Do you want the AMNESTY bill for illegal aliens to pass?

Yes, they are human beings who contribute to this economy with families.

However, the border MUST be closed at the same time.

Yes, close the border along with immigration reform and punitive economic sanctions on business who hire illegals.

One bill, three parts.

I think he meant to "CLOSE THE BORDER". I don't have faith in our politicians to do the right thing....unlike you. :razz:
Yes, they are human beings who contribute to this economy with families.

However, the border MUST be closed at the same time.


Only as part of the omnibus bill. Make it clear that this must be the way, or that if the bill is defeated, then make it the campaign issue of 2014 and 2016, then pass it with only the immigration reform part and economic sanctions.
Yes, they are human beings who contribute to this economy with families.

However, the border MUST be closed at the same time.


Only as part of the omnibus bill. Make it clear that this must be the way, or that if the bill is defeated, then make it the campaign issue of 2014 and 2016, then pass it with only the immigration reform part and economic sanctions.

Good grief! Just put it into the immigration bill, Jake! Why are you and your liberal buddies so against it? We've seen what congress does on this from the past....let's not make the same mistake again, you're not for making the same mistake again, are you?
You are shape shifting again, Meister. I have said from day one that (1) immigration reform and (2) economic sanctions and (3) controlled border must all be in the same bill.

Are you drinking early?
You are shape shifting again, Meister. I have said from day one that (1) immigration reform and (2) economic sanctions and (3) controlled border must all be in the same bill.

Are you drinking early?

Your idea of your "controlled border" is entirely different than most. Don't play your words.....makes you look disengenuous to most.
Jake, you're looking like a goofball trying to sell this stuff.

What a goofy thing to say. You oppose the opportunity to end illegal immigration, make sure the economic incentive is removed from the equation, and improve our border security, and you ad hom.


With a very high official unemployment rate, the last thing workers in this country need is more workers to drive down wages. The president cited some success stories of immigrants starting up businesses and hiring people but this is an exception. I'm speaking as someone who's lived around immigrants from latin america for over 30 years. Vietnam also. Lots of success stories but huge amounts of welfare also. After reagans amnesty I saw properties in Santa Ana Ca. become eminent domained to build schools for the newly arrived, with the majority of students speaking little or no English. So now we had the expense of teaching them English. We didn't have this in the 50's when I grew up. We would have europeans come here, students not speaking english and only a few to an entire school. In a few weeks they were speaking English. This we don't get with mass immigration of the poor and the needy from the third world. If you notice, some of the arguments are for how soon newly legalized immigrants and new arrivals can bring their families here. So now bring the parents who are senior citizens with health care needs. Great. I've seen this happen first hand. Call my attitude racist if you want but I call it being practical. And muslims? We need more? Look at the success Europe has had with them.
You are shape shifting again, Meister. I have said from day one that (1) immigration reform and (2) economic sanctions and (3) controlled border must all be in the same bill.

Are you drinking early?

I've seen the border security. It won't happen. People will still come. Especially if they know there's an amnesty every few years.
jasonfree, you don't know that is the point.

Now run along and enjoy your Memorial Day with the other kids. Save your practicality and racism for yourself.
jasonfree, you don't know that is the point.

Now run along and enjoy your Memorial Day with the other kids. Save your practicality and racism for yourself.

This answer tells me you haven't really experienced any racism except maybe what you see on t.v. programs. And racism can come from all groups.
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You are shape shifting again, Meister. I have said from day one that (1) immigration reform and (2) economic sanctions and (3) controlled border must all be in the same bill.

Are you drinking early?

Your idea of your "controlled border" is entirely different than most. Don't play your words.....makes you look disengenuous to most.

My idea of a controlled border is that ANYONE can LEAVE the United States, but anyone who tries to enter without going through the legal process, will be arrested (and shot if they try to flee) and deported to the capital city of their country, and their country will pay the United States the transport and bureaucratic costs --- in gold or silver.
Jake, you're looking like a goofball trying to sell this stuff.

What a goofy thing to say. You oppose the opportunity to end illegal immigration, make sure the economic incentive is removed from the equation, and improve our border security, and you ad hom.


With a very high official unemployment rate, the last thing workers in this country need is more workers to drive down wages. The president cited some success stories of immigrants starting up businesses and hiring people but this is an exception. I'm speaking as someone who's lived around immigrants from latin america for over 30 years. Vietnam also. Lots of success stories but huge amounts of welfare also. After reagans amnesty I saw properties in Santa Ana Ca. become eminent domained to build schools for the newly arrived, with the majority of students speaking little or no English. So now we had the expense of teaching them English. We didn't have this in the 50's when I grew up. We would have europeans come here, students not speaking english and only a few to an entire school. In a few weeks they were speaking English. This we don't get with mass immigration of the poor and the needy from the third world. If you notice, some of the arguments are for how soon newly legalized immigrants and new arrivals can bring their families here. So now bring the parents who are senior citizens with health care needs. Great. I've seen this happen first hand. Call my attitude racist if you want but I call it being practical. And muslims? We need more? Look at the success Europe has had with them.

I agree with your assessment 100%. frankly, I have no tolerance for a "government" that would put the needs of a group of people (illegals) ahead of the citizens of our country. These people have entered our country illegally, couldn't care less about citizenship, and are here for the sole purpose of sending the money they make (usually without taxation) back to family in whatever country they fled from.

It is far easier for them to run across our borders to "earn a living" than it is for them to "affect changes" in their own miserable countries.

Meanwhile, we have millions out of work right here in the "land of opportunity" and as such, depend on the enabling hand of the government to "provide" for those unable to find work. EXACTLY what democrats have pined for for the last 50 or so years.
2nd and Flagg are goofballs, pure and simple. I don't see where citizens went running after jobs in Georgia and elsewhere when the new laws went into effect, and I don't see that the illegal population went down significantly.

Doesn't matter at all what the nativists think: the illegals are home, the overwhelming majority will stay, more have American citizens as relatives, and that's the end of it.

Pass the bill with the three components and let's move on.
Zoom, that makes no sense, as does the far right reactionary's game plan make no sense.

Obstructionism will not stop the bill. But if it does, then the growing Hispanic vote will drive that opposition into the wilderness in key southwestern states, which will limit the far right's power at the national level.

You play dodgeball when people ask you questions and you ignore them.

I stick to the now and the facts. This bill passes and we move on, or this bill is defeated, and the consequences for the GOP, the far right, and the libertarians will make them and the party very unhappy.

You just played dodgeball again, Jake. The more you keep ignoring questions, especially those asked for clarification, the clearer your political stance becomes ... and it's not the one you claim.
Dodgeball is yours, Zoom. What I have said above will be the outcome, either pro or con. All of the other questions you pose mean absolutely nothing when it comes to the decision this summer. My political stance is very clear: get as many Hispanics into the GOP as possible because that is the only way it can stay viable nationally. The far right reactionaries and libertarians terrify the mainstream of America, so the mainstream GOP have to show (1) we are friends to Hispanics and (2) we are not afraid of the other folks.
Dodgeball is yours, Zoom. What I have said above will be the outcome, either pro or con. All of the other questions you pose mean absolutely nothing when it comes to the decision this summer. My political stance is very clear: get as many Hispanics into the GOP as possible because that is the only way it can stay viable nationally. The far right reactionaries and libertarians terrify the mainstream of America, so the mainstream GOP have to show (1) we are friends to Hispanics and (2) we are not afraid of the other folks.

I wasn't referring to the outcome. But you knew that.
Dodgeball is yours, Zoom. What I have said above will be the outcome, either pro or con. All of the other questions you pose mean absolutely nothing when it comes to the decision this summer. My political stance is very clear: get as many Hispanics into the GOP as possible because that is the only way it can stay viable nationally. The far right reactionaries and libertarians terrify the mainstream of America, so the mainstream GOP have to show (1) we are friends to Hispanics and (2) we are not afraid of the other folks.

I wasn't referring to the outcome. But you knew that.

What you will understand by the end of the election cycles during the next three years that the reactionary and libertarian forces in the GOP will have minimal influence on party policy. What a blessing for America that will be because the GOP will be able to beat back the lefties and the Dems.
You will need luck, Kondor, far more than some years ago. And if we fail we will try again next year. And if we fail, the Dems will stuff it down our throats and make us a minority party at the national level.

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