Do You View Socialism Positively?

The poll question: "Just off the top of your head, would you say you have a positive or negative image of socialism?"

Dems/left leaning - 53% pos ... 41% neg
Repubs/right leaning - 17% pos ... 79% neg
All Americans - 36% pos ... 68% neg

Strangely, Americans are almost unanimously positive about small biz (95%) and very positive about free enterprise (86%) and entrepreneurs (84%), all of which are contrary to socialism.

Socialism Viewed Positively by 36 of Americans

Problem is 36 + 68 = imbecility

Of course there are good things about socialism. It's worked in so many western democracies
For people with little ambition socialism is a great deal. Give up most of your freedom and autonomy for three hots and a cot. People are more afraid of failure than they are desirous of success.
The Obama administration and Dems play on that. They tell people, oh you can't do that. You cant become rich. Those people who did become rich, it was a fluke, like winning the lottery. You're not that lucky. The deck is stacked against you. The rich wont allow you to become like them. Side with us and we'll at least guarantee you a minimum level of comfort. It's your only choice.
Sure, Germans, many other western Europeans and of course those damn Israelis have so little ambition -- they all have socialist aspects to their nations

But one does not just walk in and sit down there. Their immigration policy is very selective.
Fuck Denmark.

European Socialism Why America Doesn t Want It - Forbes
Denmark has the highest total tax pressure in the world and is towering far above the European average. It also has the smallest private sector in Europe, one that supports one of the biggest public sectors. Add to that a generous entitlement system allowing unemployed and unemployable citizens an income well above that achieved by full time employees in the private sector in many European countries, and you will observe a need for tax revenues nearly unmatched anywhere else in the world.
Fuq Forbes and the rest of the a-hole bs Pub propagannda machine. Denmark is rated the happiest country in the world, and still has plenty of rich people. And they're ALL a helluva smarter than selfish idiot mainly racist hater dupes lol...They actually get paid to go to college and training, all love their well paid jobs and 7 week paid vacations. WTF is wrong with YOU? Ugly American brainwashed functional morons, lol.If Pubs would allow a good SS/ID card we'd have no problem their either. Breaking: Pubs actually LOVE, cheap, easily bullied, illewgal workers, hater dupe.

Are you the Propaganda Minister of Denmark? People who get paid to go to school have no incentive to learn, just to show up.
Yup, and blacks are lazy and dishonest, right, hater dupe? Actually turns out everyone wants a good job and a good life. And yes, they have great treatment for addicts, instead of the largest percentage of people in prison and unable to get work, like here. Great job, a-hole Pubs and hater dupe fool...
Of course there are good things about socialism. It's worked in so many western democracies
I don't want their kind of success. I don't want to work for the state directly or indirectly by paying sky high tax rates, utilities, gasoline, etc.
Do you live in a world run totally by caricature and misrepresentation or do you do this for entertainment purposes online only?
Oh the irony of seeing 2 mental midgets patting each other on the back after admitting that they have failed to comprehend the posts in question.
You failed to say anything but political rhetoric. Failure isn't disagreeing with you. The right hasn't failed, I said they still own the House and you have shit for a response. They will likely keep it and have a good chance to take the Senate. Seeing as how the left has been so "successful".
And what a bunch of jackasses and liars Pubs in the House are. They ran on "Jobs, jobs, jobs" and actually only are for propaganda and obstruction...9% approval, functional moron. Pubs are the greatest conmen/salesmen/propagandists in the world, GOP voters the most duped and ignorant, shortsighted and selfish.
Of course there are good things about socialism. It's worked in so many western democracies
I don't want their kind of success. I don't want to work for the state directly or indirectly by paying sky high tax rates, utilities, gasoline, etc.
Taxes and utilities: total bs. Gas: will never happen here- we're the # 1 producer of oil in the world, with huge distances. On the other hand, with our shortsighted, pander to the greedy idiot Pub rich, Reaganist idiocy, our roads are pure shytte in comparison, ANOTHER Pub tax on the nonrich here., chumps of rich a-holes...

But one does not just walk in and sit down there. Their immigration policy is very selective.
Fuck Denmark.

European Socialism Why America Doesn t Want It - Forbes
Denmark has the highest total tax pressure in the world and is towering far above the European average. It also has the smallest private sector in Europe, one that supports one of the biggest public sectors. Add to that a generous entitlement system allowing unemployed and unemployable citizens an income well above that achieved by full time employees in the private sector in many European countries, and you will observe a need for tax revenues nearly unmatched anywhere else in the world.
Fuq Forbes and the rest of the a-hole bs Pub propagannda machine. Denmark is rated the happiest country in the world, and still has plenty of rich people. And they're ALL a helluva smarter than selfish idiot mainly racist hater dupes lol...They actually get paid to go to college and training, all love their well paid jobs and 7 week paid vacations. WTF is wrong with YOU? Ugly American brainwashed functional morons, lol.If Pubs would allow a good SS/ID card we'd have no problem their either. Breaking: Pubs actually LOVE, cheap, easily bullied, illewgal workers, hater dupe.

Are you the Propaganda Minister of Denmark? People who get paid to go to school have no incentive to learn, just to show up.
Yup, and blacks are lazy and dishonest, right, hater dupe? Actually turns out everyone wants a good job and a good life. And yes, they have great treatment for addicts, instead of the largest percentage of people in prison and unable to get work, like here. Great job, a-hole Pubs and hater dupe fool...

Harvard grad?
America has probably had some form of socialism since the Constitution was ratified, do we have more now, undoubtedly, most industrial nations are a mixture of socialism and capitalism, maybe even a tweek of fascism and a dash of communism. We certainly are not pure capitalism, in fact is there a pure capitalistic nation on this planet? Might be, can anyone name one?
America has probably had some form of socialism since the Constitution was ratified, do we have more now, undoubtedly, most industrial nations are a mixture of socialism and capitalism, maybe even a tweek of fascism and a dash of communism. We certainly are not pure capitalism, in fact is there a pure capitalistic nation on this planet? Might be, can anyone name one?
A pure anything would never survive or could never exist. There is always the human element left out the best academic bs arguments for a perfect system
Of course there are good things about socialism. It's worked in so many western democracies
I don't want their kind of success. I don't want to work for the state directly or indirectly by paying sky high tax rates, utilities, gasoline, etc.
Taxes and utilities: total bs. Gas: will never happen here- we're the # 1 producer of oil in the world, with huge distances. On the other hand, with our shortsighted, pander to the greedy idiot Pub rich, Reaganist idiocy, our roads are pure shytte in comparison, ANOTHER Pub tax on the nonrich here., chumps of rich a-holes...

I wonder if you have read through this thread and noticed that most posts are not polluted by personal insults and name-calling.

It really is possible, you know. Some stuff written here, on both sides of the issue, has been interesting. Without personal insults and name-calling. Both sides.

Perhaps you could try that sometime.

Of course there are good things about socialism. It's worked in so many western democracies
I don't want their kind of success. I don't want to work for the state directly or indirectly by paying sky high tax rates, utilities, gasoline, etc.
Taxes and utilities: total bs. Gas: will never happen here- we're the # 1 producer of oil in the world, with huge distances. On the other hand, with our shortsighted, pander to the greedy idiot Pub rich, Reaganist idiocy, our roads are pure shytte in comparison, ANOTHER Pub tax on the nonrich here., chumps of rich a-holes...

I wonder if you have read through this thread and noticed that most posts are not polluted by personal insults and name-calling.

It really is possible, you know. Some stuff written here, on both sides of the issue, has been interesting. Without personal insults and name-calling. Both sides.

Perhaps you could try that sometime.

Hater dupe is a political insult. see sig, last line.

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