Do Your Duty as a Citizen Tomorrow


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
On the eve of the first Tuesday in November, I have determined that I will do my clear civic duty tomorrow and...NOT vote!

I don't know the candidates very well, and know none of their positions on the issues. In this off year, many candidates are stealth bastards - Democrats running on the Republican ticket and so on. THis is particularly true in school board elections and for local offices.

There is a ballot initiative that would presumably give crime victims some rights that they currently lack, but I am ambiguous on the issue. I don't think that even a rape victim has the right to know every movement of her attacker once he has "paid his debt to society." If she can't live with that, she has problems beyond being a rape victim.

If I were to go and vote tomorrow, there is no doubt I would be unwittingly voting for some people whose views I oppose, and not voting for some whom I should support. I can't live with that.

My advice to others: If you don't know what's what, then don't vote.
It doesn't matter if you know all DEMS lie and all REP. are fakes ( ok not all but many ). ...........

Not voting let them win and the deep state counts on that it's a free win/vote for a democratic pos!!
On the eve of the first Tuesday in November, I have determined that I will do my clear civic duty tomorrow and...NOT vote!

I don't know the candidates very well, and know none of their positions on the issues. In this off year, many candidates are stealth bastards - Democrats running on the Republican ticket and so on. THis is particularly true in school board elections and for local offices.

There is a ballot initiative that would presumably give crime victims some rights that they currently lack, but I am ambiguous on the issue. I don't think that even a rape victim has the right to know every movement of her attacker once he has "paid his debt to society." If she can't live with that, she has problems beyond being a rape victim.

If I were to go and vote tomorrow, there is no doubt I would be unwittingly voting for some people whose views I oppose, and not voting for some whom I should support. I can't live with that.

My advice to others: If you don't know what's what, then don't vote.

Wow, do you really hope the Trumpanzee set will follow your lead?
It doesn't matter if you know all DEMS lie and all REP. are fakes ( ok not all but many ). ...........

Not voting let them win and the deep state counts on that it's a free win/vote for a democratic pos!!
Your "deep state" has nothing to do with any election and is far beyond any illusions of representation you have.

"The political role of corporate power, the corruption of the political and representative processes by the lobbying industry, the expansion of executive power at the expense of constitutional limitations, and the degradation of political dialogue promoted by the media are the basics of the system, not excrescences upon it. The system would remain in place even if the Democratic Party attained a majority; and should that circumstance arise, the system will set tight limits to unwelcome changes, as is foreshadowed in the timidity of current Democratic proposals for reform. In the last analysis the much-lauded stability and conservatism of the American system owe nothing to lofty ideals, and everything to the irrefutable fact that it is shot through with corruption and awash in contributions primarily from wealthy and corporate donors. When a minimum of a million dollars is required of House candidates and elected judges, and when patriotism is for the draft-free to extol and for the ordinary citizen to serve, in such times it is a simple act of bad faith to claim that politics-as-we-now-know-it can miraculously cure the evils which are essential to its existence."

The Enemy Within


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