Do You View Socialism Positively?

Under socialism, the state forces people to provide goods and services to others w/o compensation.
How can anyone look upon that favorably?
When the circumstances of capitalistic wealth distribution reach the point where a substantial percentage of the population is unable to afford the essentials for survival within our technologically advanced, bureaucratically structured society, what do you suggest should be done about the increasing population of Americans who simply cannot afford the bare essentials for reasonably healthy survival within our increasingly pecuniary culture?
Sorry... there's absolutely no justification for state-enforced involuntary servitude.
Sad that you believe that there is.
Under socialism, the state forces people to provide goods and services to others w/o compensation.
How can anyone look upon that favorably?
Those who have nothing for one reason or another.
It takes a certain kind of person to look at his own sorry position in life and conclude that the state should force others to make his life better.
The word socialism doesn't have the stigma it once did. Schools have been successful in presenting it in a positive light so it's hard to believe using the word is the cause of increasing socialism in our society.

I put a lot of the blame on media and pop culture where anything remotely conservative is lampooned and scoffed at.

Correct and correct.

The American Left has patiently but consistently changed American culture through education, media and popular culture over the last few decades, and the American Right has been an abject, feeble failure at stopping them. Pointing at the Left's actions and screaming "Socialism! Communism! Marxism!" clearly doesn't work and is making the Right look like reactionary clowns as the Left continues to turn the country into a Euro-social democracy.

My guess is that it's clearly too late, but if the Right wants to reverse this trend, it needs to improve its messaging skills by a factor roughly two thousand.


The right is failing because it doesn't understand what is happening. There is an incremental cultural change that happens over time. It is inevitable and it cannot be stopped. The smart move is not to try and stop the change but instead to guide it in the direction you want it to go. Given that the extreme right doesn't even understand the nature of the change they are left with nothing but outrage.

It might be too late for the reactionaries since they are incapable of comprehending how this works. But the next generation of conservatives are more open minded to change. They have grown up in a society where having your own personal stereo and music collection in your pocket is normal. Instant replays are normal. Being in constant contact with friends and family 24*7 is normal. Googling whatever you need at the moment is normal. Individually these are not "cultural changes" since they are technical innovations. But they have changed culture by making communications, interactions and information operate on a different level.

Those that embraced these changes were the ones who set the tone and the direction. Doesn't mean that what they did was right, simply that they were in the right place at the right time. If you want to influence American Culture you need to be part of the communication. If you don't then you get carried along instead of deciding the direction that you want to go.

The next wave of this change is upon us right now. School kids are being issued with tablets and the content on those will determine what they learn. If you are not in a position to influence what is on those tablets then there is nothing that you can do to change the direction. That is the challenge facing the right.

The Right isn't failing because of that.

The Right lost in 2008 and 2012 do to the Dem's Catalist which microtargets the far left base (that often doesn't vote) - and gets them to the pools (with a list of what to vote for).

The cultural shift is FAR overstated due to the hijacking of government, education and media by progressives. Most of the country is still moderately conservative.

You give the Dems far too much credit in my opinion. They embraced technology and had better apps than the GOP for both of those elections but 2008 was a reaction election (as was 2010) and 2012 was a lucky break on the demographics.

The real cultural changes are happening on the dissemination of information on a daily basis. That is where you have to manage the messaging. You have a very small window in which the latest news is disseminated and how it is received. If you want to influence that message you need to be on top of it 24*7.

I agree that technology has changed how media works. I'm not convinced that the dissemination of tweets and sound bites via more channels are actually information. Too much of it is shallow pop culture garbage and propaganda.

Catalist is a significant development. J. Christian Adams has a good write up about it.

Rule of Law 8216 CATALIST 8217 Obama 8217 s Database for Fundamentally Transforming America

Messaging has always been important and will always remain important. The reaction time has shortened because the speed with which messages are disseminated has increased.

As far as Catalist goes it is indeed a powerful tool that the GOP must match if they intend to compete. What the article tells me is what was not mentioned by the author. Up until now the right has not had any need to motivate it's far right voters because they have been turning out in droves for each and every election. So much so that the right has taken them for granted which is one of the motivations for the Tea Party in my opinion but that is a digression.

The Dem's on the other hand have never had the messaging to get the far left to the polls that the GOP have had with the far right. But Catalist now changes that and gives them the opportunity to find "lost voters" who would otherwise not turn out to vote. The author points out that it is cheaper to motivate those on the far left than the moderate middle. In that respect he is correct because the Dems have won 5 of the last 6 presidential elections appealing to the moderate middle while ignoring their far left voters (with the exception of 2012).

So if all of this is true (and you have to try and ignore the hyperbole) then the GOP is in the same trouble it always is for every presidential election. They can rely on their base but they struggle to provide a convincing message to appeal to the moderate middle.

The Dem's challenge is 2014 and while they have Catalist it is meaningless without a ground game to support it. So if they can use it in those key battleground states with enough volunteers on the ground they might just be able to hold onto the Senate. But the technology is only as good as those using it. Without the people on the ground it won't work.

The GOP does need to take this seriously and I am sure they will. After all the deep pockets of the Koch bros will fund their database and the cost of appealing to moderate independents if it means taking control of the Whitehouse in 2016. I would be surprised if it wasn't already in the works since they have known about it since 2012.
Google up the socialist nation of Denmark. You might be quite surprised. Also take a look at the Scandinavian nations in general, most of which are socialist.

Then tell us your thoughts.

Common scripts of the leftist hate sites. But Denmark is not socialist - it is a mixed economy, just as the USA is. In many ways it is less socialist than America. The left points to the socialized healthcare and the public retirement system as proof that the Danes are socialist.

But corporate taxes are a fraction of what they are in the USA, and the impediments to starting a business are minor compared to the bribes and hoops that must be obeyed in the United States.

Then there is the retirement system. On the face of it, the Danish system is similar to Social Security, working people pay into the system based on earnings and draw out of it based on accrued savings. Just like social security, there is a minimum draw that even non-workers are entitled to.

The BIG difference is that Denmark restricts the system to Danes. Foreigners and immigrants do not siphon funds out, even though many are subject to deductions. Contrast this to America where we give Social Security to foreigners, including illegal aliens, AND to a host of people who are not retired via SSI. This makes the American system far more socialist than the Danish system.

In reality the modest increase in standard of living is due to the fact that Denmark is more true to market principles.
Correct and correct.

The American Left has patiently but consistently changed American culture through education, media and popular culture over the last few decades, and the American Right has been an abject, feeble failure at stopping them. Pointing at the Left's actions and screaming "Socialism! Communism! Marxism!" clearly doesn't work and is making the Right look like reactionary clowns as the Left continues to turn the country into a Euro-social democracy.

My guess is that it's clearly too late, but if the Right wants to reverse this trend, it needs to improve its messaging skills by a factor roughly two thousand.


The right is failing because it doesn't understand what is happening. There is an incremental cultural change that happens over time. It is inevitable and it cannot be stopped. The smart move is not to try and stop the change but instead to guide it in the direction you want it to go. Given that the extreme right doesn't even understand the nature of the change they are left with nothing but outrage.

It might be too late for the reactionaries since they are incapable of comprehending how this works. But the next generation of conservatives are more open minded to change. They have grown up in a society where having your own personal stereo and music collection in your pocket is normal. Instant replays are normal. Being in constant contact with friends and family 24*7 is normal. Googling whatever you need at the moment is normal. Individually these are not "cultural changes" since they are technical innovations. But they have changed culture by making communications, interactions and information operate on a different level.

Those that embraced these changes were the ones who set the tone and the direction. Doesn't mean that what they did was right, simply that they were in the right place at the right time. If you want to influence American Culture you need to be part of the communication. If you don't then you get carried along instead of deciding the direction that you want to go.

The next wave of this change is upon us right now. School kids are being issued with tablets and the content on those will determine what they learn. If you are not in a position to influence what is on those tablets then there is nothing that you can do to change the direction. That is the challenge facing the right.

The Right isn't failing because of that.

The Right lost in 2008 and 2012 do to the Dem's Catalist which microtargets the far left base (that often doesn't vote) - and gets them to the pools (with a list of what to vote for).

The cultural shift is FAR overstated due to the hijacking of government, education and media by progressives. Most of the country is still moderately conservative.

You give the Dems far too much credit in my opinion. They embraced technology and had better apps than the GOP for both of those elections but 2008 was a reaction election (as was 2010) and 2012 was a lucky break on the demographics.

The real cultural changes are happening on the dissemination of information on a daily basis. That is where you have to manage the messaging. You have a very small window in which the latest news is disseminated and how it is received. If you want to influence that message you need to be on top of it 24*7.

I agree that technology has changed how media works. I'm not convinced that the dissemination of tweets and sound bites via more channels are actually information. Too much of it is shallow pop culture garbage and propaganda.

Catalist is a significant development. J. Christian Adams has a good write up about it.

Rule of Law 8216 CATALIST 8217 Obama 8217 s Database for Fundamentally Transforming America

Messaging has always been important and will always remain important. The reaction time has shortened because the speed with which messages are disseminated has increased.

As far as Catalist goes it is indeed a powerful tool that the GOP must match if they intend to compete. What the article tells me is what was not mentioned by the author. Up until now the right has not had any need to motivate it's far right voters because they have been turning out in droves for each and every election. So much so that the right has taken them for granted which is one of the motivations for the Tea Party in my opinion but that is a digression.

The Dem's on the other hand have never had the messaging to get the far left to the polls that the GOP have had with the far right. But Catalist now changes that and gives them the opportunity to find "lost voters" who would otherwise not turn out to vote. The author points out that it is cheaper to motivate those on the far left than the moderate middle. In that respect he is correct because the Dems have won 5 of the last 6 presidential elections appealing to the moderate middle while ignoring their far left voters (with the exception of 2012).

So if all of this is true (and you have to try and ignore the hyperbole) then the GOP is in the same trouble it always is for every presidential election. They can rely on their base but they struggle to provide a convincing message to appeal to the moderate middle.

The Dem's challenge is 2014 and while they have Catalist it is meaningless without a ground game to support it. So if they can use it in those key battleground states with enough volunteers on the ground they might just be able to hold onto the Senate. But the technology is only as good as those using it. Without the people on the ground it won't work.

The GOP does need to take this seriously and I am sure they will. After all the deep pockets of the Koch bros will fund their database and the cost of appealing to moderate independents if it means taking control of the Whitehouse in 2016. I would be surprised if it wasn't already in the works since they have known about it since 2012.
Elections shouldn't be about how clever you are.
Socialism is a euphemism for failure.

Google up the socialist nation of Denmark. You might be quite surprised. Also take a look at the Scandinavian nations in general, most of which are socialist.

Then tell us your thoughts.
Like half the USA, an unreconstructed bunch of brainwashed cold warriors, the dupes believe socialism is communism. Just can't get past it. For many years, the rest of the world defines socialism as fair, well regulated capitalism, ALWAYS DEMOCRATIC, with a well developed safety net for the unfortunate and an education system for everyone. Works great, unlike Reaganist/Thatcherite savage capitalism we're running now. Though with ACA, all we need is a fair tax system, cheap college loans, a living wage, better schools, and paid parental leave, 1 month paid vacations. Like every one else in the modern world. DIRTY COMMIES!! lol
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Do You View Socialism Positively?
Yep! I like receiving my SS check each month. I like receiving my snail mail. I like traveling the highways, skyways, and rails.
I also like our military, libraries, police, firemen, etc...
Not just a partisan bigot, but thinks that the military, post office, transportation, police and fire departments are examples of socialism.
Like half the USA, an unreconstructed bunch of brainwashed cold warriors, the dupes believe socialism is communism. Just can't get past it. For many years, the rest of the world defines socialism as fair, well regulated capitalism, with a well developed safety net for the unfortunate and an education system for everyone.
It doesn't matter how popular state-enforced involuntary servitude might be, it's still state-enforced involuntary servitude.
The right is failing because it doesn't understand what is happening. There is an incremental cultural change that happens over time. It is inevitable and it cannot be stopped. The smart move is not to try and stop the change but instead to guide it in the direction you want it to go. Given that the extreme right doesn't even understand the nature of the change they are left with nothing but outrage.

It might be too late for the reactionaries since they are incapable of comprehending how this works. But the next generation of conservatives are more open minded to change. They have grown up in a society where having your own personal stereo and music collection in your pocket is normal. Instant replays are normal. Being in constant contact with friends and family 24*7 is normal. Googling whatever you need at the moment is normal. Individually these are not "cultural changes" since they are technical innovations. But they have changed culture by making communications, interactions and information operate on a different level.

Those that embraced these changes were the ones who set the tone and the direction. Doesn't mean that what they did was right, simply that they were in the right place at the right time. If you want to influence American Culture you need to be part of the communication. If you don't then you get carried along instead of deciding the direction that you want to go.

The next wave of this change is upon us right now. School kids are being issued with tablets and the content on those will determine what they learn. If you are not in a position to influence what is on those tablets then there is nothing that you can do to change the direction. That is the challenge facing the right.

The Right isn't failing because of that.

The Right lost in 2008 and 2012 do to the Dem's Catalist which microtargets the far left base (that often doesn't vote) - and gets them to the pools (with a list of what to vote for).

The cultural shift is FAR overstated due to the hijacking of government, education and media by progressives. Most of the country is still moderately conservative.

You give the Dems far too much credit in my opinion. They embraced technology and had better apps than the GOP for both of those elections but 2008 was a reaction election (as was 2010) and 2012 was a lucky break on the demographics.

The real cultural changes are happening on the dissemination of information on a daily basis. That is where you have to manage the messaging. You have a very small window in which the latest news is disseminated and how it is received. If you want to influence that message you need to be on top of it 24*7.

I agree that technology has changed how media works. I'm not convinced that the dissemination of tweets and sound bites via more channels are actually information. Too much of it is shallow pop culture garbage and propaganda.

Catalist is a significant development. J. Christian Adams has a good write up about it.

Rule of Law 8216 CATALIST 8217 Obama 8217 s Database for Fundamentally Transforming America

Messaging has always been important and will always remain important. The reaction time has shortened because the speed with which messages are disseminated has increased.

As far as Catalist goes it is indeed a powerful tool that the GOP must match if they intend to compete. What the article tells me is what was not mentioned by the author. Up until now the right has not had any need to motivate it's far right voters because they have been turning out in droves for each and every election. So much so that the right has taken them for granted which is one of the motivations for the Tea Party in my opinion but that is a digression.

The Dem's on the other hand have never had the messaging to get the far left to the polls that the GOP have had with the far right. But Catalist now changes that and gives them the opportunity to find "lost voters" who would otherwise not turn out to vote. The author points out that it is cheaper to motivate those on the far left than the moderate middle. In that respect he is correct because the Dems have won 5 of the last 6 presidential elections appealing to the moderate middle while ignoring their far left voters (with the exception of 2012).

So if all of this is true (and you have to try and ignore the hyperbole) then the GOP is in the same trouble it always is for every presidential election. They can rely on their base but they struggle to provide a convincing message to appeal to the moderate middle.

The Dem's challenge is 2014 and while they have Catalist it is meaningless without a ground game to support it. So if they can use it in those key battleground states with enough volunteers on the ground they might just be able to hold onto the Senate. But the technology is only as good as those using it. Without the people on the ground it won't work.

The GOP does need to take this seriously and I am sure they will. After all the deep pockets of the Koch bros will fund their database and the cost of appealing to moderate independents if it means taking control of the Whitehouse in 2016. I would be surprised if it wasn't already in the works since they have known about it since 2012.
Elections shouldn't be about how clever you are.

Elections shouldn't be about how clever you are

Under private law they would have an arbitration system in place.

Your article doesn't support your claim that a city can't exist without zoning laws. In fact, it proves precisely the opposite.
I didn't say it wasn't possible, I said that's why zoning laws exist. It gets away from those kinds of problems. The regulations say that they do control subdivisions and courts do intervene in disputes. Those are public functions, not private. I still fail to see how any private system can arbitrate disputes. The parties would have had to sign contracts and contracts are the legal agreements. Legal means government.
Under private law they would have an arbitration system in place.

Your article doesn't support your claim that a city can't exist without zoning laws. In fact, it proves precisely the opposite.
I didn't say it wasn't possible, I said that's why zoning laws exist. It gets away from those kinds of problems. The regulations say that they do control subdivisions and courts do intervene in disputes. Those are public functions, not private. I still fail to see how any private system can arbitrate disputes. The parties would have had to sign contracts and contracts are the legal agreements. Legal means government.
Nah. There's a one-word answer to disputes between private parties that does not involve government:
Like half the USA, an unreconstructed bunch of brainwashed cold warriors, the dupes believe socialism is communism. Just can't get past it. For many years, the rest of the world defines socialism as fair, well regulated capitalism, with a well developed safety net for the unfortunate and an education system for everyone.
It doesn't matter how popular state-enforced involuntary servitude might be, it's still state-enforced involuntary servitude.
RW idiocy. But thanks for the corrupt, bubble and bust, 2nd Pub Great World Depression , Great Recession, Great Disfunction. How 'bout a jobs act and training for the millions of tech jobs going begging, Rushbot? or whatever...all the same bs.

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