantage of being older, (69), is I've talked to some old timers from those days. My great grandfather, born around 1870's could tell you about unsafe working conditions, slave wages, predatory capitalism, not the b.s. we're told.
Are you the Propaganda Minister of Denmark? People who get paid to go to school have no incentive to learn, just to show up.

I've noticed those who have adopted a generally negative disposition toward socialist programs have been indoctrinated with distorted impressions. In the above example the advanced educational program in Denmark does not pay people to go to school. Rather, a free college education is available to those who qualify.

The benefit to the supportive society is a well educated population.
A great book is "The Good Old Days- They Were Terrible!"- every GOPer should read it. The suffering of the nonrich from nonregulation was horrible in the 1800's, mainly.. Poisonous and fatal work conditions, food, housing, pollution, horrible.

Work related accidents declined at a faster rate before the creation of OSHA than afterwards. In other words, government regulation didn't do jack shit to improve conditions for workers.
A great book is "The Good Old Days- They Were Terrible!"- every GOPer should read it. The suffering of the nonrich from nonregulation was horrible in the 1800's, mainly.. Poisonous and fatal work conditions, food, housing, pollution, horrible.

Work related accidents declined at a faster rate before the creation of OSHA than afterwards. In other words, government regulation didn't do jack shit to improve conditions for workers.

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