Do you want the AMNESTY bill for illegal aliens to pass?

Nonsense. The bill passes with all THREE parts enshrined in it, or the situation continues, and the Hispanics will make the GOP the minority party nationally for generations.

Is that what you want?

I'll ask you again why Reagan's amnesty did nothing to win their vote, yet somehow this will?

Immaterial and not part of the conversation.

Actually, it's perfectly relevant, you're just avoiding answering it because it clashes with the viewpoint you're portraying.
I'll ask you again why Reagan's amnesty did nothing to win their vote, yet somehow this will?

Immaterial and not part of the conversation.

Actually, it's perfectly relevant, you're just avoiding answering it because it clashes with the viewpoint you're portraying.

It is ENTIRELY relevant to the conversation.

We are being asked to (insanely) repeat something which did not work the first time, and which we were promised would never happen again.

Never mind failing to see an en masse shift of Hispanics from the Democrat to the Republican party in the years following Shamnesty I.

Armed with such demonstrable failed outcomes, we - the American People at-large - and conservative voters in general - have even less reason to 'believe' now than we did in 1986.

It doesn't get any MORE relevant than that.
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I stick to the now and the facts. This bill passes and we move on, or this bill is defeated, and the consequences for the GOP, the far right, and the libertarians will make them and the party very unhappy.

The facts are Reagan granted blanket amnesty for some three million illegals here in the mid 80s and it did nothing to move Hispanics over to the Republicans at any greater number than they already were. Yet, you think this 1,000 page clusterfuck of an immigration deform bill full of gobbledygook that nobody can understand will somehow do what Reagan couldn't it? That's just laughable, Jake.

Hispanic don't vote three to one Democratic because of the Republicans' insistence on enforcing immigration laws and cracking down on those who break them. They do it because of the Democrats' support for a welfare state and that won't change as long as they are on the lower end of the socioeconomic scale.
We should treat illegal invaders the same way every other country in the world treats them----find them and either deport them or jail them.

Why do liberals support ignoring our immigration laws?

Haven't you been listening? Liberals tell us over and over ad nauseum, that it is"impossible" to deport 11-12 million illegals.

Sure, we can hire 10,000 Gestapo IRS agents to enforce Obarrycare, yet we can't put out of work veterans to work as border agents to round this pond scum up and send them packing......

You need to get with the program and start believing the propaganda that the left feeds you.....
No need to round 'em up... just establish conditions that make them wanna self-deport...
No need to round 'em up... just establish conditions that make them wanna self-deport...

No problem with that either. I have said for years that the best way to stop this "invasion" is to go directly to the source. $50,000 fine (for each illegal employed) for the first offense. $75,000 per second offense and $100,000 for third offense. 4th offense, your company is placed in receivership by the Feds.

The illegals will be leaving (or heading on to Canada) by the next day.
Putting some sting in the tail of Employment Law is a start. Some additional tweaking of Housing and Education and Medical and Social Services and Financial and Wire-Transfer activities should round that out and get 'em fallin' all over each other, scrambling for the border.
The nativism, as expressed by PaulS and Redfish, are simply dismissed for what it is.

Since the libertarians cannot offer a consistent and integrated solution to the issue, I will leave at that.



3.4 Free Trade and Migration

We support the removal of governmental impediments to free trade. Political freedom and escape from tyranny demand that individuals not be unreasonably constrained by government in the crossing of political boundaries. Economic freedom demands the unrestricted movement of human as well as financial capital across national borders. However, we support control over the entry into our country of foreign nationals who pose a credible threat to security, health or property.
The nativism, as expressed by PaulS and Redfish, are simply dismissed for what it is.

Since the libertarians cannot offer a consistent and integrated solution to the issue, I will leave at that.



3.4 Free Trade and Migration

We support the removal of governmental impediments to free trade. Political freedom and escape from tyranny demand that individuals not be unreasonably constrained by government in the crossing of political boundaries. Economic freedom demands the unrestricted movement of human as well as financial capital across national borders. However, we support control over the entry into our country of foreign nationals who pose a credible threat to security, health or property.

Jake knows he's had his ass handed to him by no less than 5 posters in this thread. If it was me, I would unsubscribe to this thread, also.
But, you brought some good information for him if he should ever have a look.
The nativism, as expressed by PaulS and Redfish, are simply dismissed for what it is.

Since the libertarians cannot offer a consistent and integrated solution to the issue, I will leave at that.



3.4 Free Trade and Migration

We support the removal of governmental impediments to free trade. Political freedom and escape from tyranny demand that individuals not be unreasonably constrained by government in the crossing of political boundaries. Economic freedom demands the unrestricted movement of human as well as financial capital across national borders. However, we support control over the entry into our country of foreign nationals who pose a credible threat to security, health or property.

Jake knows he's had his ass handed to him by no less than 5 posters in this thread. If it was me, I would unsubscribe to this thread, also.
But, you brought some good information for him if he should ever have a look.

Jake never seems to know even half of what he thinks he does.
Not surprising.

What was that old humorous maxim?

"A camel is a race-horse designed by a committee."

And a gubmint committee is just as likely to come up with a water-buffalo as it is a camel...

A 1500-page 'water buffalo' in this case...
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The nativism, as expressed by PaulS and Redfish, are simply dismissed for what it is.

Since the libertarians cannot offer a consistent and integrated solution to the issue, I will leave at that.



3.4 Free Trade and Migration

We support the removal of governmental impediments to free trade. Political freedom and escape from tyranny demand that individuals not be unreasonably constrained by government in the crossing of political boundaries. Economic freedom demands the unrestricted movement of human as well as financial capital across national borders. However, we support control over the entry into our country of foreign nationals who pose a credible threat to security, health or property.

Jake knows he's had his ass handed to him by no less than 5 posters in this thread. If it was me, I would unsubscribe to this thread, also.
But, you brought some good information for him if he should ever have a look.

When Jake starts avoiding clarification questions or saying 'dismissed' to relevant questions, his time in the thread is short. It's his m.o. and it wears thin.
Before calling your Senator, I suggest you take the time to at least skim through the major parts of the bill or at least read a non-partisan analysis.
Text of S. 744: Border Security, Economic Opportunity, and Immigration Modernization Act (Introduced version) -

I really think immigration reform is going to pass this year because there is a growing bi-partisan support. Although the far right and left will focus on the path to citizenship, it is not the most important part of the bill because very few people will take this path. Earning citizenship will take more than a decade, cost thousands of dollars, and require applicants - half of whom live in poverty and many of whom don't speak English - to comply with a daunting list of regulations.

The most important parts of the bill are:
  • Increase in boarder security which will entail adding 3500 officers, increasing staff to double the number of daily prosecution for illegal entry, and added video monitoring both fixed and mobile
  • Establishing the provisional immigrant status which will document illegal aliens
  • Increasing the number of vistas and work permits
  • Replace the employee verification system
  • Provisions to attack and keep highly trained workers in the country.
Basically, the legislation will make it harder to enter the country illegally and at same time reduce the reasons to do so while modifying the system to attract the kind of workers we need.
Such as, candycorn?


Well, if we're okay with putting many if not most of the illegals here on a path to citizenship--call it Amnesty or whatever--just deem them citizens. It's not as if they're not getting any public assistance right now.

But before I did that, I would put a physical barrier between us and the southern border first and the northern border second. Comparatively few are crossing the border into North Dakota, Minnesota or New York. When I say physical barrier, I'm talking a network of fences, patrolled by army troops. Trenches. Razor Wire. Air patrol. We've got to secure our border. In this day and age, it's crazy not to.

Anyway, once it's secure, then whoever is north of it are given citizenship right then and there. Anyone south of the border trying to get across, good luck.

To think that someone getting paid cash $90-$150 a day will drop all of that to pay taxes on the $90-$150 a day they may make simply to be able to call themselves "citizens" is silly; to think they'll happily take 11 years (one of the figures I heard) to get there is bizarrely stupid.

Yes, I know, there are men and women doing it the right way...they came here, declared, have done the necessary stuff to become citizens, tried to become part of our culture, etc... To give the illegals instant status (those doing it the "right way" will get the status too by the way) cheapens the commodity. Well, tough.
The immigration deform bill is expected to be up to 1,500 pages by the time it's said and done. This is why it needs to fail.

Immigration proposal could be delayed - The Washington Post
Having a long and complex bill is not necessary a bad thing. Either Congress makes the decisions when they write the law or they put very general language in the law which leaves more decisions to be made by government agencies.

I agree.

Having a meaningless naive bill become law is to the benefit of nobody. It's like Congress's power to declare war; never used for 70+ years yet we've lost tens of thousands of men in combat.
The immigration deform bill is expected to be up to 1,500 pages by the time it's said and done. This is why it needs to fail.

Immigration proposal could be delayed - The Washington Post
Having a long and complex bill is not necessary a bad thing. Either Congress makes the decisions when they write the law or they put very general language in the law which leaves more decisions to be made by government agencies.

Might not, but it can sure muddy the water to confuse and complicate matters.
Just like that 2800 page bill signed in 2010.

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