Do you want the AMNESTY bill for illegal aliens to pass?

You are shape shifting again, Meister. I have said from day one that (1) immigration reform and (2) economic sanctions and (3) controlled border must all be in the same bill.

Are you drinking early?

Your idea of your "controlled border" is entirely different than most. Don't play your words.....makes you look disengenuous to most.

My idea of a controlled border is that ANYONE can LEAVE the United States, but anyone who tries to enter without going through the legal process, will be arrested (and shot if they try to flee) and deported to the capital city of their country, and their country will pay the United States the transport and bureaucratic costs --- in gold or silver.

Why don't we just crucify them as a warning to others along the border? Especially the women and children.
You will need luck, Kondor, far more than some years ago. And if we fail we will try again next year. And if we fail, the Dems will stuff it down our throats and make us a minority party at the national level.

And if the GOP allows 20 million illegals to become citizens, how is that going to help the GOP at the polls?

Frankly, I have no problem with some kind of path to citizenship for some illegals, but I'm not keen to repeat the mistake of Simpson-Mazzoli where we gave Amensty to 3 million illegals and got 20 million more.

If the GOP wants to get in good with Hispanics who are here legally, they need to get back on the side of working folks and not on the side of the banks, corporations and insurance companies.
Dodgeball is yours, Zoom. What I have said above will be the outcome, either pro or con. All of the other questions you pose mean absolutely nothing when it comes to the decision this summer. My political stance is very clear: get as many Hispanics into the GOP as possible because that is the only way it can stay viable nationally. The far right reactionaries and libertarians terrify the mainstream of America, so the mainstream GOP have to show (1) we are friends to Hispanics and (2) we are not afraid of the other folks.

I wasn't referring to the outcome. But you knew that.

What you will understand by the end of the election cycles during the next three years that the reactionary and libertarian forces in the GOP will have minimal influence on party policy. What a blessing for America that will be because the GOP will be able to beat back the lefties and the Dems.


Still dodging questions I see.

Done here.
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I wasn't referring to the outcome. But you knew that.

What you will understand by the end of the election cycles during the next three years that the reactionary and libertarian forces in the GOP will have minimal influence on party policy. What a blessing for America that will be because the GOP will be able to beat back the lefties and the Dems.

Done here.
Yes, this has been fail for the far right wing.
So, have some of our favorite Pro-Illegals Advocates (some of them even traveling in the guise of conservatives) convinced the audience yet?

You will need luck, Kondor, far more than some years ago. And if we fail we will try again next year. And if we fail, the Dems will stuff it down our throats and make us a minority party at the national level.

And if the GOP allows 20 million illegals to become citizens, how is that going to help the GOP at the polls?

Frankly, I have no problem with some kind of path to citizenship for some illegals, but I'm not keen to repeat the mistake of Simpson-Mazzoli where we gave Amensty to 3 million illegals and got 20 million more.

If the GOP wants to get in good with Hispanics who are here legally, they need to get back on the side of working folks and not on the side of the banks, corporations and insurance companies.

I find your concern about the GOP's standing among hispanics completely hilarious. :cuckoo:
JoeB's concern about the GOP is as important as that of the libertarians on the Board: worthless.
"...I find your concern about the GOP's standing among hispanics completely hilarious." :cuckoo:
It is rather comical... anybody fallin' for it?

Kinda reminds me of the legend of ol' Nikita Khrushchev, Premier of the Soviet Union back in the late 1950s to the early 1960s, taking off his shoe at the U.N., pounding it on the podium, and telling The West...


"We will bury you!"

Akin to the threat to bury the Republicans if they don't submit to Ethnic Blackmail and let the 12,000,000 invaders stay, and reform the system to allow even more in, faster...

Well, the Soviet Union is a 25-year-old fading memory nowadays...

And the ghost of ol' Nikita is gnashing his teeth over his wasted exercise in Footwear Diplomacy...

Americans don't respond well to threats...

Or, maybe, come to think of it... maybe we do...

Just not in the way that the 'threaten-er' had in mind...
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We should treat illegal invaders the same way every other country in the world treats them----find them and either deport them or jail them.

Why do liberals support ignoring our immigration laws?
Both liberals and conservatives have done that, Redfish, and gotten us into this situation.
What situation? Illegals waving the flag of Mexico demanding equal rights? :confused:
Now be fair... they don't do that very much any more.

After they did that during the earliest organized nationwide march(es) [ 2006-2007 ] and after all of the negative reaction amongst the American Public to such imagery...

The word got around, amongst Pro-Illegals Protest groups... go out and buy American flags and keep your Mexican flags at-home... it's bad P.R. for us... and they've been good about that ever since.

And given the Collective American Public Memory... a.k.a. Short Attention-Span Theatre... the old imagery fades, and some segment of the Gullible Public buys into it.

But those who remember seem to understand what's really going on.
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I doubt most illegal aliens will care one way or the other. It's a silly bill and the authors and President should be ashamed of it especially when better alternatives are obvious.
There are two very good reasons that no amnesty should be given.
1. It would reward the criminal infiltration of the USA by forein natioals.
2. It has always, in the past, encouraged more of the same criminal trespass and will do so again.

I can think of no reason that illegal imigrants should be treated as anything other than the criminals they are.
The nativism, as expressed by PaulS and Redfish, are simply dismissed for what it is.

Since the libertarians cannot offer a consistent and integrated solution to the issue, I will leave at that.


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